• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS

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Analysis of the undergraduate GIS course for Accreditation (공학인증에 대비한 학부 GIS 교과과정 분석)

  • Koh, June-Hwan
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2009
  • Rapidly evolving field of GIS and the social demand for university education to address the gap in the training of human resources, and future-oriented, engineering accreditation system based on the introduction of measures in the field of GIS is the need. In this thesis, the domestic and international undergraduate curriculum including University of Seoul's was analysed. A GIS curriculum of the domestic and abroad department course was analyzed. The present status of the domestic engineering accreditation and problems were analyzed and a desirable casting plan was shown through the abroad GIS related accreditation case analysis to analyze the validity of the engineering accreditation introduction of the GIS field. A standardized GIS curriculum was shown through the analysis of the core curriculum and the body of knowledge of the GIS field shown at the advanced of foreign countries all together. The industry-academia cooperation forum which made the Surveying and GIS related society the center by a political alternative, the construction of the caucus and the argument to execute this effectively are needed.

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State-of-the-art 3D GIS: System Development Perspectives

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 1998
  • Since the mid-1990′s, researches on 3D GIS have been regarded as one of main issues both in the academic sites and commercial vendors; recently, some prototyped systems or the first versioned software systems of commercial basis are being reported and released. Unlike conventional 2D GIS, which consists in intelligent structured GIS or desktop GIS, every 3D GIS has its own distinguished features according to data structure-supporting capability, GIS-styled functionality, external database accessibility, interfacing extents with 2D GIS, 3D visualization/texture mapping ability, and so forth. In this study, technical aspects related to system development, SERI-Web3D GIS ver. 1.2, are explained. Main features in this revised 3D GIS can be summarized: 2-tier system model(client-server), VGFF(Virtual GIS File Format), internal GIS import, Feature manager(zoning, layering, visualization evironment), Scene manager(manage 3D geographic world), Scene editor, Spatial analyzer(Intersect, Buffering, Network analysis), VRML exporter. While, most other 3D GISes or cartographic mapping systems may be categorized into 3D visualization systems handling terrain height-field processing, 2D GIS extension modules, or 3D geometric feature generation system using orthophoto image: actually, these are eventually considered as several parts of "real 3D GIS". As well as these things, other components, especially web-based 3D GIS, are being implemented in this study: Surface/feature integration, Java/VRML linkage, Mesh/Grid problem, LOD(Level of Detail)/Tiling, Public access security problem, 3-tier architecture extension, Surface handling strategy for VRML.

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A Study of GIS education in High-School (고등학교의 GIS 교육에 관한 연구)

  • 오충원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.268-273
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    • 2003
  • 이 연구는 고등학교에서 GIS 교육의 현재와 발전 방향에 대하여 살펴보았다. 첫째, 최근 개편된 고등학교 교육과정에서는 GIS에 대한 내용과 비중이 늘어났으며, 이에 따라 GIS 교육에 대한 관심과 수요가 커지고 있다. 둘째, GIS 교육을 위한 GIS 교육 프로그램 개발이 시급한 상황이다. 교과 과정 설정에 부합되는 교육 프로그램과 제반 환경이 부족하여 교수-학습 현장에서의 GIS 교육이 활발히 진행되지 못하였다. 이에 본 연구는 기본적인 GIS 교육 프로그램을 제안하였다. 셋째, 향후 학교 교육에서 GIS 교육은 ‘GIS를 활용한 교육’과 ‘GIS에 대한 교육’의 통합이 바람직한 것으로 분석되었다. 정보화가 진행될수록 GIS 교육의 중요성이 높아지게 될 것이다. 현재 GIS 교육을 담당하고 있는 ‘지리’ 과목을 중심으로 이에 대한 체계적 준비와 연구가 필요하다.

