• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS analysis

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Development of Cost-Benefit Analysis Model for GIS Projects (GIS사업의 비용편익분석 모형개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Ok;Heo, Yong;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2004
  • The GIS(Geographic Information System) projects require big initial investment and cost of maintenance. Decision makers would not launch GIS projects unless they are convinced of the benefits of the projects. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to develop an appropriate model for GIS project evaluation. We proposed a GIS project evaluation model and summarize the steps involved in Cost-Benefit Analysis(CBA). The costs of a GIS implementation include hardware and software cost, costs of database development, training expenses, annual maintenance expenses, and other annual expenses. The benefit by using GIS has been assessed into Type I(direct benefits), Type II(indirect benefits), Type III(benefits that result from the sale of information services), Type IV(intangible benefits).

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System Theory Approach for Decision Making of GIS-based Optimum Allocation (GIS기반 최적공간선정을 위한 시스템론적 접근)

  • Oh, Sang-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2006
  • As information technologies are improving, geographical information system (GIS) technologies are also developing rapidly and demands for spatial analysis with GIS are increasing. Particularly, the spatial analyses with GIS researches have been noted rather than general GIS researches. However, most GIS researches focus on space dimension: a density-based clustering method (DBSCAN) or a DBSCAN algorithm using region expressed as Weight (DBSCAN-W) but the importance of rational decision making based on time dimension has been neglected. This study adopts system dynamics in order to put time dimension in GIS-based optimum allocation.

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Location Selection for Residential Development with AHP and GIS Analysis Modeling Method (계층적 GIS분석 모델링에 의한 주거지개발 적지선정)

  • Han, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.440-447
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    • 2011
  • Selecting a suitable place is to determine the attributive conditions and qualified areas for the aim as factors and is to be fulfilled systematically for selecting the area which satisfies all these. This research tries to achieve a rational suitability analysis of residential development using the GIS modeling method and the hierarchical analysis process. A spatial and attributive analysis has been systematized for selecting a suitable place for the study and GIS analysis model has been used for the effective conclusion drawing for different levels. As a next step, a quantitative and qualitative evaluation index was created through complex consideration of the criteria and decision factors of the location selection, and weights were added depending on the relative importance of these factors. In particular, 3D terrain model simulation method has been used in order to reflect the aesthetic factors of the scenery which is an element of the subjective evaluation factors and considered qualitative and subjective evaluation factors which were not considered for the existing AHP technique. After the research, a location that satisfies complex requirements was found rapidly and accurately through the GIS model and hierarchical analysis.

An Approach of Cost-Benefit Analysis for GIS Project Evaluations (지리정보 사업의 비용편익 분석의 고찰)

  • Kim, Woo-Gwan;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 1998
  • This study begins with emphasis on the approach to public policy development and the extent to which a GIS framework can be used to evaluate projects objectively. This paper relates to public policy making and the use of GIS as a strategic management tool rather than the development of GIS technologies which has been the focus of attention since the advent of the first generation GIS systems in the 1960s. In order to consolidate a view towards public policy, the aim of this study is to show the advantages of using GIS to generate results which could be evaluated by cost and benefit analysis giving options of the alternative methods to estimate the feasibility of projects (both tangible and intangible) in a real public policy scenario. This study also reports that the tangible benefits associated with the GIS projects are better information processing, the easy analysis of data and the cost savings of map updates and printing, whilst the intangible benefits include quality decision making, and precise management of data through computing networks. In GIS context, the task of analysing and evaluating GIS projects is assumed in order to facilitate scientific and quantitative cost-benefit analysis. Previous methods of the cost-benefit analysis has not fully supported the evaluation of the intangible benefits and it has not been possible to make public policy realistic or scientifically understandable limiting decision makers in public domain. With the GIS decision makers are able to explore the potential of projects with this powerful decision supporting tool in practical application. On the basis of its potentials and limitations to cost-benefit analysis, therefore, it can be concluded that more flexible analysis and evaluation methodologies are needed to extend into the intangible benefits. In order to balance the evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative approaches on the cost-benefit analysis new or additional utilities will be required for the next GIS generation appraisal tool.

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Causual Analysis on Motivation and Satisfaction of Appling GIS for Social-Science Research (사회과학연구에서 GIS 활용 동기와 만족의 인과분석)

  • Choe, Byong Nam;Han, Seon Hee;Jin, Heui Chae
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2014
  • It is possible to design a strategy for expanding the applications of GIS by identifying why social science researchers use GIS. This study analyses motivating factors for the researchers to utilize GIS and their satisfying factors towards the result. It is based on survey results which was answered by social science researchers at national research institutes and local governmental research institutes in South Korea in the perspective of merits of applying GIS, level of GIS usability and experienced effectiveness of applying GIS. Analysis result reveals that motivating factors to researchers applying GIS are correlated with efficiency in their research and satisfying factors are correlated to the usability. Then, we induced a fact that motivative factors for applying GIS is not related to the satisfaction of that. It may be a reason which researchers use GIS less applying in social science fields. As a result, it is necessary to connect the motivating and satisfying factors to further expand GIS applications.

