• 제목/요약/키워드: Genetic Association

검색결과 2,538건 처리시간 0.025초

Genetic Analysis of TGFA, MTHFR, and IFR6 in Korean Patients Affected by Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P)

  • Park, Jung-Young;Yoo, Han-Wook;Kim, Young-Ho
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2007
  • Nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is a common craniofacial birth defect that is the result of a mixture of genetic and environmental factors. While studies have identified a number of different candidate genes and loci for the etiology of CL/P, the results have not been consistent among different ethnic groups. To study the genetic association of the candidate genes in Korean patients affected by CL/P, we genotyped 97 nonsyndromic CL/P patients and 100 control individuals using single nucleotide polymorphic markers at the MTHFR, TGFA, and IRF6 genes. We report that the T3827C marker at TGFA showed significant association with nonsyndromic CL/P, but all the other markers tested were not significantly associated with nonsyndromic CL/P in Korean patients.

Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 1 Predicts Relapse in Iranian Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

  • Mahjoubi, Frouzandeh;Akbari, Soodeh
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.2285-2289
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    • 2012
  • Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a main cause of failure in the chemotherapeutic treatment of malignant disorders. One of the well-known genes responsible for drug resistance encodes the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1). The association of MRP1 with clinical drug resistance has not systematically been investigated in Iranian pediatric leukemia patients. We therefore applied real-time RT-PCR technology to study the association between the MRP1 gene and MDR phenotype in Iranian pediatric leukemia patients. We found that overexpression of MRP1 occurred in most Iranian pediatric leukemia patients at relapse. However, no relation between MRP1 mRNA levels and other clinical characteristics, including cytogenetic subgroups and FAB subtypes, was found.

Genetic Structure and Composition of Genetic Diversity in the Kouchi Sub-breed of the Japanese Brown Cattle Population

  • Honda, Takeshi;Fujii, Toshihide;Mukai, Fumio
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제20권11호
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    • pp.1631-1635
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    • 2007
  • Japanese Brown cattle, one of the four domestic beef breeds in Japan, are suffering from numerical reduction due to economic pressure from profitable breeds. In this study, all the reproductive cows in the Kouchi sub-breed of the Japanese Brown cattle that were alive in July 2005 were investigated by pedigree analysis to clarify genetic structure and composition of genetic variability. In addition, genetically important individuals for the maintenance of genetic variability of the sub-breed were also identified through the core set method. The number of cows analyzed was 1,349. Their pedigrees were traced back to ancestors born around 1940, and pedigree records of 13,157 animals were used for the analysis. Principal component analysis was performed on the relationship matrix of the cows, and their factor loadings were plotted on a three-dimensional diagram. According to their spatial positions in the diagram, all the cows were subdivided into five genetically distinctive subpopulations of 131 to 437 animals. Genetic diversity of the whole sub-breed, which is estimated to be 0.901, was decomposed into 0.856 and 0.045 of within-subpopulation and between-subpopulation components. Recalculation of genetic diversity after removal of one or several subpopulations from the five subpopulations suggested that three of them were genetically important for the maintenance of genetic variability of the sub-breed. Applying the core set method to all the cows, maximum attainable genetic diversity was estimated to be 0.949, and optimal genetic contributions assigned to each cow supported the previous results indicating relative importance of the three subpopulations as useful genetic materials.

인간 유전정보 보호와 시민참여 (Protection of Human Genetic Information and Citizens Participation)

  • 이영희;김명진;김병수
    • 과학기술학연구
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.41-73
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    • 2003
  • 최근 생명공학의 발전에 따라 배아복제나 유전자 정보은행 등과 관련된 주제를 둘러싸고 많은 논란이 야기되고 있는 상황이다. 특히 인간게놈프로젝트의 진전에 힘입어 범죄수사를 위한 개인식별이나 질병 진단 및 검사뿐만 아니라 각종 비의료적 검사에 이르기까지 유전자 검사가 현재 무분별하게 확산되는 추세이다. 문제는, 개인의 유전정보는 사회적으로 매우 민감한 성격을 지님에도 불구하고 이러한 유전자 검사의 확산은 필연적으로 유전자 프라이버시의 침해를 가져올 가능성을 높여준다는 데 있다. 이처럼 유전정보 보호에 대한 사회적 관심이 제고되고 있는 상황에서, 유전정보 보호를 둘러싼 사회적 논의과정에 일반 시민들이 직접 참여할 수 있는 제도적 틀을 만들어 제공하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 절실하게 요구되고 있다. 이러한 문제의식에 입각하여, 이 글에서는 먼저 인간 유전정보의 이용을 둘러싼 사회적 쟁점을 개인식별, 질병 진단 및 검사, 그리고 비의료적 검사의 세 측면에서 살펴보고, 이어 생명공학 분야에서 국내 외에서 시행되었던 다양한 시민참여의 경험들에 대한 검토를 거친 다음에, 향후 우리나라 정부가 유전정보 보호정책의 입안과 관련하여 취해야 할 바람직한 시민참여 방안을 모색해 본다.

