• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS method

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Mapping Monthly Temperature Normals Across North Korea at a Landscape Scale (북한지역 평년의 경관규모 기온분포도 제작)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to estimate monthly mean of daily maximum and minimum temperature across North Korea at a 30 m grid spacing for a climatological normal year (1971-2000) and the 4 decadal averages (1971-1980, 1981-1990, 1991-2000, and 2001-2010). A geospatial climate interpolation method, which has been successfully used to produce the so-called 'High-Definition Digital Climate Maps' (HD-DCM), was used in conjunction with the 27 North Korean and 17 South Korean synoptic data. Correction modules including local effects of cold air drainage, thermal belt, ocean, solar irradiance and urban heat island were applied to adjust the synoptic temperature data in addition to the lapse rate correction. According to the final temperature estimates for a normal year, North Korean winter is expected colder than South Korean winter by $7^{\circ}C$ in average, while the spatial mean summer temperature is lower by $3^{\circ}C$ than that for South Korea. Warming trend in North Korea for the recent 40 years (1971-2010) was most remarkable in spring and fall, showing a 7.4% increase in the land area with 15 or higher daily maximum temperature for April.

Groundwater Recharge Estimation for the Gyeongan-cheon Watershed with MIKE SHE Modeling System (MIKE SHE 모형을 이용한 경안천 유역의 지하수 함양량 산정)

  • Kim, Chul-Gyum;Kim, Hyeon-Jun;Jang, Cheol-Hee;Im, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.6 s.179
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2007
  • To estimate the groundwater recharge, the fully distributed parameter based model, MIKE SHE was applied to the Gyeongan-cheon watershed which is one of the tributaries of Han River Basin, and covers approximately $260km^2$ with about 49 km main stream length. To set up the model, spatial data such as topography, land use, soil, and meteorological data were compiled, and grid size of 200m was applied considering computer ability and reliability of the results. The model was calibrated and validated using a split sample procedure against 4-year daily stream flows at the outlet of the watershed. Statistical criteria for the calibration and validation results indicated a good agreement between the simulated and observed stream flows. The annual recharges calculated from the model were compared with the values from the conventional groundwater recession curve method, and the simulated groundwater levels were compared with the observed values. As a result, it was concluded that the model could reasonably simulate the groundwater level and recharge, and could be a useful tool for estimating spatially/temporally the groundwater recharges, and enhancing the analysis of the watershed water cycle.

Regional Ecological Network Design for Wild Animals' Movement Using Landscape Permeability and Least-cost Path Methods in the Metropolitan Area of Korea (경관투과성 및 최소비용경로 분석을 통한 수도권 지역의 광역생태축 구축 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Song, Won-Kyong;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2008
  • As populations inhabiting in natural ecosystem are fragmented by artificial barriers and habitats are destructed by development, extinction possibility of species is getting higher. It is necessary to design and to manage conservation areas and corridors considering animals' movement and migration for sustainable species diversity in present circumstances. 'Least-cost modeling' is one commonly employed approach in which dispersal costs are assigned to distinct habitat types and the last-costly dispersal paths among habitat patches are calculated using a geographical information system (GIS). This study aims to design ecological corridor using least-cost path method and to apply it to a regional ecological network considering movability of medium-large size mammals. This study was carried out over the metropolitan area, which has been deforested by rapid urbanization. Nevertheless there is connected with Gangwon province, Baekdudaegan mountain range and DMZ, considered where many forest species can migrate to this region. This study employs such an approach to develop least-cost path models for medium-large size mammals, have inhabited for this entire region. Considering those species, two forest areas as a source of species supply and forest areas more than 1,000ha are selected as focal forest areas. Movement and migration paths from species supply sources to focal forest areas are calculated by applying landscape permeability theory using land cover map, road density map and land slope map. Results showed least-cost paths from species supply sources to focal forest areas on two species. Wildcat and roe deer are different in some least-cost paths caused by their landscape permeability but paths show generally same specifics. The result of considering regional distribution of expected movement and migration paths to regional ecological network, low altitude mountains of western metropolitan area are evaluated important area for species connectivity. In national or regional levels ecological connectivity is essential to promote species diversity and to preserve integrated ecosystem. This study concludes that developing least-cost models from similar empirical data could significantly improve the utility of these tools.

