• 제목/요약/키워드: HAZ Softening

검색결과 42건 처리시간 0.02초

HAZ 연화부를 가진 TMCP형 고장력강판의 압축최종강도에 관한 연구 - 정사각형판

  • 백점기;고재용
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1990
  • In this paper, ultimate compressive strength of TMCP 50HT steel plates (yield stress .sigma.$_{o}$=36kg/mm$^{2}$) with HAZ softening is studied. Finite element method formulated by the author is applied to analyze the elasto-plastic large deflection behaviour of the plates. The influence of HAZ softening breadth, welding direction and slenderness ratio on the ultimate compressive strength is investigated. The results obtained are summarized as 1) With the increasing of the HAZ softening breadth, early plasticity on the plates is formed and then the ultimate compressive strength is decreased, in which about 8% of the ultimate strength for the plate with h/t=4(h: HAZ softening breadth, t: plate thickness) was reduced comparing with no HAZ softening. 2) The large decrease of the ultimate strength for the case that the welding direction is normal to the loading direction is occurred than the case that the welding direction is parallel to the loading direction. 3) The influence of HAZ softening on the ultimate compressive strength is serious for thick plates, while it may be negligible for thin plates.s.

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Plasma-Arc 용접 판재의 열영향부 연화를 고려한 DIC 기법 적용 물성 평가의 유효성 분석 (Validation Analysis of DIC Method for Material Property Evaluation of Plasma-arc Welded Sheets Considering HAZ Softening)

  • 정준영;송정한;서오석;최태훈;김민기
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.459-464
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the validity of application of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to evaluate material property of the plasma-arc welded sheets considering the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ) softening. In forming processes, the HAZ softening affects the fracture behavior, for example, the fracture occurs in the HAZ when the weld material with the HAZ softening while that is observed near the Fusion Zone (FZ) in the weld sheets without the HAZ softening. Because the presence of the HAZ softening varies according to the combination of the Base Metal (BM), analysis of material property of the welded sheets is essentially necessary to design parts through the forming processes. For assessment of the material property, tensile tests were conducted with specimens which are used in the weld strength evaluation tests. To evaluate material property of the BM, HAZ, and FZ, the DIC method was utilized to extract strain data from each section. Virtual extensometers were set based on the size of each section measured from the microhardness tests. Experimental results show that the DIC method allows to obtain material property in each section. However, the sections where useful property can be extracted from are different when the HAZ softening exists in the weld materials. The effectiveness of the DIC was validated based on the characterization of material properties in weld zones. The validity check provides fundamental guideline to obtain material properties of the welded sheets according to the HAZ softening.

Al6082-T6의 MIG용접부에서 입열량에 따른 열영향부의 연화와 인장특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Tensile Properties and HAZ Softening Depending on the Amount of Heat Input in MIG Welding of Al6082-T6)

  • 백상엽;박경도;김원일;조상명
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2011
  • Al6082-T6 is widely used because of its corrosion resistance and excellent strength. HAZ softening occurs in MIG welding process for this aluminium alloys because this aluminium alloy is heated to higher temperature than its aging temperature during welding. Therefore, low heat input and minimum standard deviation of heat input are required for narrow HAZ width and, for higher strength of welds. In this study, Al6082-T6 was used to examine for HAZ softening with various heat input in aluminium MIG welding. For weldments, micro hardness was measured and tensile test was carried out. Minimum hardness was increased at high speed welding such as 80cm/min and 120cm/min in welding speed comparing with 40cm/min. Also, in case of high speed welding such as 80cm/min and 120cm/min, tensile strength of weldments was increased about 10% comparing with low speed welding(40cm/min).

HAZ 연화부를 가진 TMCP형 고장력강판의 압축최종강도에 관한 연구 - 제 2 보 (Ultimate Compressive Strength Analysis of TMCP High Tensile Steel Plates with HAZ Softening(2nd Report))

  • 백점기;고재용
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 1991
  • The use of high tensile steel plates is increasing in the fabrication of ship and offshore structures. The softening region which has lower yield stress than base metal is located to prevent cracking in the conventional high tensile steel. Also, thermo mechanical control process(TMCP) steel with low carbon equivalent has the softening region which occurs in the heat affected zone when high heat input weld is carried out. The softening region in the high tensile steel gives rise to serious effect on structural strength such as tensile strength, fatigue strength and ultimate strength. In order to make a reliable structural design using high tensile steel plates, the influence of the softening on plate strength should be evaluated in advance. In the previous paper, the authors discussed the ultimate compressive strength of 50HT steel square plates with softening region. In this paper, the ultimate compressive strength with varying the yield stress of softening region and the aspect ratio of the plate is investigated by using the elasto-plastic large deformation finite element method.

