• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geo-data

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Extraction of Ground Control Points from TerraSAR-X Data (TerraSAR-X를 이용한 지상기준점 추출)

  • Park, Jeong-Won;Hong, Sang-Hoon;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2008
  • It is possible to extract qualified ground control points (GCPs) from SAR data itself without published maps. TerraSAR-X data that are one of highest spatial resolution among civilian SAR systems is now available. In this study, a sophisticated method for GCP extraction from TerraSAR-X data was tested and the quality of the extracted GCPs was evaluated. Mean values of the distance errors were 0.11m and -3.96 m with standard deviations of 6.52 m and 5.11 m in easting and northing, respectively. The result is one of the best among GCPs possibly extracted from any civilian remote sensing systems. The extracted GCPs were used for geo-rectification of IKONOS image. The method used in this study can be applied to KOMPSAT-5 for geo-rectification of high-resolution optic images acquired by KOMPSAT-2 or follow-up missions.

Development of a Hierarchical HydroG-OneFlow Web Services of River GeoSpatial Information (하천공간정보의 계층적 HydroG-OneFlow 웹서비스 개발)

  • Shin, Hyung Jin;Hwang, Eui Ho;Chae, Hyo Sok;Hong, Sung Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.626-626
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구에서는 하천공간정보의 웹서비스를 위해 SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) API 및 REST(Representation State Transfer) API로 제공하는 HydroG-OneFlow 웹서비스를 개발하였다. HydroG-OneFlow는 GML 기반의 서비스를 제공하며 GetBasin, GetGeoVariable 및 GetData 등의 기본서비스로 구성된다. GML은 GIS S/W의 벡터 GML 포맷과 공간정보 오픈플랫폼 서비스인 브이월드 데이터 API에서 제공하는 GML 포맷을 참고하여 하천공간 벡터정보를 제공할 수 있도록 GML을 구성하였다. GDM 공간 데이터에 대한 벡터정보 ML 수용 수준을 향상시킬 수 있도록 벡터구조의 점, 선, 면 정보에 대하여 GML의 PointPropertyType, CurvePropertyType, SurfacePropertyType을 도입하였다. 또한 일반적인 공간자료에서는 Multi 객체에 대한 지원도 필요하다. 현 GDM 데이터베이스에서도 OGC 표준의 MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon을 지원하고 있다. 이를 위하여 GML의 상응 요소인MultiPointPropertyType, MultiCurvePropertyType, MultiSurfacePropertyType을 하천공간정보 벡터 스키마에 도입하여 활용하였다. 클라이언트 서버 통신은 메시지 교환프로토콜인 SOAP을 사용하여 서버의 객체를 직접 호출하여 이루어진다. 서버는 서버의 제공 서비스를 WSDL(Web Service Description Language)를 통하여 게시하고 클라이언트는 이 기준(Criteria)을 참고하여 접근한다. GetData의 경우 Type(GRID or VECTOR), GDM(Geospatial Data Model) 여부(true or false), LayerName, BasinID, GenTime을 인자로 받아 GeoData에서 검색된 정보를 반환한다. SOAP버전은 1.1과 1.2를 지원하여 접근하는 클라이언트에서 선택할 수 있도록 개발하였다.

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A Study on the Web-based Map Algebraic Processor (웹 기반 지도대수 처리기에 관한 연구)

  • 박기호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 1997
  • "The "Map Algebra", beeing recognized as a viable theoretical framework for GIS (Geographica Infonnation System), models map layers as "operands" which are the basic unit of geo-processing, and a variety of GIS commands as "operators." In this paper, we attempt at lifting some limitations of map algebras proposed in GIS literature. First, we model map layer as "function" such that we may employ the notion of meta operator (or, higher-order funtion) available in the functional programming paradigm. This approach provides map algebraic language with "programmability" needed in GIS user language. Second, we extend the semantics of, and improve on the sytactic structure of map algebraic language. Mer the data model and language associated with map algebra are formalized, we proceed to design and implement a prototype of map algebraic processor. The parser of the language in our prototype plays the role of transforming the native and heterogeneous user language of current GISs into a canonical map algebraic language. The prototype, named "MapSee" is a proof-of-concept system for the ideas we propsed in this paper. We believe that the uniform interface based on the map algebraic language will make promising infrastructure to support "Internet GIS." This is because the uniform but powerful interface through the Web clients allow access to both geo-data and geo-processing resources distributed over the network.to both geo-data and geo-processing resources distributed over the network.

