• 제목/요약/키워드: Free muscle flap

검색결과 163건 처리시간 0.019초

유리 복직근 및 복직근피판술을 이용한 사지의 재건술 (Reconstruction of the Extremity Injury using by Free Rectus Abdoninis Muscle or Myocutaneous Flap)

  • 안기영;장경수;한동길
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 1995
  • Severe upper and lower extremity trauma may result in soft tissue loss with exposed bone and the subsequence of risk of chronic osteomyelitis or malunion of fracture fragments. Such injuries present a major reconstructive problem. But Since the introduction of microsugical technique, free muscle and myocutaneous flaps were employed to provide coverage of severely injured defects. Since Tai and Hasegawa(1974) first reported a breast reconstruction using by rectus abdominis myocuraneous flap, the free rectus myocutaneous flap has been widely employed for breast reconstuction, head and neck reconstruction, and extremity reconstruction in these days. The authors present their successful experience with free rectus abdominis muscle and rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps for upper and low extremity reconstruction. From Nov. 94, to May 95, Five cases of severely injured extremites due to trauma or contact burn were treated with free rectus abdominis muscle flap or free rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap. All flaps except 1 case were survived without severe complications. As free muscle or myocutaneous flap, the free rectus abdominis flap has the advantages of a reliable pedicle, easy dissection, and an acceptable donor site, so it seems logical to apply the free rectus abdominis flap to apply in upper and lower extremity reconstruction.

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횡복직근 유리 피판술후 공여부 합병증과 이환율 (Complication and Morbidity of Donor Site after Free TRAM Flap)

  • 안희창;성건용;조동인;최승석
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2004
  • Transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) free flap is widely used for breast reconstruction, however donor-site morbidities such as abdominal wall weakness, hernia, bulging are troublesome. For the purpose of minimizing donor-site morbidity, there has been a surge in interests in muscle sparing free TRAM flap preserving the anatomy of rectus abdominis muscle, fascia, and motor nerve. The purpose of this study is to investigate complication and morbidity after muscle sparing free TRAM flap. Between August, 1995 and May, 2003, there were 108 cases of muscle sparing free TRAM flap of breast reconstruction. There was no abdominal hernia. There were 4 cases of dog ear, 3 cases of marginal necrosis of apron flap, 2 cases of asymmetry of umbilicus. At 1 year after operation, most patients feel comfortness in physical exercise. Muscle sparing free TRAM flap provides ample amount of well vascularized soft tissue with small inclusion of rectus abdominis muscle and fascia. Also it minimizes donor-site morbidity with rapid recovery of abdominal strength.

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내시경 피판채취법을 이용한 미세수술적 족부 재건 (Microsurgical Foot Reconstruction Using Endoscopically Harvested Muscle Flaps)

  • 우경제;임소영;변재경;방사익;오갑성;문구현
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.571-576
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Reconstruction of soft tissue defects of the foot often requires free-flap transfer. Free muscle flap transfer and skin grafts on the muscle has been an option for these defects. Here we present our experiences of foot reconstruction using an endoscopy-assisted free muscle flap harvest. Methods: Using endoscopy-assisted free muscle flap harvests, four patients with soft tissue defects of the foot were treated with a free muscle flap and skin graft. The gracilis muscle was used for two patients and the rectus abdominis muscle for two. A single small transverse skin incision was placed on the lower abdomen for the rectus abdominis muscle. A small transverse skin incision on the proximal thigh was the only incision for harvesting the gracilis muscle flap. The small incisions were enough for the muscle flap to be pulled through. Results: The flaps survived successfully in all cases. Contours were good from both functional and aesthetic aspects. No breakdowns or ulcerations of the flap developed during long-term follow-up. Resultant scars were short and relatively hidden. Functional morbidities such as abdominal bulging were not noted. Conclusion: Endoscopy-assisted harvest of muscle flap and transfer with skin graft is a good option for soft tissue defects of the foot. Morbidities of the donor site can be minimized with endoscopic flap harvest. This method is preferable for young patients who want a small donor site scar.

