• Title/Summary/Keyword: Free Trade Area

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A Survey of Chinese Men's Purchase Attitude and Size Fitness of Ready-Made Suits - Centered on the Area of Ningbo in Zhejiang Province - (중국 남성(中國 男性)의 기성복 정장(旣成服 正裝)에 대한 구매태도(購買態度) 및 사이즈 적합성(適合性)에 관(關)한 실태 조사(實態 調査) - 절강성 영파 지역(浙江省 寧波 地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Shim, Boo-Ja;Suh, Chu-Yeon;Kwon, Young-Ja;Kwon, Soon-Jeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 2006
  • With the subjects of male consumers in their 20s to 40s living in the Ningbo area in Zhejiang Province, this study aims to investigate into the reality of their purchase attitude and size fitness of ready-made suits. The results are as follows; Looking into their demographic characteristics, 70.6% of the subjects were twenties, 60.6% were single, and educational career stood in the order of college, middle school, and high school graduation. They were largely absorbed in free trade, followed by teaching, commerce and service industry. 59.6% of them were Zhejiang Province belongs. One to two thousand yuan was the greatest portion of their monthly income. As for their purchase attitude of ready-made suits, they thought higher of material, quality, activity, and solidity than of design. They preferred to buy clothes at a department store. There was significant difference between purchase frequency and purchase price according to monthly income and jobs. Concerning brand recognition, the Chinese subjects favored "Youngor." Though Korea's brands were very lowly recognized, Korean products received really high recognition. Compared with China's brands, they found foreign brands excellent in design, followed by material/matter, wear, and sewing. As to their physical satisfaction and the size fitness of clothes, most subjects felt happy with their sizes. Trousers and jackets were among the unfitting suit items, while the girth of waist was the least satisfactory size. Therefore, in order to raise the market occupation rate of Korean suit goods in China, more aggressive marketing strategies are required to utilize the current Korean-style entertainment and maximize concerning brand images. In particular, outstanding products in consideration of prices should be made through the proper patternmaking to reflect the body types of the Chinese.

Study on Life Style of Health Promotion for the Elderly - Centering on farming villages in Jeollabuk-do Province - (노인들의 건강증진생활양식에 관한 연구 - 전북 농어촌지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Jin-Woo;Chong Myung-Soo;Lee Chun-Woo;Kwon So-Hee;Ko Kwang-Jae;Jeoung Jae-Yeal;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.8-28
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    • 2001
  • This investigation grasps the level and relevant elements of performance of health promotional activities for the elderly in Korea. It provides fundamental data on health promoting projects targeting the elderly population from farming villages. Hence, this study gropes for an effective approach and measures of health promoting programs. The program needs to be developed with a focus on elderly people from farming villages. In addition, it was carried out in order to provide basic data for development of health projects for local communities. Data gathering was based on survey data targeting patients from the free clinic service. Service was rendered for the residents of farming villages, and conducted at the Offices of CheonBuk Province from October 2000 to December 2000. Analytical results were used to examine the health promotional method for the elderly in the aspect of Oriental Medicine. SPSS 9.0 version as well as T-test and ANOVA were used for survey data analysis. Piersons correlation coefficient was utilized for the relationship for each area, obtaining the following analytical results. 1. The average score for the activities of health promotion was 2.28. Looking at each subcategory, stress management was the highest at 3.65; interpersonal relationship, 3.00; nutrition, 2.55; health responsibility, 2.15; self-realization, 2.03; and exercise was the lowest at 1.89. 2. With respect to lifestyle of the health promotion secondary to general features of elderly people from farming villages, the level of activities of health promoting lifestyle was shown to be higher for males than that of females. Self-realization area was high among males in detailed particulars while the level of execution was high as age decreases in the stress area. 3. Regarding health promoting life style secondary to socioeconomic characteristics, the level of execution was higher for the individuals with a higher level of education and further utilization of spare time. With respect to occupation, the level was highest for people from the fishery. The level decreased in the order of other occupations such as trade, unemployed and agriculture, which was shown to be the lowest. In detailed particulars, it revealed that higher the individuals educational level, the higher the self-realization and stress management areas. The level of interpersonal relationship was the highest among people with little or no education. With respect to self-realization area, the level was highest among the cases where one paid living expenses along with their children. The lowest level of living expenses was seen in the cases where an individual pays for living expenses by himself/herself. There were significant results in all areas except for nutrition areas depending on occupation. The fishery was shown to be the highest. The level of activities was higher as one utilizes more spare time in all areas except for the area of interpersonal relationship.

