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지리교육에서 Internet GIS의 활용 -ArcIMS를 이용한 Internet Mapping-

  • 김감영;이건학
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2002
  • 1980년 후반부터 지리에서 과학적 탐구를 지원하는 학습도구로써 GIS의 잠재성을 모색하기 시작하였다. 이후 지리교육에서 GIS의 유용성, 지리교육에 GIS를 적용하는데 해결해야할 문제들, 지리교육에 적용할 때 필요한 접근방법, 다양한 학습 모형 개발에 대한 연구가 진행되었다. 그리고 최근 Internet GIS 기술이 개발되면서 Web을 통한 학습 자료의 개발이 이루어지고 있다.(중략)

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GIS에서의 유한요소법을 이용한 전계계산 적용사례

  • 김희진;송원표
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 1990
  • GIS에서의 유한요소법을 이용한 전계계산의 적용례를 기술하면 GIS의 절연성능향상 및 고신뢰성을 위해서는 정도높은 전계계산 수단이 필요하며 GIS와 같은 고전압 전력기기의 절연설계시에는 정전계계산기술을 적극적으로 활용, 고신뢰성의 중전기를 생산공급하여, 양질의 전력공급 및 계통의 안정화에 더욱 공헌하고자 한다.

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study of comparison between Nae-gyung(內經) and later physian's theory on In-yeong-gi-go Maek(人迎氣口脈) (인영기구맥(人迎氣口脈)에 대(對)한 내경(內經)과 후대(後代) 의가설(醫家說)과의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Tae-Eun;Kim, Tai-Hee
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.152-164
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    • 1994
  • In Nai-Gyung(內經), it is said that In-Yeong(人迎) means In- Yeong Maek(人迎脈), Gi-Gu m- eans Tson-Gu(寸口) or Maek- Gu(脈口), In-yeong, artery in the side of neck, is located before Yeong-Geun(瓔筋), called as Jok-Yang-Myung-Maek(足陽明脈),so the part of In-Yeong-Maek means In-Yeong-Hyul(人迎穴) of Jok-Yang-Myung- Wi-Gyung(足陽明胃經) showing the artery in the side of neck. The part of Tson-Gu-Maek is that of artery in Yo-Gol(橈骨), beating source of Soo-Tae-Eum-Maek (手太陰脈) Of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek, In-Yeong-Maek mainly consists of Yang(陽), Gi-Gu-Maek of Eum(陰), so In-Yeung means physical disease, short of extra Eum component. They said that if In-Yeong-Maek was more than Gi-Gu-Maek, it meant physical injury, while Gi-Gu-Maek was more than In- Yeo-ng-Maek, it meant internal injury. In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek is the one to distinguish the external and internal, the inside and outside, Eum and Yang, but there is no definite classification method to distinguish it, also it is difficult to grasp the comparison of 1sung(1盛), 2sung(2盛), 3sung(3盛), interrelation with 12-Gyung-Rak(l2經絡), change of maek phases, so necessary to set up the clear definition for In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek. For the two theories as to In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek according to Nai-Gyung, the one is to diagnose the maek by comparing the In-Yeong-Hyul with Tson-Gu of Soo-Tae-Eum-Maek as Gi-Gu in the both sides of neck part, he other is to divide the left and right of Gi-Gu-Maek in to In-Yeong and Gi-Gu afterwards, but today it is difficult to compare and explain the medical theory afterwards owing to insufficient consideration of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek at Nai-Gyung. The diagnosis of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek at Nai-Gyung to distinguish the surplus and shortage of Eum and Yang up to now since Nai-Gyung has so important and diagnostic value as to grasp the exact meaning. Herewith, this researcher com-pared Nai-Gyung and medical theory afterwards, reported it to consider the fixed position and changing process of viscera and entrails arrangement of literatures introducing In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek, examining the change of maek phases for normal maek and a-bnormal maek of In-Yeong-Gi-Gu-Maek, considering the 1 sung, 2 sung, 3 sung maek phases in In-Yeong-Gi- Gu-Maek. According to the above results, the conclusion was reached as follows. 1. In-Yeong as the outside indicates external disease(外感), showing the surplus and shortage of Yang symptom by having Boo-Maek(浮脈) as Py-ung-Maek(平脈), Gi-Gu as the inside indicates internal disease(內傷), showing the surplus and shortage of Eum symptom by having Chim-Maek(沈脈) as P-yung-Maek(平脈). 2. In Pyung-Maek of In- Yeong-Maek as Boo-Maek, g-radual sinking of more floated changing maek because of disease means the improvement of di-sease, in Pyung-Maek of Gi- Gu-Maek as Chim- Maek, gradual floating of more sunken changing maek because of disease means the improvement of disease. 3. They said that disease of Jok-Gyung-Rak(足經絡) is cha-nged to that of Soo-Kyung-Rak(手經絡) when Jo-Maek(躁脈) appears whether In-Yeong-Maek or Gi-Gu-Maek 4. With the exemples of 1 sung 2 sung 3 sung it was porned with the relation of Pyo-Ri-Soo-Jok(表裏手足). Therfore I can guess that this fact is a moment explained the Bu-You-Sa-Kyung(部有四經) mentioned in Nan-Gyung-18-Nan(難經 第18難). 5. I think that In-Yeong and Gi-Gu, as a diagnosis method which distinguish between the inside indicates internal disease and the outside indicates external disease, is required to study further researches.

