• 제목/요약/키워드: Free muscle flap

검색결과 163건 처리시간 0.017초

흉부 거대 연골육종의 외과적 치료후 발생한 결핵성 종격동염 -1례 보고 (Tuberculous Mediastinitis Developed After Surgical Treatment of Giant Chondrosarcoma on Chest Wall -one case report)

  • 이재훈;양수호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.248-252
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    • 1997
  • 48세 남자 환자의 전종격동을 깊게 침범하며 흉골에서 발생한 거대한 연골육종을 치료하였다. 환자는 흉골의 연골육종과 주변의 정상변연 4cm을 포함하여 광범 위 절제술을 받았으며 그 종양 자체 는 양측의 쇄골과제 1,2,3늑연골을 포함하는 15$\times$ 16X10cm크기였다. 종양의 광범위 절제술후 남은 결손 부위는 매우 컸으며 흉벽 재건술을 Marled mesh와 methylmethacrylate와 wire steels로 겹싸는 sandwich식의 방법으로 시행하였고 연부조직의 재건술 또한 대흉근을 이용한 근피 판 치환술을 시행하 였다. 그러나 환자는 수술후 결핵성 종격동염이 발생되었고 다량의 농이 배출되었다. 재수술은 흉벽 재건술시의 사용되었던 이물질 모두를 제거하고 괴사성 조직의 소파술과 배농술을 시행하였다. 환자는 1 년간 항결핵제요법을 시행하였으며 완치되었기에 문헌고찰과 보고하는 바이다.

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상완신경총 손상 환자에서 시행한 견관절고정술 (Shoulder Arthrodesis in Brachial Plexus Injury Patient)

  • 한정수;정덕환;이재훈;정비오;박현철;김진영;송종훈;서재완
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: To analyze the clinical and radiologic results of the shoulder arthrodesis in brachial plexus injury patients with flail upper extremity. Material and Method: From Aug 1978 to April 2008, 29 shoulders in 29 patients with brachial plexus injury with shoulder fusion, we evaluated 20 shoulders in 20 patients, more than 1 year follow up. The average follow-up period was 6.45years (range: 1year~24years). There were 13 men and 7 women, and the mean age at the time of trauma was 32.0years(2~65 years). The type of injury was a motorcycle accident in 11 patients, in car accident in 5, pedestrian accident in 3, and fall from a height in 1. The lesion of injury was root and trunk in 1 patient, trunk and cord in 1, trunk in 18. Surgery was performed on the whole arm type paralysis in 12 patients, lower arm type paralysis in 8 patients. The preoperative visual analog scale score was 8.7(7~10). When the trapezius and serratus anterior muscle were in function, operation was performed. 18 patients were processed to the additional operation. Gracilis free flap in 6 patients, neurotization in 3, Steindler flexor plasty in 6, and tendon transfer in 3 were performed. Fixation was conducted with cancellous screws in 13 patients, Knoles pins in 5, and cancellous screws and Knoles pins in 2. The position of the arthrodesis at operation was $28.5^{\circ}$($20~45^{\circ}$) in abduction, $30.3^{\circ}$($20~45^{\circ}$) in flexion, and $30.8^{\circ}$($20~40^{\circ}$) in internal rotation. Result: The follow up visual analog scale score was 3.4(0~7). Postoperatively, shoulder spica cast was applied for 15.3weeks(8-20weeks). The median time to bony union was 17.7weeks(9~28weeks). Average range of motion was $32.0^{\circ}$($15~40^{\circ}$) of abduction, $24.0^{\circ}$($10~40^{\circ}$) of flexion, and $18.5^{\circ}$($10~30^{\circ}$)of internal rotation. Conclusion: The shoulder fusion in brachial plexus injury patients is one of the good methods to relieve pain, improve the function and stabilize the flail shoulder joint.

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  • 김우찬;이종헌;김경욱;김창진
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.89-109
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    • 1999
  • Vascular spasm which has been reported to occur in 25% of clinical cases continues to be a problem in microvascular surgery; When prolonged and not corrected, it can lead to low flow, thrombosis, and replant or free flap failure. Ischemia, intimal damage, acidosis and hypovolemia have been implicated as contributors to the vascular spasm. Although much work has been done on the etiology and prevention of vasospasm, a spasmolytic agent capable of firmly protecting against or reversing vasospasm has not been found. Therefore vascular freezing was introduced as a new safe method that immediately and permanently relieves the vasospasm and can be applied to microsurgical transfers. Cryosurgery can be defined as the deliberate destruction of diseased tissue or relief the vascular spasm in microvascular surgery by freezing in a controlled manner. 96 Sprague Dawley rats each weighing within 250g were used and divided into 2 group, experimental 1 and 2 group. In the experimental 1 group, right epigastric vessels (artery and vein) were freezed with a cryoprobe using $N_2O$ gas for 1 min. In the experimental 2 group, after freezing for 1 min, thawing for 30 secs and repeat freezing for 30 secs. Left side was chosen as control group in both group. We sacrified the experimental animals by 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks & 5 months and observed the sequential change that occur during regeneration of epigastric vessels using a histologic, histomorphometric, immunohistochemical and SEM study after the vascular freezing. The results were as follows1. In epigastric arteries, internal diameters had statistically significant enlargement in 1 day, 3 days of Exp-1 group and 1 day, 3 days, 1 week & 2 weeks of Exp-2 group. Wall thickness had statistically significant thinning in 2 weeks of Exp-2 group. 2. In epigastric veins, internal diameters had enlargement of statistical significance in 1 day of Exp-1 and Exp-2 group. 3. The positive PCNA reactions in smooth muscle appeared in 1 week and increased until 2 weeks, decreased in 4 weeks. There was no statistical significance between Exp-1 and Exp-2 group. 4. The positive ${\alpha}$-SMA reaction in smooth muscles showed weak responses until 1 week and slowly increased in 2 weeks and showed almost control level in 4 weeks. 5. The positive S-100 reactions in the perivascular nerve bundles showed markedly decrease in 1 day, 3 days and increased after 1 week and showed almost control level in 4 weeks. Exp-1 group had stronger response than Exp-2 group. 6. In SEM, we observed defoliation of endothelial cell and flattening of vessel wall. Exp-2 group is more destroyed and healing was slower than Exp-1 group. To sum up, relief of vasospasm (vasodilatation) by freezing with cryoprobe was originated from the damage of smooth muscle layer and perivascular nerve bundle and the enlargement of internal diameter in vessels was similar to expeimental groups, but Exp-2 group had slower healing course and therefore vessel freezing in microsurgery can be clinically used, but repeat freezing time needs to be studied further.

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