• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hair shaping

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A Study on Kinetic Art applied Hair Shaping (키네틱 아트를 응용한 헤어 조형에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Hwa;Lee, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.3 no.1 s.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays, fashion is high evaluated as a mean of self expression as well as a formative art itself, The moderns' elevated beauty sense and strong desire for individuality expression have not only advanced various and refined fashion presentation but also led to expansion of fashion to a total coordination covering hair and makeup. Of them, hair styling does play an important role in rounding out the various image of fashion. It is not only far from omittable part but also, out of simplicity in the past, taking formative characteristics in form and structure day by day. Especially, artistic elements of modern arts are being introduced as motives, and of which representative is e introduction of kinetic art which is thought the artistic approval on mechanization trend in the 20th century. Thus, the study was intended to investigate how and in what forms the various features of kinetic arts is reflected in the modern hair shaping, and to suggest a new prospect of kinetic art-applied hair shaping.

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Interaction Metaphors for Modeling Virtual Hair using Haptic Interfaces

  • Bonanni, Ugo;Kmoch, Petr;Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2010
  • Shaping realistic hairstyles for digital characters is a difficult, long and tedious task. The lack of appropriate interaction metaphors enabling efficient and simple, yet accurate hair modeling further aggravates the situation. This paper presents 3D interaction metaphors for modeling virtual hair using haptic interfaces. We discuss user tasks, ergonomic aspects, as well as haptics-based styling and fine-tuning tools on an experimental prototype. In order to achieve faster haptic rates with respect to the hair simulation and obtain a transparent rendering, we adapt our simulation models to comply with the specific requirements of haptic hairstyling actions and decouple the simulation of the hair strand dynamics from the haptic rendering while relying on the same physiochemical hair constants. Besides the direct use of the discussed interaction metaphors in the 3D modeling area, the presented results have further application potential in hair modeling facilities for the entertainment industry and the cosmetic sciences.

Hair Design Study Embodying the Symbolic Image of Water

  • Jin Hyun Park;Hye Rroon Jang
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2024
  • In contemporary society, the growing emphasis on appearance as a key factor in shaping one's external image has become a criterion for evaluating individuals and plays a significant role in influencing interpersonal relationships.The quickest way to alter one's appearance is by changing one's Hair style. This not only reflects an individual's sense of beauty through the medium of hair but also conveys the cultural elements valued by the society to which the individual belongs.Since color serves as a catalyst in our lives and enables us to distinguish between objects, the images evoked by color can elicit various emotional responses in individuals. Therefore, we develop a functional color plan based on scientific research. Recently, as the demands for functionality, culture, and aesthetics have evolved beyond the mere application of color in various fields, there is an increasing need for objective and rational data regarding the effects of color. As the use of color has expanded across different domains, color planning has become more sophisticated, incorporating complex elements such as image association, symbolism, functionality, safety colors, and restricted colors.It has long been recognized as essential for all living organisms, including humans. Water possesses numerous physical properties, and its transparency gives rise to a phenomenon known as refraction. The refractive properties of water distort the shapes of objects viewed through it and alter the direction and appearance of light passing through. In this study, we aim to convey the visual and sensory experience of water through hair dyeing and hairstyling, drawing inspiration from its symbolism and material properties.

A Study on Hair Art Design Shaped Flower Image (꽃의 이미지를 형상화한 헤어 아트 디자인 연구)

