• 제목/요약/키워드: Furniture design

검색결과 1,010건 처리시간 0.023초

사무용 수납가구의 디자인 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Design of Office Filing System Furniture)

  • 신화경;하숙녕
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2002
  • 정보화에 따라 수납량이 감소할 것이라는 예측과는 달리 수납량이 점차 증가하고 있는 최근의 사무환경 변화에 발 맞추어 국내 외 사무용 수납가구의 디자인 특성 및 중요성을 인식하고 사무환경 디자인에 맞는 가구의 조건을 정리하고, 현재 우리 나라에서 시판되고 있는 국내 외 사무용 수납가구의 디자인 특성영역을 분석하여 사무환경에 대응할 수납시스템개발에 필요한 기초자료를 제시하고자 한다. 분석대상은 사무용 수납가구 중 현재 일반화되어있는 lateral file 등 6가지 수납가구를 대상으로 국내 외 사무용 가구의 카다로그를 분석하였으며 사무용 수납가구의 디자인 특성으로는 수납가구의 크기, 형태, 색, 재료, 손잡이, 수납방법, 이동성, 융통성 등을 중심으로 분석하였다. 현재 시판되는 수납가구의 디자인 특성분석결과에 따른 미래의 수납가구의 조건들은 다음과 같다. -변화하는 사무환경에 맞춰 고정형보다는 이동이 가능한 가구와 함께 위치변동이 자유로운 수납가구의 개발이 필요하다. -수납가구의 크기는 서로 다른 제품과 혼합사용시 공간의 통일성 및 공간 사용의 융통성을 주는데 유리하므로 일정한 모듈의 규격화된 디자인이 필요하다. -무채색계열과 정해진 나무색상으로 이루어진 단순한 형태에서, 앞으로는 변화하는 사무환경과 수납가구의 디자인에 맞춰 다양한 색상의 개발이 요구된다. -수납가구의 손잡이는 기능적인 면 외에도 다양한 이미지 변화의 역할을 하고 있으므로 손잡이의 디자인 변화가 필요하다. -수납구분방법은 대부분이 선반과 서랍식으로 구분되었고 서랍식인 경우 기능이 정해진 내부구조를 가지고 있었으나, 서랍의 내부와 외부에서의 다양한 수납방법과 디자인이 필요하다.

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고령화시대 욕실공간에서의 가구 및 제품 디자인방향 (Design Direction of the Furniture and Products in the Bathroom Space in Aging Societies)

  • 김지민;최경란
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 2011
  • In this study, I wanted to propose the design direction of the furniture and products in bathroom space so that the elderly's life is well supported to meet such aging societies that are getting older. Therefore, I have drawn the elders' needs by investigating their characteristics through literature research and used such needs as a frame of analysis to analyze the bathroom furniture and products made in Korea and foreign countries. The analysis results indicate:First, the elders need entertainment, health care, environment-friendly, convenience, good accessibility, chair-based bath and space separation; second, both Korean-made and foreign-made bathroom products are difficult to be controlled, invisible of font, hard to sustain the elders' bodies, inconvenient to be used and etc; and third, the design to solve such problems should be with intuitive user interface, easy control, better accessibility, the elders' moving patterns and living habits considered, health care, pro-environmental product. This study puts emphasis on the reflection of socio-cultural characteristics in designing bathroom furniture & items for aging society and requires more bathroom products with various designs in the foreseeable future.

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입체조형 실습을 연계한 가구디자인 수업 개발을 위한 사례연구 (Study on Process Development of Furniture Design Class by Fusing 3D Form Study)

  • 인치호
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2014
  • 3D form study is one of basic subjects in industrial design education. There are an array of textbooks of visual art, design and architecture, most of which address basic geometrical form study and abstract forms. With the introduction of computerization, current trends are directed to reduce basic form education and students' participation in classes and their accomplishments. This study was intended to develop works under a theme of furniture design with concrete shapes and functions. This study focused on developing relevant process by fusing 3D form study and furniture design which fall into basic design and design studio subjects, respectively. Among 3D form studies, applied were a concept of 3D configuration that explores the relations between surface forms and 3D forms. Furniture design is a challenge to students at beginner or intermediate level in basic design education from initial devising stage to production in kind. To ease high level of difficulties at designing and producing stages, technical education was systematized in the process of conceptualizing, developing idea and production. This type of challenge was carried out during separate semesters, along with a case study done to develop different types of challenges. This study helped students to be motivated and actively participate in classes and well perform advanced form study and technical training from design to actual production.

