• 제목/요약/키워드: Harvesting

검색결과 2,893건 처리시간 0.028초

보행형 인발식 마늘수확기 개발 (Development of a Walking Garlic Harvester with Pulling Mechanism)

  • 노광모;장영창;박준걸;용상호
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.513-520
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    • 2002
  • A 5-row walking garlic harvester with pulling mechanism was developed in the study, based upon a kinematical analysis and related preliminary field tests on the conventional garlic harvesting method. The harvesting efficiency of the developed harvester was more than 98% in the garlic field irrigated before harvesting, 80-85% in the field without irrigation. The harvesting performance of the harvester was 660∼825㎡/hr at the forward speed of harvester of 0.3m/s in the irrigated field before garlic harvesting. For proper garlic drying and collection, the harvester discharged the harvested garlic on the ground uniformly at the angles of 135。∼150。 to its forward direction with the garlic bulb's placing toward the harvester. In the field tests, it was recommended that the forward speed of the harvester be approximately less than 0.2m/s, and that the spacing of planting garlic seeds should be standardized in the future fur increasing its harvesting efficiency.

수호손실과 도정수율을 기초로 한 벼의 수호적기결정에 관한 연구 (Determination of Optimum Timing of Paddy Harvesting Based on Grain Loss and Milling Quality)

  • 강화석;이종호;정창주
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.56-80
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    • 1977
  • This experimental work was conducted in order to find out the optimum time of harvest of Japonica-type (Akibare) and Indica-type(Tong-il) rice variety for three harvesting systems by investigating the harvesting losses and milling quality. The study was also concerned about the nature and amount of grain losses incurred during the each sequence of post-harvest technologies, and based on these result, a modification of existing systems giving a minimum grain loss was attempted. Binder, combine, and traditional systems were tested in this study and five grain moisture levels were disposed according to the decrease of grain moisture . The results are summarized as follows ; 1. The total losses of Akibare variety were ranged from 1.1 to 1.5 per cent for the traditional harvesting system , 2.1 to 4.8 per cent for the harvesting system by use of binder, and 2.8 to 4.3 per cent for the harvesting system by use of combine as the grain moisture content was reduced from 24 to 15 percent. Milling recovery of the harvesting system by use of binder, 74.8 ∼75.7 percent, was a little higher as it was compared to that of traditional harvesting system, 74.3 ∼75.0per cent, and that of the harvesting system by use of combine, 73.8 ∼75.0 per cent. Head rice recovery of mechanically dried paddy samples was higher than that of sun-dried paddy samples. 2. The total losses of Tong-il variety were ranged from 3.8 to 5.0 per cent for the traditional harvesting system, 5.2 to 10.0 percent for the system by use of binder, and 3.0 to 5.0 per cent for the system by use of combine as the grain moisture was reduced from 28 to 16 per cent. 3. Milling recovery of Tong-il variety harvested by the traditional harvesting system was 72.3 ∼73.6 percent and it was lower when compared to that of 72.3∼75.0 per cent harvested by binder, and 73.0∼74.6 percent harvested by combine. 4. Head rice recovery of Tong-il variety harvested by the traditional harvesting system (58.

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고구마 수확작업체계별 생력효과의 차이 (Effect of Harvesting System on Labor-saving in Sweetpotato Cultivation)

  • 김학신;이준설;정미남
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.400-403
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    • 2011
  • 고구마 수확단계에서 작업체계에 따른 생력효과를 조사하고자 순치기와 1열식과 2열식 수확기를 이용하여 시험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같았다. 1. 고구마 수확단계 작업체계는 순치기+비닐제거+2열식 기계수확 +인력굴취가 ha당 106.4시간, 순치기+비닐제거+1열식 기계수확 +인력굴취가 ha당 111.3시간 및 순치기와 비닐제거 작업을 생략하고 1열식 기계수확+인력굴취가 당 107.6시간으로 관행(인력 333.2시간/ha) 대비 각각 68.1%, 66.6% 및 66.8%의 생력효과가 있었다. 2. 고구마 손상개수율은 인력수확이 8.6%인데 비해 기계 2열식이 4.4%, 기계1열식이 5.3%로 약 43.9%가 적게 발생되었으며, 품종에 손상개수율은 연미 6.2%, 신천미5.1%, 하얀미 4.7%, 건미 3.4% 순으로 차이가 있었다. 3. 수확단계 비용절감효과는 ha당 고구마 손상개수율을 포함한 수확단계의 비용이 관행(인력) 2,963천원에 비해 고구마 순치기와 수확기의 이용에 의해 62.9~81.2%인 1,865~2,406천원 절감되었다.

