• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geology Field

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The Application of CSAMT to Deep-seated Coal Seams Exploration (심부 석탄층 탐사에 있어서 CSAMT 탐사법 적용)

  • Chung, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Jung-Ho;Jeon, Jeong-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 1990
  • Controlled source audio-frequency magnetotelluric (CSAMT) has the great advantage of efficient mapping resistivity distribution and relatively deep depth of investigation. Moreover, CSAMT may be regarded more attractive than audio-frequency magnetotelluric in the sense of the strong and controllable signal. However, it has the problem such as undershoot and/or near-field effect that is hard to be interpreted if the interpretation method of MT is directly applied. The problem arises from the existance of controlled source which makes CSAMT attractive. So the characteristics of CSAMT response should be thoroughly understood prior to interpretation stage. In this study, numerical modeling program for horizontally layered earth was developped for the interpretation of CSAMT field data. CSAMT field survey was run as a follow-up to resistivity dipole-dipole study over the same survey line at Bongmyung coal mine. The survey used a grounded dipole source 2 Km in length and located 7.5Km south in this study. A good agreement between field CSAMT data and calculated data was demonstrated even in geologically complex earth situations.

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Geotechnical Characteristics of a Waste Lime Embankment (부산물석회 성토지반의 지반공학적 특성)

  • Hong, Seung Seo;Kim, YoungSeok;Bae, Gu-Jin
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.547-555
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    • 2015
  • This work investigated the geotechnical characteristics of an embankment constructed with a mixture of soil and waste lime. The waste lime was a by-product of the manufacture of Na2CO3 at a near by chemical factory in Incheon. Field measurements were take three years after construction, and included geotechnical tests such as field density measurement, plate loading testing, dynamic cone penetration testing, and field CBR measurement. The results indicate that the geotechnical characteristics of waste lime mixtures are suitable for embankment works.

A Study on the Developement of Soil Geochemical Exploration Method for Metal Ore Deposits Affected by Agricultural Activity (농경작업 영향지역의 금속광상에 대한 토양 지구화학 탐사법 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Oak-Bae;Lee, Moo-Sung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 1992
  • In order to study the optimum depth for the soil geochemical exploration in the area which is affected by agricultural activities and waste disposal of metal mine, the soil samples were sampled from the B layer of residual soil and vertical 7 layers up to 250 cm in the rice field and 3 layers up to 90 cm in the ordinary field. They were analyzed for Au, As, Cu, Pb and Zn by AAS, AAS-graphite furnace and ICP. To investigate the proper depth for the soil sampling in the contaminated area, the data were treated statistically by applying correlation coefficient, factor analysis and trend analysis. It is conclude that soil geochemical exploration method could be applied in the farm-land and a little contaminated area. The optimum depth of soil sampling is 60 cm in the ordinary field, and 150~200 cm in the rice field. Soil sampling in the area of a huge mine waste disposal is not recommendable. Plotting of geochemical map with factor scores as a input data shows a clear pattern compared with the map of indicater element such as As or Au. The second or third degree trend surface analysis is effective in inferring the continuity of vein in the area where the outcrop is invisible.

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Estimation from Field Tests of the Excavation Efficiency of an Improved Hydraulic Rock Splitting System (현장실험을 통한 개선된 수압암반절개시스템의 굴착 효율성 평가)

  • Park, Jong Oh;Woo, Ik
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.719-730
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    • 2021
  • An improved packer and injection system was developed to improve the efficiency of excavation by hydraulic rock splitting by reducing vibration and noise. Field testing of the system found hydraulic fractures limited in expansion and extension due to the loss of injection pressure by leackage from the cracks, and then the single packer applied to injection hole allowed to produce a sufficient tensile displacement for rock excavation. Numerical analysis based on the field test data could explain the development of cracks in the field experiments.

Geological Characteristics of Kyongju-Ulsan Area : Palaeomagnetism and Magnetic Susceptibility of the Granitic Rocks in the Ulsan Fault Area (경주-울산일원에 대한 지역지질 특성연구 : 울산단층주변 화강암류의 잔류자기와 대자율)

  • Kim, In-Soo;Son, Moon;Jung, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Joon-Dong;Kim, Jeong-Jin;Paik, In Sung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 1998
  • A total of 469 granitic samples were collected from 44 sites in the Ulsan fault area, southeast Korea. According to the previous petrographic studies, the granitic rocks have been divided into four groups (Hornblende biotite granodiorite, Hornblende granite, Biotite granite and Alkali-feldspar granite). NRM intensities, values of low field magnetic susceptibility, and magnetic behaviors during stepwise demagnetization experiments suggest rather a three-fold classification: In this scheme, Hornblende granite and Biotite granite are grouped together, as they did not show any significant differences in magnetic characteristics. Based on the Ishihara (1979)'s criterion, Alkali-feldspar granite is classified as ilmenite-series granite, whereas others are classified as magnetite-series granite. In the eastern part of the study area including the Tertiary basin area, declinations of site-mean characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRMs) show clockwise deflection of more than 30 from the reference direction of east Asia. Both along and in the adjacent region of the Ulsan fault-line, however, no deflection of remanent direction was observed. A boundary line between the deflected and undeflected site-mean ChRMs is defined in this study, which runs roughly parallel to the Ulsan fault-line at the distance of about 6km eastward from the fault-line. We suggest that this newly found boundary line, which we call Yonil tectonic line, released dextral simple shear stress acted in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula during the opening stage of the East Sea in the Early Cenozoic.

