The purpose of this study is to identify selection attributes, functional benefits, psychological benefits, and values according to crossover shopping patterns (showrooming and webrooming). To achieve objectives of this study, a survey was designed based on the means-end chain theory, using the in-depth laddering technique and APT laddering technique which understanding the linkage of A(attributes)-FB(functional benefits)-PB(psychological benefit)-V(value). These two laddering techniques were used to construct a hierarchical value map (HVM) by linking selection attributes, functional benefits, psychological benefits, and value levels. The selection attribute items that showrooming shoppers consider important are 'price conformity', 'product information', 'product variety', and 'delivery service'. Functional benefit items were 'free purchase', 'economic benefit', 'communication', 'safety', and 'accurate Information', and psychological benefit items were 'convenience', 'relaxation', 'pleasure', 'rational consumption', and 'stability'. Finally, the value items were 'self-satisfaction', 'abundant life', 'achievement', 'happiness', and 'reasonable life'. Next, the selection attribute items that webrooming shoppers consider important are 'price conformity', 'product information', 'product variety', 'AS', 'shopping atmosphere', and 'seller service'. Functional benefit items were 'free purchase', 'economic profit', 'expression opinion', 'safety', and 'accurate information', and psychological benefit items were 'convenience', 'relaxation', 'rational consumption', and 'stability'. Finally, the value items were 'self-satisfaction', 'abundant life', 'happiness', and 'reasonable life'.