무·배추 수확 작업을 위한 다목적 주행플랫폼 개발 (Development of a multi-purpose driving platform for Radish and Chinese cabbage harvester)

  • 이해나;김용주
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2023
  • Radish and Chinese cabbage are the most produced and consumed vegetables in Korea. The mechanization of harvesting operations is necessary to minimize the need for manual labor. This study to develop and evaluate the performance of a multi-purpose driving platform that can apply modular Radish and Chinese cabbage harvesting devices. The multi-purpose driving platform consisted of driving, device control, engine, hydraulic, harvesting, conveying, and loading part. Radish and Chinese cabbage harvesting conducted using the multi-purpose driving platform each harvesting module. The performance of the multi-purpose driving platform was evaluated the field efficiency and loss rate. The total Radish harvesting operation time 34.3 min., including 28.8 min., of harvesting time, 1.9 min., of turning time, and 3.6 min., of replacement time of bulk bag. During Radish harvesting, the field efficiency and average loss rate of the multi-purpose driving platform were 2.0 hr/10a and 3.1 %. Chinese cabbage harvesting operation 49.3 min., including 26.6 min., of harvesting time, 4.6 min., of turning time, and 18.1 min., of replacement time of bulk bag. During Chinese cabbage harvesting, the field efficiency and average loss rate of the multi-purpose driving platform 2.1 hr/10a and 0.1 %. Performance evaluation of the multi-purpose driving platform that harvesting work was possible by installing Radish and Chinese cabbage harvest modules. Performance analysis through harvest performance evaluation in various Radish and Chinese cabbage cultivation environments is necessary.

사과 수확 로봇의 핸드 개발(I) - 사과 수확용 로봇의 핸드 개발 - (Development of Apple Harvesting Robot(I) - Development of Robot Hand for Apple Harvesting -)

  • 장익주;김태한;권기영
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 1997
  • The mechanization efficiency using high ability machines such as tractors or combines in a paddy field rice farm is high. Mechanization in harvesting fruits and vegetables is difficult, because they are easy to be damaged. Therefore, Advanced techniques for careful handling fruits and vegetables are necessary in automation and robotization. An apple harvesting robot must have a recognition device to detect the positioning of fruit, manipulators which function like human arms, and hand to take off the fruit. This study is related to the development of a rotatic hand as the first stage in developing the apple harvesting robot. The results are summarized as follows. 1. It was found that a hand that was eccentric in rotatory motion, was better than a hand of semicircular up-and-down motion in harvesting efficiency. 2. The hand was developed to control changes in grasp forces by using tape-type switch sensor which was attatched to fingers' inside. 3. Initial finger positioning was set up to control accurate harvesting by using a tow step fingering position. 4. This study showed the possibility of apple harvesting using the developed robot hand.

