• 제목/요약/키워드: Functional reconstruction

검색결과 584건 처리시간 0.024초

Free Flap Reconstruction in Patients with Traumatic Injury of the Forefoot

  • Kang, Shin Hyuk;Oh, Jeongseok;Eun, Seok Chan
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 2019
  • Many techniques have been developed for reconstruction of the hand; however, less attention has been paid to foot reconstruction techniques. In particular, reconstruction of the forefoot and big toe has been considered a minor procedure despite the importance of these body parts for standing and walking. Most of the weight load on the foot is concentrated on the forefoot and big toe, whereas the other toes have a minor role in weight bearing. Moreover, the forefoot and big toe are important for maintaining balance and supporting the body when changing directions. Recently, attention has been focused on the aesthetic appearance and functional aspects of the body, which are important considerations in the field of reconstructive surgery. In patients for whom flap reconstruction in the forefoot and big toe is planned, clinicians should pay close attention to flap survival as well as functional and cosmetic outcomes of surgery. In particular, it is important to assess the ability of the flap to withstand functional weight bearing and maintain sufficient durability under shearing force. Recovery of protective sensation in the forefoot area can reduce the risk of flap loss and promote rapid rehabilitation and functional recovery. Here, we report our experience with two cases of successful reconstruction of the forefoot and big toe with a sensate anterolateral thigh flap, with a review of the relevant literature.

Mandibular Reconstruction using Simulation Surgery after Segmental Mandibulectomy

  • Hwang, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Wan;Ahn, Kang-Min
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.12-15
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    • 2016
  • Functional and esthetic reconstruction after segmental mandibulectomy is one of the most challenging surgeries in microsurgical reconstruction field. Simulation surgery before free flap reconstruction has been performed for efficient surgery and successful results. Fibula free flap is the flap of the choice for reconstruction of the segmental mandibular defect. Straight nature of the fibula bone requires multiple segmentations to fit into mandible. 3D rapid prototype (RP) model gives a lot of information for mandibular reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to report mandibular reconstruction with free fibular flap using simulation surgery. A total of 30 consecutive patients were included for functional and esthetic evaluation. Among 30 patients, two flaps showed necrosis after radiotherapy. The other flaps were all survived and showed successful reconstruction in both function and esthetics.

Evolution and current status of microsurgical tongue reconstruction, part II

  • Choi, Jong-Woo;Alshomer, Feras;Kim, Young-Chul
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2022
  • Tongue reconstruction remains a major aspect of head and neck reconstructive procedures. Surgeons planning tongue reconstruction should consider several factors to optimize the overall outcomes. Specifically, various technical aspects related to tongue reconstruction have been found to affect the outcomes. Multidisciplinary teams dedicated to oncologic, reconstructive, and rehabilitative approaches play an essential role in the reconstructive process. Moreover, operative planning addressing certain patient-related and defect-related factors is crucial for optimizing functional speech and swallowing, as well as quality of life outcomes. Furthermore, tongue reconstruction is a delicate process, in which overall functional outcomes result from proper flap selection and shaping, recipient vessel preparation and anastomosis, surgical approaches to flap insetting, and postoperative management. The second part of this review summarizes these factors in relation to tongue reconstruction.

설결손의 재건 후 기능적 예측 인자의 분석 (Analysis of Factors for Satisfying Functional Outcomes in Tongue Reconstruction)

  • 홍현준;이원재;유대현;나동균;탁관철
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Tongue cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the oral cavity and the ultimate goal in treatment of the cancer is not only complete excision and meticulous closure of the wound, but also, reconstruction of a demensional and functional tongue. Our study focuses on various factors, such as defect size, extent of tumor, age, application of mandibulectomy or radiotherapy, and their influences on postoperative speech and swallowing function. Methods: Our study was based on 59 patients who underwent tongue cancer operation and reconstruction of the tongue. Speech and swallowing were evaluated according to categories documented by Sultan and Teichgraeber. Patients were classified into 3 groups as partial glossectomy, hemiglossectomy and total glossectomy groups for evaluation. The average age of the patients were 51, and the mean follow-up period was 4 years 2 months. Results: The partial glossectomy group showed statistically relevant results for speech articulation and swallowing abilities compared to the total glossectomy group. In cases of defects involving the mouth floor, the group showed decreased results compared to the group without mouth floor involvement. Increased age showed decreased postoperative results with statistical significance, while mandibulectomy and radiotherapy revealed no statistically significant data. Analysis according to TNM staging resulted in decreased functional result with advanced staging without statistical significance. Conclusion: To summarize the factors influencing the functional outcome in tongue reconstruction, younger patients and early stage cancer with minimal surgical extent revealed more satisfying results while mandibulectomy and radiation did not have influence on our analysis. Addition of various influencing factors and studies with longer follow up periods on our patient groups may provide effective data for more satisfying functional outcomes in the future.

