• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic Information Standardization

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Design and Implementation of GML Transformation System based on Standard Transportation Framework Model of TTA (TTA 표준 교통 프레임워크 데이터 모델 기반 GML 변환 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kim, Hak-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2006
  • Standardization or standard-related study are regarded as main issues in GIS applications. Though several GIS standards and specifications have been released, there are a few actual application cases adapting those. In this study, we designed and implemented a geo-spatial information processing system with editing, storing, and disseminating functions, in which standard GIS transportation data model by TTA linked with OGC-GML, XML-based geographic features encoding standard. The system developed in this study enables us to transfer and edit transportation entities based on TTA standards to GML, importing ESRI shapefile. In web-based system, GML-based databases are transformed to SVG file, for the purpose of web publishing. TTA GIS transportation data model is used in this study, and tested; however, standard data models from other application fields also can be easily applied because this system basically provides data importing and editing functions. This system as practical tools can be utilized for applicability test of GIS standard data model and practical operation of standard specification.

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GIS-based Market Analysis and Sales Management System : The Case of a Telecommunication Company (시장분석 및 영업관리 역량 강화를 위한 통신사의 GIS 적용 사례)

  • Chang, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2011
  • A Geographic Information System(GIS) is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data. In the later 1990s and earlier 2000s it was limitedly used in government sectors such as public utility management, urban planning, landscape architecture, and environmental contamination control. However, a growing number of open-source packages running on a range of operating systems enabled many private enterprises to explore the concept of viewing GIS-based sales and customer data over their own computer monitors. K telecommunication company has dominated the Korean telecommunication market by providing diverse services, such as high-speed internet, PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network), VOLP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), and IPTV(Internet Protocol Television). Even though the telecommunication market in Korea is huge, the competition between major services providers is growing more fierce than ever before. Service providers struggled to acquire as many new customers as possible, attempted to cross sell more products to their regular customers, and made more efforts on retaining the best customers by offering unprecedented benefits. Most service providers including K telecommunication company tried to adopt the concept of customer relationship management(CRM), and analyze customer's demographic and transactional data statistically in order to understand their customer's behavior. However, managing customer information has still remained at the basic level, and the quality and the quantity of customer data were not enough not only to understand the customers but also to design a strategy for marketing and sales. For example, the currently used 3,074 legal regional divisions, which are originally defined by the government, were too broad to calculate sub-regional customer's service subscription and cancellation ratio. Additional external data such as house size, house price, and household demographics are also needed to measure sales potential. Furthermore, making tables and reports were time consuming and they were insufficient to make a clear judgment about the market situation. In 2009, this company needed a dramatic shift in the way marketing and sales activities, and finally developed a dedicated GIS_based market analysis and sales management system. This system made huge improvement in the efficiency with which the company was able to manage and organize all customer and sales related information, and access to those information easily and visually. After the GIS information system was developed, and applied to marketing and sales activities at the corporate level, the company was reported to increase sales and market share substantially. This was due to the fact that by analyzing past market and sales initiatives, creating sales potential, and targeting key markets, the system could make suggestions and enable the company to focus its resources on the demographics most likely to respond to the promotion. This paper reviews subjective and unclear marketing and sales activities that K telecommunication company operated, and introduces the whole process of developing the GIS information system. The process consists of the following 5 modules : (1) Customer profile cleansing and standardization, (2) Internal/External DB enrichment, (3) Segmentation of 3,074 legal regions into 46,590 sub_regions called blocks, (4) GIS data mart design, and (5) GIS system construction. The objective of this case study is to emphasize the need of GIS system and how it works in the private enterprises by reviewing the development process of the K company's market analysis and sales management system. We hope that this paper suggest valuable guideline to companies that consider introducing or constructing a GIS information system.

A Study on the Improvement of RIMGIS for an Efficient River Information Service (효율적인 하천정보 서비스를 위한 RIMGIS 개선방안 연구)

  • Shin, Hyung-Jin;Chae, Hyo-Sok;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lim, Kwang-Suop
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2013
  • The RIMGIS(River Information Management GIS) has been developed since 2000 for public service and practical applications of related works after the standardization of national river data such as the river facility register report, river survey map, attached map, and etc. The RIMGIS has been improved in order to respond proactively to change in the information environment. Recently, Smart River-based river information services and related data have become so large as to be overwhelming, making necessary improvements in managing big data. In this study a plan was suggested both to respond to these changes in the information environment and to provide a future Smart River-based river information service by understanding the current state of RIMGIS, improving RIMGIS itself, redesigning the database, developing distribution, and integrating river information systems. Therefore, primary and foreign key, which can distinguish attribute information and entity linkages, were redefined to increase the usability of RIMGIS. Database construction of attribute information and entity relationship diagram have been newly redefined to redesign linkages among tables from the perspective of a river standard database. In addition, this study was undertaken to expand the current supplier-oriented operating system to a demand-oriented operating system by establishing an efficient management of river-related information and a utilization system capable of adapting to the changes of a river management paradigm.

