• Title/Summary/Keyword: H1N2

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유청단백질로 만들어진 식품포장재에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Seong-Ju
    • 한국유가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.59-60
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    • 2002
  • Edible films such as wax coatings, sugar and chocolate covers, and sausage casings, have been used in food applications for years$^{(1)}$ However, interest in edible films and biodegradable polymers has been renewed due to concerns about the environment, a need to reduce the quantity of disposable packaging, and demand by the consumer for higher quality food products. Edible films can function as secondary packaging materials to enhance food quality and reduce the amount of traditional packaging needed. For example, edible films can serve to enhance food quality by acting as moisture and gas barriers, thus, providing protection to a food product after the primary packaging is opened. Edible films are not meant to replace synthetic packaging materials; instead, they provide the potential as food packagings where traditional synthetic or biodegradable plastics cannot function. For instance, edible films can be used as convenient soluble pouches containing single-servings for products such as instant noodles and soup/seasoning combination. In the food industry, they can be used as ingredient delivery systems for delivering pre-measured ingredients during processing. Edible films also can provide the food processors with a variety of new opportunities for product development and processing. Depends on materials of edible films, they also can be sources of nutritional supplements. Especially, whey proteins have excellent amino acid balance while some edible films resources lack adequate amount of certain amino acids, for example, soy protein is low in methionine and wheat flour is low in lysine$^{(2)}$. Whey proteins have a surplus of the essential amino acid lysine, threonine, methionine and isoleucine. Thus, the idea of using whey protein-based films to individually pack cereal products, which often deficient in these amino acids, become very attractive$^{(3)}$. Whey is a by-product of cheese manufacturing and much of annual production is not utilized$^{(4)}$. Development of edible films from whey protein is one of the ways to recover whey from dairy industry waste. Whey proteins as raw materials of film production can be obtained at inexpensive cost. I hypothesize that it is possible to make whey protein-based edible films with improved moisture barrier properties without significantly altering other properties by producing whey protein/lipid emulsion films and these films will be suitable far food applications. The fellowing are the specific otjectives of this research: 1. Develop whey protein/lipid emulsion edible films and determine their microstructures, barrier (moisture and oxygen) and mechanical (tensile strength and elongation) properties. 2. Study the nature of interactions involved in the formation and stability of the films. 3. Investigate thermal properties, heat sealability, and sealing properties of the films. 4. Demonstrate suitability of their application in foods as packaging materials. Methodologies were developed to produce edible films from whey protein isolate (WPI) and concentrate (WPC), and film-forming procedure was optimized. Lipids, butter fat (BF) and candelilla wax (CW), were added into film-forming solutions to produce whey protein/lipid emulsion edible films. Significant reduction in water vapor and oxygen permeabilities of the films could be achieved upon addition of BF and CW. Mechanical properties were also influenced by the lipid type. Microstructures of the films accounted for the differences in their barrier and mechanical properties. Studies with bond-dissociating agents indicated that disulfide and hydrogen bonds, cooperatively, were the primary forces involved in the formation and stability of whey protein/lipid emulsion films. Contribution of hydrophobic interactions was secondary. Thermal properties of the films were studied using differential scanning calorimetry, and the results were used to optimize heat-sealing conditions for the films. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) was used to study the nature of the interfacial interaction of sealed films. All films were heat sealable and showed good seal strengths while the plasticizer type influenced optimum heat-sealing temperatures of the films, 130$^{\circ}$C for sorbitol-plasticized WPI films and 110$^{\circ}$C for glycerol-plasticized WPI films. ESCA spectra showed that the main interactions responsible for the heat-sealed joint of whey protein-based edible films were hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds involving C-0-H and N-C components. Finally, solubility in water, moisture contents, moisture sorption isotherms and sensory attributes (using a trained sensory panel) of the films were determined. Solubility was influenced primarily by the plasticizer in the films, and the higher the plasticizer content, the greater was the solubility of the films in water. Moisture contents of the films showed a strong relationship with moisture sorption isotherm properties of the films. Lower moisture content of the films resulted in lower equilibrium moisture contents at all aw levels. Sensory evaluation of the films revealed that no distinctive odor existed in WPI films. All films tested showed slight sweetness and adhesiveness. Films with lipids were scored as being opaque while films without lipids were scored to be clear. Whey protein/lipid emulsion edible films may be suitable for packaging of powder mix and should be suitable for packaging of non-hygroscopic foods$^{(5,6,7,8,)}$.

