• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic Data

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Numerical Analysis of Wind Environment around Sungnyemun Gate Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model (전산유체역학 모델을 이용한 숭례문 주변의 풍환경 수치해석)

  • Son, Minu;Kim, Do-Yong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the wind environment in an urban area near Sungneymun gate was numerically investigated in the cases of inflow directions. The wind fields for the target area were simulated using Geographic Information System data and Computational Fluid Dynamics model. Results, including vector fields, three-dimensional wind velocity components, and wind speeds, were analyzed to examine flow characteristics. Wind direction variability affected by buildings was shown in the target area. The complex flows around Sungneymun did not depend on the inflow direction as a boundary condition. The wind speed around Sungneymun was generally 3 times stronger at 14 m above ground level (AGL) compared to the surface wind at 2 m AGL and relatively high in the case of easterly inflow. The effect of wind was also analyzed to be relatively significant at the southeast side of Sungneymun. Thus, it was suggested that the assessment of wind environment affected by high-rise and high-density buildings should be necessary for the architectural heritage in urban areas.

The Distribution of Pediatric Patients According to Accessibility to Dental Facilities in Pusan National University Dental Hospital (치과의료기관 접근성에 따른 부산대학교 치과병원 소아치과의 신환 분포)

  • Haena, Lee;Soyoung, Park;Jonghyun, Shin;Taesung, Jeong;Eungyung, Lee
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.368-378
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the accessibility to dental facilities and the differences in chief complaints of new patients who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital. We collected information from electronic medical records for 1,820 new patients. The accessibility was analyzed by measuring the distance from the patient's house to the dental facilities. The distance was categorized into 10 km sections, and the presence or absence of a local pediatric dental clinic within 10 km of the patient's house was also categorized. As the distance between the house and Pusan National University Dental Hospital increased, the proportion of patients who visited for dental caries decreased, and orthodontic treatment increased. Dental caries accounts for 27.9% of less than 10 km and 20.5% over 30 km. Orthodontic treatment accounts for 25.4% within 10 km and 27.3% more than 30 km away. The presence or absence of a local pediatric dental clinic within 10 km did not significantly affect the distribution of chief complaints. This study can be used as basic research data to establish effective treatment measures that can improve the physical and geographical accessibility of patients visiting pediatric dentistry.

A Study on the Development of "Bufo gargarizans" Habitat Suitability Index(HSI) (두꺼비 서식지 적합성 지수(HSI) 모델개발을 위한 연구)

  • Cho, Gun-Young;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates the characteristics and physical habitat requirements for each Bufo gargarizans life history through a literature survey. After deriving variables for each component of Bufo gargarizans, in order to reduce regional deviations from eight previously studied literature research areas for deriving the criteria for variables, a total of 12 natural habitats of Bufo gargarizanss are selected as spatial ranges by selecting four additional sites such as Umyeonsan Ecological Park in Seoul, Wonheungibangjuk in Cheongju in the central region, Changnyeong Isan Reservoir in the southern region, and Mangwonji in Daegu. This study presents Bufo gargarizans SI, a species endemic to Korea, whose population is rapidly declining due to large-scale housing site development and road development, and develops a Bufo gargarizans HSI model accordingly to improve the function of the damaged Bufo gargarizans habitat and to present an objective basis for site selection of alternative habitat. At the same time, it provides basic data for adaptive management and follow-up monitoring. The three basic habitat requirements of amphibians, the physical habitat requirements of Bufo gargarizans, synthesized with shelter, food, and water, and the characteristics of each life history, are classified into five components by adding space and threats through literature research and expert advice. Variables are proposed by synthesizing and comparing the general characteristics of amphibians, among the previously studied single species of amphibians, the components of HSI of goldfrogs and Bufo gargarizans, and the ecological and physical environmental characteristics of Bufo gargarizans. Afterwards, through consultation with an amphibian expert, a total of 10 variables are finally presented by adjacent forest area(ha), the distance between spawning area and the nearest forest land(m), the soil, the distance from the wetland(m), the forest layered structure, the low grassland space, the permanent wetland area(ha), shoreline slope(%), PH, presence of predators, distance from road(m), presence or absence of obstacles. n order to derive the final criteria for each of the 10 variables, the criteria(alternative) for each variable are presented through geographic information analysis of the site survey area and field surveys of the previously studied literature research area. After a focus group interview(FGI) of 30 people related to the Bufo gargarizans colony in Cheongju, a questionnaire and in-depth interviews with three amphibians experts are conducted to verify and supplement the criteria for each final variable. Based on the finally developed Bufo gargarizans HSI, the Bufo gargarizans habitat model is presented through the SI graph model and the drawing centering on the Bufo gargarizans spawning area

Diagnosis-Specific Analysis of Small Area Variations in Hospital Services (일부 다빈도 진단명들의 지역간 의료이용 변이)