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Genetic diversity analysis of Thai indigenous pig population using microsatellite markers

  • Charoensook, Rangsun;Gatphayak, Kesinee;Brenig, Bertram;Knorr, Christoph
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제32권10호
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    • pp.1491-1500
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    • 2019
  • Objective: European pigs have been imported to improve the economically important traits of Thai pigs by crossbreeding and was finally completely replaced. Currently Thai indigenous pigs are particularly kept in a small population. Therefore, indigenous pigs risk losing their genetic diversity and identity. Thus, this study was conducted to perform large-scale genetic diversity and phylogenetic analyses on the many pig breeds available in Thailand. Methods: Genetic diversity and phylogenetics analyses of 222 pigs belonging to Thai native pigs (TNP), Thai wild boars (TWB), European commercial pigs, commercial crossbred pigs, and Chinese indigenous pigs were investigated by genotyping using 26 microsatellite markers. Results: The results showed that Thai pig populations had a high genetic diversity with mean total and effective ($N_e$) number of alleles of 14.59 and 3.71, respectively, and expected heterozygosity ($H_e$) across loci (0.710). The polymorphic information content per locus ranged between 0.651 and 0.914 leading to an average value above all loci of 0.789, and private alleles were found in six populations. The higher $H_e$ compared to observed heterozygosity ($H_o$) in TNP, TWB, and the commercial pigs indicated some inbreeding within a population. The Nei's genetic distance, mean $F_{ST}$ estimates, neighbour-joining tree of populations and individual, as well as multidimensional analysis indicated close genetic relationship between Thai indigenous pigs and some Chinese pigs, and they are distinctly different from European pigs. Conclusion: Our study reveals a close genetic relationship between TNP and Chinese pigs. The genetic introgression from European breeds is found in some TNP populations, and signs of genetic erosion are shown. Private alleles found in this study should be taken into consideration for the breeding program. The genetic information from this study will be a benefit for both conservation and utilization of Thai pig genetic resources.

Comparison of Breeding System Between Single Population and Two Sub-population Scheme by Computer Simulation I. Equal genetic level for Sub-populations

  • Oikawa, T.;Matsura, Y.;Sato, K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.422-427
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    • 1997
  • Breeding efficiency was investigated to reveal crucial factors for constructing effective breeding system with subdivided populations under equal genetic level. Simulation study of selection experiment was performed for 20 generations with 20 replications each, comparing average breeding values and inbreeding coefficients between the two breeding systems; single population scheme and two population scheme, each of which had the same genetic parameters. Genetic correlations (-0.5 to 0.5) were assumed to be caused only by pleiotropic effect of a gene. Phenotypes of the two traits generated by polygenic effect with additive 36 loci and residuals distributed normally were selected by two traits selection index procedure. Comparing between the single population scheme and the two population scheme, the single population scheme showed higher genetic gain with lower inbreeding coefficient. This result was confirmed particularly for the situation of high selection intensity, high heritability and high degree of unevenness for economic weight. Genetic correlations in the single population scheme were significantly lower than the two population scheme when initial genetic correlation was negative. When terminal crossbreeding for the two population scheme is taken into account, superiority of the two population scheme was suggested. The terminal crossbreeding was effective under the situation of long term selection, existence of moderate inbreeding depression and use of less extreme economic weight.

