• Title/Summary/Keyword: Full scale measurement

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Different Approaches for Estimating the Full-scale Performance of a Ship based on 3-DOF Maneuvering Equations of Motion: Given Speed, RPM or Power (3자유도 조종운동방정식을 이용한 실선성능 추정 방법에 관한 연구: 속도, 분당회전수, 또는 엔진동력을 기준으로)

  • You, Youngjun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.427-438
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    • 2019
  • It was important to estimate the full-scale operating performance including actual RPM and engine power of a ship since the operation efficiency during a voyage could be evaluated from the values. In the previous research, an entire voyage was simulated by following recorded speeds obtained from AIS and full-scale measurement data. Although reasonable tendencies were observed in the estimated speed, actual RPM, and engine power, it was impossible for them to be completely corresponded with the measured values due to the difference between actual operation and mathematical model. In this paper, alternative approaches to cope with the speed, actual RPM, and engine power were suggested by following the given speed, RPM, and power respectively. After entire voyages were simulated according to a given value, the effects of the value on the estimated performance were investigated. And, it was confirmed that the appropriate approach could be differently chosen according to the aim of the simulation or given value.

Development of Full-Scale Static Test System for Aircraft Sensor Pod (항공용 센서 포드의 정적 구조시험장비 개발)

  • Jae Myung Cho;Hoon Hyuk Park;Won Woong Lee;Jong In Bae;Han Sol Lee;Eui Hwan Oh
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2023
  • For aviation sensor pod, structural integrity should be verified through static structural tests for flight loads induced in various maneuvering conditions of the aircraft. For this, it is necessary to develop a test system for full-scale static load test of sensor pod. Based on test requirements, this paper introduced a test system configuration of the static test and the development of test structure frame, restraints equipment, loading equipment, control, and measurement equipment. In addition, methods and procedures for verifying the developed test system were explained. In conclusion, the static load test and data acquisition were successfully performed. Reliability of the test equipment was also verified in the process.

Full Scale Measurement Data Analysis of Large Container Carrier with Hydroelastic Response, Part I - Identification of Modal Parameters (대형 컨테이너 선박의 유탄성 실선 계측 데이터 분석 Part I - 모달 파라미터 추정)

  • Kim, Byounghoon;Choi, Byungki;Park, Junseok;Park, Sunggun;Ki, Hyeokgeun;Kim, Yooil
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2018
  • To understand the dynamic characteristics of the vessel with hydroelastic response, it is very important to estimate the dynamic modal parameters such as mode shapes, natural frequency, and damping ratio. These dynamic modal parameters of full scale ship are a priori unknowns, hence to be estimated directly based upon the full scale measurement data. In this paper, dynamic modal parameters were extracted by signal processing of acceleration and strain data measured from a large container ship whose loading capacity is 9400TEU. The mode shapes of the vibrating hull were identified using the proper orthogonal decomposition and the vibration response of hull was decomposed into its modal magnitudes. Natural frequencies of specific modes were derived via Fourier transform of these modal magnitude. Also, the free decay signal of the vibrating hull was obtained through the random decrement technique and the damping ratio was estimated with accuracy.

PIV Measurement and Flow Characteristics of Internal Flow Field within Ginseng Washing Machine (인삼세척기 내부유동장의 PIV계측 및 유동특성)

  • Na, Eun-Su;Song, Chi-Seong
    • 연구논문집
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    • s.30
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2000
  • The objective of experimental study is to apply simultaneous measurement by PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry)to high_speed flow characteristics within Ginseng washing machine. Three different kinds of flow rate(15,20,27 $\ell$/min)are selected as experimental conditions. Optimized cross correlation identification to obtain velocity vectors is implemented by direct calculation of correlation coefficients. Instantaneous velocity distribution, time-mean velocity distribution and velocity profiles are represented quantitatively at the full-scale region for the deeper understanding of the flow characteristics in Ginseng washing machine.

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Structural Assessment of Container ships Considering Hydroelastic Responses (컨테이너선의 유탄성 응답을 고려한 구조강도 평가 기술)

  • Park, Jun Seok;Choi, Byung Ki;Choi, Ju Hyuck;Jung, Byoung Hoon
    • Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2017
  • This paper is related to structural assessment considering the hydroelastic response of ultra large container ships, especially from whipping (bow or stern impacts) and from springing (resonance). In general, whipping contributes both to increased fatigue and extreme loading, while springing does mainly contribute to increased fatigue loading. To evaluate the hydroelastic response quantitatively with high accuracy, numerical code considering hydro-structure coupling was applied and fatigue strength of a 13,100 TEU class containership was verified. The segmented model test and full scale measurement were also needed to assess the effect of whipping and springing on the fatigue and extreme capacity in more realistic way and for verification of the numerical tools. With reference to class rule, fatigue assessment considering springing effect and extreme assessment considering whipping effect were introduced.