  • 이선희;조우현;남정모;김석일
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.49-76
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    • 1994
  • Small area variations in health care utilization have long been studied as an important issue related to boto cost containment and quality assurance. This study was conducted to investigate if variations in hospital services across small geographic areas in Korea existed. The claims data of the fiscal year 1992 obtained from the regional health insurance societies were used for the study. Main findings of the research can be summarized as follows : 1. Extremal Quotients(EQ) of hospital expenditure per capita and hospital days per capita varied among diagnosis types. The EQ ranged from 2.05(cataract) to 41.67(pneumonia) in hospital expenditure per capita and from 1.86(cataract) to 45.89(pneumonia) in hospital days per capita. The diagnosis groups which showed high variation were pneumonia, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, gastritis and duodenitis, fracture of rib, and acute bronchitis. Those which showed low variation were acute appendicitis and cataract. 2. The EQ level of admission rate was different in terms of diagnosis types, ranging from 2.57(catarct) to 44.45(pneumonia). The variations were high in medical disorders such as pneumonia, oephalo-pelvic disproportion, gastritis and duodenitis and acute bronchitis, while relatively low in surgical conditions such as acute appendicitis and cataract. 3. As an indicator of service intensity, the EQ of expenditure per admission ranged from 1.67(acute appendicitis) to 31.27(essential hypertension). The diagnoses which had high variation were essential hypertension, gastric ulcer, whereas those which had low variation were cephalopelvic disproportion and acute appendicitis. With regard to hospital days per admission, the EQ ranged from 1.55(acute appendicitis) to 28.13(gastric ulcer) by diagnosis types. The diagnosis groups with showed high variation were gastric ulcer, essential hypertension, and acute bronchitis, whereas those with low variation were cephalo-pelvic disproportion, intervertebral disc disorders, and acute appendicitis. Both the expenditure and hospital days per admission showed lewwer variations than the expenditure per capita, hospital days per capita and admission rate. 4. Comparing patterns of variation in utilization indices, diagnoses such as essential hypertension, gastric ulcer, fracture of rib showed higher variations in expenditure per admission than in admission rates, whereas diagnoses such as pneumonia, cephalo-pelvic disproportion and gastric ulcer showed higher variations in admission rate than expenditure per admission. These findings suggest that wide variations existed in several diagnoses groups across small areas in Korea. Further research should be performed to investigate factors related to small area variations including provider behavior.

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Analysis of Utilization Status about National GNSS Infrastructure Linked to Precise Positioning Service (정밀 위치결정 서비스에 연계한 국가 GNSS 인프라 활용현황 분석)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Jung, Kap-Yong
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.401-408
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    • 2017
  • GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) is positioning and navigation system using satellites. Accurate positioning is possible in all regions of the world using satellite signals. In Korea, GPS was introduced in the late 1980s. GPS is used in research and work in various fields such as navigation, surveying, and GIS. Since 1995, NGII(National Geographic Information Institute) has installed and operated CORS(Continuously Operating Reference Station) for the practical use of GNSS surveying, RINEX download and VRS(Virtual Reference Station) service was provided for precise positioning. Demand for these services is explosively increasing in the field of surveying. Therefore, there is a need for research to provide good service. In this study, status of national surveying infra structure was researched focused on CORS and its services. As a results, current status of CORS and service were presented. Users of VRS service has increased greatly. In order to provide stable service and advanced surveying, it is necessary to continuously upgrade services such as providing services for various GNSS satellites and securing stability through server redundancy in the data center.

A Study on Improvement of Satellite Surveying Infrastructure through Analysis of Operation Status of GNSS CORS (GNSS 상시관측소 운영 현황 분석을 통한 위성측량 인프라 개선방안 연구)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Um, Dae Yong
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.933-940
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    • 2017
  • The modern society is changing paradigm by the 4th industrial revolution. In these changes, the importance of geospatial information leading to the fusion and connection of persons and objects is increasing day by day. GNSS CORS(Continuously Operating Reference Station) plays a pivotal role in the geospatial information by providing basic data for surveying control points, mapping, navigation, geophysical research, and so on. On the other hand, the satellite surveying technologies are developing rapidly and it is necessary to investigate the status of the satellite surveying environment and search for future directions. In this study, the environment related to satellite survey by operation status of domestic and overseas CORS(Continuously Operating Reference Station) was tried to analyze. Through the research, The operation status of NGII and IGS CORS were presented. It was found that the availability ratio of multiple satellites to the CORS of NGII are lower than that of IGS CORS. Considering the improvement of positioning performance by using multiple GNSS, it is necessary to use multi-satellites in the future.