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가속냉각형 TMCP강재 대입열 용접부의 피로특성 (A Study on the Fatigue Characteristics of Accelerated Cooled TMCP Steel's Welded Joint with High Heat Input)

  • 윤중근;김희진
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 1988
  • The fatigue test was carried out to evaluate the fatigue characteristics of the accelerated cooled (ACC) TMCP steel and its welded joint. From this study, it was confirmed that ACC TMCP steel has higher fatigue strength than conventional steels. After welding, however, the fatigue strength of ACC TMCP steel was deteriorated associated with HAZ softening when weld reinforcement was removed. On the other hand, with weld reinforcement, there is no effect of HAZ softening on the fatigue strength of welded joint because it is strongly dependant on the detail weld geometry i.e., stress concentration factor. Accordingly the fatigue strength of actual welded joint increases with decreasing the stress concentration factor of welded joint, regardless of HAZ softening.

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Characteristics of Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Pipeline Steel Weld

  • Chang, Woong-Seong;Yoon, Byoung-Hyun;Kweon, Young-Gak
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2004
  • The sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) resistance of API X70 grade steel weldment has been studied using SSCC test in NACE TM-O177 method A. Also, microstructures and hardness distribution of weldment was investigated. The microstructure of SAW joint composed ferrite, pearlite and some MA constituent. Instead of hardening in CGHAZ, softening on the HAZ near base metal occurred. The low carbon TMCP type steel used for SAW showed softening behaviour in the HAZ adjacent to base metal, which was known to be closely related with the SOHIC (stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking). The SSC testing revealed that the API X70 SAW weld was suitable for sour service, satisfying the NACE requirements. By suppressing softening in the ICHAZ region, the SSCC resistance of low carbon TMCP steel welded joints could be more improved.

TMCP 강의 용접열영향부 인성에 관한 연구

  • 신민태;윤중근;김희진
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1986
  • Weldability of the TMCP steel manufactured by controlled rolling followed by accelerated cooling process was investigated. For comparison, two other steel plates produced by different manufacturing processes were selected; normalized and controlled rolled. Tandem submerged arc welding with both side one run technique was carried out. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; TMCP steel having the lowest carbon equivalent shows the best combination of mechanical properties, not only in the base metal but also in the heat affected zone. In the HAZ, the accelerated colling effect imarted on the trengthis releved by the weld thermal cycles, and thus the strength of the welded joint decrease substantially accompanied with the fracture in the HAZ. On the other hand, not only the softening but the fine microstructure can preserve the high toughness of TMCP steel in the HAZ.

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대입열 용접에 의한 HAZ연화부를 갖는 극후판 용접이음부의 인장강도 평가 (Tensile strength of thick plate welded joint with weld HAZ softening for hight heat input welding)

  • 장태원;남성길;안규백
    • 대한용접접합학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한용접접합학회 2006년도 춘계 학술대회 개요집
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    • pp.92-93
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    • 2006
  • In recent time there are vigorous requirement for the use of thick steel plate in various industrial fields including shipbuilding industry. Application of TMCP steel plates, especially, is increase progressively. As a welding process for thick steel plate assembly high heat input welding method is used. However, HAZ softening of TMCP steel plates has a possibility to reduce the strength of welded joint. In this study, therefore, tensile strength of TMCP welds had softened HAZ was examined using numerical calculation and experiment.

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B 첨가 $620^{\circ}C$급 터빈 케이싱용 고Cr 페라이트계 주강의 용접성에 미치는 탄소함량의 영향 (Effects of Carbon Content on the Weldability of B-Containing $620^{\circ}C$ Grade High Cr Ferritic Cast Steel for Turbine Casing)

  • 서원찬;방국수;지병하
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2008
  • Effectsof carbon content on the weldability of B-containing 620 grade high Cr ferritic cast steels were investigated. Cast steel with lower carbon content of 0.07% showed lower HAZ hardness because of the formation of lower carbon martensite in HAZ. It also showed less solidification cracking susceptibility in weld metal because of the formation of delta ferrite. However, hot ductility showed no difference between cast steels with lower and higher carbon contents. Cast steel with lower carbon content showed greater HAZ softening after PWHT in the region heated between AC1 and AC3 because of its higher base metal hardness.

AH36-TMCP강의 용접후열처리 효과에 관한 연구 (A Study on Effect of PWHT in AH36-TMCP Steel)

  • 유효선;장원상;안병국;정세희
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 1998
  • It is well known that the fine bainitic microstructure obtained by TMCP(thermo-mechanical control process) secures the high toughness of base metal. Besides, TMCP steel is very suitable for high heat input in welding as it has low carbon equivalent. In HAZ, however, the accelerated cooling effect imparted on the matrix by the weld thermal cycles is relieved and thus the weldment of TMCP steel has softening zone which shows low fracture toughness compared with base metal. Therefore, PHWT of weldment is carried out to improve the fracture toughness in weldment of TMCP steel which has softening zone. In this study, the effects of PWHT on the weldment of AH36-TMCP steel are investigated by the small punch (SP) test. From the several results such as SP energy and displacement at room temperature, the behavior of transition curves, the fracture strength at -196$^{\circ}C$, distribution of (DBTT)sp and (DBTT)sp, the PWHT condition of A.C. after 85$0^{\circ}C$-1 sec W.C. was suitable condition for recovering a softening zone of HAZ as welded.

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