다양한 부위의 재건에 있어 유리복직근 피판술의 이용 (Free Rectus Muscle or Myocutaneous Flap for Reconstruction on the Various Sites)

  • 안기영;이재욱;한동길
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 1996
  • A free rectus abdominis flap can include a variable amount of muscle length depending on recipient site requirements. There is also great flexibility in flap design in terms of size, orientation of its axis, and the level of its location over the muscle. It is safe to design the skin island across the midline. Though skin islands designed over the most inferior portion of the abdomen have not always proved reliable when based on the superior epigastric artery, free flaps based on the inferior pedicle can be successfully designed in this area. As free flap based on the inferior epigastric vessels, this flap has been useful for large head and neck defects following ablative procedures, for facial contour restoration as a buried flap, for upper extremity defects, for lower extremity defects such as coverage of grade III tibial fractures and for breast reconstruction. A free rectus abdominis muscle or myocutaneus flap was used in 8 patients. The operations were performed between Sep. of 1994 and April of 1996. The patients were tongue cancer 1 case, chronic facial palsy 1 case, unilateral breast reconstruction 1 case, upper and lower extremity injury 5 cases. The free rectus abdominis muscle flaps were 4 cases and the free myocutaneous flaps were 4 cases. There was no failure of the flap, except one partial necrosis. One case of the skin grafts on the muscle flap was regrafted. One case of reoperation due to venous thrombosis was performed. In tongue cancer patient, a orocutaneous fistula was occurred, but conservative treatment and secondandry skin graft were done. In conclusion, a free rectus abdominis flap has many advantages such as a long and constant pedicle, easy dissection, enough soft tissue available, scar on the donor site to be hiddened, no need for changing position. So we think that this flap is the most useful one for small or moderate sized defects on the various sites.

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The Anconeus Muscle Free Flap: Clinical Application to Lesions on the Hand

  • Jeon, Byung-Joon;Jwa, Seung Jun;Lee, Dong Chul;Roh, Si Young;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.420-427
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    • 2017
  • Background It can be difficult to select an appropriate flap for various defects on the hand. Although defects of the hand usually must be covered with a skin flap, some defects require a flap with rich blood supply and adequate additive soft tissue volume. The authors present their experience with the anconeus muscle free flap in the reconstruction of various defects and the release of scar contractures of the hand. Methods Ten patients underwent reconstruction of the finger or release of the first web space using the anconeus muscle free flap from May 1998 to October 2013. Adequate bed preparations with thorough debridement or contracture release were performed. The entire anconeus muscle, located at the elbow superficially, was harvested, with the posterior recurrent interosseous artery as a pedicle. The defects were covered with a uniformly trimmed anconeus muscle free flap. Additional debulking of the flap and skin coverage using a split-thickness skin graft were performed 3 weeks after the first operation. Results The average flap size was $18.7cm^2$ (range, $13.5-30cm^2$). All flaps survived without significant complications. Vein grafts for overcoming a short pedicle were necessary in 4 cases. Conclusions The anconeus muscle free flap can be considered a reliable reconstructive option for small defects on the hand or contracture release of the web space, because it has relatively consistent anatomy, provides robust blood supply within the same operative field, and leads to no functional loss at the donor site.

