• Title/Summary/Keyword: Girella melanichthys

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The Effect of Water Temperature on Egg Developmental Stages of Largescale Blackfish Girella punctata and Smallscale Blackfish Girella melanichthys (벵에돔 Girella punctata와 긴꼬리 벵에돔 Girella melanichthys의 난 발생에 미치는 수온의 영향)

  • Oh, Bong-Se;Choi, Young-Ung;Ku, Hag-Dong;Kim, Sung-Chul;Jung, Min-Min;Park, Heung-Sik
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2010
  • This research investigated that the effect of water temperature on egg developmental stages of largescale blackfish Girella punctata and smallscale blackfish Girella melanichthys. The required times from fertilized embryos to hatching for the G. punctata were 67.8~37.5 hrs from 15 to $21^{\circ}C$, shorter as the water temperature increased. But fertilized embryos were dead after Kuffer's vesicle appearance stage at $24^{\circ}C$ and morula stage at $27^{\circ}C$. Biological minimum temperature (starting point for embryonic development) of the egg development was estimated to be $7.6^{\circ}C$ in average. In G. melanichthys, fertilized embryos were hatched within 61.2~38.3 hr from 15 to $21^{\circ}C$, the times were shorter as the water temperature increased to hatching, but its were dead on above $24^{\circ}C$. Biological minimum temperature of the egg development was estimated to be $6.5^{\circ}C$ in average. Based upon these results, it is recommended that the range of optimum water temperature for embryonic development of G. punctata and G. melanichthys is $15{\sim}21^{\circ}C$.

New Records of Seven Species of the Order Perciformes from Cheju Island, Korea (제주도 연안에서 채집된 농어목 어류 7 미기록종)

  • Kim, Ik-Soo;Lee, Wan-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.7-20
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    • 1994
  • Seven species of the order Perciformes collected from coastal waters of Cheju Island, Korea were redescribed as new to Korean fish fauna. They are as follows: Girella melanichthys (Richardson) and Kyposus bigibbus Lacepede of the family Kyphosidae; Chaetodon wiebeli Kaup of Chaetodontidae; Istigobius campbelli (Jordan and Snyder) of Gobiidae; Gymnapogon japonicus Regan of Apogonidae; Parupeneus chrysoplueron (Temminck and Schlegel) of Mullidae; Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) of Nemipteridae.

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Long term variations of fish assemblage in the coastal waters Bukchon-ri, northern part of Jeju Island from 2012 to 2022 (제주도 북부 북촌리 연안에서 어획된 어류군집의 장기변화(2012~2022))

  • Jun-Cheol KO;Bo-Yeon KIM;Song-Heon HAN;Min-Sun KIM;Jung-Hyun KWAK
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.301-314
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    • 2023
  • Long term variations of fish assemblage in the coastal waters of Bukchon-ri were determined using samples collected by trammel net from 2012 to 2022. Water temperature increased by 0.4℃ in 2022 that was less then 2012. During the survey period, a total of 95 species (53 families and 15 orders) of fishes were identified, Scorpaeniformes (five families and 22 species) and Perciformes (25 families and 39 species) accounted for 73% of the total number. The number of species was higher in summer than winter, showing a peak in summer at 66 species and lower in winter and autumn at 45 species. The number of individuals and the biomass peaked in summer at 1,238 individuals and 280.1 kg, and were the lowest in autumn at 597 individuals and 155.4 kg. The annual diversity index, evenness index and richness index were appeared 2.11-2.80, 0.64-0.80 and 4.70-7.34 at each years. The dominance index were appeared highest in 2014 while 2021 were appeared the lowest in 2017. The subtropical fishes were identified total of 38 species (40.0%) and the number of species was higher in 2022 at 22 (52.4%) species and lower in 2015-2017 at each 10 (31.3-37.0%) species. The dominant species of subtropical fishes were appeared rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens), boxfish (Ostracion immaculatus), smallscale blackfish (Girella melanichthys), flag fish (Goniistius zonatus), stripey (Microcanthus strigatus), rock porgy (Oplegnathus punctatus), and bluestriped angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis) in study sites.

A seasonal characteristic of fish assemblage in the coastal waters Gapa-do, southern part of Jeju Island (제주도 남부 가파도 연안 어류군집의 계절별 특성)

  • KO, Jun-Cheol;HAN, Song-Heon;KIM, Bo-Yeon;CHOI, Jung-Hwa;HWANG, Kang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.10-24
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    • 2021
  • A seasonal characteristic of fish assemblages in the coastal waters of Gapa-do was determined using samples collected by a trammel net from 2015 to 2019. Annual mean temperature and salinity were 18.9℃, 33.6 psu (2015), 19.5℃, 33.6 psu (2016), 18.9℃, 33.8 psu (2017), 18.8℃, 34.5 psu (2018) and 19.5℃, 33.7 psu (2019), which show a stable water mass. During the survey period, a total of 50 species (30 families and 8 orders) of fishes were identified, including Scorpaeniformes (3 families and 9 species) and Perciformes (18 families and 29 species) that accounted for 68% of the total number. The number of species was higher in summer than in winter, showing the peak in the summer by 35 species and the low in the winter by 20 species. The number of individuals and the biomass peaked in the summer by 690 individuals and 151.4 kg, and were the lowest in the autumn by 336 individuals and 76.6 kg. The annual diversity index, evenness index and richness index were appeared to be 2.54-2.75, 0.68-0.76 and 5.32-6.65 at each stations. The dominance index was appeared to be the highest in 2018 and the lowest in 2015. Marbled rockfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus), rock fish (Sebastes inermis), filefish (Stephanolepis cirrhifer), rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens), porcupine fish (Diodon holocanthus) and smallscale blackfish (Girella melanichthys) were dominant species, which occurred abundantly during the entire survey period. Subtropical fishes were identified as a total of 24 species (48.0%) and the number of species was higher in 2019 by 20 (60.6%) species and lower in 2015 by 13 (44.8%) species. The dominant species of the subtropical fishes were appeared to be rabbit fish, porcupine fish, smallscale blackfish, flag fish (Goniistius zonatus), stripey (Microcanthus strigatus), grunter (Parapristipoma trilineatum), and bluestriped angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis) at the study sites.