• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS Digital Map

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The Study on the Selection of Suitable site for Palustrine Wetland Creation at Habitat Restoration Areas for Oriental stork(Ciconia boyciana) (황새서식처 복원지역에서의 소택지 조성 적지선정 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Sung, Hyun-Chan;Kang, Bang-Hun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2011
  • This study was implemented to select the suitable site for Palustrine Wetland at habitat restoration for Oriental stork, red species and top-level predator in ecosystem. The evaluation items was fitted by review the antecedent studies on the suitable site selection model and evaluation items of wetland. The study sites were setted in $5,884,800m^2$ area including Yesan-gun Dae-ree, in which Oriental stork' park will be located, through DEM(Digital Elevation Model) watershed analysis. The thematic map by valuation items with secure of water resource, soil, topography, distance between roads, houses, etc., land using, wildlife corridor, and type of water resource was prepared using GIS program. The sites with high evaluation score were selected as suitable creation sites for wetland through overlapping those maps. Total 8 sites with over 18 point were selected. The characteristics of selected sites show that the soil are consisted of clay, the connectivity is valued high with surface water, the slope are gentle, and the connectivity is good with surroundings ecosystem. The result of water quality analysis, which was implement to survey available water resources and develop the solution of problem of water environment, showed that water quality at Salmok reservoir and Bogang reservoir is generally good, but the water quality at stagnant water body rising out from groundwater is not good. This study has limit to select the suitable sites of wetland only by analyzing physiotherapy environment in study area. Hereafter, the study is need to examine closely enhancement effects of biological diversity through investigation of biotic environment.

Large-Scale Slope Stability Analysis Using Climate Change Scenario (1): Methodologies (기후변화 시나리오를 이용한 광역 사면안정 해석(1): 방법론)

  • Choi, Byoung-Seub;Oh, Sung-Ryul;Lee, Kun-Hyuk;Lee, Gi-Ha;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.193-210
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to assess the slope stability variation of Jeollabuk-do drainage areas by RCM model outputs based on A1B climate change scenario and infinite slope stability model based on the specific catchment area concept. For this objective, we downscaled RCM data in time and space: from watershed scale to rain gauge scale in space and from monthly data to daily data in time and also developed the GIS-based infinite slope stability model based on the concept of specific catchment area to calculate spatially-distributed wetness index. For model parameterization, topographic, geologic, forestry digital map were used and model parameters were set up in format of grid cells($90m{\times}90m$). Finally, we applied the future daily rainfall data to the infinite slope stability model and then assess slope stability variation under the climate change scenario. This research consists of two papers: the first paper focuses on the methodologies of climate change scenario preparation and infinite slope stability model development.

GIS Information Generation for Electric Mobility Aids Based on Object Recognition Model (객체 인식 모델 기반 전동 이동 보조기용 GIS 정보 생성)

  • Je-Seung Woo;Sun-Gi Hong;Dong-Seok Park;Jun-Mo Park
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.200-208
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    • 2022
  • In this study, an automatic information collection system and geographic information construction algorithm for the transportation disadvantaged using electric mobility aids are implemented using an object recognition model. Recognizes objects that the disabled person encounters while moving, and acquires coordinate information. It provides an improved route selection map compared to the existing geographic information for the disabled. Data collection consists of a total of four layers including the HW layer. It collects image information and location information, transmits them to the server, recognizes, and extracts data necessary for geographic information generation through the process of classification. A driving experiment is conducted in an actual barrier-free zone, and during this process, it is confirmed how efficiently the algorithm for collecting actual data and generating geographic information is generated.The geographic information processing performance was confirmed to be 70.92 EA/s in the first round, 70.69 EA/s in the second round, and 70.98 EA/s in the third round, with an average of 70.86 EA/s in three experiments, and it took about 4 seconds to be reflected in the actual geographic information. From the experimental results, it was confirmed that the walking weak using electric mobility aids can drive safely using new geographic information provided faster than now.