Immediate application of vacuum assisted closure dressing over free muscle flaps in the lower extremity does not compromise flap survival and results in decreased flap thickness

  • Chim, Harvey;Zoghbi, Yasmina;Nugent, Ajani George;Kassira, Wrood;Askari, Morad;Salgado, Christopher John
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2018
  • Background Free muscle flaps are a mainstay for reconstruction of distal third leg wounds and for large lower extremity wounds with exposed bone. However a major problem is the significant postoperative flap swelling, which may take months to resolve. We studied the efficacy and safety of immediate application of a vacuum assisted closure (VAC) dressing after a free muscle flap to the lower extremity. Methods Over a 19 months period, all consecutive free muscle flaps for lower extremity reconstruction at a Level I trauma center were evaluated prospectively for postoperative flap thickness, complications and flap survival. Immediate application of a VAC dressing was performed in 9 patients, while the flap was left exposed for monitoring in 8 patients. Results There was no statistically significant difference in flap survival between both cohorts. Mean flap thickness at postoperative day 5 for the VAC group was $6.4{\pm}6.4mm$, while flap thickness for the exposed flap group was $29.6{\pm}13.5mm$. Flap thickness was significantly decreased at postoperative day 5 for the VAC dressing group. Conclusions Immediate application of VAC dressing following free muscle flaps to the lower extremity does not compromise flap survival or outcomes and results in decreased flap thickness and a better aesthetic outcome.

확장된 박근 유리 피판을 이용한 족관절 및 족배부 연부조직 결손의 치유 (Treatment of Soft Tissue Defect on Ankle or Dorsum of Foot with Extended Gracilis Muscle Free Flap)

  • 김석원;김광섭;서동완;이훈범;정윤규
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2000
  • Soft tissue defects of the dorsum of foot and ankle can be covered from skin graft to free tissue transfer. The extent of injury which may be complex including the exposure of paratenons or bones requires free flap reconstruction. Some of the precautions for reconstruction are providing minimal bulkiness and well conforming to irregular contour thus making normal footwear possible. Though the muscle flap having its advantages and versatility, the fascial flap such as temporoparietal fascial flap has been considered the choice for reconstruction of the dorsum of foot and ankle. The purpose of our study is to utilize the advantages and versatility of the muscle flap as a first choice for reconstruction for the defects involving the dorsum of foot and ankle. The gracilis muscle with its anatomic and donor characteristics, it can be utilized to maximal effect by expanding its slim muscle width removing the epimysium and reducing its bulk by muscle atrophy through denervation. We present our experience with ten cases of reconstruction for the dorsum of foot and ankle using the gracilis muscle free flap. Results were satisfactory without flap loss, skin loss and infection. The contour and aesthetic aspect of the foot was satisfactory. Gait analysis showed near normal gait without limitations from everyday activities. Normal footwear was tolerable in all the cases. The keys to consider in the reconstruction of the dorsum of foot and ankle are appropriate bulkiness, conforming to its contour and able to apply normal footwear. With minimal donor morbidity and satisfying results, the extended gracilis muscle should be considered as the first line for reconstruction of the ankle and dorsum of foot.

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심부하복벽천공지의 국소해부학적 고찰 (Topography of Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap)

  • 김창연;오정근;황원중;김정태;안희창
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.141-145
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    • 2002
  • Rectus abdominis muscle free flap is widely used for breast reconstruction and soft tissue defect in lower leg but donor-site morbidities such as abdominal wall weakness, hernia, bulging are troublesome. Recently, to minimize donor-site morbidity, there has been a surge in interest in deep inferior epigastric perforator(DIEP) free flap preserving the anatomy of rectus abdominis muscle, fascia, and motor nerve. Between August of 1995 and September of 2002, topographic investigation of DIEP was performed during the elevation of 97 cases of TRAM free flap and 5 cases of DIEP free flap. There were 84 cases of breast reconstructions, 12 cases of lower leg reconstructions, and 6 cases of head and neck reconstruction. We could observe total 10 to 12 perforators on each rectus abdominis muscle below umbilicus. Among these, the numbers of large perforators(>1.5mm of diameter) were mean 2.1 in lateral half of rectus abdominis muscle, mean 1.2 in medial half, and mean 0.5 in linea alba and paramedian. DIEP free flap provides ample amount of well vascularized soft tissue without inclusion of any rectus abdominis muscle and fascia and minimizes donor-site morbidity. One perforator with significant flow can perfuse the whole flap. For large flap, a perforator of the medial row provides better perfusion to zone-4 than one of lateral row and, if diameter of perforator is small, $2{\sim}3$ perforators can be used. According to the condition of recipient-site, thin flap can be harvested. As DIEP free flap has many advantage, perforator topography will be useful in increasing clinical usage of DIEP free flap.

