• 제목/요약/키워드: Green building certification

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생애주기를 고려한 오피스 건물의 리모델링과 그린리모델링의 경제성 평가 연구 : 서울시 강남업무지구의 임대오피스 사례 (An Economic Evaluation Study of Office Remodeling and Green-remodeling Projects : A Simulation Approach to a Rental Office in GBD, Seoul)

  • 이성호;이재수
    • 대한건축학회논문집:계획계
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2018
  • Due to a waste of energy in korea, about 525,000 which are 75 percent of total buildings are at least 15 years old buildings that need remodeling. There are two current remodeling systems. One is a remodeling system to reduce a waste of resources from the reconstruction. The other is a green-remodeling system aimed to energy savings and reducing environmental costs. This study is to analyze quantitatively these current systems with respect to the cost-benefit caused by the life cycle and suggests the political and institutional implications through the interpretation of the results. For a quantitative analysis, we analyzed reducing maintenance costs and rent benefits with simulation by using opportunity costs, construction costs, plan costs and supervision costs as expense variables and using the reduced floor area ratio, institutional incentives, energy, water resources and certified emission reduction(CER) as benefit variables. As a result of the empirical study, the green-modeling was more beneficial in the field of environment such as the energy savings, however, the final benefits of remodeling which has no green building certification costs but more floor area ratio incentives were more economical. The green-remodeling system focused on reducing environmental costs and energy savings needs a equatable institutional incentive system.

만족도와 충성도 구축에 있어서의 친환경 행동과 신뢰 메커니즘 (Eco-Friendly Behaviors and Trust Mechanism in Building Satisfaction and Loyalty)

  • 이드보라
    • 한국프랜차이즈경영연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: As global interest in environmental issues increases, the demand for green products/services is increasing. Companies are establishing eco-friendly policies to meet the changing expectations of customers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of eco-friendly behavior and third-party certification on trust, satisfaction, and loyalty as well as the mediating role of satisfaction based on SOR and signaling theory. Research design, data and methodology: This study collected data from 501 respondents who visited restaurant and analyzed using measurement model with SPSS 28.0 and SmartPLS 4. Results: First, restaurants' eco-friendly behavior and third-party certification (TPC) positively influenced trust while these did not influence satisfaction. Second, trust positively influenced satisfaction. Third, trust and satisfaction positively influenced loyalty. Fourth, TPC had stronger impact on trust and satisfaction compared to eco-friendly behavior in female group while TPC had stronger impact on trust in male group. Conclusions: This study emphasized the importance of TPC over eco-friendly behavior. Restaurants should maintain pro-environmental behaviors such as reducing single-use items while obtaining TPC such as ISO and LEED certifications to increase customer trust. It also found the importance of trust and satisfaction in securing loyal customers. Restaurants should make efforts to build bonds with customers through authentic marketing such as events that encourage customer participation.

대학생의 생활양식과 친환경주거 중요도에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Life Style and Importance for Environment-Friendly Housing of College Students)

  • 오유경;곽경숙
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.243-255
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to learn the lifestyles of college students based on the green building certification system. The importance for environmentally friendly housing patterns will be changed and predicted to provide the basis for future residential development. The subjects of this research were 706 college students living in Jeonbuk province. The results of this research were as follows. College students' lifestyles were measured by self-confidence, family orientation, leisure orientation, economic orientation, and a digital directivity by factor analysis. In eco-friendly residential ratings, as the results of analysis according to the land use, the transportation, the energy resources, the environment load, the ecosystems, the interior environment, and the soundproofing of the interior environment came out to be higher than other factors. While coming out to be higher in the lower group in a digital directivity, the life style of the college students mostly came to be higher in the average of importance for environment-friendly housing. This result means that the college students want environment-friendly housing while attaching importance to the convenience of daily life, especially a digital directivity of housing. Thus, when we plan residences in the future, we will have to reflect the environment-friendly housing on the basis of the results of this research, and improve the environment which is contributing to help form college students' characters well.