Genetics of heifer reproductive traits in Japanese Black cattle

  • Setiaji, Asep;Oikawa, Takuro
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to identify environmental factors strongly associated with and to estimate genetic parameters of reproductive traits in Japanese Black heifers. Methods: Data included reproduction records of Japanese Black heifers born between 2004 and 2014. First service non-return rate (NRR) to 56 days from first to successful insemination (FS), number of services per conception (IN), age at first calving (AFC) and gestation length were analyzed with the use of the general linear model. Genetic parameters were estimated with the use of the univariate animal model of the residual maximum likelihood. Results: Averages of reproductive traits over eleven years were assessed, and the effects of farm, year, month, artificial insemination technician and interaction of farm×year on the traits were determined. Estimated heritability of FS was very low and that of AFC was higher than that of the other traits. A close genetic relation was observed among NRR, IN, and FS; however, their heritabilities were very low. AFC shows favorable genetic correlation with IN and FS. Conclusion: Low heritabilities of most reproductive traits in Japanese Black heifers are strongly influenced by farm management practices, and that large residual variances make genetic evaluation difficult. Among the reproductive traits, AFC is potentially more useful for genetic improvement of heifer reproductive traits because it has high heritability and favorable genetic correlations with IN and FS.

Estimation of Genetic, Phenotypic and Environmental Trends in Hariana Cattle

  • Singh, K.;Sangwan, M.L.;Dalal, D.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2002
  • The breeding data relating to Hariana herd spread over 18 years (1979-96) were analysed to estimate genetic, phenotypic and environmental changes in characters of economic importance which might have taken place during the several years of selective breeding practiced in the herd. The average genetic changes in a given character were estimated by four methods. The phenotypic trends observed for different economic traits were not significant. On changing the method of estimation, magnitude and direction of genetic trends changed. Comparison of estimates of genetic trends by different methods showed that adjustments for biases due to non-random allotment of dams with respect to their age and merit suggested by Powell and Freeman (1974) were useful for increasing the precision of the estimates. Hence, this method was found to be the best method for estimation of genetic trends. The estimate of genetic trends by this method were 4.03${\pm}$6.21 days, 3.24${\pm}$5.33 kg, 0.15${\pm}$0.43 days, 0.09${\pm}$0.59 days, 0.01${\pm}$0.02 kg and 0.01${\pm}$0.01 kg for age at first calving, first lactation milk yield, first lactation length, first calving interval, first lactation milk yield per day lactation length and first lactation milk yield per day of calving interval, respectively.

Estimation of Genetic Variance and Covariance Components for Litter Size and Litter Weight in Danish Landrace Swine Using a Multivariate Mixed Model

  • Wang, C.D.;Lee, C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제12권7호
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    • pp.1015-1018
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    • 1999
  • Single trait mixed models have been dominantly utilized for genetic evaluation of the reproductive traits in swine. However employing multiple trait approach may lead to more accurate genetic evaluations. For 5 litter size and litter weight traits of Danish Landrace, genetic parameters were estimated with a multiple trait mixed model. The heritability estimates were 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07, respectively for litter size at birth, litter size born alive, litter weight at birth, litter size at weaning, and litter weight at weaning. Negative genetic correlations were all positive. The litter weight at birth showed genetic antagonism with litter size born alive (-0.65) and litter size at weaning (-0.31), but positive with litter size at birth (0.47) and litter weight at weaning (0.31). The estimates of environmental correlations were larger than their corresponding genetic correlation estimates except for those between litter weight at birth and the other four traits. This study recommends simultaneous selection for two or more traits with multivariate mixed models in order to improve overall economic response.

Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Native Chicken Populations from Myanmar, Thailand and Laos by Using 102 Indels Markers

  • Maw, A.A.;Kawabe, Kotaro;Shimogiri, T.;Rerkamnuaychoke, W.;Kawamoto, Y.;Masuda, S.;Okamoto, S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2015
  • The genetic diversity of native chicken populations from Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos was examined by using 102 insertion and/or deletion (indels) markers. Most of the indels loci were polymorphic (71% to 96%), and the genetic variability was similar in all populations. The average observed heterozygosities ($H_O$) and expected heterozygosities ($H_E$) ranged from 0.205 to 0.263 and 0.239 to 0.381, respectively. The coefficients of genetic differentiation (Gst) for all cumulated populations was 0.125, and the Thai native chickens showed higher Gst (0.088) than Myanmar (0.041) and Laotian (0.024) populations. The pairwise Fst distances ranged from 0.144 to 0.308 among populations. A neighbor-joining (NJ) tree, using Nei's genetic distance, revealed that Thai and Laotian native chicken populations were genetically close, while Myanmar native chickens were distant from the others. The native chickens from these three countries were thought to be descended from three different origins (K = 3) from STRUCTURE analysis. Genetic admixture was observed in Thai and Laotian native chickens, while admixture was absent in Myanmar native chickens.