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A Study on Construction Techniques of River Topography for Flood Inundation Analysis (홍수범람해석을 위한 하천지형 구축기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jungsik;Moon, Changgeon;Kim, Seokdong;Cho, Sunggeun;Shin, Shachul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study is a comparison with simulation results of flood inundation by the construction techniques of river topography. For construction of river topography, the data used in this study are 1:5,000 topographic DEM, ASTER DEM and SRTM DEM provided by WMS. Also HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS are applied to analyze of inundation depth and area. Flood inundations are simulated by 3 techniques in return periods and compared with the results. The results of this study are as follows; (1) Comparative analysis of the results shows that they have only a little difference in construction techniques of river topography at midsized catchment. (2) Flood inundations by ASTER DEM is to estimate larger than the other techniques in flood area (3) In case of SRTM DEM, the application can be expected to make use in the fields because of proper results in flood inundation analysis.

Space Weather Effects on GEO Satellite Anomalies during 1997-2009

  • Choi, Ho-Sung;Lee, Jae-Jin;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Cho, Il-Hyun;Park, Young-Deuk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.30.2-30.2
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    • 2010
  • Numerous operational anomalies and satellite failures have been reported since the beginnings of the "space age". Space weather effects on modern spacecraft systems have been emphasized more and more as increasing their complexity and capability. Energetic particles potentially can destroy and degrade electronic components in satellites. We analyzed the geostationary (GEO) satellite anomalies during 1997-2009 to search possible influences of space weather on the satellite anomalies like power problem, control processor problem, attitude control problem, etc. For this we use particle data from GOES and LANL satellites to investigate space weather effects on the GEO satellites' anomalies depending on Kp index, local time, seasonal variation, and high-energy electron contribution. As results, we obtained following results: (1) there is a good correlation between geomagnetic index(Kp) and anomaly occurrences of the GEO satellite; (2) especially during the solar minimum, occurrence of the satellite anomalies are related to electron flux increase due to high speed solar wind; (3) satellite anomalies occurred more preferentially in the midnight and dawn sector than noon and dusk sector; (4) and the anomalies occurred twice more in Spring and Fall than Summer and Winter; (5) the electron with the lowest energy channel (50-75keV) has the highest correlation (cc=0.758) with the anomalies. High association between the anomalies and the low energy electrons could be understand by the facts that electron fluxes in the spring and fall are stronger than those in the summer and winter, and low-energy electron flux is more concentrated in the dawn sector where the GEO satellite anomalies occurred more frequently than high-energy electron flux. While we could not identify what cause such local time dependences, our results shows that low-energy electrons (~100keV) could be main source of the satellite anomaly, which should be carefully taken into account of operating satellites.

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Generation of Topographic Map Using GeoEye-1 Satellite Imagery for Construction of the Jangbogo Antarctic Station (GeoEye-1 위성영상을 이용한 남극의 장보고기지 건설을 위한 지형도 제작)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Hong, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2011
  • Construction of the Jangbogo antarctic station was planned, and it requires detailed information on topography of the area around the station. The purpose of this research is to generate the topographic map to construct the Jangbogo antarctic station using the satellite image. To do this, surveying and pre-test of equipment were conducted. In addition, for sensor modeling of the GeoEye-1 satellite image, RPC-bias correction was done, and it showed that at least two control points are required. In generating the map, a 1/2,500 scale was deemed suitable in consideration of resolution of the image and the fact that supplementary topographic surveying would be impossible. In order to provide detailed information on the topography around the Jangbogo station, the digital elevation model based on image matching was created, and compared with GPS-RTK data, accuracy of vertical location about 0.6m was exhibited.