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대학기숙사 시스템 가구디자인 연구 - 사용자 중심의 시스템과 배치모듈을 중심으로 - (A Study on System Furniture Design in University Dormitory - Focus on System and Module For User -)

  • 김종서
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2013
  • A dormitory is the most important compound space to college students who have to live with others. Also, for the students living in the boarding area, the dorm space can be the space for learning, exchanges and cultural. These Housing environment is a public space, so this is based on Universal Design. However, the 1970s-built dormitory space for the current user is narrow and not right for furniture standard. In this study, in order to compensate for these problems, the design directions are based on the previous studies - Park, Young-Soon, 2008, 'A Proposal on Dormitory Furniture Design for University Students.' Based on the previous study, the type of variable design is designed for desks, bookcases, beds, wardrobes, and other cabinets as representative household types. Furthermore, these furnitures are assembled and transformed depend on the dormitory space for single, double and four students. The furniture assembly system and arrangement module are presented in the direction of three kinds of designs. Therefore, three meaning of this study are the development of design to be used each item, the realization of custom furniture for space and presenting variable design module.

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현대 금속가구디자인의 시대적 배경 및 특성에 관한 연구 -의자를 중심으로- (A Study on the Periodic Background & Characteristics of the Modern Metal Furniture Design -Focused on the Chair-)

  • 한영호
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2001
  • 현대 금속가구디자인은 기술과 재료의 새로운 도입과 구조적 해결, 가치관의 변화, 표현방법의 변화 그리고 정치 사회 구조를 통한 시대정신의 표현을 압축하여 표현하고 있다. 따라서 금속가구디자인 작업에 앞서 금속가구디자인의 시대적 흐름을 이해하고 특성을 파악하는 것이 금속가구디자인의 전문성을 강화하고 개발하기 위한 중요한 요건인 것이다. 본 연구에서는 금속가구디자인의 배경 및 특성을 구분·정리하여, 금속가구 발달에 영향을 미쳤던 제반 환경 및 사회적 요인들과 관계를 이론적 틀로 제시함으로서 각 시대별 금속가구디자인의 특성과 문화의 발달을 이해하고, 파악할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는데 그 의의가 있다. 각 시대별 금속가구의 종류는 다양하나, 여기에서 지칭하는 금속가구는 의자에 한정하여 정리하였다.

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포스트모더니즘 현대미술과 가구디자인의 조형적 특성에 관한 연구 - 1980년대 작품의 사례를 통한 상호연관성을 중심으로 - (A Study of the Formative Features of Painting and Furniture Design in Postmodernism - Focused on the correlation with their examples in the 1980s -)

  • 최병훈;김진우
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.278-286
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    • 2007
  • Postmodernism, the theory and philosophy that swayed the world in the late 20th century, can be interpreted in various ways as a critical reaction against modernism as well as, in one way, the logical extension of modernism itself. Thus, an extensive understanding of the social and temporal background of the birth of postmodernism and a macroscopic and correlative approach toward the related artistic circles, especially art, were carried out before a formative discussion on the furniture design of postmodernism. Postmodemism in the field of furniture design shares the history of birth and spirit with Memphis, the progressive design group established by Ettore Sottsass in Milan, 1980. This study identifies the formative features of pestrnodernistic furniture design around those works that express the trend of postmodernism, in particular, chairs, as well as the designers who participated in the first Memphis exhibition at the Milan Furniture Fair. By identifying such features, the correlation between postmodemism and those features expressed in the works of postmodernism paintings were examined. The works of Anselm Kiefer, a German nee-expressionist who became famous through the Venice Biennale 1980, and five young Italian trans-avant garde authors were selected as the scope of this case study. The characteristics of postmodernism in modern art were analyzed in terms of themes, shape, and content and were derived as follows; Firstly, borrowed and past-oriented themes, secondly, deconstructive, atypical, plural, emotional, and intuitional shapes, and thirdly, basic, metaphorical, and abstract content, The formative characteristics of chair design in postmodemism furniture design are as follows; Firstly, deconstructive, symbolic, and abstract shapes, past-oriented, reactionary, and primitive colors and closing, as well as the characteristic of delivering commercial and metaphorical messages. The subjects and motives of art have been succeeded by the characteristics of color and closing in furniture, the shape and techniques of fine arts by the characteristics of furniture shape, and the content of art by that of furniture. They share key words and characteristics.