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Accuracy Assessment of Unsupervised Change Detection Using Automated Threshold Selection Algorithms and KOMPSAT-3A (자동 임계값 추출 알고리즘과 KOMPSAT-3A를 활용한 무감독 변화탐지의 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.975-988
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    • 2020
  • Change detection is the process of identifying changes by observing the multi-temporal images at different times, and it is an important technique in remote sensing using satellite images. Among the change detection methods, the unsupervised change detection technique has the advantage of extracting rapidly the change area as a binary image. However, it is difficult to understand the changing pattern of land cover in binary images. This study used grid points generated from seamless digital map to evaluate the satellite image change detection results. The land cover change results were extracted using multi-temporal KOMPSAT-3A (K3A) data taken by Gimje Free Trade Zone and change detection algorithm used Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). Change detection results were presented as binary images using the methods Otsu, Kittler, Kapur, and Tsai among the automated threshold selection algorithms. To consider the seasonal change of vegetation in the change detection process, we used the threshold of Differenced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (dNDVI) through the probability density function. The experimental results showed the accuracy of the Otsu and Kapur was the highest at 58.16%, and the accuracy improved to 85.47% when the seasonal effects were removed through dNDVI. The algorithm generated based on this research is considered to be an effective method for accuracy assessment and identifying changes pattern when applied to unsupervised change detection.

A Study on the Objective Opinion of Private Investigation Service (민간조사제도 도입 반대 의견에 대한 고찰)

  • Jeng, Il-Seok;Park, Jun-Seok;Suh, Sang-Yul
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.465-484
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    • 2007
  • Our society's modernization created many opportunities for us to need a private investigation service system. Variation of international environment due to joining in the OECD, opportunity of individual legal, collect evidence during judgement, prevention of damage criminal, security of business in company, free trade economy's system etc and don't need to enumerate how important of introduction of private investigation service system. In addition to there are lots of objection opinions, such as possibility of person's private life, invade of lawyer's area, confliction with investigation team, gap of wealth and poverty that make preponderance of information. So this research can be considerate from objective opinion, and can obtain conclusion just like below. First, private detective agencies that encroach on the individual rights will naturally deteriorate after the implementation of private investigation service system. Through this, the probability of civil rights encroachment will be lower, and for this to happen there needs to be a thorough maintenance of the system. Secondly, mutually beneficial solution should be found not by a conflict between two sides. Detective business sector should not cause social confusion from conflicts with other investigation organization such as police, or investigators, rather, it must get on the demand of the diversified citizen and maintain the diverse sector inter-cooperate right, and to do that law and institution must be made for the base. Thirdly, investigation used depending on the gap between wealth and poverty does not mean the actualization of the rights and interests of the citizen. If the duty of investigation sector is to find the evidence and collect or manufacture of the evidence, then the problems which the nation can't handle will be more enlarged and then finally end up with strengthening the capability of national public security demand.