A Review on GIS Research Trends using Content Analysis Method - Focus on the GIS Journals Published from 1993 to 2006 - (내용분석 기법을 활용한 GIS관련 연구 동향 분석 - 최근 14년(1993~2006) 간 학회지 투고논문을 중심으로 -)

  • SaKong, Ho-Sang;Seo, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims to analyze academic and technological progresses of GIS as reviewing research trends of GIS journals for which four major GIS journals, KAGIS(The Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies), KSISS(Korea Spatial Information System Society), KOGSIS(The Korean Society for Geospatial Information System), GISAK(Geographic Information System Association of Korea) have been selected. As the authors suppose that subjects of academic articles reflect academic and social demands, total 1,222 articles that have been published by the four journals from 1993 to 2006 were reviewed and analyzed by content analysis method. Because of large volumes and variety of research scopes, all topics in the papers were classified into several categories with title and keywords referenced in each paper and the categories were analyzed into 5 years period. Thus, from the analysis results, this paper asserts that research trends and academic progresses are well-structured to review recent GIS areas in Korea and the outcomes of the analysis can be an adequate guidelines to establish NGIS policies and strategies.

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A Study on Improvement Suggestions of the National GIS Industries (국가GIS산업의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • O, Jong-U
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.349-385
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the activation methods of GIS industries through GIS industry current issue analysis in Korea to provide as following. First of an in order to analyse current GIS industries, there are three divisions as follows: existing GIS industry, new technology GIS industry, and commercial GIS industry. The existing GIS industry includes survey industry, municipality UIS and remote sensing. The new technology GIS industry has telematics industry, LiDAR industry, ubiquitous industry, LBS industry, internet, and u-city industry. The commercial GIS industry consists of civilian request GIS industry and spacial data distribution industry. The national geographic information industry contains problems and directions of the 1st, 2nd NGIS and 3rd NGIS plan direction policy. These classified GIS industries present various problems of policies and invaluable results for the future GIS industry activation directions as follows: Presence of the GIS contents technologies win be the most important core for the GIS industry activation related to IT839 policy of the government in Korea.

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GIS for Subsidence Analysis by Considering Surface Condition (지표면의 조건을 고려한 지반침하 분석용 GIS)

  • 권광수;이준용;박형동
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.595-600
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    • 2001
  • Recently, interests in subsidence hazard have been increased due to the underground construction such as subway construction and managements of abandoned mines. GIS analysis of subsidence hazard has a lot of advantages in handling of spatial data and managing database. For better result of GIS analysis, there are some necessities of modifying previous subsidence theory and model. To take surface profile into account allows the application of complicated topology. Furthermore. for 3-dimensional analysis. two subsidence profile curves that are perpendicular to each other should be considered simultaneously. Through these modifications, the model for subsidence analysis using GIS can be established. With ideal case of cavities and other conditions, GIS analysis was accomplished and meaningful results were produced. More realistic properties of cavity. soil layers, groundwater condition and topology will enable GIS analysis method to produce more reliable result and to widen the area of applications.

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A Study on Analysis of an Urban Spatial structure, based on the GIS Technique (지리정보[GIS]기술을 기반으로 한 도시공간구조분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Chang-Hee;Cho, Jae-Wan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2006
  • This paper is an analysis of the Category Individual Residence urban spatial structure along the National Route BO (Koushu-Kaido), one of the major roads in Japan, and the degree of differences between locations and its changes between the points of time. The analysis was based on the GIS technique. Whilst, previous studies were based on municipal boundaries or mesh units as sources of data, GIS allowed the use of variable geographical units, Roadside zone, Inner zone, North zone, South zone, Blocks. As an example to apply the technology of GIS, 1986's and 1991's building polygon data of the Urban Planning Bureau of Tokyo Metropolitan Government are used. The layers referred to the analyses is the building polygons with the amount of stories, building area, floor area and the material of the building. Two statistical analysis are executed; one is the test of the regional equality about the number of story of building, building area, floor area and fireproof building ratio.

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An Analysis of Spatial Characteristics in Urban Residential Area Using GIS - Focused on the Land Price according to Parcel Attributes - (GIS를 활용한 도시주거지 공간특성 분석 -토지속성에 따른 지가분포를 중심으로-)

  • 이희원
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.301-325
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    • 2003
  • Urban residential area, one of the main subjects of urban and architectural studies, can be analyzed accurately and rapidly with CIS. (Geographic Information System) And the applications of GIS in urban studies are too macro to be explained in architectural terms and the ones in architectural studies are not so much active rather be used as a secondary means. So the studies in urban-architectural scale are very useful in many ways. This study explores urban-architectural possibilities of analytic capabilities of GIS through the analysis of spatial characteristics of residential area in terms of land price according to parcel attributes. It is found, firstly, that the parcel attributes have relations with land price and its distribution patterns. Secondly, it is verified that the visualization capability of GIS can be a very useful method of analysis through user-interface effects in urban-architectural scaled analysis.

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