CNC를 활용한 가구디자인 표현 기법 연구 (A Study of Expression Technique in Furniture Design using CNC Machine)

  • 김건수;이상일;이성용
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2014
  • Wood cutting utilizing CNC art in the field of furniture design industry, art, education are diverse. However, there is lack of data in the case for wood cutting, such as cutting conditions and wood cutting. So this article is to establish furniture design processing using CNC. The researchers investigated the processed products using CNC, the data of the web site and CNC relevant articles, then organized its impact on the furniture industry today. History and definition of CNC have studied for a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages. Then, the researchers analyzed the cases to investigate the wood cutting conditions, was applied to the fabrication of furniture domestic and foreign. CNC organized systematically design information through the computer So, it allowed to reduce the repetitive behavior that has to work hand in the furniture manufacture existing. CNC has made it possible to design a fine complex in furniture design industry. So it became possible to make a new representation and production of various forms. Material about CNC are mostly for milling machine and shelves for metal processing. So, the researchers investigated and precautions general content of wood cutting. The enhanced understanding to investigate an example that is applied outside the country, is used to analyze the expression various techniques CNC. It is difficult to obtain accurate data processing, it has various characteristics in the same timber, Future research is about analyzing type applications and CNC machining range at the time of processing the various wood.

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Experiencing the Art/Craft/Handmade/Studio Furniture Aesthetics in Postmodernism Theoretically (III) -Creating a piece of wood furniture by transforming the Postmodern furniture aesthetics through the interpretation of metaphor-

  • Daniel, Vesta. A.H.;Moon, Sun-Ok
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2009
  • Through this study, I explored a creation of the postmodern furniture aesthetics through the transformation by student's interpretation in experiencing the art/craft/handmade/studio furniture aesthetics in postmodernism theoretically for 'wood culture experience class' or 'wood love experience class' by the Korea Forest Service because the class tends to focus on making simple wood works involved just in the practical part. Qualitative conceptual analysis as the principal methodology was used to achieve the theoretical context in the experience programs. Following the lesson one on defining the postmodern aesthetics in New Design furniture as metaphor and the lesson two on interpreting an aesthetics of art and everyday life with the wood furniture which expresses the metaphorical and symbolical aesthetics appeared as New Design furniture in postmodernism in the previous papers, I developed lesson three on creating an object using eco-friendly materials like wood in transforming an aesthetics of postmodern furniture as the final stage of the study. Therefore, the students will be able to create a piece of eco-friendly wood furniture for our environment as metaphor transformed by his/her perspective regarding a piece of selected New Design furniture.

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Theory and Practice on One of a Kind Furniture in Postmodernism

  • Moon, Sun-Ok
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2007
  • This study explored contemporary furniture theory and practice in Postmodernism mentioned as one of a kind furniture based on ideas from the tradition since Modernism. Qualitative conceptual analysis as the principal methodology was used to explore the postmodern furniture adopting or reflecting ornament from the tradition presented as postmodern furniture designers' point of view differently and variously. Thus, the examples about one of a kind or one-off furniture were dealt with Postmodern ideas appeared in the doubt over Modernism, Post-Modern furniture ideas from the traditional and Modern architecture, ornamental ism, Postmodern theorists, Postmodern furniture and the criteria. As a result, although one of a kind furniture design appealed newly from and based on the ornament of the tradition has been identified as new design like one of a kind furniture which shows lack of function, the piece with the meaningful ornament makes people happier in their daily life. Hence, one of a kind furniture, a work of art, has been required as striking a balance both function or comfort and aesthetics or beauty which makes the people more enjoyable.

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Study on the Influence of Contemporary Art on Furniture Design -Based on the Analysis on with Key Features of Contemporary Art and Furniture Design-

  • Kim, Jin-Woo
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.543-551
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    • 2009
  • The history repeatedly shows that designers have sought their creative inspiration from fine arts. was also influenced by contemporary art such as surrealism or installment works. This thesis aims to examine the inter-relationship between contemporary art and contemporary furniture design with examples of organic modernism and minimalism furniture design. Also, will be analyzed in light of such interdisciplinary relationship, explaining the significances of in scholastic perspective. The previous research analysis of finding out examples of how fine art and design sought mutual exchanges to develop will help to examine the significance of in the context of art history. This analysis could be used as an important academic material to understand the origin and characteristics of modern design furniture. The features of surrealism and minimalism will be discussed in light of their influences on and interactive relationship with organic modernism furniture design. This provides important basic material to further analyze . Furthermore, the artistic language and plastic features of contemporary sculptors and installment artists such as Jean Arp, Richard Serra and Anish Kapoor will be examined to show how integrated and combined main features of those artists. extracted cognitive and phenomenological aspects from Serra's works that overwhelm viewers with their massive scales. Somewhat abstract yet somewhat primitive and dynamic features of Arp's works was also referred to . are made of FRP, composed of three partitions and six stools. This work was analyzed in aspect of form, composition and function. They have organic and flexible formations with free composition availability which endow free disassemble and arrangement. Also, they have cognitive features as of small elements are freely dispersed upon spaces to bestow certain presences. Based on this, this thesis could develop scholastic researches that examine the mutual and interactive relationship between contemporary art and furniture design with much more detailed discussions and examples.

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