GIS Optimization for Bigdata Analysis and AI Applying (Bigdata 분석과 인공지능 적용한 GIS 최적화 연구)

  • Kwak, Eun-young;Park, Dea-woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.171-173
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    • 2022
  • The 4th industrial revolution technology is developing people's lives more efficiently. GIS provided on the Internet services such as traffic information and time information makes people getting more quickly to destination. National geographic information service(NGIS) and each local government are making basic data to investigate SOC accessibility for analyzing optimal point. To construct the shortest distance, the accessibility from the starting point to the arrival point is analyzed. Applying road network map, the starting point and the ending point, the shortest distance, the optimal accessibility is calculated by using Dijkstra algorithm. The analysis information from multiple starting points to multiple destinations was required more than 3 steps of manual analysis to decide the position for the optimal point, within about 0.1% error. It took more time to process the many-to-many (M×N) calculation, requiring at least 32G memory specification of the computer. If an optimal proximity analysis service is provided at a desired location more versatile, it is possible to efficiently analyze locations that are vulnerable to business start-up and living facilities access, and facility selection for the public.

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Researches on Tidal Flats in Korea (한국의 간석지 연구)

  • JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.59-78
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the tidal flat research history of South Korea was organized by type and period. South Korea's tidal flat research history was largely divided into four fields: sediment research of tidal flat, research using satellite imagery, research on the Quaternary environment change and tidal flats, and ecological research on tidal flats. The comprehensive review of the South Korean tidal flat research history showed that tidal flats had been researched on since the period of Japanese colonial period, but most of the past studies were related to fisheries. Then, in the 1960s, the studies started to focus on the reclaimed land created through reclamation projects. The research on tidal flats from a geomorphological perspective fundamentally started in the 1970s, and the importance of tidal flats became more widely known in the 1980s. Most of the studies then were about the sedimentary environment and the form of landform, the ecosystem, and morphological changes. Since the 2000s, research has been carried out on satellite imagery data together with field survey, to continuously monitor the changes in the sedimentary facies of tidal flats, and in the sedimentary environment. There have been many academic studies on the geographic field of tidal flats, but the research performance on tidal flats in terms of geomorphology is still a blue ocean that has been touched by only a few. Therefore, it is hoped that various studies on Korean tidal flats will be conducted by geomorphologists in the future, and that such area will be established as an important field of study in geomorphology.

Enhancing Project Integration and Interoperability of GIS and BIM Based on IFC (IFC 기반 GIS와 BIM 프로젝트 통합관리 및 상호 운용성 강화)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2024
  • The recent advancements in Smart City and Digital Twin technologies have highlighted the critical role of integrating GIS and BIM in urban planning and construction projects. This integration ensures the consistency and accuracy of information, facilitating smooth information exchange. However, achieving interoperability requires standardization and effective project integration management strategies. This study proposes interoperability solutions for the integration of GIS and BIM for managing various projects. The research involves an in-depth analysis of the IFC schema and data structures based on the latest IFC4 version and proposes methods to ensure the consistency of reference point coordinates and coordinate systems. The study was conducted by setting the EPSG:5186 coordinate system, used by the National Geographic Information Institute's digital topographic map, and applying virtual shift origin coordinates. Through BIMvision, the results of the shape and error check coordinates' movement in the BIM model were reviewed, confirming that the error check coordinates moved consistently with the reference point coordinates. Additionally, it was verified that even when the coordinate system was changed to EPSG:5179 used by Naver Map and road name addresses, or EPSG:5181 used by Kakao Map, the BIM model's shape and coordinates remained consistently unchanged. Notably, by inputting the EPSG code information into the IFC file, the potential for coordinate system interoperability between projects was confirmed. Therefore, this study presents an integrated and systematic management approach for information sharing, automation processes, enhanced collaboration, and sustainable development of GIS and BIM. This is expected to improve compatibility across various software platforms, enhancing information consistency and efficiency across multiple projects.

Diagnostic Conundrum: Fever and Pyuria Preceding Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease in Children

  • Jiseon Park;Young June Choe;Seung Ah Choe;Jue Seong Lee;Hyung Eun Yim;Yun-Kyung Kim
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Children with incomplete Kawasaki disease (KD) and pyuria may be misdiagnosed with urinary tract infection (UTI) during the early phase of the prodrome. We investigated the percentage of UTI diagnoses preceding a KD diagnosis. Methods: Using the National Health Insurance data of South Korea, we assessed differences in UTI diagnoses made during the week preceding a KD diagnosis, according to demographic and geographic factors from November 2007-October 2019. Results: A total of 53,822 KD cases were identified, including 304 patients (0.56%) diagnosed with a UTI during the week preceding a KD diagnosis. The younger age group (0-11 months) showed the highest percentage of preceding UTI diagnoses (0.95%), with higher odds than 4-year-old children (3.12; 95% confidence interval, 2.05-4.77). Conclusions: These findings suggest a potentially misleading presentation of incomplete KD, a clinical conundrum requiring further investigation and validation, particularly in infants.