• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geological Map Database

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GIS technology for geotechnical estimation of ground foundation (지반의 지질공학적 특성분석을 위한 GIS 활용 연구)

  • 김윤종;김원영;유일현
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 1994
  • GIS technique was applied to identify the geotechnical characte¬ristic of subsurface in a study area, and has produced a Geotechnical Esti¬mat ion Index(GEI) map. Groundwater level, soi I depth & weathered zone, and engineering properties of soils & rocks, were incorporated in the map through GIS. EGIS(Environmental Geologic Information System), developed by ARC/INFO GIS system, was used for this work. Environmental geologic database by EGIS was verified to be effective in analysis of engineering geological properties of the subsurface. Quantitative analysis of environmental and geotechnical information enable to develop a scoring system of GEI model, which was developed through evaluation of each goelogical factor with respect to the other factors.

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The Fracjection: An analytical system for projected fractures onto rock excavation surface from boreholes and outcrops (시추 및 야외조사 자료의 절취면 투영 분석 시스템 Fracjection)

  • Hwang, Sang-Gi;Lim, Yu-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1882-1889
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    • 2007
  • Surveying rocks for engineering aims for prediction of geological feature of the construction site. Conventionally, survey information at outcrops and bore holes are projected to the construction sites, such as tunnel and slopes, and rock properties of the sites are predicted by interpretations of specialists. This system, the "Fracjection", aims to assist the specialist for visualization of the projected fractures from borehole and outcrop survey. The Fracjection accepts the BIPS and outcrop survey data to its database and allows plotting them in AutoCad map. The software also reads elevation data from contours of the topographic map and constructs DEM of the construction sites. With user's guide, it generates 3D excavation sites such as slopes and tunnels at the topographic map. The s/w projects borehole and outcrop surveyed fractures onto the modeled excavation surface and allows analysis of failure criteria, such as plane, wedge, and toppling failures by built-in stereonet function. Projected fractures can further be analyzed for structural homogeneities and rock mass quality. Moving window style correlation comparison of stereonet plots are used for formal analyses, and RQD type counts of the projected fractures are adopted for the latter analyses.

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GIS 데이터베이스를 이용한 서울시 1/5,000 수문지질도 작성방안연구

  • 김윤종;이석민;원종석
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2000
  • Seoul Metropolitan Government(SMG) as well as the other local governments should have a role in managing groundwater according to the Groundwater Law. As a guidance of the management and control of groundwater use, this study emphasizes the necessity of the construction of 1 ; 5,000 hydrogeological maps and proposes possble usages of the maps. As expected to be a part of the groundwater GIS database constructed by SMG, the maps can be used as base maps to facilitate the whole processes related to the groundwater development and preservation. For the purpose of the construction of the 1 ; 5,000 hydrogelogical GIS database, we develop the classification system of the hydro-geological entities and their attributes.

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Relationship Analysis between Lithology, Geological time and Geothermal Gradient of South Korea (남한지역의 암상 및 지질시대별 지온경사율 관계 분석)

  • 김형찬;이사로;송무영
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between geology and geothermal gradient in South Korea using GIS. For the analysis, 352 temperature logging wells were constructed to spatial database and the relationships beween geothermal gradient and geological time and lithology were analyzed using the overlay the wells layer and 1:1,000,000 scale geological map layer. The average of the geothermal aradient of South Korea is 29.34$^{\circ}C$/km. In the geologic sequence, Cenozoic strata has 39.7$0^{\circ}C$/km, Mesozoic strata has 30.63$^{\circ}C$/km , Paleozoic strata has 22.32$^{\circ}C$/km, Proterozoic strata 23.15$^{\circ}C$/km geothermal gradient value. In the lithological aspect, plutonic rocks 33.96$^{\circ}C$/km, sedimentary rocks have 24.78$^{\circ}C$/km and sedimentary and volcanic rocks have 26.85$^{\circ}C$/km geotermal gradient value. The result can be used to develop geothermal energy and hot spring as a reference.

Development of Database Management System for Agriculture Facilities Using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 농업시설물 데이터베이스관리시스템 개발)

  • An, Won-Tae;Choi, Seok-Keun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.570-579
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    • 2021
  • The environments in current farming and fishing communities have been exacerbated by the shortage of personnel caused by aging, the deficiency of equipment, and the decrease in produce prices. To help solve these issues, this study examined the history, such as inspections, failures, and repairs, by constructing a database for underground water wells, pumping stations, and irrigation, which are critical for management among agriculture production infrastructures. In particular, in the case of underground water wells, their optimal locations were determined using spatial information, such as a geological map of water resources, a water vein map, and underwater depth, because indiscreet installations and an absence of spatial information resulted in economic losses and environmental pollution. Therefore, this study could efficiently manage many facilities scattered in rural areas by developing a system. An analysis of the status of 14 underground water wells using spatial information showed that the location information at six points was specified incorrectly. On the other hand, a site investigation showed that the water vein map analysis at one point was inaccurate.