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CC-GiST: A Generalized Framework for Efficiently Implementing Arbitrary Cache-Conscious Search Trees (CC-GiST: 임의의 캐시 인식 검색 트리를 효율적으로 구현하기 위한 일반화된 프레임워크)

  • Loh, Woong-Kee;Kim, Won-Sik;Han, Wook-Shin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.14D no.1 s.111
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2007
  • According to recent rapid price drop and capacity growth of main memory, the number of applications on main memory databases is dramatically increasing. Cache miss, which means a phenomenon that the data required by CPU is not resident in cache and is accessed from main memory, is one of the major causes of performance degradation of main memory databases. Several cache-conscious trees have been proposed for reducing cache miss and making the most use of cache in main memory databases. Since each cache-conscious tree has its own unique features, more than one cache-conscious tree can be used in a single application depending on the application's requirement. Moreover, if there is no existing cache-conscious tree that satisfies the application's requirement, we should implement a new cache-conscious tree only for the application's sake. In this paper, we propose the cache-conscious generalized search tree (CC-GiST). The CC-GiST is an extension of the disk-based generalized search tree (GiST) [HNP95] to be tache-conscious, and provides the entire common features and algorithms in the existing cache-conscious trees including pointer compression and key compression techniques. For implementing a cache-conscious tree based on the CC-GiST proposed in this paper, one should implement only a few functions specific to the cache-conscious tree. We show how to implement the most representative cache-conscious trees such as the CSB+-tree, the pkB-tree, and the CR-tree based on the CC-GiST. The CC-GiST eliminates the troublesomeness caused by managing mire than one cache-conscious tree in an application, and provides a framework for efficiently implementing arbitrary cache-conscious trees with new features.

A Trends of Studies in Journal of Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong (대한의료기공학회지 연구 동향)

  • Beag, Ji You;Cho, Min Gun;Jung, Jae Hun;Lee, Eun Mi;Ahn, Hun Mo;Lee, Jae Heung
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.146-165
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of this review is to overview and evaluate the trends of the studies in J. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. Methods : All 186 articles' headlines and abstracts from voI.1(1996) to Vol.17(20l7) were evaluated and classified. The dataset was searched from the Hompage of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. Results : 1. In the type of study, the literature studies consisted of 67%(126studies), clinical studies 21%(39), experimental studies 12%(22) in order. 2. Gigong classification was 60.96%(114studies) while Non-Gigong classification was 37.04%(73studies). 3. In Gigong classification, General Gigong took the largest part and there were no Taoist Sexual Practices studies. 4. In Non-Gigong classification, Obstetrics & Gynecology & Pediatrics took the largest part by 25 studies(12.37%). An-Kyo-Hak was the second largest by 24 studies(11.88%). 5. Analysis Research(112 studies, 59.89%) took the largest part in study method. Conclusions : 1. The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong published average 8.9 studies per year(187 studies per 21 years). 2. Following the object of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong, 114 studies(60.96%) of total 187 studies, published by J. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong, were associated to Gigong. 3. In Non-Gigong classification, 25 studies about Obstetrics & Gynecology & Pediatrics, 24 studies about An-Kyo-Hak, 16 studies about Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine and Meridian & Acupoint Study were published by J. of The Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong. 4. In Gigong classification, studies about Meditation and External Gigong Therapy were insufficient. There are even no studies about Taoist Sexual Practices. We need more studies about those categories to come.

