• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gas-combined

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Photomixotrophic Growth of Solanum tuberosum L. in vitro with Addition and Omission of Organic Materials at Thee Initial Sucrose Levels in the Medium (세 수준의 자당이 첨가된 배지에서 유기물의 첨가 유무에 따른 Solanum tuberosum L.의 기내 광혼합영양생장)

  • Jeong, Byoung-Ryong;Yang, Chan-Suk;Kim, Gyeong-Hee;Park, Young-Hoon;Kozai, Toyoki
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2004
  • The most commonly used inorganic nutrient compositions such as Murashige & Skoog medium have been optimized for heterotrophic growth. Therefore, they may not be optimal for photomixotrophic and photoautotrophic growth of plantlets. In photomixotrophic micropropagation, emdium sugar level is often lowered, while light and $CO_2$ levels in vessel are raised, and chlorophyllous explants are used to facilitate photosynthetic carbon acquisition. In a factorial experiment effect of addition (+) and omission(_) of organic materials (OM, 0.5 g ${\cdot}$ $m^{-3}$ each of thiamine, nicotinic acid and pyridoxine and 100 ${\cdot}$ $m^{-3}$ myo-inositiol) combined with three sucrose levels (0, 15, and 30 kg ${\cdot}$ $m^{-3}$) was tested on the growth of potato plantlets. Each of nodal cuttings with a leaf was cultured on 0.1${\times}$$10^{-4}m^{-3}$) MS agar ( 8 kg ${\cdot}$ $m^{-3}$) medium (pH 5.80 before autoclave) in glass test tubes (100 mm${\times}$25mm) capped with a sheet of transparent film with a 6 mm diameter gas permeable filter (5.1 air exchanges ${\cdot}$$h^{-1}$). Cultures were maintained in a room for 27 days at $23^{\circ}C$, 50% RH, 350-450${\mu}mol\;{\codt}\;mol^{-1}CO_2$, 16 h ${\cdot}$ $d^{-1}$ photoperiod at 13${\mu}mol\;{\codt}\;m\;{\codt}\;s^{-1}$ PPFD provided by white cool fluorescent lamps. Growth of potato plantlet in the +OM and -OM treatments were similar, while medium pH was 0.2 scale lower in the latter. Dry weight, % dry matter, and stem diameter enhanced, while shoot to root dry weight ratio, leaf area, chlorophyll concentration per gram dry weight, and medium pH decreased with increasing initial sucrose level. Interaction between OM and sucrose levels was observed in shoot length and medium pH. Results indicate that OM can be omitted from the medium without detrimental effect while addition of sucrose was beneficial for the photomixotrophic growth of potato plantlets under raised light and $CO_2$.

Gridded Expansion of Forest Flux Observations and Mapping of Daily CO2 Absorption by the Forests in Korea Using Numerical Weather Prediction Data and Satellite Images (국지예보모델과 위성영상을 이용한 극상림 플럭스 관측의 공간연속면 확장 및 우리나라 산림의 일일 탄소흡수능 격자자료 산출)

  • Kim, Gunah;Cho, Jaeil;Kang, Minseok;Lee, Bora;Kim, Eun-Sook;Choi, Chuluong;Lee, Hanlim;Lee, Taeyun;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_1
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    • pp.1449-1463
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    • 2020
  • As recent global warming and climate changes become more serious, the importance of CO2 absorption by forests is increasing to cope with the greenhouse gas issues. According to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, it is required to calculate national CO2 absorptions at the local level in a more scientific and rigorous manner. This paper presents the gridded expansion of forest flux observations and mapping of daily CO2 absorption by the forests in Korea using numerical weather prediction data and satellite images. To consider the sensitive daily changes of plant photosynthesis, we built a machine learning model to retrieve the daily RACA (reference amount of CO2 absorption) by referring to the climax forest in Gwangneung and adopted the NIFoS (National Institute of Forest Science) lookup table for the CO2 absorption by forest type and age to produce the daily AACA (actual amount of CO2 absorption) raster data with the spatial variation of the forests in Korea. In the experiment for the 1,095 days between Jan 1, 2013 and Dec 31, 2015, our RACA retrieval model showed high accuracy with a correlation coefficient of 0.948. To achieve the tier 3 daily statistics for AACA, long-term and detailed forest surveying should be combined with the model in the future.

