• Title/Summary/Keyword: Funding Agencies

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Performance Evaluation of the Research-Funding Agencies: Focused on the Evaluation Items of KOSEF (연구지원기관의 성과평가에 관한 연구: 한국과학재단에 대한 평가항목을 중심으로)

  • 이무신;엄기용;신용운
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.177-203
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    • 1997
  • This study concerns performance evaluation of the research-funding agencies focused on Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF). On the basis of the constituents approach and the systems approach of organizational effectiveness theory, the evaluation items are derived reflecting generic characteristics of the research-funding agencies, and their priorities are determined using analytic hierarchy process(AHP). Three groups of constituents with differing interest and expections are identified, and their perceptions on the importance of the evaluation items are measured through questionnaire survey. Analyses show that the evaluation items perceived important by each constituency are significant different from one another. The implications of the result to the Government and KOSEF are discussed.

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Performance Evaluation of the Research-Funding Agencies: Focused on the Evaluation Items of KOSEF (연구지원기관의 성과평가에 관한 연구: 한국과학재단에 대한 평가항목을 중심으로)

  • 이무신;엄기용;신용운
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.177-177
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    • 1989
  • This study concerns performance evaluation of the research-funding agencies focused on Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF). On the basis of the constituents approach and the systems approach of organizational effectiveness theory, the evaluation items are derived reflecting generic characteristics of the research-funding agencies, and their priorities are determined using analytic hierarchy process(AHP). Three groups of constituents with differing interest and expections are identified, and their perceptions on the importance of the evaluation items are measured through questionnaire survey. Analyses show that the evaluation items perceived important by each constituency are significant different from one another. The implications of the result to the Government and KOSEF are discussed.

Developing a Real-time Cashflow Management System for National R&D Management (국가 연구 개발 프로젝트 실시간 자금 관리 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung-Youp;Lee, Hyejung;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.343-357
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    • 2014
  • As science and technology infiltrates every aspects of modern society in terms of economic and social growth and development, funding for research and development (R&D) is growing rapidly. Republic of Korea is not an exception in this trend and the R&D funding in Korea has been grown about 10% every year, recently. However, as the scope and size of funding grows exponentially, need for monitoring and managing these R&D projects becoming more and more imminent. Though different types of project management systems were developed by a variety of agencies and departments and used in monitoring and managing, these systems were developed as standalone silo type systems. These systems are not connected to each other while the same researchers may involved in different projects across agencies and department. Also, these management systems are not linked to the banking systems in which real transactions of funding occurs, such as cost reimbursement and financial audit of each R&D accounts. Historically, a few fraud and malappropriation cases were found and indicted. However, as the number of these incidents grows along with the growth of R&D funding, a large scale integration/linking of project management systems and banking systems. Realizing the importance of systems integration among agencies as well as with the banking systems, situational requirements analyses were conducted concerning the current state of R&D management system. As a results, a Real-time Case Management System (RCMS) was proposed as a solution to current problems. In this paper, the collected systems requirements were documents with analyses of the situation, the architecture of the integrated systems with more user-friendly technological alternatives. This large scale linkage requires interface standardization as well as modularization of interfaces. Proposed systems architecture is introduced here with technical details of Jex Framework used,, followed by resulting technical and economic performance of the Realtime Cashflow Management System (RCMS).

An Analysis of Data Management Policies of Governmental Funding Agencies in the U.S., the U.K., Canada and Australia (국외 정부연구비지원기관의 연구데이터 관리정책 분석 - 미국, 영국, 캐나다, 호주를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jihyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.251-274
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyze data management policies offered by 15 government funding agencies in the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia, and to make recommendations for developing data management policies in Korea. For the analysis of data management policies, five criteria were suggested based on literature review as follows: 1) the definition of research data, 2) principles of data management, 3) data management plan, 4) the implementation of data management, 5) legal and ethical issues. It was found that there was no policy that covers all the criteria for the analysis. Several funding agencies, however, commonly dealt with each criteria in their data management policies. Based on the findings from the analysis, this study made the following suggestions: First, data policies provide definitions and types of research data based on the understanding of data creation in the fields of funding interests. Second, data policies include principles of data management applicable to data practices in Korea. Third, data policies implement data management plans to promote responsibility of researchers for managing data. Fourth, data policies specify data management implementations to facilitate and support data sharing practices. Fifth, data policies should minimize legal and ethical challenges in data sharing through the review of the applicability of related laws and regulations and their improvement.

Scientific Misconduct as an International Issue - New OECD project and its implication to national policy -

  • Hideki IWABUCHI
    • Science & Technology Policy
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    • v.16 no.1 s.157
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2006
  • Fabrication, falsification, plagiarism (so-called FFP), and other unethical acts damage the trust of public in science and scientists. Scientific communities, governments and research institutions should take the appropriate countermeasures. With the increasing visibility and importance of problem, funding agencies and policy-makers find that they must have a better understanding of this phenomenon, and take steps to prevent it. Science is often said as a borderless activity. In these days, many scientific misconduct cases have been emerging almost simultaneously and worldwide. Thus, the immediate actions should be taken internationally as well as nationally. From these points of view, we, Japan, proposed a new international joint-study at OECD Global Science Forum in February 2006, and the proposal was approved with supports by many countries including Korea. OECD would seek an international perspective to address this worldwide problem, bringing together the representatives of science communities, publishers, funding agencies, and policy makers, and exchanging their experiences.