  • Jin, Young-Mi;Kim, Soung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.5 no.1 s.12
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2007
  • These days, hair design is recognized as a kind of molding arts which peform expression skill to create personal self as well as practical skill. Recently, the efforts to express hair design sublimating it to art works have continued. For these reasons, this study had purposes as follows; First, it developed creative and original design producing works to shape the flower image that was an important material of hair design. Second, it presented the possibility to express the field of hair design with art. In the flow of age, nature has provided design with unlimited creative motive. Flowers, among various materials, show the nature's change, combination and order and impose diverse symbolic meanings. Therefore, flowers are good materials to express the works. Through the process of decolorizing and dyeing with hair, five works of nature's fragrance, hope, reed flowers, windflower, magnolia blossom had been produced. The results of the process were as follows; First, the transformation of shape through the simple process taking the image of shaping flower as subject matter could be a motive of new hair design art. Second, if the various images of flowers were expressed as hair art with three-dimensional shape, it could be works with value of beauty. Through the process of this study, it was proved that nature could be endless subject matter for art. Therefore, with continuous studies, it can be motive of developing designs in producing work activities of many hair designers. In addition, academic development will be achieved through wide and diverse studies.

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The Effects of Beauty Involvement on Self-Satisfaction by Conspicuous Consumption Tendency Groups (과시소비성향 집단별 뷰티관여가 자기만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju;Park, Sook-Hyun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the effect of beauty involvement on self-satisfaction by conspicuous consumption tendency groups. A questionnaire method was used for this study. The subjects of this research were females in their 20s~50s. We distributed 580 questionnaires ets; constantly, 554 sets were used in the final analysis. Data were analyzed by factor analysis, ANOVA, cluster analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Beauty consumption behavior factors were classified with hair styling, skin management, make-up and body shaping. Self-satisfaction factors were classified with living, appearance, economic and interpersonal relation. This study classified 4 conspicuous consumption groups (active, passive, syntonic and individuality & frugal group). The active conspicuous consumption group was unsatisfied with most of the self-satisfaction factors. The passive conspicuous consumption group was more interested in skin management factors than other factors. The syntonic conspicuous consumption group was interested in make-up, body shaping and skin management in order to provide a positive impression to other people. The individuality & frugal group was most interested in body shaping that could be achieved at low cost through exercise and diet.

The Effects of Fashion and Beauty Consumption Behavior on Self-Satisfaction (패션 및 뷰티소비행동이 자기만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju;Park, Sook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.1285-1296
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    • 2011
  • This study examines the effects of fashion and beauty consumption behavior on self-satisfaction. A questionnaire method was used for the study method and the subjects of the study were females in their 20s- 50s. A total of 580 sets of questionnaires were distributed and 554 sets were used for the final analysis; in addition, SPSS 12.0 statistics program was utilized for factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan test and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were: First, the factors of fashion consumption behavior are composed of physical supplementation, social symbolism, appearance styling, sexuality and conformity and those of beauty involvement consisted of hair styling, skin management, make-up and body shaping. Self-satisfaction was divided into living satisfaction, appearance satisfaction, economic satisfaction and interpersonal relations satisfaction. Second, (because of the examination of the effects of fashion consumption behavior on self-satisfaction) fashion physical supplementation and appearance styling of fashion consumption behavior influenced living satisfaction and interpersonal relations satisfaction for females in their 20s. However, fashion consumption behavior did not influence satisfaction for those in their 30s. It was shown that the social conformity factor of fashion consumption behavior influenced appearance satisfaction of self- satisfaction for those in their 40s and the conformity factor of fashion consumption behavior gave a negative influence on life satisfaction and economic satisfaction of self-satisfaction for those in their 50s. It was found (for beauty consumption behavior) that the body-shaping factor influenced economic satisfaction and interpersonal relations satisfaction of self-satisfaction for all age levels.

Free Vascularized Scapular and Parascapular Combined Flap Coverage for Extensive Soft Tissue Injury of the Extremity (견갑 및 부견갑 병합 유리피판에 의한 광범위한 사지 연부 조직 결손의 수복)

