• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grid structure

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Numerical Simulation of Residual Currents and tow Salinity Dispersions by Changjiang Discharge in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea (황해 및 동중국해에서 양쯔강의 담수유입량 변동에 따른 잔차류 및 저염분 확산 수치모의)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Kim, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2007
  • A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with the fine grid is applied to simulate the barotropic tides, tidal currents, residual currents and salinity dispersions in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Data inputs include seasonal hydrography, mean wind and river input, and oceanic tides. Computed tidal distributions of four major tides($M_2,\;S_2,\;K_1$ and $O_1$) are presented and results are in good agreement with the observations in the domain. The model reproduces well the tidal charts. The tidal residual current is relatively strong around west coast of Korea including the Cheju Island and southern coast of China. The current by $M_2$ has a maximum speed of 10 cm/s in the vicinity of Cheju Island with a anti-clockwise circulation in the Yellow Sea. General tendency of the current, however, is to flow eastward in the South Sea. Surface residual current simulated with $M_2$ and with $M_2+S_2+K_1+O_1$ tidal forcing shows slightly different patterns in the East China Sea. The model shows that the southerly wind reduces the southward current created by freshwater discharge. In summer during high runoff(mean discharge about $50,000\;m^3/s$ of Yangtze), low salinity plume-like structure(with S < 30.0 psu) extending some 160 km toward the northeast and Changjiang Diluted Water(CDW), below salinity 26 psu, was found within about 95 km. The offshore dispersion of the Changjiang outflow water is enhanced by the prevailing southerly wind. It is estimated that the inertia of the river discharge cannot exclusively reach the around sea of Cheju Island. It is noted that spatial and temporal distribution of salinity and the other materials are controlled by mixture of Changjiang discharge, prevailing wind, advection by flowing warm current and tidal current.

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Evaluation of Image Qualities for a Digital X-ray Imaging System Based on Gd$_2$O$_2$S(Tb) Scintillator and Photosensor Array by Using a Monte Carlo Imaging Simulation Code (몬테카를로 영상모의실험 코드를 이용한 Gd$_2$O$_2$S(Tb) 섬광체 및 광센서 어레이 기반 디지털 X-선 영상시스템의 화질평가)

  • Jung, Man-Hee;Jung, In-Bum;Park, Ju-Hee;Oh, Ji-Eun;Cho, Hyo-Sung;Han, Bong-Soo;Kim, Sin;Lee, Bong-Soo;Kim, Ho-Kyung
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2004
  • in this study, we developed a Monte Carlo imaging simulation code written by the visual C$\^$++/ programing language for design optimization of a digital X-ray imaging system. As a digital X-ray imaging system, we considered a Gd$_2$O$_2$S(Tb) scintillator and a photosensor array, and included a 2D parallel grid to simulate general test renditions. The interactions between X-ray beams and the system structure, the behavior of lights generated in the scintillator, and their collection in the photosensor array were simulated by using the Monte Carlo method. The scintillator thickness and the photosensor array pitch were assumed to 66$\mu\textrm{m}$ and 48$\mu\textrm{m}$, respertively, and the pixel format was set to 256 x 256. Using the code, we obtained X-ray images under various simulation conditions, and evaluated their image qualities through the calculations of SNR (signal-to-noise ratio), MTF (modulation transfer function), NPS (noise power spectrum), DQE (detective quantum efficiency). The image simulation code developed in this study can be applied effectively for a variety of digital X-ray imaging systems for their design optimization on various design parameters.