A study on the realtime renewal and update of digital map using general survey (일반측량 성과도를 활용한수치지도의 실시간 수정갱신 체계화 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Gil;Kwon Jay-Hyoun;Yang Hyo-Jin;Cho Seong-Kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2006
  • 현재 국가지리정보유통망을 통해 유통되고 있는 수치지도(Digital map)는 대부분 항공 측량사진(Air survey Photographs)이나 위성영상(Satellite images)을 통해 취득된 토지 피복의 형상을 기반으로 제작된 지도들이다. 정사사진으로부터 취득된 지형정보를 기호화, 단순화한 수치지도는 실제 사물의 형태와 많은 차이가 있어 지형과 시설물의 변이를 사실대로 반영하지 못한다. 특히 최근 들어 지하시설물이나 건축기술의 발달로 층별 구조가 다양해진 건축물의 형태 등은 정사사진으로는 식별이 불가능하고 건물의 경우 지붕의 형태로 묘사되는 등 표현에 한계가 있다. 도심지역을 대상으로 제작된 1/1,000수치지형도나 일부 지자체나 공공기관 등에서 제작된 $1/500{\sim}1/2,500$ 수치지형도는 상세한 지형정보를 포함하고 있는 높은 정밀도의 수치지도이지만, 도시지역의 변이가 빠르게 일어나고 있기 때문에 자료 신뢰성과 최신성을 유지하는데 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 현지조사나 측량에 의존하고 있는 정사사진으로부터 취득이 불가능한 지형자료의 취득이나 수년단위인 갱신주기의 한계를 극복하고 실시간으로 수치지도를 수정갱신 할 수 있는 대안으로 일반측량성과도의 활용방안을 제시하고자 한다. 일반측량업에서 생산되는 일반측량성과도는 임시 도근점에 의해 측량을 실시하고 지적경계점과 현황기지점을 도해법에 의해 지적도와 중첩시켜 제작한 측량도로서, 일반측량 성과도에 절대좌표체계를 부여하고 수치지도와 매칭 기법을 제시함으로서 경제적이고 신속한 실시간 수치지도 수정갱신체계를 확립할 수 있고, 자료의 공유함으로써 중복측량을 방지할 수 있다.보 등)를 활용, 구축된다. 교통분석용 네트워크는 구축시점에 따라 현재 및 장래 네트워크로 구분되며 장래 네트워크는 기준년도부터 2031년까지 5년 단위로 계획된 장래도로를 반영하여 구축된다. 교통주제도 및 교통분석용 네트워크는 국가교통DB구축사업을 통해 구축된 자료로서 교통체계효율화법 제9조의4에 따라 공공기관이 교통정책 및 계획수립 등에 활용할 수 있도록 제공하고 있다. 건설교통부의 승인절차를 거쳐 제공하며 활용 후에는 갱신자료 및 활용결과를 통보하는 과정을 거치도록 되어있다. 교통주제도는 국가의 교통정책결정과 관련분야의 기초자료로서 다양하게 활용되고 있으며, 특히 ITS 노드/링크 기본지도로 활용되는 등 교통 분야의 중요한 지리정보로서 구축되고 있다..20{\pm}0.37L$, 72시간에 $1.33{\pm}0.33L$로 유의한 차이를 보였으므로(F=6.153, P=0.004), 술 후 폐환기능 회복에 효과가 있다. 4) 실험군과 대조군의 수술 후 노력성 폐활량은 수술 후 72시간에서 실험군이 $1.90{\pm}0.61L$, 대조군이 $1.51{\pm}0.38L$로 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=2.620, P=0.013). 5) 실험군과 대조군의 수술 후 일초 노력성 호기량은 수술 후 24시간에서 $1.33{\pm}0.56L,\;1.00{\ge}0.28L$로 유의한 차이를 보였고(t=2.530, P=0.017), 술 후 72시간에서 $1.72{\pm}0.65L,\;1.33{\pm}0.3L$로 유의한 차이를 보였다(t=2.540, P=0.016). 6) 대상자의

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A Study on the Habitat Mapping of Meretrix lyrata Using Remote Sensing at Ben-tre Tidal Flat, Vietnam (원격탐사를 활용한 베트남 Ben-tre 갯벌의 Meretrix lyrata 서식지 매핑 연구)