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LCD 연구 개발 동향

  • 이종천
    • The Magazine of the IEIE
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.76-80
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    • 2002
  • 'Liquid Crystal의 상전이(相轉移)와 광학적 이방성(異方性)이 1888년과 1889년 F. Reinitzer와 O. Lehmann에 의해 Monatsch Chem.과 Z.Physikal.Chem.에 각각 보고된 후 부터 제2차 세계대전이 끝난 뒤인 1950년대 까지는 Liquid Crystal을 단지실험실에서의 기초학문 차원의 연구 대상으로만 다루어 왔다. 1963년 Williams가 Liquid Crystal Device로는 최초로 특허 출원을 하였으며, 1968년 RCA사의 Heilmeier등은 Nematic 액정(液晶)에 저주파(低周波) 전압(電壓)을 인가하면 투명한 액정이 혼탁(混濁)상태로 변화하는 '동적산란(動的散亂)'(Dynamic Scattering) 현상을 이용하여 최초의 DSM(Dynamic Scattering Mode) LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)를 발명하였다. 비록 150V 이상의 높은 구동전압과 과소비전력의 특성 때문에 실용화에는 실패하였지만 Guest-Host효과와 Memory효과 등을 발견하였다. 1970년대에 이르러 실온에서 안정되게 사용 가능한 액정물질들이 합성되고(H. Kelker에 의해 MBBA, G. Gray에 의한 Cyano-Biphenyl 액정의 합성), CMOS 트랜지스터의 발명, 투명도전막(ITO), 수은전지등의 주변기술들의 발전으로 인하여 LCD의 상품화가 본격적으로 이루어지게 되었다. 1971년에는 M. Shadt, W. Helfrich, J.L. Fergason등이 TN(Twisted Nematic) LCD를 발명하여 전자 계산기와 손목시계에 응용되었고, 1970년대 말에는 Sharp에서 Dot Matrix형의 휴대형 컴퓨터를 발매하였다. 이러한 단순 구동형의 TN LCD는 그래픽 정보를 표시하는 데에는 품질의 한계가 있어 1979년 영국의 Le Comber에 의해 a-Si TFT(amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistor) LCD의 연구가 시작되었고, 1983년 T.J. Scheffer, J. Nehring, G. Waters에 의해 STN(Super Twisted Nematic) LCD가 창안되었고, 1980년 N. Clark, S. Lagerwall 및 1983년 K.Yossino에 의해 Ferroelectric LCD가 등장하여 LCD의 정보 표시량 증대에 크게 기여하였다. Color화의 진전은 1972년 A.G. Ficher의 셀 외부에 RGB(Red, Green, Blue) filter를 부착하는 방안과, 1981년 T. Uchida 등에 의한 셀 내부에 RGB filter를 부착하는 방법에 의해 상품화가 되었다. 1985년에는 J.L. Fergason에 의해 Polymer Dispersed LCD가 발명되었고, 1980년대 중반에 이르러 동화상(動畵像) 표시가 가능한 a-Si TFT LCD의 시제품(試製品) 개발이 이루어지고 1990년부터는 본격적인 양산 시대에 접어들게 되었다. 1990년대 초에는 STN LCD의 Color화 및 대형화(大型化) 고(高)품위화에 힘입어 Note-Book PC에 LCD가 본격적으로 적용이 되었고, 1990년대 후반에는TFT LCD의 표시품질 대비 가격경쟁력 확보로 인하여 Note-Book PC 시장을 독점하기에 이르렀다. 