A Study on Standardization of Optimum Transportation Routing based on GIS for Railway HAZMAT Transportation (GIS 기반 철도 위험물 최적수송경로도출 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Paeng, Jung-Goang;Kim, Si-Gon;Park, Min-Kyu;Kang, Seung-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2009
  • The types and quantities of Hazmat and Hazmat transportation are gradually increasing, keeping pace with industrialization and urbanization. At present the safety management for Hazmat transportation only considers reducing accident probability, but even when an accident involving Hazmat-carrying vehicles occurs, that is not regarded as a Hazmat-related accident if the Hazmats do not leak out from the containers carrying them. Thus the methods to reduce risk (Risk=Probability$\times$Consequence) have to be developed by incorporating accident probability and consequence. By using Geographic Information System (GIS), a technical method is invented and is automatically able to evaluate the consequence by different types of Hazmat. Thus this study analyzed the degree of risk on the links classified by the Hazmat transport pathways. In order to mitigate the degree of risk, a method of 7-step risk management on Hazmat transportation in railway industries can be suggested. (1st step: building up GIS DB, 2nd step: calculating accident probability on each link, 3rd step: calculating consequence by Hazmat types, 4th step: determination of risk, 5th step: analysis of alternative plans for mitigating the risk, 6th: measure of effectiveness against each alternative, and 7th step: action plans to be weak probability and consequence by the range recommended from ALARP). In conclusion, those 7 steps are used as a standardization method of optimum transportation routing. And to increase the efficiency of optimum transportation routing, optional route can be revise by verification.

A 9-year Trend in the Prevalence of Allergic Disease Based on National Health Insurance Data

  • Yoo, Byoungin;Park, Yoonhyung;Park, Kwanjun;Kim, Hoseob
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.301-309
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: To investigate trends in the prevalence of allergic disease over a 9-year period. Methods: Using National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) data, the annual number of patients with allergic disease was obtained for each regional subdivisions (small cities, counties, and districts) from 2003 to 2011. Annual populations for each sub-region were obtained and used to calculate the standardized prevalence. To compare prevalence within the study period, data was standardized spatially and temporally. For standardization, demographic data was used to obtain the registered population and demographic structure for 2010, which was used to perform direct standardization of previous years. In addition, a geographic information system (GIS) was used to visualize prevalence for individual sub-regions, and allergic diseases were categorized into five groups according to prevalence. Results: The nationwide outpatient prevalence of allergic rhinitis increased approximately 2.3-fold, from 1.27% in 2003 to 2.97% in 2013, while inpatient prevalence also increased approximately 2.4-fold,. The outpatient prevalence of asthma increased 1.2-fold, and inpatient prevalence increased 1.3-fold. The outpatient prevalence of atopic dermatitis decreased approximately 12%, and inpatient prevalence decreased 5%. Conclusions: There was a large difference between prevalence estimated from actual treatment data and prevalence based on patients' self-reported data, particularly for allergic rhinitis. Prevalence must continually be calculated and trends should be analyzed for the efficient management of allergic diseases. To this end, prevalence studies using NHIS claims data may be useful.

A Study on Standardization of Risk Management based on GIS for Railway HAZMAT Movement (GIS 기반 철도 위험물 수송의 위험도 관리 표준화 방안)

  • Paeng, Jung-Goang;Kim, Si-Gon;Park, Min-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1365-1375
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    • 2009
  • The types and quantities of Hazmat and Hazmat transport are gradually increasing, keeping pace with industrialization and urbanization. There are currently more than 1,000 types of Hazmat,, and new types are added every year. At present the safety management for Hazmat transport only considers reducing accident probability, but even when an accident involving Hazmat-carrying vehicles occurs, that is not regarded as a Hazmat-related accident if the Hazmats do not leak out from the containers carrying them. Based on this principle, in turn., the methods to reduce risk (Risk=Probability$\times$Consequence) have to be developed by incorporating accident probability and consequence. By using Geographic Information System (GIS), a technical method was invented and is automatically able to evaluate the consequence by different types of Hazmat. Thus this study analyzed the degree of risk on the links classified by the Hazmat transport pathways. In order to mitigate the degree of risk, a method of 7-step risk management in transporting Hazmat on railway industries was suggested. The 7-step risk management is definded as the following: 1st step: buliding up GIS DB, 2nd step: calculating accident probability on each link, 3rd step: calculating consequence by Hazmat types, 4th step: determination of risk, 5th step: analysis of alternative plans for mitigating the risk, 6th: measure of effectiveness against each alternative, and 7th step: action plans to be weak probability and consequence by the range recommended from ALARP. In conclusion., those 7 steps are recommended as a standardization method in this study.