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Analysis of Factors for Heating Period Changes among Greenhouse Grape Farms (시설포도 농가의 가온시기 변화에 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Choi, Don-Woo;Lim, Cheong-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that led greenhouse grape farms to delay their heating periods after the coming into force of the Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Panel data on the cropping (system) changes from 2004 through 2016 were used for the analysis. According to the panel logistic model, the estimated coefficient of the cultivation area was 0.0002, which was statistically significant at the 10% significance level, the estimated coefficient of grape imports was 1.4258, which was statistically significant at the 1% significance level, and the estimated coefficient of the regional dummy was 0.808, which was statistically significant at the 5% significance level. The results indicated that the use of wider cultivation areas, increase in grape imports, and colder climate(in the mid-northern part of Korea) increased the likelihood of delayed heating. The Korean government is offering direct payment programs and business closure support to the greenhouse grape farmers. While these actions can relieve the damage caused by the increase in grape imports, they will not provide the ultimate solution. Various support measures are needed, such as renewing the varieties to meet the changing demand of grape consumers, providing agricultural materials to reduce the heating expenses, and modernizing greenhouse facilities to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the costs.

A Study on the Competitive Strategy of Department Store for Sustainable Development (지속가능한 성장을 위한 백화점의 경쟁전략에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Chang-Beom;Park, Chul-Ju;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Since Korean distribution market was opened, the domestic environment in department stores has been changed by the pattern of consumption and consumer need based on income classes. As multilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) accelerates opening markets, the scale of circulating capital has become bigger. Large-scale commercial facilities have developed quickly as a form of a large shopping center, thus, the matter of choice and securing market area became an important valuable in this trend. Moreover, multi-complex space has been proposed as the goal of successful business with promoting the public benefit. Research design, data, and methodology - This research studied consumer behavior using data about the life style and sales of consumers, not statistical data or survey as previous studies. This research tried to find the differentiation in complex cultural space with consumption behavior of department store. Results - As the structure of society and culture was getting diverse and complex, economic growth and development with such diversity and complexity improved consumers' quality of life. The changes of consumer life style are quite natural like human instinct. Department stores have activated retail business with the products of accumulated technology. Moreover, they have created the space of consumption and culture. Because of these social and environmental changes, department stores are being developed as Multi-functional spaces as well as sale places considering the strategies of department and the changes of consumers' purchasing behaviors. Conclusions - Urban culture complex is a landmark standing for the culture era of 21st century. It has provided an opportunity for consumers to enjoy culture, and has been an important factor to improve company images. Based on these roles and needs, expectancy effects are related with consumer preference and space preference, and the attitude toward companies. Moreover, the expectancy effects from those relationships are getting bigger and bigger. We should respect nature, a characteristic of Korean architecture, maintain visual continuity that harmonies with nature in the development of the complex space of the domestic department stores, and should take significance in the development of the complex cultural space in the direction of feeling the hierarchy of the space to obtain the visual pleasure with the artificial structure.

A Study on Multi-modal Transport Logistics Network Buildup of Harbors in Gangwon in the North Pole Route Era (북극해 항로시대와 강원권 항만의 복합운송 물류네트워크 구축전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-jin;Lee, Kwang-keun;Jo, Jin-haeng
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the initiatives of Gangwon sea routes based on precedent studies on the North Pole route to suggest a multi-modal buildup of transport logistics network of Gangwon harbors for the strengthening of logistics efficiency in the Korean Peninsula. The findings were: First, the government should expand railway infrastructure in Gangwon. Second, harbors in Gangwon should each have one speciality to strengthen connection with other harbors by using railway oriented background transportation network. Third, the government should develop industries of EFEZ(East coast Free Economic Zone) in the East Sea Coast in Gangwon to connect resources from the North Pole Sea. Fourth, the government should invite the base of Araon Ho's polar research vessel to play the role of the North Pole Sea route in the near future. Fifth, the government should strengthen the role of the Samcheock LNG base under construction. SIxth, environment-friendly transportation technology should be introduced to reduce carbon emission as much as possible. Lastly, an optimum North Pole logistics route should be developed to connect the Metropolitan area(Metropolitan Economic Zone), Gangwon roads and railway, Gangwon habor, Trans-Siberian Railway and thw North Pole route, and Europe, to strengthen national foreign trade power in the near future.