Mandibular Reconstruction Using the Free Vascularized Fibula Graft: An Overview of Different Modifications

  • Kokosis, George;Schmitz, Robin;Powers, David B.;Erdmann, Detlev
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2016
  • The reconstruction of the mandible is a complex procedure because various cosmetic as well as functional challenges must be addressed, including mastication and oral competence. Many surgical techniques have been described to address these challenges, including non-vascularized bone grafts, vascularized bone grafts, and approaches related to tissue engineering. This review summarizes different modifications of the free vascularized fibula graft, which, since its introduction by Hidalgo in 1989, has become the first option for mandibular reconstruction. The fibula free flap can undergo various modifications according to the individual requirements of a particular reconstruction. Osteocutaneous flaps can be harvested for reconstruction of composite defects. 'Double-barreling' of the fibula can, for instance, enable enhanced aesthetic and functional results, as well as immediate one-stage osseointegrated dental implantation. Recently described preoperative virtual surgery planning to facilitate neomandible remodeling could guarantee good results. To conclude, the free fibula bone graft can currently be regarded as the "gold standard" for mandibular reconstruction in case of composite (inside and outside) oral cavity defects as well as a way of enabling the performance of one-stage dental implantation.

Reverse Facial-submental Artery Island Flap with Reinnervation of the Anterior Belly of the Digastric Muscle

  • Sakuma, Hisashi;Takemaru, Masashi
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.423-426
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    • 2022
  • Reconstruction of the upper lateral lip subunit is challenging, and use of several classical local flaps have been previously reported. However, these methods have drawbacks such as visible scarring, anatomic distortion, and functional disability. To obtain satisfactory results, preservation of perioral function is important. We report a case of functional upper lip reconstruction after tumor resection using a reverse facial-submental artery island flap with a reinnervated anterior belly of the digastric muscle (ABDM) without sacrificing the perioral structure. A 73-year-old man presented with basal cell carcinoma on the left upper lip which was widely excised, including the orbicularis oris muscle. The remaining 4 cm × 3.5 cm defect was reconstructed using a reverse facial-submental artery island flap with ipsilateral ABDM. The motor nerve of the ABDM was sutured with the stump of the buccal branch of the ipsilateral facial nerve. The postoperative course was uneventful, and good functional and esthetic recovery were observed at 12-month follow-up. This procedure may be an alternative option for reconstruction of lateral upper lip defects.

Osseointegrated Finger Prostheses Using a Tripod Titanium Mini-Plate

  • Manrique, Oscar J.;Ciudad, Pedro;Doscher, Matthew;Torto, Federico Lo;Liebling, Ralph;Galan, Ricardo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.150-156
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    • 2017
  • Background Digital amputation is a common upper extremity injury and can cause significant impairment in hand function, as well as psychosocial stigma. Currently, the gold standard for the reconstruction of such injuries involves autologous reconstruction. However, when this or other autologous options are not available, prosthetic reconstruction can provide a functionally and aesthetically viable alternative. This study describes a novel technique, known as a tripod titanium mini-plate, for osseointegrated digit prostheses, and reviews the outcomes in a set of consecutive patients. Methods A retrospective review of patients who underwent 2-stage prosthetic reconstruction of digit amputations was performed. Demographic information, occupation, mechanism of injury, number of amputated fingers, and level of amputation were reviewed. Functional and aesthetic outcomes were assessed using the quick disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (Q-DASH) scale and a visual analog scale (VAS) score, respectively. In addition, complications during the postoperative period were recorded. Results Seven patients were included in this study. Their average age was 29 years. Five patients had single-digit amputations and 2 patients had multiple-digit amputations. Functional and aesthetic outcomes were assessed using the Q-DASH score (average, 10.4) and VAS score (average, 9.1), respectively. One episode of mild cellulitis was seen at 24 months of follow-up. However, it was treated successfully with oral antibiotics. No other complications were reported. Conclusions When autologous reconstruction is not suitable for digit reconstruction, prosthetic osseointegrated reconstruction can provide good aesthetic and functional results. However, larger series with longer-term follow-up are required in order to rule out the possibility of other complications.