  • Ki-Hyon Kim;Kyung-Rai Kim;Hee-Sung Cha
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 2th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 2007
  • "Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development (ESSD)" is a key word in recent years. The construction industry, have put a great influence on ergonomic and sustainable environment. Recently, "green building certifications", such as Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and eco-friendly material regulation have been established. With this regard, new construction and aged-housing remodeling projects are required to meet these certification criteria. Multi-housing residents have great concern on eco-product, since many cases are reported that Sick Building Syndrome is caused by toxic substance from building materials. Aged-housing remodeling project is very unique in that building residents are selected prior to design phase. Therefore, the analysis of resident's need for building materials in aged-housing remodeling is relatively easy compared to new building construction. As such, it is very important to analyze their preferences for eco-friendly materials prior to project execution. The purpose of this study is to find the needs of residents and priority of their needs. Based on their needs and priority, this paper provides a new strategy in using environment-friendly materials and maximizing their satisfaction level when aged housing remodeling is constructed. In addition, this paper provide new criteria in selecting new developed environmental materials in remodeling projects for the purpose of improving the safety and health level in construction industry.

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  • Hyun Woo Lee;Youngchul Kim;Doyoon Kim;Kunhee Choi
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 5th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.36-41
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    • 2013
  • With the increased interest in green buildings, the building industry has been experiencing a fast-growing demand for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for the last decade. Still, it is not unusual to see various barriers and issues during its implementation, and experience tells that they can result in harming the overall project performance with reworks, lower productivity, schedule delays, and cost overruns. In order to better understand the industry's observation on issues and their consequences during LEED implementation, we distributed an online survey, and a total of 53 responses were received. The survey results indicate that (1) both designers and non-designers (e.g., contractors) select 'added costs to design and construction' as the biggest barrier; (2) both designers and non-designers select 'decision made too late in the design process' as the most frequently observed issue; and (3) non-designers indicate higher perceived severity in every consequence criteria than designers. The statistical analyses reveal that cost overruns are the most severe impact observed and have a statistically significant relationship with responses in regard to the barrier to LEED implementation.

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A Comparative Analysis of the Energy Load due to Window Area Ratio of Domestic Public Buildings

  • An, Kwang-Ho;Hyun, Eun-Mi;Kim, Yong-Sik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2015
  • In the case of public buildings, fast communication and transparency in the administration and the public, as well as ensuring visibility and lighting performance using a glass curtain wall is symbolically expressed through the transparent glass skin. This study is a simulation in order to derive the basic data for the establishment of the improvement of the heating and cooling load analysis according to the window area ratio changes with respect to the high effectiveness of the government's large public building energy consumption analysis and green building certification system of guidelines was analyzed by a change in the energy load. Glass curtain wall is light and visibility, the symbolic meaning of communication, etc., but is widely used in a variety of characteristics, in terms of energy consumption being disadvantaged sheath plan should have been. Design, including the Atrium, is much less energy than energy consumption by the window area ratio. Thus, while compliance with design guide lines, the atrium and I like the burden of a large space ratio and energy load consists of only glass suggest that require more research on that given in the guidelines.

Analysis of the Impact LEED-NC Criteria on Appraised Unit Land Value

  • Son, Kiyoung;Kim, Gwang-Hee;Park, Young Jun;Kim, Sun-Kuk
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.596-606
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    • 2012
  • In recent years, LEED-NC (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction) has become one of the most widely adopted environmental certification systems in the United States. However, according to some researchers, the adoption of the LEED-NC is perceived to add to construction cost and duration compared to conventional building standards. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the economic benefits of LEED-NC to consider how it can be applied worldwide. This study focuses on the impact of LEED-NC on the appraised unit value of parcels in San Francisco County based on the number of LEED-NC Public Transportation Access (PTA) qualified buses, light rail and commuter rail stops, distance to the closest bus, light rail and commuter rail stops, zoning class and parcel size. As a population of interest, San Francisco County was chosen since it is known as a region with well-organized transportation systems including bus, light rail and commuter rail systems. According to the correlation results, this study shows that the appraised land value is significantly affected by LEED-NC PTA, and is correlated to a higher appraised unit value of land parcels.