Analysis of Frequently Diagnosed Gastrointestinal Disorders and Therapeutic Regimens in the Outpatients (외래환자의 위장관계 다빈도 질환과 처방 분석)

  • Kim, Min Jeong;Choi, Kyung Eob
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 1997
  • The gastrointestinal disorders (GI disorders) is one of the most common diseases in Korea. The community pharmacists are often faced with the complaints of symptoms due to the GI disorders. However the drugs used to treat the GI disorders are frequently abused by the patients themselves because these drugs are easily available and have high placebo effects. Therefore, we have reviewed the digestive diseases statistics of 1996 to find out the frequencies of the GI disorders in the outpatients of Samsung Medical Center. Using these statistic data, we figured out the frequently diagnosed GI disorders and analysed commonly used prescriptions from February 1st to 28th of 1997. In addition, we also evaluated the commonly used drugs in these prescriptions. About twenty thousands of patients visited the hopital because of their GI symptoms in 1996. It was found that dyspepsia, viral hepatitis, and gastric and duodenal ulcer disease are frequently diagnosed in these patients. In a point of view on other GI disorders, gastritis and duodenitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, constipation and diarrhea were commonly detected. And a number of drugs were prescribed to treat the GI disorders, which included the prokinetics, Histamine-2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitor, antacids, tranquillizers, antidepressants, antispasmodics, laxatives and so on. Interestingly, there were many prescriptions composing of the antibiotic regimens to eradicate H. pylori which has been proven to cause peptic ulcers.

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Psychiatric Considerations on Pediatric Psychosomatic Disorders with Gastrointestinal Symptoms (소화기 증상을 보이는 소아 정신신체 질환에 대한 정신과적 고찰)

  • Yoo, Hanik K.;Paik, Kyoung-won
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.sup1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2009
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in children and adolescents are influenced by diverse psychiatric components such as psychosocial stresses, familial environment, school-related situations, and comorbid psychiatric conditions. Absolutely psychiatric symptoms of pediatric patients are also affected by problems of GI system. Lots of symptoms including anorexia, dyspepsia, nausea and so on are commonly originated from either GI or psychiatric causes or both. Sometimes the negative interactions between GI and psychiatric problems aggravate the severity and eventually decline the functions of children and adolescents with GI symptoms. We summarized the common GI and psychiatric conditions which have GI and psychiatric associations. To a clinician who manages pediatric GI disorders, psychiatric considerations can be beneficial to understand the clinical manifestations of patients and to find the way to relieve them. This short and somewhat superficial review may help to have a bird's-eye view on this topic.

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Dietary Patterns and the Associated Risk of Breast Cancer: A Case-control Study

  • Woo, Hae Dong;Park, Ki-Soon;Shin, Aesun;Ro, Jungsil;Kim, Jeongseon
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.5193-5198
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    • 2013
  • The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) have been considered risk factors for breast cancer, but association studies of breast cancer risk using simple GI and GL might be affected by confounding effects of the overall diet. A total of 357 cases and 357 age-matched controls were enrolled, and dietary intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) with 103 food items. GI and GL dietary patterns were derived by reduced rank regression (RRR) method. The GI and GL pattern scores were positively associated with breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women [OR (95%CI): 3.31 (1.06-10.39), p for trend=0.031; 9.24 (2.93-29.14), p for trend<0.001, respectively], while the GI pattern showed no statistically significant effects on breast cancer risk, and the GL pattern was only marginally significant, among premenopausal women (p for trend=0.043). The GI and GL pattern scores were positively associated with the risk of breast cancer in subgroups defined by hormone receptor status in postmenopausal women. The GI and GL patterns based on all food items consumed were positively associated with breast cancer.