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A study for efficient operation of the e-commerce guarantee financing system in domestic industries (국내 전자상거래 보증제도의 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Soon-Duck;Choi, Kwang-Don;Shin, Seung-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2011
  • This research suggests for efficient operation of the e-commerce guarantee financing system in domestic industries by reviewing the definition, current situation and problems of the e-commerce guarantee financing system in operation since 2001. Throughout the 10 years of the e-commerce guarantee financing system's implementation, technological development has solved many previously concerning factors. The goal of the study is to resolve the current issues of the e-commerce guarantee financing system and offer means by which to expand the accessibility of the system to domestic industries and further assistance to firms already using the system. One of the primary policies supported by the research is the reallocation of funds from archaic means of exchanging finances to the modem e-commerce guaranteed financing methods because of the increased transparency of the trading. Specifically, the funding operated by government guarantee agencies requires systematic promotion, justifying subsidies and tax breaks to companies that are using e-commerce guarantee financing because of the increased overall transparency. In addition, the benefits of e-commerce guarantee financing as a means of funding are numerous: the promotion of good business, relaxation of credit ratings for company loans, construction of the mobile operating system for small businesses, and creation of policy flexibility in operating fund agencies run by government. Future research areas include continued collection and analysis of the above data provided and new market feedback such as direct poll surveys of the operating staff in companies using e-commerce guarantee financing agencies.

Sources of Cost Saving Opportunities in Highway Construction Quality Assurance Practices

  • Uddin, Mohammad Moin;Newland, James
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2018
  • US transportation agencies are dealing with shrinking budgets, limited work forces, and deteriorating infrastructure. In order to cope with funding uncertainty, state highway agencies are now looking into their own organizations and identifying programs, practices, and processes that have potential for cost saving. A quality assurance (QA) program is an integral part of highway construction and ensures a project's contracted level of quality. The cost of quality (conforming and nonconforming) can constitute a sizable part of total construction cost. As the quality assurance programs evolved, various practices and processes were developed over time and later adopted by state highway agencies. These practices and processes include different QA standards and specifications, varying testing methods, central testing lab vs. on site testing, performance based vs. prescribed quality assurance practices, implementation of innovative quality assurance practices, etc. Therefore, there is an opportunity to assess different QA strategies and recommend those practices that are effective and cost efficient. A national survey was conducted by the authors, which provided a detailed mapping of various QA practices and processes used as part of QA programs and identified areas where agencies can focus on for cost savings. The survey found that QA sampling and testing plans, optimization of sampling plans, optimization of QA standards and specifications, and implementation of innovative test methods and processes are the main areas the agencies should focus to lean the current QA programs.

Efficiency Analysis for R&D Management according to Operation Type of Funding Agencies (연구관리전문기관의 사업형태에 따른 국가R&D 사업관리 효율성 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-hyuk;Kim, Yun Bae
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1345-1365
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    • 2018
  • Following principal-agent relationship between government and funding agency effects on efficiency and management of project, this paper suppose that project management cost rate variable on outsourcing and administration of institution, applies multiple regression analysis and logit analysis by using factors that procurement status of institutional operating expenses and each subordinates scale (Budget, subject number) and method (Top-down/Bottom-up), not a total amount, for examining factors following project efficiency analysis and way of commission. The major variables which effect on efficiency of institution are management cost scale (0.36), institutional operating expenses ratio (-0.47), way of outsourcing, the factors that affect way of outsourcing are portion of project management cost (-38.5) and institutional operating expenses rate (-11.7). This means both legal and financial stability are necessary and it is avoidable moral hazard and adverse selection on principal-agent problem.

A Cost Model for Basic Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements (기초과학연구의 연구사업비 모형설정)

  • 조성표;권선국;황준영
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.151-175
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    • 1999
  • This study develops principles for determining and managing costs applicable to grants and cooperative agreements for basic research. We investigated financial management policies of funding agencies and foundations in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Japan and Korea. Also we surveyed opinions of researchers and research fund administrators in Korean universities. Based on our review of funding agencies and our survey, the recommended management policies for grants and cooperative agreements are as follows: (1) Cost Structure. Cost of a sponsored agreement is comprised of the allowable direct costs and allocable portion of the allowable indirect costs. Direct costs can be further divided into salaries and wages, equipment, and other direct costs. (2) Salaries and Wages. Salaries and wages applied to a grant are paid for services rendered to the project during the period of performance of the particular agreement. In order to give researchers financial incentive, researcher allowance can be paid up to 30% of his/her regular salary. (3) Equipment. Any property purchased with grants which has an acquisition cost of 5,000,000 won or more per item and a normal life expectancy of two years or more is defined as equipment. Expenditures for special purpose equipment are allowable provided the acquisition of items is necessary for the research supported by the grant. (4) Other Direct Costs. Other direct costs are comprised of travel (both domestic and foreign), materials, other costs. Other costs may not exceed 30% of total other direct costs. (5) Indirect Costs. Since there is no clear consensus on indirect costs and additional budget is necessary to support actual indirect costs, the practical policy at the moment is to give a research support expense in lieu of indirect costs. In the future, however, some form of actual indirect costs should be supported. This study develops principles for determining and managing costs applicable to grants and cooperative agreements funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology. This research can be applied to other governmental agencies to give consistency and uniformity in administration of grants and cooperative agreements.

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R&D, Innovation and Productivity: The Role of Public Support

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 2015
  • Research and innovation are widely agreed to be major driving forces behind long-term productivity and economic growth. However, the relationships have proven to be difficult to quantify. We make reference to the international literature and draw on recent research for Australia to advance our understanding of these relationships. Particular focus is on assessing the impact of publically financed R&D on productivity. The conclusions have implications for government innovation policies, providing insight into possible productivity gains from funding reallocations. Specifically, the findings suggest that government research agencies and higher education are areas in which investment leads to more potential productivity gains.

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