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감각 유리견갑피판술 (Sensory Bearing Scapular Free Flap)

  • 정덕환
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 1998
  • Among many kinds of introduced free flaps, scapular freeflap is one of the most popularly using modalities in fasciocutaneous defect coverage with minimal donor defect and easier procedure and constant vascular patterns of the donor. Many surgeons who had experience of this flap pointed out deficit of the reliable sensation of the transplanted flap is the main shortcoming of the scapular free flap. If we can subjugate that point, scapular free flap is the most excellent procedure in such a cases as heel pad reconstruction and hand reconstruction which are relatively important to have skin with protective sensation. Author performed anatomical literature review, 10 cadaveric dissections and 12 clinical dissections. In surgical anatomical aspect, the upper six dorsal rami of the thoracic nerves have medial branches which pierce Longissimus thoracis and Multifidus muscle with small cutaneous twigs which pierce Latissimus dorsi and Trapezius muscle. Among that cutaneous twigs, several twigs distribute to the skin of the back from midline to lateral aspect which territory is identical to scapular free flap. We analysed clinical experiences of that sensory bearing scapular free flap surgical anatomy and one year follow-up studies with several results. 1) Two to three cutaneous twigs which pierced from the Trapezius muscle over the scapular free flap region. 2) Each twigs has two to four nerve fascicles with small artery. 3) The nerve distributed to the ordinary scapular free flap and large enough size and pedicle length to neurorrhapy with various recipient site nerves. 4) The inconvenience of this procedure is the vascular pedicle and nerve pedicle have opposite directions, vascular pedicle of that comes from lateral direction from subscapular vessels, but nerve pedicle comes from medial direction from trapezius muscle. Author can found constant cutaneous nerve branches which come from piercing the Trapezius. This nerves are helpful for protective sensation in transplanted scapular free flap. We can't had enough follow-up and evaluation of the nerve function of this procedure, we need continuous research works to application of this procedure. The in conveniences come from directional differences of pedicle can solve with longer harvest neural pedicle and change direction of the neural pedicle.

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흉배혈관 천공분지에 기초한 유리피판술의 임상적 이용 (Clinical Experience of Thoracodorsal Perforator Based Free Flap)

  • 남영오;고성훈;어수락
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2005
  • Perforator flaps have become increasingly popular in microsurgery nowadays and are being used widely for many cases of reconstruction after trauma and cancer ablation. And thoracodorsal perforator based free flap is one of them having the merits of carrying a large skin paddle with leaving intact innervation and function of the remaining latissimus dorsi muscle. We made a homogeneous thin flap excluding the main muscle with a long vascular pedicle and tried to decrease the donor site morbidity. But, it needs a long learning-curve and we have met marginal flap necrosis frequently. Besides, prolonged operation time for complete perforator dissection may be a tedious job to the microsurgeon. To overcome these disadvantages, we usually included very small portion of the latissimus dorsi muscle during this flap elevation around the pedicled 2-3 thoracodorsal perforators during this flap elevation. We performed 3 cases of thoracodorsal perforator based free flap at Hallym university sacred heart hospital between May and August 2005 for the soft tissue defect of the scalp and feet. The average flap size was $8{\times}14\;cm$. Although it is not a true perforator flap, we can get the reliability for the flap survival with much better blood circulation and save the time of one or two hours to dissect the perforators completely. All cutaneous flaps survived completely without any complication except one fatty female who had the very small superficial fat necrosis due to flap bulkiness. We believe the thoracodorsal perforator based free flap can be extended its versatility and reliability by including the very small portion of the muscle around the perforators.

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