Performance Tests of 3D Data Models for Laser Radar Simulation (레이저레이더 시뮬레이션을 위한 3차원 데이터 모델의 성능 테스트)

  • Kim, Geun-Han;Kim, Hye-Young;Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2009
  • Experiments using real guided weapons for the development of the LADAR(Laser radar) are not practical. Therefore, we need computing environment that can simulate the 3D detections by LADAR. Such simulations require dealing with large sized data representing buildings and terrain over large area. And they also need the information of 3D target objects, for example, material and echo rate of building walls. However, currently used 3D models are mostly focused on visualization maintained as file-based formats and do not contain such semantic information. In this study, as a solution to these problems, a method to use a spatial DBMS and a 3D model suitable for LADAR simulation is suggested. The 3D models found in previous studies are developed to serve different purposes, thus, it is not easy to choose one among them which is optimized for LADAR simulation. In this study, 4 representative 3D models are first defined, each of which are tested for different performance scenarios. As a result, one model, "Body-Face", is selected as being the most suitable model for the simulation. Using this model, a test simulation is carried out.

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Development of a River Maintenance Management Technology Related with National River Management Data (국가하천관리자료와 연계한 하천유지관리 기술개발)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Jun;Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.159-171
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    • 2012
  • This study has developed a technology for river basin including the management of the data related with riverbed and the analysis of the riverbed maintenance based on the high-resolution imagery data and LiDAR (Light Detection and Raging) in order to enhance the utilization of river management by using RIMGIS(River Information Management GIS) and to acquire the advanced operation for river management. Using the detailed river topographical map specially designed in the form of LiDAR or high-resolution images, riverbed data and river bank channel information that are dynamically changed were informationized and established in the RIMGIS DB. At this stage, a monitoring techniques that is established in the river management system associated with RIMGIS and minimized the impact of riverbed maintenance (fluctuations) has been studied. In addition, functions and data structure of RIMGIS containing the information of geography and management of the river have been supplemented to make an improvement of the real-time management of the river. Furthermore, a technology that is capable of supplementing RIMGIS has been developed, making it feasible to maintain the river in use of structural method including an structural scheme of cross-section of the river by providing the information of riverbed and cross-section of the river. This is considered to solve an issue of insufficient data on accuracy and based on a lack of information of the river based on the two-dimensional lines, making it feasible to (steadily) improve the function of RIMGIS and to operate management tasks. Therefore, it is highly expected to enhance aforementioned technology of the river information management as a great foundation that maximizes the utilization of the river management to support RIMGIS for the development of national river management data.

Design and Implementation of a Mapping Middleware for Wireless Internet Map Service (무선인터넷 지도서비스를 위한 매핑 미들웨어의 설계와 구현)

  • 이양원;박기호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.165-179
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    • 2004
  • With the spread of wireless internet, the interest in mobile applications and services is increasing. Korea Wireless Internet Standardization Forum has been establishing the standards for mobile platform and map service in the wireless internet environment. This study aims to present a paragon of mapping middleware that plays the role of broker for wireless internet map service: in particular, it focuses on the interoperability with generic map servers. In this study, we developed a method for applying current map servers to the wireless internet map service, and analyzed the request/response structure of the map servers which have different operation characteristics in order to allow our middleware to fully utilize the functionalities of the map servers. The middleware we developed is composed of .NET-based XML Web Services: it has a lightweight module for image map and a map representation module for choropleth map, symbol map, chart map, etc. This mapping middleware is a broker between mobile client and generic map server, and supports .NET clients and Java clients as well. Its component-based interoperability grants the extensibility for the wireless internet dedicated map servers of the future in addition to the current generic map servers.

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A Study on Accessibility of Disaster-prevention Green Space for Earthquake Avoidance - Focused on Jung-gu and Nam-gu Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City - (방재 역할로써의 도시 내 공원녹지의 유형별 접근성 연구 - 울산광역시 중구와 남구를 대상으로 -)

  • Cao, Lin-Sen;Zhang, Zhong-Feng;Xia, Tian-Tian;Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2017
  • Construction of urban emergency shelters based on disaster-prevention green space is an important part of an urban disaster response plan. The accessibility of disaster-prevention green space is directly related to the disaster prevention service effect of green space. Taking the Jung-gu and Nam-gu districts of Ulsan city as research targets, the accessibility of three green spaces was analyzed by a network analysis method based on information regarding the distribution of population and green space and the urban road network. Two indicators for evaluating the service effect of green spaces were service population rate and service area rate. The results showed that the accessibility of the emergency refuge parks (5min) and central refuge parks was relatively good but the service area rate and service population rate of the emergency refuge parks (3min) and temporary refuge parks was less than 60%. In view of the overall situation, the service effect of disaster-prevention green space is at this point only general in Ulsan and there is great room for improvement.