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Development of the Web based System for Assessing GIS Benefit (웹 기반의 GIS 효과 측정시스템 개발)

  • 김정옥;유기윤;김용일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2004
  • 제1차와 제2차 ‘국가지리정보체계(NGIS)구축기본계획’ 을 시행하면서 체계적인 GIS기반이 마련되어 중앙정부와 지방자치단체 등 공공부문을 중심으로 다양한 부문에서 GIS구축사업이 추진되었다. 그러나 GIS사업은 초기 막대한 구축비용과 사업완료이후에도 유지관리비용이 지속적으로 소요되기 때문에 그 타당성이 가시적으로 나타나지 않으면 사업의 추진이 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 체계적이고 과학적인 효과분석을 위한 GIS사업의 평가모형을 제시하고 이를 바탕으로 웹 기반의 GIS 효과분석시스템을 구현하였다. 본 연구의 GIS 효과분석시스템은 최신의 정확한 정보와 검증된 분석방법을 실시간 제공하기 위해 웹 기반으로 설 계 하였다. 왱 기반의 분석시스템은 GIS사업의 효과분석에 있어 시ㆍ공간의 제약을 받지 않고 GIS사업의 효과평가를 가능하게 한다. 또한 GIS사업의 효과측정에 있어서 타당성을 부여하여 과학적인 기준을 제시하며, 분석결과는 사업의 추진을 위한 재원마련과 정책결정자 설득의 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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National GIS Standards: Contents and Future Directions (국가 GIS 표준의 내용과 표준화 방향)

  • Jang, Sung-Gheel;Kim, Tschang-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 1999
  • The role of a GIS as a tool for a national information infrastructure can best be fulfilled once GIS standards are implemented. In this paper, we have identified what the contents of GIS standards in other countries are, and what should be the future direction for implementing a nation's GIS standards. Based on a detailed review on GIS standards in the USA, Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom, we derived the following: (1) A nations's GIS standards should include both geographic information content standards and geographic information service standards: (2) A nation's GIS standards should be a profile of ISO GIS standards: (3) Each GIS standards should be developed on the bassis of the Entity-Relationship Model using Unified Modeling Language: and (4) Experts in GIS should pay much more attention on studies on GIS service standardization. As for building the national GIS Standards for Korea, we recommend both GIS Content Standards and GIS Service Standards be simultaneously developed. GIS Content Standards include geographic feature content standard, feature classification standard, portrayal standard, rules for application standards, spatial reference model and terminology. GIS Service Standards include standards for data sharing such as metadata standard and transfer standard, quality standard, quality principle and portrayal standards.

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A Study on Effective Establishment of GIS Master Plans in Local Government (지자체 GIS 기본계획의 효과적인 수립방안 연구)

  • 김은형;이창환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2003
  • 80년대 초 GIS의 개념이 국내에 도입된 후, 1988년 대구광역시를 필두로 지자체의 GIS 구축이 시작되어 국가에서는 GIS 구축의 체계적인 관리의 필요성에 따라 1995년 제1차 국가GIS 기본계획을 수립하고, 2000년 ‘국가지리정보체계의 구축 및 활용 등에 관한 법률’을 제정, 공포하여 각 지자체의 실정에 맞는 GIS 기본계획을 수립하도록 유도하고 있다. 그러나, 바람직한 지자체 GIS 기본계획 작성의 표준이 제시되지 않아 지자체 GIS 기본계획이 개인의 안목이나 타 지자체의 내용을 참조로 만들어져 형식적이고 획일적인 결과물이 산출되고 있다. 그리하여 기존에 수립된 지자체 GIS 기본계획이 일부의 지자체를 제외하고는 해당 지자체의 GIS 구축 사업에 활용되지 못하고 책장속의 책으로 존재하고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문의 목적은 지자체 GIS 기본계획 표준안을 제시하여 향후 해당 지자체에서 GIS 기본계획을 수립할 때, 구성적인 측면의 틀을 제공하여 일정수준을 만족할 수 있는 지자체 GIS 기본계획의 수립을 지원하고자 한다. 지자체 GIS 기본계획 표준(안)을 도출하기 위해서 정보화전략계획과 해외 관련 연구, 국가GIS 기본계획의 검토를 통하여 지자체 GIS 기본계획의 구성요소를 도출하고, 기존지자체 GIS 기본계획의 목차를 중심으로 분석하여, 문제점을 도출하고, 그에 따른 시사점을 제시하여 지자체 GIS 기본계획 표준(안)의 기반이 되도록 하였다. 제안된 지자체 GIS 기본계획 표준(안)은 향후 각 지자체의 활용가치가 높은 GIS 기본 계획의 수립에 도움이 될 수 있도록 하며, 나아가서는 수립된 지자체 GIS 기본계획이 지자체의 성공적인 GIS 구축을 유도하는 가이드의 역할을 수행할 것으로 기대된다.가 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 통해 지방자치단체 GIS 기본계획에 있어 조직 측면의 장기적 비전의 제시가 가능하며 이를 통해 보다 성숙된 GIS 사업의 추진과 효율적인 시스템의 운영이 가능할 것이다.. 이상의 결과를 종합해볼 때, ${\beta}$-glucan은 고용량일 때 직접적으로 또는 $IFN-{\gamma}$ 존재시에는 저용량에서도 복강 큰 포식세로를 활성화시킬 뿐 아니라, 탐식효율도 높임으로써 면역기능을 증진 시키는 것으로 나타났고, 그 효과는 crude ${\beta}$-glucan의 추출조건에 따라 달라지는 것을 알 수 있었다.eveloped. Design concepts and control methods of a new crane will be introduced in this paper.and momentum balance was applied to the fluid field of bundle. while the movement of′ individual material was taken into account. The constitutive model relating the surface force and the deformation of bundle was introduced by considering a representative prodedure that stands for the bundle movement. Then a fundamental equations system could be simplified considering a steady state of the process. On the basis of the simplifie