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Uncertainty Analysis of BAG by GNSS Correction (해저지형 표면자료의 GNSS 보정방법에 따른 불확실도 연구)

  • OH, Che-Young;KIM, HO-Yong;LEE, Yun-Sik;CHOI, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • In the recent marine sector, the development and standardization regarding S-100, which is the universal hydrographical data model standard for development of marine space information, was progressed, and for the effectiveness of marine chart production work and the multi-purpose use of water level data in S-100, S-102(Bathymetric Surface grid) standard development and various studies of BAG formats combined with water level and uncertainty, property information is being progressed. Since the water level information that is important in the operation of the ship is provided based on S-102, the calibration method of the location information when producing S-102 is an important factor in deciding the water level. In this study, the hydrographical surveying was conducted by piloting the standardized method for the production of S-102 in Korea, and have compared the accuracy of water level information according to the GNSS post treatment calibration method. As a result of comparing the water level in 2 places in the rocky terrain of the study area, the northern water level of Namu-do was shown as DL 0.79~0.83m, the eastern water level of Daeho-do was DL 12.63~12.91m, and the horizontal position errors of the intermittent sunshine water level were confirmed to be within 1m. As a result, the intermittent sunshine water level according to the location calibration method when producing the BAG was confirmed that it was in the available range for a ship's safe voyage. However, the accuracy verification for the location of the ship when conducting hydrographical surveying was judged that there is a need for a various additional study about regional characteristics and environment factor.

Development of a Standard Vector Data Model for Interoperability of River-Geospatial Information (하천공간정보의 상호운용성을 위한 표준벡터데이터 모델 개발)

  • Shin, Hyung-Jin;Chae, Hyo-Sok;Lee, Eul-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.44-58
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a standard vector data model was developed for interoperability of river-geospatial information and for verification purpose the applicability of the standard vector model was evaluated using a model to RIMGIS vector data at Changnyeong-Hapcheon & Gangjung-Goryeong irrigation watershed. The standards from ISO and OGC were analyzed and the river geospatial data model standard was established by applying the standards. The ERD was designed based on the analysis information on data characteristics and relationship. The verification of RIMGIS vector data included points, lines and polygon to develope GDM was carried out by comparing with the data by layer. This conducting comparison of basic spatial data and attribute data to each record and spatial information vertex. The error in the process of conversion was 0 %, indicating no problem with model. Our Geospatial Data Model presented in this study provides a new and consistent format for the storage and retrieval of river geospatial data from connected database. It is designed to facilitators integrated analysis of large data sets collected by multiple institutes.

Study on Data Standardization for Predicting Climate and Environment Change (기후환경 변화예측 위한 데이터 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mu-Jun;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Nam, Gi-Beom;Kim, Na-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.350-354
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    • 2010
  • 전 세계적인 지구 온난화 현상으로 해수면 상승과 생태계 변화가 발생하여 기후변화에 대한 사회적관심이 증가하고 있다. 이와 더불어 기후변화와 지구환경시스템의 대기, 수권, 생물권, 지표면 동 각 권역간의 상호작용과 피드백을 고려한 연구가 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 기후와 환경을 통합적으로 분석하여 기후변화에 따른 지구환경시스템의 변화특성을 이해하고 이러한 피드백 과정을 파악하기 위해서는 분석 자료의 원활한 공유와 연계를 위한 통합 데이터베이스 구축이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 먼저 다양한 기후/환경 연구 분야의 자료를 관리하기 위한 데이터의 의미, 명칭, 정의 등에 대한 원칙의 수립이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기후/환경 변화예측 연구 자료의 원활한 공유와 관리를 위한 데이터 표준화 연구를 수행하였다. 기후/환경 변화예측 연구 분야의 자료 현황을 조사 및 분석하였고 그에 따른 자료 관리 방안을 마련하였다. 그 결과 관리할 오브젝트를 기준으로 기후/환경 연구 분야의 데이터 표준화를 수행하였고 표준단어, 표준도메인, 표준용어를 정의하였다. 데이터 표준화 결과는 기후/환경 변화예측 자료를 관리하고 공유하는데 있어 데이터의 의미를 효율적으로 파악하고, 데이터베이스 설계과정에서 데이터의 품질과 생산성을 향상 시킬 수 있다. 향후 연구에서는 데이터베이스 개념적 엔티티의 속성설계 단계부터 데이터 표준을 적용한 통합 데이터베이스 구축이 필요하다.

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A Method to Measure Damage Areas on Railway Accidents by the HAZMATs types using GIS Spatial Analysis (GIS 공간 분석기법을 활용한 위험물질별 철도사고 피해규모 자동추출방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Min-Kyu;Kim, Si-Gon;Lee, Won-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2010
  • Due to the industrialization and urbanization, the transport of hazardous materials increases, which rises possibilities in occurring prospective accidents in terms of hazardous material transport as well. This study applied the model developed from the previous research to analyze the scale of damage areas from the accidents related to hazardous material accidents, as well as suggested a method to measure automatically the scale of accident including casualties and environmental damage based on the guideline which suggests the quantities of hazardous materials exposed from an accident and was defined in the study of standardization for hazardous material classification. A buffering analysis technique of Geographic Information System (GIS) was applied for that. To apply the model which evaluates the scale of population and exposure to environment on each link, rail network, zones, rail accident data, rail freight trips, and locations of rivers etc were complied as a database for GIS analysis. In conclusion, a method to measure damage areas by the types of hazardous materials was introduced using a Clip and a Special Join technique for overlay analysis.