• 제목/요약/키워드: Goats)

검색결과 895건 처리시간 0.05초

한국흑염소에 있어서의 Neomycin Sulfate에 의한 신증유발에 관하여 (Neomycin Sulfate Nephrotoxicosis in Korean Black Goats)

  • 심원보;최희인
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 1989
  • In order to study the effects of neomycin sulfate on the kidney of Korean black goats after dosing at 36mg/kg(A group) or 18mg/kg of body weight (B group) twice a day, serum chemical values(BUN, SCr), urinary enzyme(GGT) excretion and urinary analysis were checked and renal lesions were observed by light microscope. The proteinuria and granular casts were observed on the 5-6th day and 7th day of treatment with neomycin respectively in the A group. While these changes were observed on the 4th day and the 6th day respectively in one goat of the B group. Urinary GGT excretion began to increase from the 9th day and reached to maximum concentration on the 15th day of treatment with neomycin in the A group. Thereafter, GGT excretion began to decrease and reach to normal level on the 21th day. But GGT excretion increased on the 9th day in only one goat of the B group. Concentrations of BUN and SCr increased on the 12th day in the A group and in one goat of B group. The kidneys were swollen gross pathologically and the renal tubular epithelial cell changes were noticed histologically in the A group and in one goat of the B group. These changes were included degeneration with hyaline droplet formation, flattened epithelial cells and necrotic epithelium. Granular casts were showed in many tubular lumens. Prfesent results indicated that nephrotoxicosis would not occured in Korean black goats dosing with neomycin sulfate less that 36mg/kg of body weight a day.

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유기농 산양유 사료에 산삼배양근 첨가가 산양유와 혈액 내 진세노사이드 함량 및 조성에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Supplementing Cultured Wild Ginseng Roots in the Diet of Organic Saanen Dairy Goats on Milk Composition and Ginsenoside Profiles in Blood and Milk)

  • 배귀석
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.485-495
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    • 2016
  • The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of dietary cultured wild ginseng root (CWGR) supplementation on goat milk composition and ginsenoside profiles. Sixteen Saanen dairy goats were allocated to two balanced groups based on lactation period, body weight ($38.6{\pm}3.2kg$), and dairy milk yield ($2.85{\pm}1.2kg$), and were kept in separate pens. Goats were fed a total mixed ration (TMR) feed (2.3 kg/d, dry matter basis) and 1.5 g of CWGR powder was supplemented in the experimental diet. The total feeding period was 3 weeks, and milk and blood samples were collected on the last three days of the experimental period. There was no effect of CWGR on daily milk yield and milk composition (fat, protein, lactose, and solid-not-fat). However, the CWGR-treatment group had significantly higher plasma IgG and protein contents than the control group (P < 0.05). Significant amounts of ginsenosides were observed in the milk of the CWGR-treatment group, whereas ginsenosides were not detected in the milk of the control group. In conclusion, dietary CWGR was a useful regimen to produce functional goat milk enriched in ginsenosides.

Laparoscopic Transabdominal Transfer of Blastocysts in Korean Black Goats

  • Cho, Sang-Cheol;Cho, Jong-Ki;Shin, Sang Tae
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2017
  • As a part of the effort to improve post-transfer survival rate of embryos in Korean black goats, a technique for laparoscopic uterine transfer of blastocysts was carried out. A total of 26 transferrable embryos (morula to expanded blastocysts) were transferred to 13 recipient goats via transabdominal laparoscopic method. In consequence of our hormone protocol, 65% of the recipients (13/20) were found to have synchronized estrus. After confirmation of corpus luteum in each recipient goat, a Babcock laparoscopic forceps was inserted into the lower abdominal cavity to hold a uterine horn and fasten it near the peritoneum without causing injury. Then 7.5cm long 16G IV catheter was inserted directly into the uterine lumen through the abdominal wall. After removal of the stylet of the IV catheter, the embryo transfer tube (identical in size to the stylet and loaded with blastocysts) was inserted into the uterine lumen through the catheter to unload the embryos. Of the 13 estrus synchronized recipients, 9 were transferred blastocysts and 4 were transferred molurae (2 embryos in each recipient) in uterine ipsilateral to the ovary with corpus luteum. Four of the 9 recipients which blastocysts were transferred using this method has been confirmed pregnant (44.4% pregnancy rate).