이후로는 TFT LCD의 대형화가 중요한 쟁점으로 부각되고 있고, 1995년 삼성전자는 당시 세계최대 크기의 22' TFT LCD를 개발하였다. 또한 LCD의 고정세(高情細)화를 위해 Poly Si TFT LCD의 개발이 이루어졌고, 디지타이져 일체형 LCD의 상품화가 그 응용의 폭을 넓혔으며, LCD의 대형화를 위해 1994년 Canon에 의해 14.8', 21' 등의 FLCD가 개발되었다. 대형화 방안으로 Tiled LCD 기술이 개발되고 있으며, 1995년에 Sharp에 의해 21' 두장의 Panel을 이어 붙인 28' TFT LCD가 전시되었고 1996년에는 21' 4장의 Panel을 이어 붙인 40'급 까지의 개발이 시도 되었으며 현재는 LCD의 특성향상과 생산설비의 성능개선과 안정적인 공정관리기술을 바탕으로 삼성전자에서 단패널 40' TFT LCD가 최근에 개발되었다. Projection용 디스플레이로는 Poly-Si TFT LCD를 이용하여 $25'{\sim}100'$사이의 배면투사형과 전면투사형 까지 개발되어 대형 TV시장을 주도하고 있다. 21세기 디지털방송 시대를 맞아 플라즈마디스플레이패널(PDP) TV, 액정표시장치 (LCD)TV, 강유전성액정(FLCD) TV 등 2005년에 약 1500만대 규모의 거대 시장을 형성할 것으로 예상되는 이른바 '벽걸이TV'로 불리는 차세대 초박형 TV 시장을 선점하기 위하여 세계 가전업계들이 양산에 총력을 기울이고 있다. 벽걸이TV 시장이 본격적으로 형성되더라도 PDP TV와 LCD TV가 직접적으로 시장에서 경쟁을 벌이는 일은 별로 없을 것으로 보인다. 향후 디지털TV 시장이 본격적으로 열리면 40인치 이하의 중대형 시장은 LCD TV가 주도하고 40인치 이상 대화면 시장은 PDP TV가 주도할 것으로 보는 시각이 지배적이기 때문이다. 그러나 이러한 직시형 중대형(重大型)디스플레이는 그 가격이 너무 높아서 현재의 브라운관 TV를 대체(代替)하기에는 시일이 많이 소요될 것으로 추정되고 있다. 그 대안(代案)으로는 비교적 저가격(低價格)이면서도 고품질의 디지털 화상구현이 가능한 고해상도 프로젝션 TV가 유력시되고 있다. 이러한 고해상도 프로젝션 TV용으로 DMD(Digital Micro-mirror Display), Poly-Si TFT LCD와 LCOS(Liquid Crystals on Silicon) 등의 상품화가 진행되고 있다. 인터넷과 정보통신 기술의 발달로 휴대형 디스플레이의 시장이 예상 외로 급성장하고 있으며, 요구되는 디스플레이의 품질도 단순한 문자표시에서 그치지 않고 고해상도의 그래픽 동화상 표시와 칼라 표시 및 3차원 화상표시까지 점차로 그 영역이 넓어지고 있다. <표 1>에서 보여주는 바와 같이 LCD의 시장규모는 적용분야 별로 지속적인 성장이 예상되며, 새로운 응용분야의 시장도 성장성을 어느 정도 예측할 수 있다. 따라서 LCD기술의 연구개발 방향은 크게 두가지로 분류할 수 있으며 첫째로는, 현재 양산되고 있는 LCD 상품의 경쟁력강화를 위하여 원가(原價) 절감(節減)과 표시품질을 향상시키는 것이며 둘째로는, 새로운 타입의 LCD를 개발하여 기존 상품을 대체하거나 새로운 시장을 창출하는 분야로 나눌 수 있다. 이와 같은 관점에서 현재 진행되고 있는 LCD기술개발은 다음과 같이 분류할 수 있다. 1) 원가 절감 2) 특성 향상 3) New Type LCD 개발.