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Structural Geometry of a Regional-scale Overturned Fold in the Daecheong Island, Central-western Korean Peninsula (한반도 중서부 대청도에 발달하는 광역규모 과습곡의 구조기하학적 특징)

  • Jeong-Yeong Park;Deung-Lyong Cho;Seung Hwan Lee;Yujung Kwak;Seung-Ik Park
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2024
  • This study reports the structural geometry and folding mechanism of a regional-scale overturned fold in the Daecheong Island, central-western part of the Korean Peninsula. Based on low-hemisphere stereographic and down-plunge projections using data from a detailed field survey, we classify the regional-scale fold as an open overturned fold shallowly plunging toward NE. The asymmetric and symmetric parasitic folds in the limb and hinge zones indicate layer-parallel shortening prior to flexural-flow folding. Fold dating must be required to decipher the orogenic process causing the regional-scale overturned fold in the Daecheong Island.

Estimation of Consolidation in Soft Clay by Field Velocity Probe (Field Velocity Probe를 활용한 연약지반 압밀 평가)

  • Lee, Jong-Sub;Kim, Youngseok;Hong, Seungseo;Yoon, Hyung-Koo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.511-517
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    • 2013
  • The Field Velocity Probe (FVP) has been widely applied to determine the various characteristics of soils. This study seeks to estimate soil consolidation characteristics using an FVP and to increase its application in the field. The specimens were extracted from depths of 3 and 6 m at the study site, an area of soft clay in Incheon. In laboratory testing, the specimens were placed in an improved oedometer cell to measure shear wave velocity, and statistical analysis was performed to compare the results of effective stress and shear wave velocity. FVP enables increased resolution in the field because it measures the shear wave velocity every 20 cm. To estimate the condition of consolidation, we compared the results of shear wave velocities between those obtained in the laboratory and those in the field. The field conditions are used to analyze overconsolidated and normally consolidated soils at depths of 3 and 6 m, respectively. The results show that FVP is a suitable method for estimating the degree of consolidation.

Engineering Geological Characteristics of Pusan clays in Beombangdong area, Pusan city (부산시 범방동 지역에 분포하는 부산점토의 토목지질학적 특성)

  • 류춘길;정성교;백승훈;강소라
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2003
  • In the estuary of Nagdong River thick marine sediments were deposited by the Holocene marine transgression. The sediments largely consist of silty clay, which is called Pusan clays in the geotechnical field. This paper presents engineering geological characteristics of Pusan clays in Beombangdong area. Overall geological environmental changes based on several geological properties are discussed and synthesized as Geological Environmental Zones. And also, engineering properties of the clays in laboratory and field are discussed and synthesized as Engineering Zones. Two zones are correlated and engineering characteristics are evaluated in view of engineering geology.

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Computational Treatment for Plotting of the Planar and the Linear Structures in Fault Zone (단층대내(斷層帶內)의 면(面) 및 선구조(線構造)의 도식화(圖式化)를 위한 전산처리(電算處理))

  • Sunwoo, Choon;Lee, Byung-Joo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 1990
  • Field sampling requires statistical description to draw inferences from data. Field data, or linear structures, are commonly analyzed by the graphical presentations, such as streonets and rose diagrams. For this purpose the DROPOL program is developed to analyze the data more efficiently with personal computer. DROPOL program written in FORTRAN 77 plots the structural data in points, poles or great circle on equalarea (Schmidt net) or equal-angle (Wulff net) projection surface. It is also capable to project the data from upper or lower hemisphere of stereonet and to draw pole contour diagrams from the plotted data. The rose diagram, representing the frequency of the strike and dip angle, can also be drawn in general or smooth type using $5^{\circ}$ or $10^{\circ}$ degrees interval.

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A Study on the Creation of Slope Instability Map Using Geographic Information Systems. (GIS를 이용한 사면위험도 작성기법 연구)

  • 유명환
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2000
  • The various types of geohazards like landslides resulted from civil construction (i.e. highway construction) must of analysed considering all the possible influential factor systematically. Thus, by using GIS, slope stability can be evaluated, and it can be used as a data for further detailed investigation. So the aim of this study is to present a data for decision making in selecting suitable point for remediation. For analysing slope instability, through appropriate definition and classification, landslide mechanism must be understood. In building GIS model, the selection of appropriate factors and their rating system should be made. For this, the characteristics and the mechanism of landslide have to be understood. And suitable coverage should be chosen for the model considering the slope conditions. In this study, field investigation in lst and 2nd Section, Chung-ang highway was carried out. From the field data, GIS model on slope instability was created. 5 coverages were used for it. From the result of this study, 12 unstable sections were found out and more detailed investigation is needed there.

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