Physiological Responses of Saanen, Anglo Nubian and Toggenburg Goats at Different Body Weights and Feed Intake

  • Wayan Kasa, I
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.260-264
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    • 1998
  • An experiment has been carried-out on physiological responses in Saanen, Anglo Nubian and Toggenburg goats at different body weights and feed intakes during treadmill exercise at $30{^{\circ}C}$ environmental temperature (ET). The results showed that respiration rate (RR) was significant between time ${\times}$ breed interaction (p < 0.01), with values for the Anglo Nubian being least, while the Saanen was intermediate. With time, RR differed significantly, and after 1 h the respective RR were 238, 221 and 303/min in the Saanen, Anglo Nubian and Toggenburg. With time the rectal temperature (Tr) increased gradually and after 1 h exercise mean values were 40.8, 41.3 and $40.7{^{\circ}C}$ in the Saanen, Anglo Nubian and Toggenburg respectively. Rump skin temperature (RTs) values differed significantly between Anglo Nubians and Toggenburgs, with the differences averaging 0.3, 0.6, 0.4 and $0.4{^{\circ}C}$ after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min exercise respectively. With breed, highest loin skin temperature (LTs) values were in the Anglo Nubian, with an overall mean of $37.9{^{\circ}C}$ (p < 0.05).

Sea tangle (Laminaria japonica) supplementation on meat quality of Korean native black goat

  • Yim, Dong-Gyun;Choi, Young-Sun;Nam, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제61권6호
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    • pp.352-358
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    • 2019
  • The supplementation effects of sea tangle powders were determined for the meat quality in Korean native black goats. A total 90 castrated male black goats at 3-month age were divided into 3 dietary treatment groups: control (basal diet + mineral block), T1 (0.3% sea tangle feeding with the basal diet), T2 (0.9% sea tangle feeding with the basal diet). At 9-months feeding, 10 goats per treatment group were slaughtered, and the longissimus dorsi muscle samples were vacuum-packed, and subsequently analyzed for physicochemical evaluations. Analysis revealed decrease in the shear force and TBARS values of meat in the sea tangle dietary groups (p < 0.05). The T2 group exhibited increased levels of unsaturated fatty acids such as C16:1, C18:1, C18:2, and C20:4 (p < 0.05). The content of free amino acids with desirable taste such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, and serine were higher in T2, whereas alanine content was higher in both sea tangle dietary groups, as compared to control (p < 0.05). These data indicate that feeding dietary sea tangle as an alternative mineral source results in an improvement in the physicochemical profiles of goat meat.

Influence of Dietary Phytoadditive as Polyherbal Combination on Performance of Does and Respective Litters in Cross Bred Dairy Goats

  • Mirzaei, F.;Prasad, S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제24권10호
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    • pp.1386-1392
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    • 2011
  • The aim of the present work was to study the effects of a polyherbal supplement on cross bred does, starting from the last month of pregnancy to weaning, on milk yield, kid birth weight and growth rate. Thirty does were divided into three treatments of ten each in individual pens: low level supplementation (LS), high level supplementation (HS) and non-supplemented treatment (NS) as control. Low supplemented goats were given 125 mg/kg BW/d of polyherbal combination; high supplemented goats were given 250 mg/kg BW/d. The study was carried out in 2008. Fifty-nine kids were born from all the experimental animals. There was no difference on milk yield between supplemented groups and control (p>0.05), although polyherbal supplementation had positive effect on litter birth weight and growth rate compared to control. Weaning weights were higher (p<0.001) in LS and HS compared to NS does. In both supplemented treatments compared to control, mortalities and morbidities were also lower in kids born. It is concluded that pre-partum to weaning supplementation increases kids growth rates and weaning weights, as well as reduces kid mortalities, but it doesn't have significant effect on milk production.

