• Title/Summary/Keyword: Greenhouse Gasescademia-Industrial

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A Study on the Estimation of the GHGs Emissions to the Reuse of De-ionized Water Production Process in Semiconductor Factory (반도체 생산용 초순수 제조공정의 농축수 재이용에 따른 온실가스 발생량 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Jong-Min;Chung, Jin-Do;Kim, San
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.518-525
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    • 2018
  • In the 21st century, human beings are becoming increasingly concerned about greenhouse gas emissions as the environment changes due to climate change become serious. The temperature of Korea has risen by approximately $1.5^{\circ}C$ from 1904 to 2000, and the climate is changing gradually to a subtropical climate. As a result, the frequency of floods and droughts increases, so that the water available to humans is decreasing every year, and the cost of using city water is rising every year. The reuse of wastewater that is normally abandoned is inevitable. This study examined the monthly data for 6 months of operation by installing a reuse system of concentrated wastewater (Re R/O System) that is generated during the process of manufacturing de-ionized water (DI-Water System) used in semiconductor processing. As a result of the survey, the city water supply saved approximately $2,767m^3$ per month. The average annual greenhouse gas emissions was $1,329.07kg-CO_2$ per month due to the electricity consumption of the water reuse system. On the other hand, because of the reduction in city water supply, the average monthly average of $918.64kg-CO_2$ was reduced, and the greenhouse gas emissions were increased to $410.43kg-CO_2$ per month. If it improves some processes in the water reuse system, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by an average of $254.41kg-CO_2$ per month.