A Study on Mapping Forest Fire Risk Using Combustion Characteristic of Forest Fuels : Focusing on Samcheok in Gangwon-do (산불연료의 연소특성을 활용한 산불위험지도 작성에 관한 연구 : 강원도 삼척 시를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Haepyeong;Park, Youngju
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.296-304
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    • 2017
  • In order to predict about forest fire behavior we constructed a database for combustion characteristic of forest fuels in Samcheok, Gangwon-do and prepared fire risk map and fire risk rating using GIS method in this study. For the mapping autoignition temperature, ignition time, flame duration time, total heat release and total smoke release are selected as the standardized parameters and the overall risk rating was made up of the ignition risk parameters(autoignition temperature, ignition time) and the spread risk parameters(flame duration time, total heat release, total smoke release). Forest fire risk was classified into 5 grades and lower grade of fire risk rating mean to correspond to more dangerous forest fire. As a result, the overall risk rating of Samcheok was classified into three grades from 1 to 3 and Nogok-myeon and Miro-myeon were turned out the most dangerous areas for forest fire. Because of the colony of pine and oak trees and the higher fire loads, the flame propagation will be carried out quickly in these areas.

Impacts of Land Use and Urban Design Characteristics on Transit Ridership in the Seoul Rail Station Areas (서울시 역세권에서의 토지이용 및 도시설계특성이 대중교통이용증대에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Sung, Hyung-Gon;Kim, Dong-Jun;Park, Jee-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2008
  • One of the efforts both to prevent urban sprawling development patterns and to promote use of public transportation is known as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), including such planning elements as the density and diversity of land use and pedestrian-friendly urban design around a transit center. The aim of this study is thus to conduct impact analyses of TOD planning elements on transit ridership in the Seoul rail station areas. First, the authors investigate and draw out various actual elements of TOD planning by using GIS-based data and Smart Card data. Then the authors analyze impacts of TOD planning elements on transit ridership for the Seoul rail station areas. After condensing 34 variables presumably influencing transit ridership into seven factors by using factor analyses, the study utilizes multiple regression modeling methods to identify their impacts on transit ridership. The analysis results demonstrate that transit ridership tends to increase more in rail station areas where there is a non-residential high density, mixed use of land and narrow and small-size road network patterns. The implementation of TODs should be a useful method in inducing a Transit-Oriented City through redevelopment and new development.

Determination of flood-inducing rainfall and runoff for highly urbanized area based on high-resolution radar-gauge composite rainfall data and flooded area GIS Data

  • Anh, Dao Duc;Kim, Dongkyun;Kim, Soohyun;Park, Jeongha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.157-157
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    • 2019
  • This study derived the Flood-Inducing-Rainfall (FIR) and the Flood-Inducing-Runoff (FIRO) from the radar-gage composite data to be used as the basis of the flood warning initiation for the urban area of Seoul. For this, we derived the rainfall depth-duration relationship for the 261 flood events at 239 watersheds during the years 2010 and 2011 based on the 10-minute 1km-1km radar-gauge composite rainfall field. The relationship was further refined by the discrete ranges of the proportion of the flooded area in the watershed (FP) and the coefficient variation of the rainfall time series (CV). Then, the slope of the straight line that contains all data points in the depth-duration relationship plot was determined as the FIR for the specified range of the FP and the CV. Similar methodology was applied to derive the FIRO, which used the runoff depths that were estimated using the NRCS Curve Number method. We found that FIR and FIRO vary at the range of 37mm/hr-63mm/hr and the range of 10mm/hr-42mm/hr, respectively. The large variability was well explained by the FP and the CV: As the FP increases, FIR and FIRO increased too, suggesting that the greater rainfall causes larger flooded area; as the rainfall CV increases, FIR and FIRO decreased, which suggests that the temporally concentrated rainfall requires less total of rainfall to cause the flood in the area. We verified our result against the 21 flood events that occurred for the period of 2012 through 2015 for the same study area. When the 5 percent of the flooded area was tolerated, the ratio of hit-and-miss of the warning system based on the rainfall was 44.2 percent and 9.5 percent, respectively. The ratio of hit-and-miss of the warning system based on the runoff was 67 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Lastly, we showed the importance of considering the radar-gauge composite rainfall data as well as rainfall and runoff temporal variability in flood warning system by comparing our results to the ones based on the gauge-only or radar-only rainfall data and to the one that does not account for the temporal variability.

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