Strategies for Activating the Gwangyang Region as a Logistics City (광양지역의 물류도시 발전 전략의 우선순위에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myoung-Gyu;Kim, Hyun-Duk;Park, Doo-Jin
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.727-732
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    • 2013
  • This primary purpose of this study is to suggest strategies for developing the Gwangyagn region as a logistics city. In order to achieve such purpose, the following methodology is used. First, the literature survey on papers, related-organization's homepage, reports and journals related to Gwangyang Bay and Gwangyang port. Second, an pilot survey and field survey for suggesting SWOT analysis are carried out. Finally, questionnaire survey using a AHP analysis technique is distributed and analyzed. The strategies for developing as a logistics city are suggested as followings. First, ST strategy such as the development of the international hinterland logistics center related to the port logistics function is considered as the most important factor and followed by ST strategy, WT strategy and WO strategy. Second, creation of the revenue-creating logistics business model is to be considered as the most important factor and followed by development of the international hinterland logistics center related to the port logistics function, operation of the logistics center, creating high value-added of free trade area etc. For further research, more concrete and empirical study have to be carried out.

The characteristics of capital city plan of the BianLieng palace, the Dongjing Walled Town (東京城), the Northern song Dynasty (북송 동경 변량성의 조영과 특징)

  • Dashu, Qin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.114-159
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    • 2012
  • The Northern Song Dynasty Period (北宋時代) was a drastic transitional era in all aspect of Chinese society including the politico-economic system, ideology and cultural trait. These changes that began in the late Tang (唐) Dynasty Period accomplished in the Northern Song Dynasty. In this phase, the fundamental change influenced in all institutional area; and among them, the capital city planning and its associating building technology to pile stone walls shows one of the significant change of those time. Based on the geographical factor, confluences of many rivers, the Kaifeing (開封) area where the BianLieng palace had developed as a political and economical centre since the Tang Dynasty when the Grand Canal was constructed. According to archaeological researches, the central city structure of Dongjing Walled Town was begun to plan in the late Tang Dynasty and formed in Five Dynasties. The fundamental functional change of city completed in the Midnorthern Song Dynasty. In spite of the relatively late beginning of archaeological investigations to Kaifeng Walled Town and Dongjing Walled Town due to unfavourable natural environment, excavations inaugurated since 1981 have achieved the significant investigations including the actual measurement and excavation to the outer wall, the preliminary excavation to the inner city area, the investigation and excavation to the royal palace of Song and the survey to the royal palace of King Zho in the Ming (明) Dynasty. These surveys have provide important data to reconstruct the 변량 palace, and elucidate the characteristics of city plan in the Dongjing Walled Town and the institutional change of capital city plan of the Northern Song Dynasty. The basic layout of Dongjing Walled Town reflect the realisation of ideality of the late Chinese medieval capital city structure that establish the commercial and economic centre based on the intensification of emperor's power by means of the organisation of ethical institution and the development of commercial economy. Firstly, the central place of the Kaifeng area is encircled with triple walls. This emphasise the authority of emperor located on the summit in the hierarchical ethic system succeeding to the main capital city plan of the late phase of ancient China. Secondly, the location of Dongjing Walled Town was decided by the transport network and the commercial function and defence function. Thirdly, this site shows the change of city structure and landscape of the Northern Song Dynasty. The closed Fengri (坊里: block) system transferred the open Jiexiang (街巷: road) system. Fourthly, the capital city was characterised by the free market trade and the diversification of market place. Fifthly, a convenient transport network in the Bian River, a centre of the Grand Canals, enabled to construct the Kaifeng Walled Town. Therefore, the Northern Song Dynasty continuously accomplished the developed water system as concerning about the utilisation of waterways after the construction of city.

