• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generate Data

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Analysis of Land Cover Changes Based on Classification Result Using PlanetScope Satellite Imagery

  • Yoon, Byunghyun;Choi, Jaewan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.671-680
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    • 2018
  • Compared to the imagery produced by traditional satellites, PlanetScope satellite imagery has made it possible to easily capture remotely-sensed imagery every day through dozens or even hundreds of satellites on a relatively small budget. This study aimed to detect changed areas and update a land cover map using a PlanetScope image. To generate a classification map, pixel-based Random Forest (RF) classification was performed by using additional features, such as the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The classification result was converted to vector data and compared with the existing land cover map to estimate the changed area. To estimate the accuracy and trends of the changed area, the quantitative quality of the supervised classification result using the PlanetScope image was evaluated first. In addition, the patterns of the changed area that corresponded to the classification result were analyzed using the PlanetScope satellite image. Experimental results found that the PlanetScope image can be used to effectively to detect changed areas on large-scale land cover maps, and supervised classification results can update the changed areas.

Grid faults characteristics simulation of inverter-fed induction generator (인버터 부착형 농형 유도발전기의 계통고장특성 모의)

  • Hong, Jitae;Kwon, Soonman;Kim, Chunkyung;Lee, Jongmoo;Cheon, Jongmin;Kim, Hong-Ju;Kim, Heeje
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.43.1-43.1
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    • 2011
  • The detail simulation modeling of fully-fed induction generator is investigated through PC based MATLAB/Simulink environment. Generator's stator currents are controlled by indirect vector control method. In this method, generator side converter controls the maximum excitation (air gap flux) by stator d-axis current and controls generator torque by stator q-axis current. Induction generator speed is controlled by tip speed ratio (TSR) upon the wind speed variations in order to generate the maximum output power. The generator torque model is specified as a 3-blade wind turbine with rating, then, the model is simulated under normal operating condition and three different fault conditions. The matlab model designed for fully-fed induction generator based wind farm provides good performance under normal and grid fault conditions. It provides good results for different pwm techniques and fault conditions except the single-phase line to ground fault, which should be verified with real time data from wind farms.

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  • Kim, Young-Oh;Seo, Yong-Won;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2000
  • This study reports an examination of the sensitivity of water resources in the Keum River basin to climate change. Assuming a doubling in $CO_2$ concentrations, a cooperative study provided four climate change scenarios for this study, which have been translated into temperature and precipitation scenarios on a basin scale. The study utilized these temperature and precipitation data for each climate change scenario as inputs to the NWS-PC model to generate the corresponding streamflow scenario over the Keum River basin. A reservoir simulation model for the Dae-Chung Dam in the Keum River basin has been developed with an object-oriented simulation environment, STELLA. For each streamflow scenario, the performance of the reservoir was assessed in terms of reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability. Although the simulation results are heavily dependent on the choice of the climate change scenarios, the following conclusions can be clearly concluded: (1) the future streamflow over the Dae-Chung Dam tends to decease during the dry period, which seriously increases competitive water use issues and (2) flood control issues predominate under the $2CO_2$-High case.

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Synthesis of Expressive Talking Heads from Speech with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN을 이용한 Expressive Talking Head from Speech의 합성)

  • Sakurai, Ryuhei;Shimba, Taiki;Yamazoe, Hirotake;Lee, Joo-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2018
  • The talking head (TH) indicates an utterance face animation generated based on text and voice input. In this paper, we propose the generation method of TH with facial expression and intonation by speech input only. The problem of generating TH from speech can be regarded as a regression problem from the acoustic feature sequence to the facial code sequence which is a low dimensional vector representation that can efficiently encode and decode a face image. This regression was modeled by bidirectional RNN and trained by using SAVEE database of the front utterance face animation database as training data. The proposed method is able to generate TH with facial expression and intonation TH by using acoustic features such as MFCC, dynamic elements of MFCC, energy, and F0. According to the experiments, the configuration of the BLSTM layer of the first and second layers of bidirectional RNN was able to predict the face code best. For the evaluation, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 62 persons who watched TH animations, generated by the proposed method and the previous method. As a result, 77% of the respondents answered that the proposed method generated TH, which matches well with the speech.

Effectiveness of Teaching Engineering in English with Specific Purpose (공학교육에 있어 특수목적 영어 교수법의 효과성)

  • Lee, Tai Sik;Leonhard, Bernold;Chang, Byung Chul
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a comparative study on the effectiveness of teaching an engineering course using English with Specific Purpose(ESP). A study was performed using student groups; one class using ESP, and one class conducted in English with an English text. The course conducted using ESP showed the greatest improvement in English writing and conversation, and the students reported a greatly increased confidence in their ability to function professionally using English. A self-assessment of each student was conducted before and after the courses. Prior to the course less than 10% in each group felt that they are able to: a) understand a textbook, b) write an email, c) generate a project report, or d) follow a lecture given in English. The survey at the end of the course showed that the ESP teaching style resulted in significant improvements in students ability and confidence with writing and speaking in English, whereas reading skills were similar for both groups. This is due to the ESP method, in which students are required to give presentations and keep journals in English. After a brief review of the ESP principles and a discussion of how they were implemented, the background data of the participants(students) are described. Finally, the end-of-semester survey highlights the efficacy of the ESP approach.