신·재생에너지 공급의무화제도(RPS) 비율을 고려한 타당성 분석의 공사비 산정 프로세스 (Process of Cost Estimation in Feasibility Analysis Considering ratio of Renewable Portfolio Standard)

  • 양현주;김종협;한상원;현창택
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2014년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.44-45
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    • 2014
  • Recently the Korean government also has strictly restricted a law such as GBCC(Green Building Certification Criteria)and RPS(Renewable Portfolio Standard) on the construction. Especially the government announced a obligation of renewable energy consumption over 12% for all the public buildings of total area over 1,000㎡ since 2014. Regarding to the policy, this study presented the economics of energy analysis of the public office buildings that supplies 12% renewable energy output in the early stage of construction project. This paper calculated on CO2 emission by the geothermal, solar heat, and solar photovoltaic system and estimated the saving cost. Reduced cost through the energy saving are predicted to influence on the total construction cost. As a result air pollution and energy saving cost are expected that renewable energy system would be saving total initial cost of construction on planning phase.

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학교시설의 에너지사용 및 건물에너지관리시스템 유지관리 현황에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Status of Energy Usage and Maintenance of Building Energy Management System in School Facilities)

  • 김성중;이승민
    • 교육녹색환경연구
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2022
  • '기후 위기에 대처하기 위한 탄소 중립 및 녹색 성장에 관한 기본법' 이 제정됨에 따라, 탄소중립 달성을 위한 다양한 부문별 계획들(NDC)이 시행되고 있다. 학교시설은 '제로에너지건축물 인증'의 의무대상 건축물이며, 공공기관 건축물 중 가장 높은 비중을 차지하는 건물로, 탄소중립 시나리오의 건물부문에서 주요한 역할을 한다. 본 연구는 이러한 학교시설의 건물에너지관리시스템 보급 활성화 및 효율적인 운영관리를 위한 기초자료 제공을 위하여, 최근 에너지사용 동향과 제로에너지수준을 다양한 방면에서 분석하였으며, 학교시설에 적용된 BEMS의 효과 및 사용자 의견을 조사하였다.

GIS를 활용한 생태면적률 산정 모델 개발 (Development of Biotope area ratio Estimation Model using GIS)

  • 이지수;이승욱;이승엽;홍원화
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구의 목적은 신도시 등의 조성에 있어 지속 가능한 발전을 도모하고 시민들에게 쾌적한 생활환경을 제공하기 위해 도입된 생태면적률을 산정하는 모델을 개발하여 구축의 효율성과 데이터베이스 유지관리의 간편성과 정확성을 확보함에 있다. 특히 생태면적률은 현재 환경영향 평가 뿐만 아니라 친환경 인증기준 중 생태환경기준으로 활용되고 있으나, 생태면적률의 산정도 구축을 위한 지표가 제시되어 있지 않기 때문에 결과자료의 누락, 데이터 수정보완의 어려움과 같은 문제가 있을 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 GIS를 통해 도형 자료를 구축하고 가중치의 속성정보를 통합하여 관리하는 모델을 제시하였다. 생태면적률 산정은 토지이용계획도를 기초로 하여 건폐지의 경우 옥상 및 벽면 녹화, 비건폐지의 경우 수공간, 인공지반, 틈새투수포장, 자연지반 녹지의 공간유형을 대상으로 한다. 가중치가 부여된 공간유형정보는 도형정보와 통합되고 통합된 자료는 향후 토지이용에 따른 분석을 위해 토지이용계획 정보를 블록 별로 부여한다. 한편, 공간유형별 가중치 적용의 경우 도출방법이 각 지자체나 적용 주체의 상황에 따라 특성에 맞게 판단기준의 조절이 가능하다. 따라서 그 수치가 유동적일 수 있으나 본 모델에서 수치변화에 대한 탄력적인 대응이 가능함으로써 간편하고 효율적인 데이터 구축의 모델로 활용될 수 있다.