전흉부 재건을 위한 국소 피판술의 선택 (Local Flap Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Anterior Chest Wall Defects)

  • 김지훈;김의식;황재하;김광석;이삼용
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Soft tissue defect of anterior chest wall is caused by trauma, infection, tumors and irradiation. To reconstruct damaged anterior chest wall does require to consider the patient's body condition, the cause, the location, the depth and the size of deletion, the circulation of surrounding tissue and minimization of functional and cosmetic disability. In this report, we suggest the algorithm of configuration for reconstruction methods. Methods: A retrospective study of 20 patients who underwent anterior chest wall reconstruction with pedicled musculocutaneous flap and fasciocutaneous flap was conducted. We collected the information of the patient's body condition, the cause, the size, the depth and the location of deletion, implemented flap and complication. We observed and evaluated flap compatibility, functional and cosmetic results. Patients completed survey about the extent to their satisfaction. Result: Follow up period after surgery was from 6 to 26 months, survival of flap were confirmed in all of patients' case. Two cases of local necrosis, one case of wound disruption were reported, but all these were cured by the debridement and primary closure. One hematoma and one seroma formation were observed in donor site. Longer surgery time, more bleeding amount and more transfusion volume were reported in the group of musculocutenous flap. Conclusion: Long term follow up result showed the successful reconstruction in all patients without recurrence and with minimal donor site morbidity. In addition, the patients' satisfaction for cosmetic and functional results were scaled relatively higher. This confirmed the importance of reconstruction algorithm for the chest wall reconstruction.

Sequential treatment from mandibulectomy to reconstruction on mandibular oral cancer - Case review II: mandibular anterior and the floor of the mouth lesion of basaloid squamous cell carcinoma and clear cell odontogenic carcinoma

  • Yang, Jae-Young;Hwang, Dae-Seok;Kim, Uk-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.216-223
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    • 2021
  • Preoperative patient analysis for oral cancer involves multiple considerations that are based on multiple factors; these include TNM stages, histopathologic findings, and adjacent anatomical structures. Once the decision is made to excise the lesion, the margin of dissection and its extent should be considered along with the best form of reconstruction and airway management. Treatment methods include surgical resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Although the combined method of treatment is controversial, surgical resection is considered predominantly, and immediate reconstruction after surgical resection follows. The choice of treatment is dictated by the anticipated functional and esthetic results of treatment and also by the availability of a surgeon with the required expertise. Segmental mandibulectomy with primary reconstruction has been shown to have advantages in both functional and esthetic results. A 52-year-old male patient with basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth, and the anterior portion of the mandible was treated with surgical procedures that included segmental mandibulectomy with both supraomohyoid neck dissection (SOHND) at Levels I-III and mandible reconstruction with a left fibula free flap. A 55-year-old male patient with clear cell odontogenic carcinoma of the oral cavity underwent segmental mandibulectomy with both SOHND at Levels I-III and mandible reconstruction with a left fibula free flap. The purpose of this study was to review the anatomic and functional results of patients after immediate reconstruction with a fibula free flap following resection of carcinoma in the anterior portion of the mandible and floor of the mouth.

Mandibular Reconstruction with Free Fibular Flap and Dental Implant after Ablative Oral Cancer Surgery Using 3D RP Model: A Case Report

  • Kim, Duck-Hoon;Cha, Hyun-Suk;Ahn, Kang-Min
    • Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.90-94
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    • 2014
  • Reconstruction of the mandible after ablative oral cancer surgery requires esthetic and functional rehabilitation. Restoring facial symmetry and dentition need accurate preoperative surgical planning and meticulous surgical technique. Free fibular flap is most useful tools to reconstruct mandible because of its adequate length and height, simultaneous harvest of soft and hard tissues and placing dental implants. In this case report, recurred squamous cell carcinoma in the right mandible had been resected and free fibular flap was utilized for mandible reconstruction using 3D rapid prototype. Simulation surgery before dental implant placement has been performed for esthetic and functional prosthodontics.