Analysis on Efficiency of Hierarchical Structure for a Grid Transit Network (격자형 대중교통 노선망의 위계구조 효율성 분석)

  • Park, Jun-Sik;Go, Seung-Yeong;Jeon, Gyeong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed whether a transit network with hierarchy is efficient or not, and if transit network hierarchy has cost efficiency, then which condition guarantees the efficiency of the transit network hierarchy. The authors modeled the total cost of the transit network and suggested the conditions in which the transit network hierarchy has cost efficiency through comparing the cost of the transit network with and without hierarchy. The efficiency of transit network hierarchy is guaranteed when the travel cost savings induced by using a higher hierarchy transit network is larger than the increasing non-travel cost, which is the sum of access cost, waiting cost, and operating cost, induced by the introduction of a higher hierarchy transit network. This result is consistent with common sense and with the concept of cost and benefit analysis. If a passenger traveling within the area divided by a higher hierarchy transit network uses only a lower hierarchy transit network and the passenger traveling out of the area divided by the higher hierarchy transit network uses both lower and higher hierarchy transit networks, the travel demand using the higher hierarchy transit network is inversely proportional to the square of the line spacing. This means that the transit network becomes more efficient and small increases of travel demand guarantee the efficiency of the transit network hierarchy as the connectivity of the network becomes higher. This result shows that transit networks have economies of aggregation. This study is the first analytical research on transit network hierarchy and is expected to be a basis for numerical research. However, numerical research should complement this study, since analytical research has some limitations for considering a real network.

Numerical Test for the 2D Q Tomography Inversion Based on the Stochastic Ground-motion Model (추계학적 지진동모델에 기반한 2D Q 토모그래피 수치모델 역산)

  • Yun, Kwan-Hee;Suh, Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2007
  • To identify the detailed attenuation structure in the southern Korean Peninsula, a numerical test was conducted for the Q tomography inversion to be applied to the accumulated dataset until 2005. In particular, the stochastic pointsource ground-motion model (STGM model; Boore, 2003) was adopted for the 2D Q tomography inversion for direct application to simulating the strong ground-motion. Simultaneous inversion of the STGM model parameters with a regional single Q model was performed to evaluate the source and site effects which were necessary to generate an artificial dataset for the numerical test. The artificial dataset consists of simulated Fourier spectra that resemble the real data in the magnitude-distance-frequency-error distribution except replacement of the regional single Q model with a checkerboard type of high and low values of laterally varying Q models. The total number of Q blocks used for the checkerboard test was 75 (grid size of $35{\times}44km^2$ for Q blocks); Q functional form of $Q_0f^{\eta}$ ($Q_0$=100 or 500, 0.0 < ${\eta}$ < 1.0) was assigned to each Q block for the checkerboard test. The checkerboard test has been implemented in three steps. At the first step, the initial values of Q-values for 75 blocks were estimated. At the second step, the site amplification function was estimated by using the initial guess of A(f) which is the mean site amplification functions (Yun and Suh, 2007) for the site class. The last step is to invert the tomographic Q-values of 75 blocks based on the results of the first and second steps. As a result of the checkerboard test, it was demonstrated that Q-values could be robustly estimated by using the 2D Q tomography inversion method even in the presence of perturbed source and site effects from the true input model.

Parameters Estimation of Clark Model based on Width Function (폭 함수를 기반으로 한 Clark 모형의 매개변수 추정)

  • Park, Sang Hyun;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Jung, Kwansue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.597-611
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the methodology for construction of time-area curve via the width function and thereby rational estimation of time of concentration and storage coefficient of Clark model within the framework of method of moments. To this end time-area curve is built by rescaling the grid-based width function under the assumption of pure translation and then the analytical expressions for two parameters of Clark model are proposed in terms of method of moments. The methodology in this study based on the analytical expressions mentioned before is compared with both (1) the traditional optimization method of Clark model provided by HEC-1 in which the symmetric time-area curve is used and the difference between observed and simulated hydrographs is minimized (2) and the same optimization method but replacing time-area curve with rescaled width function in respect of peak discharge and time to peak of simulated direct runoff hydrographs and their efficiency coefficient relative to the observed ones. The following points are worth of emphasizing: (1) The optimization method by HEC-1 with rescaled width function among others results in the parameters well reflecting the observed runoff hydrograph with respect to peak discharge coordinates and coefficient of efficiency; (2) For the better application of Clark model it is recommended to use the time-area curve capable of accounting for irregular drainage structure of a river basin such as rescaled width function instead of symmetric time-area curve by HEC-1; (3) Moment-based methodology with rescaled width function developed in this study also gives rise to satisfactory simulation results in terms of peak discharge coordinates and coefficient of efficiency. Especially the mean velocities estimated from this method, characterizing the translation effect of time-area curve, are well consistent with the field surveying results for the points of interest in this study; (4) It is confirmed that the moment-based methodology could be an effective tool for quantitative assessment of translation and storage effects of natural river basin; (5) The runoff hydrographs simulated by the moment-based methodology tend to be more right skewed relative to the observed ones and have lower peaks. It is inferred that this is due to consideration of only one mean velocity in the parameter estimation. Further research is required to combine the hydrodynamic heterogeneity between hillslope and channel network into the construction of time-area curve.