A Study on the Characteristics of Combustion and Manufacturing Process on Refuse-derived Fuel by Mixing Different Ratios with Organic and Combustible Wastes (유기성폐기물 고체연료화를 위한 연소 및 제조과정의 특성연구)

  • Ha, Sang-An
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2009
  • To investigate the feasibility of refuse derived fuels (RDFs) combined of sewage sludge and combustible wastes such as substitutive fuels instead of a stone coal, several different RDFs made with different mixtures of sewage sludge and combustible wastes were analyzed by various experiments. The combustion characteristics for the RDFs were investigated by analyzing fuel gases, and heating values were also measured by a bomb calorimeter. The fundamental properties such as moisture contents, ratios of combustible materials, amounts of ashes, heavy metals, ratios of each chemical elements and heating values were analyzed in accordance with mixing ratios of wt(%) for researching the characteristics of the RDFs. $RDF_{k-1}$ was made of mixing materials which were dried sewage sludge, food wastes and combustible wastes. $RDF_{k-2}$ was made of mixing materials which were peat-moss, tar and sewage sludge. Combustion experiments were carried out at the optimal conditions which were m=2 under air-fuel condition and $850^{\circ}C$. The retention times in the combustor were set at 5, 10 and 15minutes. 50 g of RDFs was put in the combustor for each experiments. The ranges for heating values of $RDF_{k-1}$ with different mixing ratios were from 6,900 kcal/kg to 8120 kcal/kg. The ranges for heating values of $RDF_{k-2}$ with different mixing ratios were from 4,014 kcal/kg to 8,050 kcal/kg. As a result of this study, the heating values, moisture contents, components of chemical elements and mixing ratios of the materials in RDFs had big effects on the efficiency of the combustion. In $RDF_{k-1}$, the higher amounts of combustible wastes in the mixtures, the higher heating values, concentrations of $C_xH_y$ and amounts of ashes were produced. In $RDF_{k-2}$, the higher tar amounts in the mixtures caused the higher heating values, amounts of ashes, concentrations of CO gas and CxHy.

Fish Stock Assessment by Hydroacoustic Methods and its Applications - I - Estimation of Fish School Target Strength - (음향에 의한 어족생물의 자원조사 연구 - I - 어군반사강도의 추정 -)

  • Lee, Dae-Jae;Shin, Hyeong-Il;Shin, Hyong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.142-152
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    • 1995
  • The combined bottom trawl and hydroacoustic survey was conducted by using the training ship Oshoro Maru belong to Hokkaido University in November 1989-1992 and the training ship Nagasaki Maru belong to Nagasaki University in April 1994 in the East China Sea, respectively. The aim of the investigations was to collect the target strength data of fish school in relation to the biomass estimation of fish in the survey area. The hydroacoustic survey was performed by using the scientific echo sounder system operating at three frequencies of 25, 50 and 100kHz with a microcomputer-based echo integrator. Fish samples were collected by bottom trawling and during the trawl surveys, the openings of otter board and net mouth were measured. The target strength of fish school was estimated from the relationship between the volume back scattering strength for the depth strata of bottom trawling and the weight per unit volume of trawl catches. A portion of the trawl catches preserved in frozon condition on board, the target strength measurements for the defrosted samples of ten species were conducted in the laboratory tank, and the relationship between target strength and fish weight was examined. In order to investigate the effect of swimbladder on target strength, the volume of the swimbladder of white croaker, Argyrosomus argentatus, sampled by bottom trawling was measured by directly removing the gas in the swimbladder with a syringe on board. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1.The relationship between the mean volume back scattering strength (, dB) for the depth strata of trawl hauls and the weight(C, $kg/\textrm{m}^3$) per unit volume of trawl catches were expressed by the following equations : 25kHz : = - 29.8+10Log(C) 50kHz : = - 32.4+10Log(C) 100kHz : = - 31.7+10Log(C) The mean target strength estimates for three frequencies of 25, 50 and 100 kHz derived from these equations were -29.8dB/kg, -32.4dB/kg and -31.7dB/kg, respectively. 2. The relationship between target strength and body weight for the fish samples of ten species collected by trawl surveys were expressed by the following equations : 25kHz : TS = - 34.0+10Log($W^{\frac{2}{3}}$) 100kHz : TS = - 37.8+10Log($W^{\frac{2}{3}}$) The mean target strength estimates for two frequencies of 25 and 100 kHz derived from these equations were -34.0dB/kg, -37.8dB/kg, respectively. 3. The representative target strength values for demersal fish populations of the East China Sea at two frequencies of 25 and 100 kHz were estimated to be -31.4dB/kg, -33.8dB/kg, respectively. 4. The ratio of the equivalent radius of swimbladder to body length of white croaker was 0.089 and the volume of swimbladder was estimated to be approximately 10% of total body volume.

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