Detomidine이 한국재래산양의 혈압 및 산ㆍ염기 평형에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Detomidine HCI on Blood Pressure and Acid-Base Balance in Goats)

  • 장광호;남치주;권오경
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 1989
  • This study was carried out to Investigate the effects of detomidine and xylazine on physical sign, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, acid-base status and the antagonistic effect of yohimbine on detomidine in goats. Yohimbine was administered 10 minutes after detomidine injection. Maintenance time of sedation was remarkably decreased in yohimbine-treated group(59.5${\pm}$3.8min). compared with detomidine-treated group(99.8 ${\pm}$ 14.7min). Body temperature was slightly decreased, heart rate was markedly decreased in all experimental groups and respiratory rate increased in detomidine-treated group and decreased in zylazine-treated group. However they were recovered rapidly after yohimbine administration In electrocardiogram, there were no significant changes except T waves and RR intervals. T waves showed negative form and RR intervals were increased but they were recovered rapidly in yohimbine-treated group compared with detomidine-treated group. Blood pressure was decreased after detomidine administration but recovered faster in yohimbine-treated group than in detomidine alone group. Blood pH was increased in detomidine-treated and yohimbine-treated groups but unchanged in xylazine-treatd group. It is considered that the effects of detomidine are similar to those of xylaxine and yohimbine is effective antagonist to detomidine in goats.

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유산양(乳山羊)과 유우(乳牛)의 혈청총단백량(血淸總蛋白量)에 관(關)하여 (Studies on the Concentration of Total Serum Protein of Milk Goat and Milk Cow Fed in Korea)

  • 정순동;조희택;이영소
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 1968
  • Observations were made to determine the effects of age and season upon the total serum protein values of milk goats(female) and milk cows fed in Korea. The results obtained in this work were summerized as follows; 1. In adults. the average concentrations of total serum protein of milk goats and milk cows were higher than in the younger, and were generally increased with the advance of age. The rate of increase in total serum protein value was more significant in the younger than that of adults. 2. The average concentrations of total serum protein of milk cows were significantly higher than those of milk goats. 3. Seasonal variation of total serum protein value was not observed in milk cows. 4. The average concentration of total serum protein of milk goat fed in Korea was much lower than that reported from the Occident, and this difference seemed to be influenced by the ration low in protein.

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재래산양(在來山羊)에 있어서 PBI131 Conversion Ratio 와 I131의 대사(代謝) (Protein-Bound Iodine-131 and Metabolism of Iodine-131 in Korean Native Goats)

  • 권종국;성재기;이영소;이용빈
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 1966
  • The protein-bound iodine-131, the concentration of iodine-131 in blood, and the excretion rate of I-131 through urine and feces were observed in nine Korean native goats, 3 months age, following administration of $3{\mu}C$ of I-131 per kg of body weight. No signiant differences were found due to sex and castration. 1. The average protein-bound iodine-131 conversion ratio of goats was 16.7% in 24 hours. In castrated group, the lowest proteinbound iodine-131 conversion ratio was observed. 2. The average concentration of iodine-131 in bleed, increased very rapidly by 2 hours(4.75%) and rapidly decreased within 6 hours(0.73%). 3. The average excretion rate of I-131 through urine was highest in 24 hours(19.00%) and decreased rapidly within 48 hours(5.32%). 4. The average excretion ration rate of I-131 though feces was highest in 24 hours(2.55%), and decreased slowly.

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Glucose Kinetics for Milk Synthesis in Etawah Crossbred Goats Fed King Grass Silage Prepared with Manure

  • Kiranadi, B.;Sastradipradja, D.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권7호
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    • pp.982-985
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    • 2002
  • A study was carried out to determine glucose kinetics, nutrient balance and milk production of lactating Etawah crossbred goats. The animals (27.2 to 29.1 kg BW) were randomly divided into four levels of dietary treatment groups: the first group R1 received 100% (3 kg) fresh king grass (Penisetum purpuroides), the second group R2 received 75% king grass and 25% king grass silage prepared with chicken manure, the third group R3 received 50% king grass and 50% silage, and the fourth group R4 received 100% silage. In addition to the roughage, each group received 800 g of concentrate (CP 14.77% of DM; 17.26 MJ/kg). Animals fed king grass silage made with chicken manure were found to be superior to the group fed king grass alone. Glucose kinetics and retained energy were significantly affected. Calculations showed that glucose requirements for maintenance and milk production can be met for the groups with high levels of silage (R3 and R4). The values of glucose flux were in the range of 2.52 to 4.50 mg/min.kg $BW^{0.807}$ which are lower, but close to, the values for the temperate lactating dairy cow. The present glucose flux value for the lactating Etawah crossbred goat is higher than the previous value published from this laboratory.