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The development of a field measurement instrumentation system for low-rise construction

  • Porterfield, Michelle L.;Jones, Nicholas P.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.247-260
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    • 2001
  • In the last three decades several comprehensive field measurement programs have produced significant insight into the wind effects on low-rise structures. The most notable and well published of these efforts are measurements being collected at the Wind Engineering Field Laboratory (WERFL) at Texas Tech University, measurements on low-rise structures in Silsoe, England and measurements on groups of low-rise structures collected in Aylesbury, England. Complementary to these efforts, an additional full-scale field investigation program has recently collected meteorological, pressure, strain and displacement data on a low-rise structure in Southern Shores, North Carolina. To date over seventy-five hundred data sets have been collected at the Southern Shores site in a variety meteorological conditions up to and including hurricane-force winds. This paper provides details of the system, its development, and preliminary assessment of its performance. A description of the field site, the instrumented structure, and the instrumentation system is provided. In addition, an example of the data collected during three hurricanes is presented. The primary goal of this paper is to provide the reader with the necessary technical details to appropriately interpret data from this experiment, which will be presented in future publications currently under development.

Evaluation of buffeting response predictions of a cable-stayed bridge from full-scale measurements during a typhoon (실교량 계측을 통한 태풍 영양하의 사장교 버페팅 응답 평가)

  • Park, Jin;Kim, Ho-Kyung;Cho, Soo-Jin;Kim, Gi-Nam;Park, Jun-Yong;Seo, Ju-Won
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.82-83
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 3경간 연속 사장교에 설치 된 계측장비에서 2010년 태풍 곤파스 당시 계측한 바람 및 교량응답 자료를 바탕으로 사장교의 버페팅 응답을 평가하였다. 계측 된 바람자료에서 스펙트럼 분석을 수행하고 그 결과를 버페팅 해석에 반영하여 실교량 거동을 예측하였다. 예측 된 교량의 거동은 실제 계측 된 값과 유산한 결과를 나타내었다.

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The Bearing Capacity of Top Base Foundations in Soft Ground (연약지반상 팽이기초 적용에 따른 지지특성)

  • Kim, Chan-Kuk;Kim, Hak-Moon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.401-414
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    • 2010
  • Top Base Foundation(TBF) is a stabilization method for light weight structures particularly in the soft ground. It is widely used for the increment of bearing capacity and restraining settlement of foundations when the bearing capacity of ground is not enough. However, when the design values from exiting Japanese standard are compared with the observation values from the field measurement, the bearing capacity of exiting standard estimated smaller For this reason, it is necessary to establish more reasonable prediction technique considering to understand the behavior of TBF in soft ground. In this study, 1/5 scale model tests were performed in the laboratory. Also, full scale tests were carried out in order to investigate the behavior of TBF with various shapes. In addition, about 100 sites measurement data were evaluated to investigate the behavior of TBF in various ground conditions. Based on the results of the model tests and field measurement data, it was possible to establish more reasonable the bearing capacity equation of TBF considering various N-value of soil, the effect of underground water and failure shapes.

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Thermo-Structural Survivability Evaluation of a Thrust-Measuring Nozzle Extension in a Full-scale Combustor (실물형 연소기의 추력측정용 노즐확장부에 대한 열/구조적 건전성 평가)

  • Kim, Hong-Jip;Choi, Hwan-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2009
  • The survivability of the temporary nozzle extension for an accurate thrust measurement in a full-scaled combustor has been investigated through thermal analyses. The effects of nozzle extension materials and the thickness of thermal barrier coating (TBC) have been elucidated. It has been found that thermal survivability cannot be guaranteed without TBC. The maximum temperature of the nozzle extension decreased with increasing TBC thickness. For hot firing tests, the TBC is thought to be indispensable to the thermo-structural survivability of the nozzle extension made of steel.

A Comparative Study of the Methods to Assess Occupational Noise Exposures of Fish Harvesters

  • Burella, Giorgio;Moro, Lorenzo
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.230-237
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    • 2021
  • Background: Noise-induced hearing loss is a well-known occupational disease that affects many fish harvesters from many fisheries worldwide, whose risk factor is prolonged exposure to hazardous noise levels. To date, academic research activities and regulatory bodies have not provided any comparative analysis among the existing methods to assess noise exposure levels of fish harvesters. This paper provides a comparison of four relevant assessment methods of noise exposure, examining the results of a measurement campaign performed onboard small fishing vessels from Newfoundland and Labrador. Methods: We traveled onboard 11 vessels engaged in multiple fisheries from Newfoundland and Labrador and performed extensive noise exposure surveys using the simplified International Maritime Organization method, the full-day measurement method, and the two methods provided by ISO 9612:2009, the task-based method and job-based method (JBM). Results: The results showed that the four methods yield similar values when the noise components are dominated by the engine and auxiliaries (steady-state sources); when noise components are dominated by the fishing gear, task-based method and the simplified International Maritime Organization method estimates are less accurate than JBM, using full-day measurements as baseline. Conclusion: The JBM better assesses noise exposure in small-scale fisheries, where noise exposure has significant variance and uncertainties on the exposure levels are higher.