• 제목/요약/키워드: Gastric-type adenoma

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위선종에 관한 병리조직학적 연구 (Histopathological Study of Gastric Adenoma)

  • 김동석;남혜주;최원희;이태숙;정문관
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 1991
  • 저자들은 최근 7년 10개월 동안 영남대학교 의과대학 병리학교실에서 위선종으로 진단된 위내시경 생검조직 48예, 53병변을 병리조직학적으로 재검토하여 아래와 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 환자의 평균 연령은 59세였으며, 51세이상이 40예(83%), 61세이상이 27예(56%)였고, 남녀비는 2.3 : 1로서 고연령층과 남자에게서 호발하였다. 2) 위선종의 발생부위는 전정부 33예(62%), 체부 19예(36%) 그리고 분문부 1예로서 전정부에 호발하였다. 3) 육안적인 형태는 Yamada type II가 29예(55%)로 가장 많았으며, 크기는 장경이 1cm미만이 41예(80%)로 대부분을 차지하였다. 4) 세포이형도와 위선종의 크기와의 관계는 알 수 없었다. 이는 내시경 생검조직만을 대상으로 하였기 때문으로 사료되며, 절제된 위조직을 포함한 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료되었다. 5) 53병변 모두에서 정도의 차이는 있지만 장형화생을 동반하고 있어, 위선종이 장형화생을 거쳐 발생된다고 사료되었다. 6) Grade III의 세포이형도를 보이는 6예 전부에서 Grimelius 및 Fontana-Masson 염색에 음성반응을 보였다. 7) 핵분열상은 세포이형도에 관계없이 비교적 흔히 관찰되었다. 8) 위선암종을 동반하고 있는 예는 5예(9.4%)로서, 평균연령은 61.4세였으며, 남녀비는 4 : 1로서 60세이상의 남자환자에서 위선종이 발견될 경우, 위선암종을 동반할 가능성이 많아 철저한 조사가 필요하리라 사료되었다. 9) 위선종과 위선암종과의 관계에 대한 연구는 위선종의 철저한 추적조사로서 보완 되어야 하리라 사료되었다.

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Oxyntic Gland Neoplasms - From Adenoma to Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Review of 29 Cases

  • Gi Hwan Kim;Jun Su Lee;Jeong Hoon Lee;Young Soo Park
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.378-390
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Oxyntic gland neoplasm (OGN) is a rare condition that can be classified as oxyntic gland adenoma (OGA) or gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic-gland type (GA-FG). GA-FG primarily presents as early gastric cancer, with only a few reported cases of advanced gastric cancer (AGC). We aimed to investigate the clinicopathological features of OGN and describe an aggressive variant. Materials and Methods: We investigated a total of 29 cases, including a patient with double primary cases, diagnosed with OGN or differentiated-type adenocarcinoma with GA-FG morphology, between November 2016 and April 2022. We analyzed 54 pathological specimens and reviewed their clinicopathological, endoscopic, and histological features. The lesions were reclassified as OGA or GA-FG, and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for MUC-5AC and MUC-6 was performed on available resected GA-FG cases. Results: The median patient age was 65 years and males accounted for 58.6% of patients. Most cases occurred in the body horizontally (69.0%) and on the greater curvature side cross-sectionally (48.3%). Endoscopically, type 0-IIa (41.4%) and a subepithelial tumor-like appearance (24.1%) were the most common findings. Histologically, there were 8 cases of OGA (27.6%) and 21 cases of GA-FG (72.4%). In GA-FG, MUC-6 was positive in 13 cases (81.3%), whereas MUC-5AC was positive in 8 cases (50.0%). Three cases presented as AGCs. Conclusions: Although OGNs are generally considered low-grade, they can present as AGCs and may exhibit features of lymphovascular or perineural invasion. Recognizing the clinicopathological features and accurately diagnosing OGN are important for providing adequate treatment.

위 선종 및 선암에서 Trefoil Factor Family 1 단백의 발현 양상 (Expression Pattern of the Trefoil Factor Family 1 in Gastric Adenoma and Carcinoma)