The Establishment Plan of Knowledge-Based Community through the 3-D National Underground Information DB Design and Utilization Review (3차원 국토지하정보 DB설계 및 활용성 검토를 통한 지식기반 커뮤니티 구축 방안)

  • Song, Seok-Jin;Jang, Yong-Gu;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2011
  • The national spatial information systems project which is promoted by our country has been extended from existing 2-D geographic information to 3-D spatial information as the basic geo-spatial Information. Most of the construction of the ground geo-spatial information are completed or underway, on the other hand, the construction of the subsurface geo-spatial information has difficulty caused by the lack of the drilling data characterizing the subsurface. In terms of the construction of the geo-spatial information of the subsurface, the subsurface information is constructed and managed by the domestic institutions, but the subsurface information which is possessed by the institutions was not shared mutually so it is managed inefficiently. This study presented the 3-D national underground information DB design by dividing with the ground DB item which configures the state of the ground and the soil DB item which configures the state of the soil in order to increase the efficiency of the construction of the subsurface spatial information. The implementation & utilization of the national underground information application technology was reviewed by applying the constructed DB to the actual model area, and the national underground information knowledge-based community establishment plan was presented.

Applicability of Responsive Web of Geo-Spatial Web Services (공간정보 웹 서비스의 반응형 웹 적용성)

  • PARK, Han-Saem;LEE, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2015
  • As a recent dominant web trend, mobile first strategy has been emphasized, and interests with respect to responsive web that provides effective methodology to various mobile devices and their display resolution are also increasing. However, it is an early adoption stage in web mapping for geo-spatial applications. This study is to present some practical examples of layouts using responsive web technologies linked to geo-spatial open platform. Suggestive consideration points for further application of responsive web to geo-spatial services are presented. On test implementing, HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 were used, and web mapping processing using OpenLayers was performed. It is expected that responsive web applications for contents derived from geo-spatial information or location data increase.

Evaluation of Soil Compaction Using Gravity Field Interpretation and UAV-based Remote Sensing Information (중력 데이터 해석과 드론원격정보를 이용한 지반의 다짐도 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-Wook;Choi, Sungchan;Choi, Eun-Kyoung;Lee, Yeong-Jae;Go, Daehong;Lee, Kyu-Hwan
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2021
  • The homogeneity of the compacted ground was analyzed using drone-based remote terrain and gravity field data. Among the topographic elements calculated by the hydrological algorithm, the topographic curvature effectively showed the shape of the surface that occurred during the compaction process, and the non-uniformly compacted area could be identified. The appropriate resolution of the digital topography requires a precision of about 10 cm. Gravity field Interpretation was performed to analyze the spatial density change of the compacted ground. In the distribution of residual bouguer gravity anomaly, the non-homogeneously compacted area showed a different magnitude of gravity than the surrounding area, and the difference in compaction was identified through gravity-density modeling. From the results, it is expected that the topographic element and gravitational field analysis method can be used to evaluate the homogeneity of the compacted ground.

Comparison of Ordinary Kriging and Artificial Neural Network for Estimation of Ground Profile Information in Unboring Region (미시추 구간의 지반 층상정보 예측을 위한 정규 크리깅 및 인공신경망 기법의 비교)

  • Chun, Chanjun;Choi, Changho;Cho, Jinwoo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2019
  • A large amount of site investigation data is essential to obtain reliable design value. However, site investigations are generally insufficient due to economic problems. It is important to estimate the ground profile information in unboring region for accurate earthwork-volume prediction, and such ground profile information can be estimated by using the geo-statistical approach. Furthermore, the ground profile information in unboring region can be estimated by training a model via machine learning technique such as artificial neural network. In this paper, artificial neural network-based model estimated the ground profile information in unboring region, and this results were compared with that of ordinary kriging technique, which is referred to the geo-statistical approach. Accordingly, a total of 84 ground profile information in an actual bridge environment was split into 75 training and 9 test databases. The observed ground profile information of the test database was compared with those of the ordinary kriging technique and artificial neural network.