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Vibrio Vulnificus Induces the Inflammation of Mouse Ileal Epithelium: Involvement of Protein Kinase C and Nuclear Factor-Kappa B (회장 상피세포에서 비브리오균(Vibrio vulnificus)의 염증 유도 기작 연구: protein kinase C와 nuclear factor kappa-B의 관련성)

  • Han, Gi Yeon;Jung, Young Hyun;Jang, Kyung Ku;Choi, Sang Ho;Lee, Sei-Jung
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.664-670
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, we investigate the role of V. vulnificus in promoting the inflammation of mouse ileal ephitelium and its related signaling pathways. ICR mice were infected orally with V. vulnificus ($1{\times}10^9CFU$) for 16 h as a representative model of food-borne infection. To find the major portal of entry of V. vulnificus in mouse intestine, we have measured the levels of bacterial colonization in small intestine, colon, spleen, and liver. V. vulnificus appeared to colonize in intestine and colon in the order of ileum >> jejunum> colon, but lack in the duodenum, spleen, and liver. V. vulnificus in ileum caused severe necrotizing enteritis and showed shortened villi heights accompanied by an expanded width and inflammation, compared with the control mice. V. vulnificus induced ileal epithelium inflammation by activating phosphorylation of PKC and membrane translocation of $PKC{\alpha}$. V. vulnificus induced the phosphorylation of ERK and JNK, but did not affect p38 MAPK phosphorylation. Notably, V. vulnificus stimulated the I-${\kappa}B$-dependent phosphorylation of NF-${\kappa}B$ in mouse ileal epithelium. Finally, the ileal infection of V. vulnificus resulted in a significant increase in expression of proinflammatory cytokines and Toll-like receptors, respectively, compared to the control. Collectively, our results indicate that V. vulnificus induces ileal epithelium inflammation by increasing NF-${\kappa}B$ phosphorylation via activation of PKC, ERK, and JNK, which is critical for host defense mechanism in food-borne infection by V. vulnificus.

Genetic Variation and Population Specific Mitochondrial DNA Haplotype Found in the Jeju Native Pig Population (제주재래돼지 집단서 집단특이적 mtDNA Haplotype과 유전적 다양성)

  • Han, S.H.;Cho, I.C.;Lee, C.E.;Lee, S.S.;Kang, S.Y.;Choi, Y.L.;Oh, W.Y.;Sung, P.N.;Ko, S.B.;Oh, M.Y.;Ko, M.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.917-924
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    • 2004
  • Using PCR-RFLP haplotyping for the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) fragment containing the NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene(ND2) and three tRNA genes(tRNA-Met, tRNA-Trp and tRNA-Ala), we characterized the genetic diversity of five pig breeds including Jeju native pigs. mtDNA polymorphisms showing distinct cleavage patterns were found in the pig breeds. Two digestion patterns were detected when HaeIII- and Hinfl-RFLP, and four in the Tsp5091-RFLP analyses. Combining the three restriction enzyme digestion patterns found in five different pig breeds, four mtDNA haplotypes were observed and the haplotype frequencies were significantly different by the pig breeds. A monomorphic haplotype, mtWB, was observed in both Korean wild boars and Large White pigs. Both Duroc and Landrace pigs contained two haplotypes suggesting their multiple maternal lineages. Jeju native pig has two haplotypes(mtJN and mtJD). Of these, mtJN is identified as a Jeju native pig specific haplotype. This study suggested that more than two progenitor populations have been taken part in the domestication process of the Jeju native pig population, and/or probably subsequent crossing with other pig breeds from near east Asia. Unlike with our prediction, there was no direct evidence under molecular levels on the maternal introgression of Korean wild boar in the domestication of Jeju native pigs. In conclusion, specificity of mtDNA haplotypes related to pig breeds win be useful for identifying the maternal lineage as wen as constructing the genealogical pedigree in pigs.


