• Title/Summary/Keyword: Functional relation

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Distribution characteristics of macroinvertebrates in an agricultural paddy field and irrigation pond ecosystems in a farmer's practice manual on the village of the Agricultural Environment Conservation Program (농업 환경보전 프로그램 대상마을의 논과 둠벙 생태계의 저서성대형무척추동물 분포 특성)

  • I-Chan Shin;Seung-Hyun Lee;Young-Mi Lee;Ji-Young Yoon;Sung-Jun Hong;Hyun-Jo Yoon;Sang-Goo Park;Eun-Jung Han
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.148-156
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    • 2022
  • Ecological occupation in irrigation ponds is a well-acknowledged fact that is essential for biodiversity conservation in agricultural ecosystems. However, there are few studies on the ecological functions and relationship between a paddy field and irrigation using macroinvertebrates in an environmentally friendly paddy field. The objective of this study is to identify the community and distribution characteristics of macroinvertebrates in an agricultural paddy field and irrigation pond ecosystems, and to provide basic data on the ecological function of an environmentally friendly paddy field. Macroinvertebrate sampling was conducted from May to September in an agricultural paddy field and irrigation pond in an environment-friendly paddy field in Boryeong city. We conducted a study to identify the distribution characteristics using macroinvertebrate species analysis, such as Functional Feeding Groups (FFGs), Habitat Oriented Groups (HOGs), rarefaction curve, and a two-way dendrogram. A total of 37 species of macroinvertebrates in 28 families, 13 orders were collected study during the period of the investigation. Dominant taxa of macroinvertebrates included Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Odonata. In terms of FFGs, predators and gathering collectors accounted for approximately 70%, in relation to HOGs, and climbers and swimmers occupied more than 50% from both the paddy field and irrigation pond. With respect to the rarefaction curve, the irrigation pond (July) was high as E (S, 141)=18 species, while the paddy field (May) was comparatively low as E (S, 141)=9 species. In conclusion, our results revealed that macroinvertebrates, such as Notonecta triguttata, Peltodytes intermedius, Appasus major, Laccotrephes japonensis, Appasus japonicus, Sigara substriata, Enochrus simulans, and Sternolophus rufipes, were used as a habitat and spawning ground in both paddy field and irrigation pond. The irrigation pond appears to be a very important spawning ground for macroinvertebrates.

M-mode Ultrasound Assessment of Diaphragmatic Excursions in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : Relation to Pulmonary Function Test and Mouth Pressure (만성폐쇄성 폐질환 환자에서 M-mode 초음파로 측정한 횡격막 운동)

  • Lim, Sung-Chul;Jang, Il-Gweon;Park, Hyeong-Kwan;Hwang, Jun-Hwa;Kang, Yu-Ho;Kim, Young-Chul;Park, Kyung-Ok
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.736-745
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    • 1998
  • Background: Respiratory muscle interaction is further profoundly affected by a number of pathologic conditions. Hyperinflation may be particularly severe in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) patients, in whom the functional residual capacity(FRC) often exceeds predicted total lung capacity(TLC). Hyperinflation reduces the diaphragmatic effectiveness as a pressure generator and reduces diaphragmatic contribution to chest wall motion. Ultrasonography has recently been shown to be a sensitive and reproducible method of assessing diaphragmatic excursion. This study was performed to evaluate how differences of diaphragmatic excursion measured by ultrasonography associate with normal subjects and COPD patients. Methods: We measured diaphragmatic excursions with ultrasonography on 28 healthy subjects(l6 medical students, 12 age-matched control) and 17 COPD patients. Ultrasonographic measurements were performed during tidal breathing and maximal respiratory efforts approximating vital capacity breathing using Aloka KEC-620 with 3.5 MHz transducer. Measurements were taken in the supine posture. The ultrasonographic probe was positioned transversely in the midclavicular line below the right subcostal margin. After detecting the right hemidiaphragm in the B-mode the ultrasound beam was then positioned so that it was approximately parallel to the movement of middle or posterior third of right diaphragm. Recordings in the M-mode at this position were made throughout the test. Measurements of diaphragmatic excursion on M-mode tracing were calculated by the average gap in 3 times-respiration cycle. Pulmonary function test(SensorMedics 2800), maximal inspiratory(PImax) and expiratory mouth pressure(PEmax, Vitalopower KH-101, Chest) were measured in the seated posture. Results: During the tidal breathing, diaphragmatic excursions were recorded $1.5{\pm}0.5cm$, $1.7{\pm}0.5cm$ and $1.5{\pm}0.6cm$ in medical students, age-matched control group and COPD patients, respectively. Diaphragm excursions during maximal respiratory efforts were significantly decreased in COPD patients ($3.7{\pm}1.3cm$) when compared with medical students, age-matched control group($6.7{\pm}1.3cm$, $5.8{\pm}1.2cm$, p< 0.05}. During maximal respiratory efforts in control subjects, diaphragm excursions were correlated with $FEV_1$, FEVl/FVC, PEF, PIF, and height. In COPD patients, diaphragm excursions during maximal respiratory efforts were correlated with PEmax(maximal expiratory pressure), age, and %FVC. In multiple regression analysis, the combination of PEmax and age was an independent marker of diaphragm excursions during maximal respiratory efforts with COPD patients. Conclusion: COPD subjects had smaller diaphragmatic excursions during maximal respiratory efforts than control subjects. During maximal respiratory efforts in COPD patients, diaphragm excursions were well correlated with PEmax. These results suggest that diaphragm excursions during maximal respiratory efforts with COPD patients may be valuable at predicting the pulmonary function.