GIS Technology for Environmental Gelolgic Mapping (환경 지질도 작성을 위한 GIS 응용연구)

  • 김윤종;유일현;김원영;신은선
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 1994
  • Environmental geologic maps were produced on the cheong-Ju area using GIS technique. They are GIS maps on land management and regional land use planning. In the last year, the model of environmental geologic map was established, and the digital database was constructed by environmental and geotechnical data collected form various sources. The special maps for environmental geologic study were also pnoduced ; landslide hazard and risk map, cut & fill map, actual run-off map and engineering geological map. The maps are secondary models (sub-model) in order to create final environmental geologic map. Finally, Environmental Geologic Unit(EGU) was evaluated for regional land use planning and land management by EGIS(Environmental Geologic Inforafion System). This unit is very important in order to assess environmental geologic impact on large construction works and detailed road design etc.

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Design and Implementation of Thesaurus System for Geological Terms (지질용어 시소러스 시스템의 설계 및 구축)

  • Hwang, Jaehong;Chi, KwangHoon;Han, JongGyu;Yeon, Young Kwang;Ryu, Keun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2007
  • With the development of semantic web technologies in information retrieval area, the necessity for thesaurus is recently increasing along with internet lexicons. A thesaurus is the combination of classification and a lexicon, and is the topic map of knowledge structure expressing relations among concepts(terms) subject to human knowledge activities such as learning and research using formally organized and controlled index terms for clarifying the context of superordinate and subordinate concepts. However, although thesaurus are regarded as essential tools for controlling and standardizing terms and searching and processing information efficiently, we do not have a Korean thesaurus for geology. To build a thesaurus, we need standardized and well-defined guidelines. The standardized guidelines enable efficient information management and help information users use correct information easily and conveniently. The present study purposed to build a thesaurus system with terms used in geology. For this, First, we surveyed related works for standardizing geological terms in Korea and other countries. Second, we defined geological topics in 15 areas and prepared a classification system(draft) for each topic. Third, based on the geological thesaurus classification system, we created the specification of geological thesaurus. Lastly, we designed and implemented an internet-based geological thesaurus system using the specification.

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Geological Characteristics and Heat Flow Relationship in South Korea (남한지역 지질특성과 지열류량의 상호 관련성)

  • 김형찬;이사로;송무영
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the geothermal anomaly based on the relationship between heat flow values and geologic settings in South Korea. For this, a total of 247 heat flow data was constructed to spatial database and the spatial database was overlaid with 1 : 1,000,000-scale digital geologic map using GIS. As the result, the average of heat flow is 64$\pm$14mW$m^{-2}$in South Korea. In the lithological aspect, the area of sedimentary rock shows high heat flow of 74mW$m^{-2}$, sedimentary/volcanic rock area 62mW$m^{-2}$, plutonic rock area 63mW$m^{-2}$ and metamorphic rock area 61mW$m^{-2}$. In the geologic time sequence, the Cenozoic strata has 91mW$m^{-2}$, the Mesozoic and Paleozoic strata 65mW$m^{-2}$, the Proterozoic strata 55mW$m^{-2}$ and the Archean strata 61mW$m^{-2}$.

Study on the Geographic and Geologic Centers in South Korea Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 남한의 지리 및 지질 중심에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong, Won-Seok;Hwang, Jae-Hong;Kang, Yong-Sock;Na, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.416-424
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    • 2006
  • Because there is no generally accepted definition of a geographic center and no completely satisfactory method to determine one, there may be as many geographic centers of a country as there are many definitions. The geographic center of an area may be defined as the center of gravity on a surface, or that point on which the surface of an area would balance if it were a plane of uniform thickness. This research uses geographic information system (GIS) analysis and there are places where it defines the geographical and the geological centers in the inland of South Korea. To compute the geo-centers in South Korea: 1) firstly, we collected existing reaserch data related to digital map data. 2)Secondly, we analyzed a geological center and data collection examples of Korea and other nations-the Europe and America. 3) Thirdly, we carried out numerous processes to build a geodatabase, short for geograhic database, so that GIS analysis and the constructed geodatabase is covered within the inland in South Korea. Where geodatabase is a kind of spatial database. 4) Fourthly, in order to determine the geographical center, we supposed that the condition of continental surface is the plane of homogeneous or irregular density. 5) Consequently, we chose a few resonable conditions and produced a variety of geographical centers that is geometric and gravitational in South Korea. As a result of the analysis, center points are massed to southern part of Chungbuk province, Korea.

Analysis of the relationships between topographic factors and landslide occurrence and their application to landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study of Mingchukur, Uzbekistan

  • Kadirhodjaev, Azam;Kadavi, Prima Riza;Lee, Chang-Wook;Lee, Saro
    • Geosciences Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1053-1067
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    • 2018
  • This paper uses a probability-based approach to study the spatial relationships between landslides and their causative factors in the Mingchukur area, Bostanlik districts of Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The approach is based on digital databases and incorporates methods including probability analysis, spatial pattern analysis, and interactive mapping. First, an object-oriented conceptual model for describing landslide events is proposed, and a combined database of landslides and environmental factors is constructed by integrating various databases within a unifying conceptual framework. The frequency ratio probability model and landslide occurrence data are linked for interactive, spatial evaluation of the relationships between landslides and their causative factors. In total, 15 factors were analyzed, divided into topography, hydrology, and geology categories. All analyzed factors were also divided into numerical and categorical types. Numerical factors are continuous and were evaluated according to their $R^2$ values. A landslide susceptibility map was constructed based on conditioning factors and landslide occurrence data using the frequency ratio model. Finally, the map was validated and the accuracy showed the satisfactory value of 83.3%.