A New Exploratory Research on Franchisor's Provision of Exclusive Territories (가맹본부의 배타적 영업지역보호에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Kyun;Lee, Su-Dong;Kim, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2012
  • In franchise business, exclusive sales territory (sometimes EST in table) protection is a very important issue from an economic, social and political point of view. It affects the growth and survival of both franchisor and franchisee and often raises issues of social and political conflicts. When franchisee is not familiar with related laws and regulations, franchisor has high chance to utilize it. Exclusive sales territory protection by the manufacturer and distributors (wholesalers or retailers) means sales area restriction by which only certain distributors have right to sell products or services. The distributor, who has been granted exclusive sales territories, can protect its own territory, whereas he may be prohibited from entering in other regions. Even though exclusive sales territory is a quite critical problem in franchise business, there is not much rigorous research about the reason, results, evaluation, and future direction based on empirical data. This paper tries to address this problem not only from logical and nomological validity, but from empirical validation. While we purse an empirical analysis, we take into account the difficulties of real data collection and statistical analysis techniques. We use a set of disclosure document data collected by Korea Fair Trade Commission, instead of conventional survey method which is usually criticized for its measurement error. Existing theories about exclusive sales territory can be summarized into two groups as shown in the table below. The first one is about the effectiveness of exclusive sales territory from both franchisor and franchisee point of view. In fact, output of exclusive sales territory can be positive for franchisors but negative for franchisees. Also, it can be positive in terms of sales but negative in terms of profit. Therefore, variables and viewpoints should be set properly. The other one is about the motive or reason why exclusive sales territory is protected. The reasons can be classified into four groups - industry characteristics, franchise systems characteristics, capability to maintain exclusive sales territory, and strategic decision. Within four groups of reasons, there are more specific variables and theories as below. Based on these theories, we develop nine hypotheses which are briefly shown in the last table below with the results. In order to validate the hypothesis, data is collected from government (FTC) homepage which is open source. The sample consists of 1,896 franchisors and it contains about three year operation data, from 2006 to 2008. Within the samples, 627 have exclusive sales territory protection policy and the one with exclusive sales territory policy is not evenly distributed over 19 representative industries. Additional data are also collected from another government agency homepage, like Statistics Korea. Also, we combine data from various secondary sources to create meaningful variables as shown in the table below. All variables are dichotomized by mean or median split if they are not inherently dichotomized by its definition, since each hypothesis is composed by multiple variables and there is no solid statistical technique to incorporate all these conditions to test the hypotheses. This paper uses a simple chi-square test because hypotheses and theories are built upon quite specific conditions such as industry type, economic condition, company history and various strategic purposes. It is almost impossible to find all those samples to satisfy them and it can't be manipulated in experimental settings. However, more advanced statistical techniques are very good on clean data without exogenous variables, but not good with real complex data. The chi-square test is applied in a way that samples are grouped into four with two criteria, whether they use exclusive sales territory protection or not, and whether they satisfy conditions of each hypothesis. So the proportion of sample franchisors which satisfy conditions and protect exclusive sales territory, does significantly exceed the proportion of samples that satisfy condition and do not protect. In fact, chi-square test is equivalent with the Poisson regression which allows more flexible application. As results, only three hypotheses are accepted. When attitude toward the risk is high so loyalty fee is determined according to sales performance, EST protection makes poor results as expected. And when franchisor protects EST in order to recruit franchisee easily, EST protection makes better results. Also, when EST protection is to improve the efficiency of franchise system as a whole, it shows better performances. High efficiency is achieved as EST prohibits the free riding of franchisee who exploits other's marketing efforts, and it encourages proper investments and distributes franchisee into multiple regions evenly. Other hypotheses are not supported in the results of significance testing. Exclusive sales territory should be protected from proper motives and administered for mutual benefits. Legal restrictions driven by the government agency like FTC could be misused and cause mis-understandings. So there need more careful monitoring on real practices and more rigorous studies by both academicians and practitioners.

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