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A prototype implementation of GIS operations using an intergrated CA-GIS and evaluation of their relative performance (CA-GIS 통합 시스템을 이용한 GIS연산의 구현)

  • 박수홍
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 1997
  • This paper demonstrates the prototype implementation of existing GIS operations using an integrated CA-GIS system where a CA simulator serve an analytical engine for GIS and compares the performance of the operations implemented here with the original ones. In addition, some new GIS operations that are not available in contemporary GIS are implemented and tested within the integrated system. It has shown that most of the local and focal operations were successfully implemented with CA-GIS and some operations written with the CA simulator showed better performance. New types of operations such as various shape filters, time-series filter, and diffusion operators were able to be implemented using the CA-GIS, which appears to be significant to enhance deficient analytical capabilities of contemporary GIS.

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Application Strategies of Geospatial Service Registry for SOA in GIS Web Services (GIS 웹 서비스에서 SOA를 위한 공간정보 레지스트리 적용 전략)

  • Ha, Su-Wook;Park, Jong-Min;Nam, Kwang-Woo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose the application models and strategies of geospatial services registries for SOA in GIS web services. Recently. a number of SOA/web services are being developed for various commercial or public applications. However, geospatial SOA services are less used than general purpose SOA services, because GeoSpatial service registries has been neglected in many GIS applications even though GeoSpatial registries are essential component for open geospatial services. These problems are due to lack of researches for GIS registry usages. In this paper, we define the role player ill GIS SOAs, and develop the various GIS web service models among the players. Besides, we suggest the applications strategies of GeoSpatial services registries in the service models.

A Study on Consumer Oriented GIS : GIS 2.0 (GIS 2.0 : 소비자 참여형 GIS에 대한 고찰)

  • Kang, Ho-Seok
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.3 s.38
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2006
  • With the development and invention of computer and internet, GIS (Geographic Information System) has provided diverse services to users. Web 2.0, the next generation web, has been developed to create a new business by accumulating and structuring information from many users. The characteristics of Web 2.0 are blog, longtail distribution, SNS, DCC, collective intelligence, and so on. This study proposes a GIS 2.0 service model to maximize the introduction effect and use of GIS by the method that two-way communication and the participation of consumer, characteristics of Web 2.0, are used to build more practical GIS rather than providing spatial information in one-way and simple inquiry oriented way.

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Strategies to develop GIS industry with increasing demands for geographic information (지리정보수요변화에 따른 GIS산업 발전전략에 관한 연구)

  • 최병남;정윤희;양광식
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.439-452
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    • 2003
  • Geographic Information System(GIS) market in Korea was made based on "the First Master Plan for the korean National GIS" Recently the private GIS market is growing rapidly for LBS, Telematics, Web Geographic Information Service. So, the purpose of this study is to make the development strategies reflected ′moving the core of GIS market′ from public to private sector. By using the Model of Added Value chain, the business model which reflect features of geographical information best, we analyzed markets and classified them into four fields along the uses and degrees of added value. The features of markets in each field are researched and the ways of development about each fields are established. And the business model for geoaphic information circulation is made for development of GIS. market. To realize the development strategies in each field, this study proposes the national roles.

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