  • Hwang, Deuk Jae;Woo, Han Jun;Koo, Bon Joo;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.975-987
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    • 2021
  • Potential habitat mapping of Meretrix lyrata which is found in large parts of South East Asian tidal flat was carried out to find out causes of collective death. Frequency Ratio (FR) method, one of geospatialstatistical method, was employed with some benthic environmental factors; Digital elevation model (DEM) made from Landsat imagery, slope, tidal channel distance, tidal channel density, sedimentary facesfrom WorldView-02 image. Field survey was carried out to measure elevation of each station and to collect surface sediment and benthos samples. Potential habitat maps of the all clams and the juvenile clams were made and accuracy of each map showed a good performance, 76.82 % and 69.51 %. Both adult and juvenile clams prefer sand dominant tidal flat. But suitable elevation of adult clams is ranged from -0.2 to 0.2 m, and that of juvenile clams is ranged from 0 to 0.3 m. Tidal channel didn't affect the habitat of juvenile clams, but it affected the adult clams. In the furtherstudy, comparison with case of Korean tidal flat will be carried out to improve a performance of the potential habitat map. Change in the benthic echo-system caused by climate change will be predictable through potential habitat mapping of macro benthos.

Three Dimensional Analysis Using Digital Elevation Model on the Coastal Landform of the Sacheon Bay, South Sea of Korea (수치고도 모델을 이용한 사천만 해안지역의 3차원 지형분석)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Han, Kyun-Hyeung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2003
  • The process of constructing coastal digital elevation model(DEM), for the 3 dimensional analysis, is composed by abstracting land layers for land elevation and water depth, reprojecting UTM, relocating geographical grid, and interpolating works. The geomorphic set of shallow sea, including tidal current, tidal zone deposition, and water depth distribution, was analyzed by eye search of Landsat TM image, masking of land zone, band combination and regression analysis. Some horizontal differences, between combined DEM and surveyed data of shallow sea, was corrected for analysis. Analyzed geomorphic elements are stream channel, alluvial fan, coastal terrace, tidal current. and shallow sea bank. Results of analysis present that transported fluvial materials influence tidal sedimentation, especially from Gahwacheon river, for the role of artificial draining flooding waters from Jinyang Reservoir, almost in the summer season. In the coastal area with less tidal current, more fine materials are deposited. The influence of currental deposition are higher on small pockets with west coast of well developed terraces. The lower skirt of alluvial fans developed into the tidal zone of shallow sea. Small pocket type bays are closed by coastal current, and less influenced from tidal deposition. The bank of Jinju Bay are developed originally from submerging of remnant erosional mountain ranges, and play on the role of trapping fine materials.

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An Introduction of Korean Soil Information System (한국 토양정보시스템 소개)

  • Hong, S. Young;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Jung, Sug-Jae;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Jang, Byoung-Choon;Choe, Eun-Young;Lee, Ye-Jin;Ha, Sang-Keun;Kim, Myung-Suk;Lee, Jong-Sik;Jung, Goo-Bok;Ko, Byong-Gu;Kim, Gun-Yeob
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2009
  • Detailed information on soil characteristics is of great importance for the use and conservation of soil resources that are essential for human welfare and ecosystem sustainability. This paper introduces soil inventory of Korea focusing on national soil database establishment, information systems, use, and future direction for natural resources management. Different scales of soil maps surveyed and soil test data collected by RDA (Rural Development Administration) were computerized to construct digital soil maps and database. Soil chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils including vulnerable agricultural soils were investigated regularly at fixed sampling points. Internet-based information systems for soil and agro-environmental resources were developed based on 'National Soil Survey Projects' for managing soil resources and for providing soil information to the public, and 'Agroenvironmental Change Monitoring Project' to monitor spatial and temporal changes of agricultural environment will be opened soon. Soils data has a great potential of further application in estimation of soil carbon storage, water capacity, and soil loss. Digital mapping of soil and environment using state-of-the-art and emerging technologies with a pedometrics concept will lead to future direction.