A Study on the Characteristics of Museum Projects by Richard Meier (리챠드 마이어의 미술관 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김용립
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 1999
  • This study propose to analyze the design method and the form elements of museums, of works by Richard Meier, and through the analysis, spacial characteristics of museums will be understood. The museum works of Richard Meier, as an exhibition space, not only display the art works efficiently, but they also offer visitors the opportunity to experience the art of architecture, as a cultural space. Richard Meier, when working on the projects, has utilized the design methods and the architectural language, learned from Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, resourcefully. Having the structural grid as basis, the rational rectangular forms were intended for exhibition space, while the circular and partial circular forms of geometry were utilized in formative space. This was able to maintain the balance between functional and formative space. In the museums of his works, the ramp and the glass wall separated from the structure become very important means of expression. The ramps, not only make people to enjoy the interior and exterior of museum, but also able them to see the works of art from different distances and angles repeatedly and the large glass wall reveals the various shapes of interior to exterior. In comparing with the design method and language of two masters mentioned, the design principles and elements, developed by Meier were applied to the site plans, exhibition space planning and elevations to manifest its originality. The design concept, derived from the urban fabric and historical buildings around, gave harmony to the museum with its surroundings, and employing the deformed axis brought variation and the effect of diversion to the site plan. The exhibition space is much vitalized by the well arrangement of various exhibition fixtures in the museum. The exhibion fixtures, which the partitions, shelves, miches, and stages were put together in flexibility, play multiple roles as partitions dividing spaces, as furniture displaying art works, and as elements creating forms. The systematically arranged fixtures, also produce several visual axes and centers, which have visitors appreciate the works of art in various perspectives, hence create a unique environment.

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A Comparative Study about Industrial Structure Feature between TL Carriers and LTL Carriers (구역화물운송업과 노선화물운송업의 산업구조 특성 비교)

  • 민승기
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2001
  • Transportation enterprises should maintain constant and qualitative operation. Thus, in short period, transportation enterprises don't change supply in accordance with demand. In the result, transportation enterprises don't reduce operation in spite of management deficit at will. In freight transportation type, less-than-truckload(LTL) has more relation with above transportation feature than truckload(TL) does. Because freight transportation supply of TL is more flexible than that of LTL in correspondence of freight transportation demand. Relating to above mention, it appears that shortage of road and freight terminal of LTL is larger than that of TL. Especially in road and freight terminal comparison, shortage of freight terminal is larger than that of road. Shortage of road is the largest in 1990, and improved after-ward. But shortage of freight terminal is serious lately. So freight terminal needs more expansion than road, and shows better investment condition than road. Freight terminal expansion brings road expansion in LTL, on the contrary, freight terminal expansion substitutes freight terminal for road in TL. In transportation revenue, freight terminal's contribution to LTL is larger than that to TL. However, when we adjust quasi-fixed factor - road and freight terminal - to optimal level in the long run, in TL, diseconomies of scale becomes large, but in LTL, economies of scale becomes large. Consequently, it is necessary for TL to make counterplans to activate management of small size enterprises and owner drivers. And LTL should make use of economies of scale by solving the problem, such as nonprofit route, excess of rental freight handling of office, insufficiency of freight terminal, shortage of driver, and unpreparedness of freight insurance.

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