  • Choi, Soo-Joong;Chang, Kee-Young;Lee, Chang-Ju
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.144-151
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Disaster as traffic accident, industrial disaster, high voltage electrical bum and flame burn of extremity have a destructive effect because of the involvement of deep structure. Generally, such injury may result in decreased function or loss of limb. In this study the successful use of the combined scapular/parascapular flap as microsurgical transfer to cover extensive defect of electrical and flame bum is reported. Material and Method: Between January 2000 and June 2001, the combined scapular and parascapular flap was used for the coverage of soft tissue defect for 7 patients were admitted to our department with high voltage electrical bum and flame burn. The recipient site were the wrist joint in 2 cases, the forearm in 1 case, the ankle joint in 1 case, the foot dorsum in 1 case, the heel in 1 case. Result: Flap survival was complete in all patients. The result of flap coverage for these deep wound was successful. Conclusion: The advantages of scapular/parascapular combined flap were coverage of the large defect, easy shaping of the flap to fit the required three dimensional configuration around the joint, non hair bearing skin of uniform thickness, minimal donor site morbidity.

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"원씨물어"나타난 복식자료 연구

  • 문광희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.155-169
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    • 1997
  • This paper is a study on the expression of Clothing and Textiles recorded in $\ulcorner$Genjimonokatary (원씨물어)$\lrcorner$. This book is a novel written by a Japanese sextant worked in the Royal Court around the year 1010. In this book, about 110 different kinds of Garments, Ornaments, Colors and Materials were mentioned. The results of this paper were as follows. 1. About the Garments 8f Ornaments ; All the Clothing and Textiles in $\ulcorner$Genjimonkatary$\lrcorner$ were reflections of the reality of that time. In the Clothing, Color, Textile and even Hair style, the Symbol of Buddism appeared. Many technical methods were developed in the garment shaping, dyeng and wearing methods. 2. About the Colors Sf Dyes; There were many kinds of Color SE Dyes described in $\ulcorner$Genjimonokatary$\lrcorner$. This means color was developed more than other elements in that period. Among them, gray and black colors were mentioned, this means Buddist Color was fashioned in that period. $\ulcorner$Kasaneno-irome (강색목)$\lrcorner$ was changed from Ungan (운간) that had been origined of China and Korea. But it became one of the Japanese Costume. That have some reasons, for instance, high materials could not be imported from other countris and many people were controlled by the Taboo of clothing (금제) so they wanted the better method, such as Kasaneno-irome. Many kinds of colors'name was origined from flowers and plants. It also represented the seasons. Yurusi-iro (청색) was meaning the permitable color to the popular people. Without the head word, Deep Color' and 'Pale Color' meant those things of the purple and red. 3. About the Materials IE Patterns : The materials imported from other country, China and Korea, were good in quality, but those produced in Japan were not good. There were many kinds of dyeing method, especially Srijome (신염) was very special and nice method in that period.

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A study on the self-concept and the appearance management behavior in middle school students' (중학생의 자아개념과 외모관리행동 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Wee, Eun Hah
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2013
  • This study focuses on the differences in general self-concept, academic self-concept, significant others self-concept and emotional-physical self-concept in relation to appearance management behavior. It goes on to show that appearance management behaviors such as styles in clothing, makeup, skin care, hair care, cosmetic surgery and body shaping, weight control management are strongly influenced by self-concept. Therefore, this study was carried out with the aim of providing basic understanding and information on the appearance management behavior of middle school students. It was also done in an effort to find ways of improving the self-concept of students through education as a part of the domestic science curriculum. The results obtained in this study are as follows: On average, the middle school students who took part in this study showed low self-concept and appearance management behavior which indicates a negative image of themselves. This suggests that efforts need to be made so that students can see themselves in a positive way and improve their self-concept through appearance management behavior. Middle school students with a positive self-concept try to present themselves by keeping their skin clean and their hair attractive. They express their self-esteem and personality through fashion and by keeping and maintaining their clothing, shoes and bags. They also tend to show a positive attitude towards their studies and are more likely to understand and get along with others. The students who showed positive attitudes towards their bodies and emotions have a higher interest in clothing and try to express the image that they want for themselves. They are also less likely to change their bodies unnaturally through cosmetic surgery and body shaping. Appropriate appearance management behavior can help middle school students see themselves in a more positive way.

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