Estimation of forest Site Productivity by Regional Environment and Forest Soil Factors (권역별 입지$\cdot$토양 환경 요인에 의한 임지생산력 추정)

  • Won Hyong-kyu;Jeong Jin-Hyun;Koo Kyo-Sang;Song Myung Hee;Shin Man Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.132-140
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to develop regional site index equations for main tree species in Gangwon, Gyunggi-Chungcheong, Gyungsang, and Jeolla area of Korea, using environmental and soil factors obtained from a digital forest site map. Using the large data set obtained from the digital forest map, a total of 28 environmental and soil factors were regressed on site index by tree species for developing the best site index equations for each of the regions. The selected main tree species were Larix 1eptolepis, Pinus koraiensis, Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii, and Quercus acutissima. Finally, four to five environmental and soil factors by species were chosen as independent variables in defining the best regional site index equations with the highest coefficients of determination $(R^2)$. For those site index equations, three evaluation statistics such as mean difference, standard deviation of difference and standard error of difference were applied to the data sets independently collected from fields within the region. According to the evaluation statistics, it was found that the regional site index equations by species developed in this study conformed well to the independent data set, having relatively low bias and variation. It was concluded that the regional site index equations by species had sufficient capability for the estimation of site productivity.

Application of Geographic Information Systems for Effective Management of University Forests (대학연습림의 효율적 관리를 위한 지리정보시스템의 활용방안)

  • Kwon, Taeho;Kim, Taekyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1999
  • The functional change of university forest have led to need more complicated techniques for forest management strategies, and more information about forest and natural environment. Therefore the systematic tools, like the so-called Forest Information System to which apply the techniques of geographic information system, are eagerly required for collecting, editing, managing, analyzing the various data about forest and environment, and for supporting the decision-making process. The digital mapping, which could be a primary step to construct the Forest Information System, was carried out using the many kinds of thematic spatial data referring to the Seongju Experimental Forest of Taegu University. As a result, various digital maps including forest type, soil type and so on were constructed. And then we made an user-interface system to link the attributive data in management plan to the thematic spatial data. This system was regarded as the effective tool capable of the more rapid query, analysis and update of related data for systematic management of university forest. Moreover, it would be a useful tool of decision-making in devising, assessing and operating the plan of forest management and development. But there would be much room for supplementation and improvement to make the more convenient and powerful system for the external demands, therefore more concerns and efforts in collecting, revising and updating the data is continuously required.

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A Study on the Architectural Design Utility of Object-based CAD System (객체기반 CAD 시스템의 건축설계적 효용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Chang-Geun
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2002
  • As architectural forms tend to be large-scaled, high-storied and complicated, use of computer for processing design information has been generalized. However, CAD use in the process of developing architectural design has been neglected greatly in the educational field of architectural field due to the surging of recognition that it may limit the essential property of architectural design. It may be resulted from the limitation of CAD system, that is, it is because of tardy speed of application development for the related areas with the lack of simplicity and clarity of flexibility to be secured on the drawing and user interface. Recent CAD systems, however, overcome such a limitation, convert into object-based design from entity-based drawing, drafting and modeling for implementing design concept of architects and it connects with internet linked to superspeed information communication network and changes process and stream of architectural design. Therefore, this study deals with utility of object based CAD system with products of Autodesk Co. and consequently obtain the following conclusions. First, it expands architect's design areas by supporting cooperative design system based on model-based architectural design and internet. Second, it reduces consumption of personal and material resources and time in the process of drawing production for improving architectural design works. Third, it can reduce the frequent design changes by improving understanding of architectural space with visualization of immediate 3D information, escaping from traditional methods to deliver design information to building owner through 2D drawing or model and perspective drawing requiring much cost and time. Fourth, it keeps exactness without omission or duplication of design information and generate and renew information of all related drawings on a drawing. Fifth, it is possible to change difficult and boring architectural design work into a pleasure owing to immediate modeling and drawing of design idea. In addition, digital drawing generated by using object-based CAD system can playa role of establishing Urban Information System to be used for protecting from building in disaster and urban disasters in connection with GIS numerical map and be used for reference of all kinds of information required fro post-management of buildings. However, what is more important is that surplus time from introduction of object-based CAD system should be used for consideration to be recognized as a good space and building built as a product of this project for comfort to urban people.

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