  • Harn, Chang-Yawl
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.6-18
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    • 1960
  • The present experiments were designed in order to clarify the differences between the long and short styled plants and the transgressive gradition in the degree of dimorphism among the three heterostylous species of the Polygonus, P. japonica, F. esculentum, and P. senticosa, based on investigations regarding the floral structure, ecological and physiological traits, the results of which are summarized as follows: (1) P. japonica, although it exhibits typical dimorphism, has undergone so high a differentiation between long and short styled that its long styled individuals behave as if they were female; and short styled individuals as if male. In long-styled individuals, filament, anther, and pollen grains show signs of degeneration, most of the pollen being abortive. On the other hand, in short styled individuals, the filament, anther, and pollen grains have attained remarkable development; the pollen grians are large and fertile. In short-plant the fertilized flowers readily drop off in every stage of their embryo development. This species has completely lost the self-fertile property, which is characteristic of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specsei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Although this specisei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of dimorphism in controlled pollination, the short-styled individuals bear no seed in nature, thus misleading taxonomists to idenfity the short-styled plant as male. 2) The morphological feature of the flower organ of P. senticosa obviously indicates definite dimorphism. Physiologically, however, no differentiation towards dimorphism was observed, the species still retaining, both in long and short-individuals, the self-fertile property common to the Polygonum genus. Elaborate examinations revealed that regardless of the modes of pollination, both fertiization and seed setting flourish, no differentiation betwen legitimate and illegitimate unions being recognizable. This sort of physiological property has not been observed in the investigations of other heterostylous plants. It is assumed that this species is differentiated structurally into dimorphism, but not yet physiologically. In nature, however, this plant would have more opportunities to be cross-pollinated, i.e., legitimately combined, than self-pollinated because of the development of two forms of flowers. 3) In terms of heterostylism, the F. esculentum just occupies the intermediate position between P. japonica and P. senticosa structurally, ecologically, and physiologically. Doescription of some of the physiological behavior of the plant will suffice to demonstrate the above facts. While P. japonica has completely lost its self-fertile property, P. senticosa still retains it wolly. In F. esculentum 2-6% of self-fertility is the result in illegitimate combination. There occur occasionally hereditary self fertile individuals among some of the F. or 20 min. irradiation plot, when they reach any stage of the same bacterial population. In addition to this increase of total population in the plots with the more dose of UV light irradiation, it seems that the more dose of UV light irradiation is the more shortened the generation time of Azotobacter. Therefore, it is clear that variation of reproductive rate must be, mere or less, due to the genetic effects induced by UV light irradiation. On the other hand, the lag phase or logarithmic growth phase in nonirradiated culture is shortened prominently, and this must be due to the difference in bacterial number of the original inoculm. The generation time of Azotobacter is shortened by exogeneous treatment of nuclei acid derivatives, and the degree is greater in case of DNA derivatives than RNA dervatives. W.H. Price reported that the rate of ribose nucleic acid to protein in Staphylococcus muscae is proportional to the generation time: that is the faster the cell can form ribose nucleic acid, the more rapid its growth. This explains the shortening of generation time by exogeneous RNA derivatives in this work reasonably. On the other hand, it is well known that the desoxyribose nuclic acid content per cell is constant and independent of the generation time. A.D. Laren and W.N. Takahashi reported that the infectious RNA from TMV is 6 times as sensitive to inactivation by UV as it is in the form of intact virus, and that inactivation of infectious TMV involves onlu a local change on RNA chain. But, the effect of exogeneous DNA in this work suggests that irradiated living cell which cotain DNA bring about some change on DNA moleculs as well as RNA molecules. And if the mutagenic effects of UV take into consideration, it is very reasonable. Therefore, it is clear that the variation of the generation time by UV irradiation is, more or less, due to the genetic effects. Therefore, it seems that the shortness of the average lifewpan of Azotobacter by UV irradiation is resulted not only from the influence of the environmental conditions, but also from the variation of genetic factor of the individual.

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Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries in Naver News by Web Crolling : Based on Keyword Analysis and Semantic Network Analysis (웹 크롤링에 의한 네이버 뉴스에서의 한국농수산대학 - 키워드 분석과 의미연결망분석 -)