  • 박원상;김영실;유남진;박조현;유진영;이연수;이정용
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.4-9
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: The trefoil factor family 1 (TFF1) has a protective effect against gastric mucosal damage induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or ethanol. In addition, a TFF1 knockout mouse model has exhibited circumferential adenomas with high-grade dysplasia, of which $30\%$ progressed into frankly invasive carcinomas. We tried to determine whether the expression pattern of the TFF1 could be involved in the development of sporadic gastric carcinomas. Materials and Methods: We examined TFF1 expression in a series of 43 sporadic gastric carcinomas and 18 gastric adenomas by immunohistochemistry. Results: Strong positive TFF1 staining was identified primarily in the normal gastric mucosa, mainly in the cytoplasm of the superficial and foveolar epithelium. We found TFF1 expression in $55.8\%$ (24 out of 43) of the gastric carcinomas and in $16.7\%$ (3 out of 18) of the gastric adenomas. Statistically, TFF1 immunoreactivity was significantly higher in diffuse-type ($82.4\%$) than in intestinal-type ($38.5\%$) carcinomas(p=0.0058, Fisher's exact test). Conclusion: Our findings provide sufficient evidence that the expression of TFF1 in gastric cancer may simply disclose gastric-type differentiation of neoplastic cells and provide further support for the existence of at least two pathways of malignant transformation of the gastric mucosa: one via intestinal metaplasia and adenomatous dysplasia, leading to glandular carcinomas with intestinal-type differentiation, and the other via hyperplastic changes or de novo changes, leading to diffuse carcinomas and to a subset of glandular carcinomas displaying gastric-type differentiation.

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Endoscopic Findings and Treatment of Gastric Neoplasms in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

  • Sato, Chihiro;Takahashi, Kazuya;Sato, Hiroki;Naruse, Takumi;Nakajima, Nao;Takatsuna, Masafumi;Mizuno, Ken-ichi;Hashimoto, Satoru;Takeuchi, Manabu;Yokoyama, Junji;Kobayashi, Masaaki;Terai, Shuji
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.381-394
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Gastric neoplasia is a common manifestation of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). This study aimed to elucidate the clinical characteristics, endoscopic features including fundic gland polyposis (FGPsis), and treatment outcomes of gastric neoplasms (GNs) in patients with FAP. Materials and Methods: A total of 35 patients diagnosed with FAP, including nine patients from four pedigrees who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), were investigated regarding patient characteristics, GN morphology, and treatment outcomes. Results: Twenty-one patients (60.0%) had 38 GNs; 33 (86.8%) and 5 (13.2%) were histologically diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and adenoma, respectively. There were no specific patient characteristics related to GNs.Nodule-type GNs were more prevalent in patients with FGP than without (52.2% vs. 0.0%, P=0.002) in the upper body of the stomach. Conversely, depressed-type GNs were fewer in patients with FGPsis than in those without (13.0% vs. 73.3%, P<0.001). Slightly elevated-type GNs were observed in both groups (34.8% vs. 20.0%, P=0.538). Even within pedigrees, the background gastric mucosa and types of GNs varied. In total, 24 GNs were treated with endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and eight with endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). EMR was selected for GNs with FGPsis because of the technical difficulty of ESD, resulting in a lower en bloc resection rate (62.5% vs. 100%, P=0.014). Conclusions: Our study indicates the necessity of routine EGD surveillance in patients diagnosed with FAP. Notably, the morphology and location of GNs differed between patients with and without FGPsis. Endoscopic treatment and outcomes require more attention in cases of FGPsis.

Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Polyps: What Do We Know About Them?

  • Buyukasik, Kenan;Sevinc, Mert Mahsuni;Gunduz, Umut Riza;Ari, Aziz;Gurbulak, Bunyamin;Toros, Ahmet Burak;Bektas, Hasan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권7호
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    • pp.2999-3001
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    • 2015
  • Background: This study aimed to evaluate upper gastrointestinal polyps detected during esophago-gastroduodenoscopy tests. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis on data regarding 55,987 upper gastrointestinal endoscopy tests performed at the endoscopy unit of Istanbul Education and Research Hospital between January 2006 and June 2012. Results: A total of 66 upper gastrointestinal polyps from 59 patients were analyzed. The most common clinical symptom was dyspepsia, observed in 41 cases (69.5%). The localizations of the polyps were as follows: 29 in the antrum (43.9%), 15 in the corpus (22.7%), 11 in the cardia (16.7%), 3 in the fundus (4.54%), 3 in the second portion of the duodenum (4.54%), 2 in the bulbus (3.03%) and 3 in the lower end of the esophagus (4.54%). Histopathological types of polyps included hyperplastic polyps (44) (66.7%), faveolar hyperplasia (8) (12.1%), fundic gland polyps (4) (6.06%), squamous cell polyps (4) (6.06%), hamartomatous polyps (3) (4.54%), and pyloric gland adenoma (3) (4.54%). Histopathological analysis of the gastric mucosa showed chronic atrophic gastritis in 30 cases (50.84%), HP infection in 33 cases (55.9%) and intestinal metaplasia in 19 cases (32.20%). In 3 cases with multiple polyps, adenocarcinoma was detected in hyperplastic polyps. Conclusions: Among polypoid lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, the most common histological type is hyperplastic polyps. Generally, HP infection is associated with chronic atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. The incidence of adenocarcinoma tends to be higher in patients with multiple hyperplastic polyps.