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Potassium Physiology of Upland Crops (밭 작물(作物)의 가리(加里) 생리(生理))

  • Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.103-134
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    • 1977
  • The physiological and biochemical role of potassium for upland crops according to recent research reports and the nutritional status of potassium in Korea were reviewed. Since physical and chemical characteristics of potassium ion are different from those of sodium, potassium can not completely be replaced by sodium and replacement must be limited to minimum possible functional area. Specific roles of potassium seem to keep fine structure of biological membranes such as thylacoid membrane of chloroplast in the most efficient form and to be allosteric effector and conformation controller of various enzymes principally in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Potassium is essential to improve the efficiency of phoro- and oxidative- phosphorylation and involve deeply in all energy required metabolisms especially synthesis of organic matter and their translocation. Potassium has many important, physiological functions such as maintenance of osmotic pressure and optimum hydration of cell colloids, consequently uptake and translocation of water resulting in higher water use efficiency and of better subcellular environment for various physiological and biochemical activities. Potassium affects uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients and quality of products. potassium itself in products may become a quality criteria due to potassium essentiality for human beings. Potassium uptake is greatly decreased by low temperature and controlled by unknown feed back mechanism of potassium in plants. Thus the luxury absorption should be reconsidered. Total potassium content of upland soil in Korea is about 3% but the exchangeable one is about 0.3 me/100g soil. All upland crops require much potassium probably due to freezing and cold weather and also due to wet damage and drought caused by uneven rainfall pattern. In barley, potassium should be high at just before freezing and just after thawing and move into grain from heading for higher yield. Use efficiency of potassium was 27% for barley and 58% in old uplands, 46% in newly opened hilly lands for soybean. Soybean plant showed potassium deficiency symptom in various fields especially in newly opened hilly lands. Potassium criteria for normal growth appear 2% $K_2O$ and 1.0 K/(Ca+Mg) (content ratio) at flower bud initiation stage for soybean. Potassium requirement in plant was high in carrot, egg plant, chinese cabbage, red pepper, raddish and tomato. Potassium content in leaves was significantly correlated with yield in chinese cabbage. Sweet potato. greatly absorbed potassium subsequently affected potassium nutrition of the following crop. In the case of potassium deficiency, root showed the greatest difference in potassium content from that of normal indicating that deficiency damages root first. Potatoes and corn showed much higher potassium content in comparison with calcium and magnesium. Forage crops from ranges showed relatively high potassium content which was significantly and positively correlated with nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium content. Percentage of orchards (apple, pear, peach, grape, and orange) insufficient in potassium ranged from 16 to 25. The leaves and soils from the good apple and pear orchards showed higher potassium content than those from the poor ones. Critical ratio of $K_2O/(CaO+MgO)$ in mulberry leaves to escape from winter death of branch tip was 0.95. In the multiple croping system, exchangeable potassium in soils after one crop was affected by the previous crops and potassium uptake seemed to be related with soil organic matter providing soil moisture and aeration. Thus, the long term and quantitative investigation of various forms of potassium including total one are needed in relation to soil, weather and croping system. Potassium uptake and efficiency may be increased by topdressing, deep placement, slow-releasing or granular fertilizer application with the consideration of rainfall pattern. In all researches for nutritional explanation including potassium of crop yield reasonable and practicable nutritional indices will most easily be obtained through multifactor analysis.

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