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, S.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to find information on the university's image from words related to 'Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF)' in Naver News. For this purpose, word frequency analysis, TF-IDF evaluation and semantic network analysis were performed using web crawling technology. In word frequency analysis, 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth', 'university', 'business', 'rural', 'CEO' were important words. In the TF-IDF evaluation, the key words were 'farmer', 'dron', 'agricultural and livestock food department', 'Jeonbuk', 'young farmer', 'agriculture', 'Chonju', 'university', 'device', 'spreading'. In the semantic network analysis, the Bigrams showed high correlations in the order of 'youth' - 'farmer', 'digital' - 'agriculture', 'farming' - 'settlement', 'agriculture' - 'rural', 'digital' - 'turnover'. As a result of evaluating the importance of keywords as five central index, 'agriculture' ranked first. And the keywords in the second place of the centrality index were 'farmers' (Cc, Cb), 'education' (Cd, Cp) and 'future' (Ce). The sperman's rank correlation coefficient by centrality index showed the most similar rank between Degree centrality and Pagerank centrality. The KNCAF articles of Naver News were used as important words such as 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth' in terms of word frequency. However, in the evaluation including document frequency, the words such as 'farmer', 'dron', 'Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs', 'Jeonbuk', and 'young farmers' were found to be key words. The centrality analysis considering the network connectivity between words was suitable for evaluation by Cd and Cp. And the words with strong centrality were 'agriculture', 'education', 'future', 'farmer', 'digital', 'support', 'utilization'.

Fertilizing Effects of Swine Compost Fermented with Sawdust on Mixed Pastures (혼파초지에 대한 톱밥발효돈분의 시용효과)

  • Shin, J. Soon;Cho, Young-Mu;Lee, Hyo-Ho;Yoon, Sea-Hung;Park, Geun-Je;Choi, Ki-Chun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2004
  • Experiment was carried out to find the fertilizing effects of 8 different application rates of swine compost fermented with sawdust(SCS) including Chemical fertilizer(CF) on forage yield and soil chemical characteristics of mixed pastures sown in Sep. 1993 at National Livestock Research Institute, RDA., in Suwon during low years. It was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Dry matter yield were shown at similar among treatments except Control and $50\%$ SCS of standard amount plot. In botanical composition, the legume and weeds percentages of each treatment were increased as advancing year. The final year's legume percentage were high in line with SCS fertilizing plots($39\%{\sim}43\%$), SCS + CF plots($30\%{\sim}41\%$) and CF plot($32\%$). In productions of TDN, NE and crude protein yield, SCS or SCS($75\%$) + CF($25\%$) were nearly same comparing those of CF, respectively. Phosphate, potassium, magnesium contents and K/(Ca + Mg) except calcium contents of those SCS fertilizing plots in plant were generally high with comparing CF. Those contents were proportional according to the fertilizing amount These result indicate the possibility to substitute chemical fertilizer for SCS($75\%$, 25ton/ha) + CF, $25\%$) as manure-N 210 kg/ha, but might be considered accumulation phosphate in the soil.

Der Vollrauschtatbestand de lege ferenda (완전명정죄 처벌규정의 입법론)

  • Seong, Nak-Hyon
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.55
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    • pp.137-166
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    • 2018
  • Wenn nach dem starken Trinken etwas strafbares passiert, so ist das Gesamtverhalten als $strafw{\ddot{u}}rdig$ und strafbar anzuerkennen. Aber nach dem Schuldprinzip handelt ohne Schuld, wer bei Begehung der Tat $unf{\ddot{a}}hig$ ist, das Unrecht der Tat einzusehen oder nach dieser Einsicht zu handeln(Koinzidenzprinzip). Die Rechtsfigur der "actio libera in causa" dient dazu, diese in $h{\ddot{a}}ufigen$ $F{\ddot{a}}llen$ als kriminalpolitisch $unerw{\ddot{u}}nscht$ empfundene $L{\ddot{u}}cke$ zu umgehen. Dabei kommt auch dem Vollrauschtatbestand in der Praxis $erh{\ddot{o}}hte$ Bedeutung zu. Der deutsche Gesetzgeber war sich bei der Aufnahme des Vollrauschtatbestandes in das Gesetz durchaus $bewu{\ss}t$, $da{\ss}$ die Vorschrift eine Ausnahme zur Schuldzurechnungsregelung darstellte. Er $w{\ddot{a}}hlte$ jedoch die Form eines $selbst{\ddot{a}}ndigen$ Tatbestandes, um die Durchbrechung des reinen Schuldprinzips $ertr{\ddot{a}}glich$ zu machen. Der Vollrauschtatbestand ist ein abstraktes $Gef{\ddot{a}}hrdungdsdelikt$ -demnach die im Rausch verwirklichte rechtswidrige Tat nur objektive Bedingung der Strafbarkeit ist -, das sachlich eine Schuldzurechnungsregelung $enth{\ddot{a}}lt$, und zwar eine Ausnahme $gegen{\ddot{u}}ber$ die Regelungen ${\ddot{u}}ber$ Schuldzurechnung. Dieser Vollrauschtatbestand ist dennoch als regitime $Erg{\ddot{a}}nzung$ der in Schuldzurechnungsregelungen beschriebenen $Schuldzurechnungsgrunds{\ddot{a}}tze$ anzusehen. Er steht $n{\ddot{a}}mlich$ in Einklang mit dem Schuldgrundsatz, wenn als subjektives Tatbestandsmerkmal des Vollrausches die Kenntnis der $Gef{\ddot{a}}hrlichkeit$ des Rauschzustandes $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die Begehung von Delikten vorausgesetzt wird.