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보리의 기계수확체계(機械收穫體系) 시험(試驗) (A Study on Mechanized System of Barley Harvesting)

  • 김정수;이동현;백풍기;정두호
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 1983
  • Farm population was rapidly decreasing due to shift of the people from farm sector to the non-farm sector caused by the economic growth of the country. Especially, a great shortage of farm labor in busy farming period in June and October is becoming a serious problem in maintaining or promoting land productivity. The peak of labor requirement in summer is caused by rice transplanting and barley harvesting. In order to reduce the restrictions imposed on farm management by the concurrence of labor requirement and the lack of labor, the experimental study for mechanization of barley harvesting has been carried out in the fields. 1. The machines for barley harvesting were knap-sack type reapers, windrow reaper (power tiller attachment), binder and combine. The order of higher efficiency of machine for barley harvesting was combine, binder, windrow reaper (WR), knapsack type reaper 1(KSTR1), and knap sack type reaper 2(KSTR2; mist and duster attachment). 2. The ratio of grain loss for the manual, binder, and combine plot was about four percent of total field yield. 3. The total yield of barley in 35 days and 40 days harvesting after heading were 514 kg and 507kg per 10 ares respectively. The yield of 35 days-plot was higher than other experimental plots. 4. The lowest yield was recorded in 30 days-plot due to the large quantity of immatured grains and having lighter 1000-grain weight. The ratio of immatured grains was 2.66 percent and 1000-grain weight was 29.4 grams. 5. The total harvesting cost of the windrow reaper was 10,178 won per 10 ares. It was the lowest value compared to other machines. The next were combine, binder, KSTR1, KSTR2, and manual in sequence. As a result, the optimum time of barley harvesting for mechanization was 35-40 days after heading. Combine, binder, and windrow reaper were recommended as the suitable machines for barley harvesting in the work efficiency. However, in total harvesting cost, the windrow reaper was the most promising machine for barley harvesting.

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A Simple Energy Harvesting Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Encarnacion, Nico N.;Yang, Hyunho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2012
  • Harvesting energy from the environment is essential for many applications to slow down the deterioration of energy of the devices in sensor networks and in general, the network itself. Energy from the environment is an inexhaustible supply which, if properly managed and harvested from the sources, can allow the system to last for a longer period - more than the expected lifetime at the time of deployment, or even last indefinitely. The goal of this study is to develop a simple algorithm for ns-2 to simulate energy harvesting in wireless sensor network simulations. The algorithm is implemented in the energy module of the simulator. Energy harvesting algorithms have not yet been developed for ns-2. This study will greatly contribute to the existing knowledge of simulating wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting capabilities in ns-2. This paper will also serve as a basis for future research papers that make use of energy harvesting.

식물 공장용 자동 상추 수확 시스템 개발 (Development of Automatic Lettuce Harvesting System for Plant Factory)

  • 조성인;류관희;신동준;장성주
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.629-634
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    • 1998
  • Factory-style plant production system aims to produce the standardized horticultural products with high quality and cleanness. In Korea, researches for year-round leaf vegetables production system are in progress and the most of them are focused on environment control. Automating technologies for harvesting, transporting and grading need to be developed. A lettuce harvesting system applicable to the plant factory was studied. It was composed of an articulated robot with a cutter and a gripper, lettuce feeding conveyor and air blower. Success rate of the developed system was 94.7 %. The system carried out harvesting a lettuce smoothly and the harvesting time was about 6 seconds per lettuce. The results showed a feasibility of robotic lettuce harvesting.

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Triboelectric Energy Harvesting for Self-powered Antibacterial Applications

  • In-Yong Suh;Sang-Woo Kim
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2023
  • Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) have emerged as a highly promising energy harvesting technology capable of harnessing mechanical energy from various environmental vibrations. Their versatility in material selection and efficient conversion of mechanical energy into electric energy make them particularly attractive. TENGs can serve as a valuable technology for self-powered sensor operation in preparation for the IoT era. Additionally, they demonstrate potential for diverse applications, including energy sources for implanted medical devices (IMDs), neural therapy, and wound healing. In this review, we summarize the potential use of this universally applicable triboelectric energy harvesting technology in the disinfection and blocking of pathogens. By integrating triboelectric energy harvesting technology into human clothing, masks, and other accessories, we propose the possibility of blocking pathogens, along with technologies for removing airborne or waterborne infectious agents. Through this, we suggest that triboelectric energy harvesting technology could be an efficient alternative to existing pathogen removal technologies in the future.