Predicting Missing Ratings of Each Evaluation Criteria for Hotel by Analyzing User Reviews (사용자 리뷰 분석을 통한 호텔 평가 항목별 누락 평점 예측 방법론)

  • Lee, Donghoon;Boo, Hyunkyung;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 2017
  • Recently, most of the users can easily get access to a variety of information sources about companies, products, and services through online channels. Therefore, the online user evaluations are becoming the most powerful tool to generate word of mouth. The user's evaluation is provided in two forms, quantitative rating and review text. The rating is then divided into an overall rating and a detailed rating according to various evaluation criteria. However, since it is a burden for the reviewer to complete all required ratings for each evaluation criteria, so most of the sites requested only mandatory inputs for overall rating and optional inputs for other evaluation criteria. In fact, many users input only the ratings for some of the evaluation criteria and the percentage of missed ratings for each criteria is about 40%. As these missed ratings are the missing values in each criteria, the simple average calculation by ignoring the average 40% of the missed ratings can sufficiently distort the actual phenomenon. Therefore, in this study, we propose a methodology to predict the rating for the missed values of each criteria by analyzing user's evaluation information included the overall rating and text review for each criteria. The experiments were conducted on 207,968 evaluations collected from the actual hotel evaluation site. As a result, it was confirmed that the prediction accuracy of the detailed criteria ratings by the proposed methodology was much higher than the existing average-based method.

Design and Implementation of Opinion Mining System based on Association Model (연관성 모델에 기반한 오피년마이닝 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Keun-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2011
  • For both customers and companies, it is very important to analyze online customer reviews, which consist of small documents that include opinions or experiences about products or services, because the customers can get good informations and the companies can establish good marketing strategies. In this paper, we propose the association model for the opinion mining which can analyze customer opinions posted on web. The association model is to modify the association rules mining model in data mining in order to apply efficiently and effectively the association mining techniques to the opinion mining. We designed and implemented the opinion mining systems based on the modified association model and the grouping idea which would enable it to generate significant rules more.

G Protein Mediated Hatching Regulation in the Mouse Embryo

  • Cheon, Yong-Pil
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2012
  • Hatching occurred in the time dependent manners and strictly controlled. Although, the hatching processes are under the control of muti-embryotrophic factors and the expressed G proteins of cell generate integrated activation, the knowledge which GPCRs are expressed during hatching stage embryos are very limited. In the present study, which G proteins are involved was examined during blastocyst development to the hatching stage. The early-, expanded-, and lobe-stage blastocysts were treated with various $G_{\alpha}$ activators and H series inhibitors, and examined developmental patterns. Pertusis toxin (PTX) improved the hatching rate of the early-stage blastocyst and lobe-formed embryos. Cholera toxin (CTX) suppressed the hatching of the early-stage blastocyst and expanded embryos. The effects of toxins on hatching and embryo development were changed by the H7 and H8. These results mean that PTX mediated GPCRs activation is signaling generator in the nick or pore formation in the ZP. In addition, PTX mediated GPCR activation induces the locomotion of trophectoderm for the escaping. CTX mediate GPCRs activation is the cause of suppression of hatching processes. Based on these data, it is suggested that various GPCRs are expressed in the periimplantation stage embryos and the integration of the multiple signals decoding of various signals in a spatial and temporal manner regulate the hatching process.

Crash Discrimination Algorithm with Two Crash Severity Levels Based on Seat-belt Status (안전띠 착용 유무에 근거한 두 단계의 충돌 가혹도 수준을 갖는 충돌 판별 알고리즘)

  • 박서욱;이재협
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.148-156
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    • 2003
  • Many car manufacturers have frequently adopted an aggressive inflator and a lower threshold speed for airbag deployment in order to meet an injury requirement for unbolted occupant at high speed crash test. Consequently, today's occupant safety restraint system has a weakness due to an airbag induced injury at low speed crash event. This paper proposes a new crash algorithm to improve the weakness by suppressing airbag deployment at low speed crash event in case of belted condition. The proposed algorithm consists of two major blocks-crash severity algorithm and deployment logic block. The first block decides crash severity with two levels by means of velocity and crash energy calculation from acceleration signal. The second block implemented by simple AND/OR logic combines the crash severity level and seat belt status information to generate firing commands for airbag and belt pretensioner. Furthermore, it can be extended to adopt additional sensor information from passenger presence detection sensor and safing sensor. A simulation using real crash data for a 1,800cc passenger vehicle has been conducted to verify the performance of proposed algorithm.

An Efficient Triangular Mesh Generation Algorithm using Domain-wise Hash Structure (영역기반 해쉬구조를 이용한 효율적 삼각형 자동 요소망 생성 알고리듬 개발)

  • Kim, Tae-Joo;Cho, Jin-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.9
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2004
  • In this work, a domain-wise hash structure is developed for efficient data handling, and by using the developed domain-wise hash structure, an automatic triangular mesh generation algorithm is proposed. To generate the optimal nodal points and triangles efficiently, the advancing layer method and Delaunay triangulation method are utilized. To investigate the performance of the proposed algorithm, benchmarking tests are carried out for various models including convex, concave and complicated shapes through the developed object oriented C++ mesh generation code.