Simultaneous Determination of Carbohydrates and Organic Acids in Various Cultured Dairy Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: A Preliminary Study (다양한 낙농 발효유제품에서 HPLC를 이용하여 탄수화물과 유기산의 동시 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Hwang, Dae-Geun;Chon, Jung-Whan;Kim, Hyunsook;Kim, Hong-Seok;Song, Kwang-Young;Yim, Jin-Hyuk;Kim, Young-Ji;Kang, Il-Byung;Lee, Soo-Kyung;Seo, Kun-Ho
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2015
  • Various carbohydrates (lactose, glucose, and fructose), lactic acid, uric acid, and acetoin were separated on a ZORBAX Carbohydrate Analysis column using the Agilent 1200 HPLC ChemStation$^{TM}$, and were identified according to retention times with 325 Dual Wavelength UV-Vis Detector and Refractive Index Detector with 0.013 N $H_2SO_4$ at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. In addition, the lactase activity of four commercial probiotic lactic acid bacteria during 6-hour incubation was determined using a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Among the tested samples, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis showed the greatest lactase activity, followed by Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei, with Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus showing the lowest activity. Therefore, this HPLC technique shows potential for evaluating the fermentation processes of probiotic lactic acid bacteria and could simultaneously confirm the degree of ripening in various fermented dairy foods within only a half hour.

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Polymorphisms of the Exons 13, 15 and 16 of Transferrin Gene in Cheju Horses (제주마 Transferrin Gene Exon 13, 15 및 16의 다형현상)

  • Kim, N.Y.;Lee, S.S.;Yang, Y.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.391-398
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to determine the polymorphism of transferrin exons 13, 15 and 16 by Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism(SSCP) analysis and to compare their genotypes of Cheju horse Group I (Cheju Institute), Cheju horse Group II (farms), and Thoroughbred (KRA). SSCP of transferrin exon 13, 15, and 16 showed two (A, B), three (A, B, C) and three (A, B, C) codominant alleles, respectively. The Group I and Thoroughbred showed the similar frequencies of allele A and B in transferrin exon 13, but only allele A was observed in Group Ⅱ. In transferrin exons 15 and 16, the frequencies of each allele were different in each Groups. The multiple allele frequencies in exons 15 and 16 suggested that the genotyping of this locus could be used to identify an individual and to test the parentage of offspring. The probability for parentage exclusion were 0.46 and 0.374 for exons 15 and 16 for Cheju horse Group I. Among the 13 combined genotypes of exons 13, 15 and 16, the genotype AA-AB-AB (0.372) is the most common in Cheju horse Group I, but genotype AA-AA-AA is common in the Cheju horse Group II (0.366) and Thoroughbred (0.767). The present study showed two new SNP, which was at the cDNA position 1626 (A/G) in B allele of the exon 13 and 2075 (C/T) in C allele of the exon 16 resulting in amino acid change (Threonine $\longrightarrow$ Methionine). Result showed that polymorphism of exons 13, 15 and 16 in Cheju horses was as high as in Thoroughbred and there was a differences of transferrin allele frequencies in Cheju horses.