• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fractal model

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Pore structure characterization and permeability prediction of uranium-bearing sandstone based on digital core

  • Sheng Zeng;Yanan Zhang;Bing Sun;Qiue Cai;Bingyong Zeng;Yuan Shen;Xia Wen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4512-4521
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    • 2024
  • The permeability of the ore-bearing layer is an important indicator affecting the in-situ leaching (ISL) of uranium-bearing sandstone, which is related to various factors such as pore shape, distribution, and size. In order to study the effect of pore structure on seepage in low-permeability uranium-bearing sandstone, CT scanning tests were conducted to create a 3D digital core based on scanning images and to calculate the fractal dimension using the box counting dimension method, which integrated fractal theory to define the core samples' pore structure. The permeability prediction was realized based on the porosity-permeability model and the fractal theory model. Results indicated that this type of sandstone is obviously characterized by pore connectivity, large differences in distribution, and strong microscopic inhomogeneity. The pores are dominated by micro- and nanopores, as well as small pores, accounting for 90 %; macropores are few in number, but the diameters of their single pores are large. The distribution of pore structure in this type of sandstone exhibits a good fractal characteristic; the three-dimensional fractal dimensionality is 2.044-2.310. The porosity-permeability model was established, and permeability prediction was realized by combining the fractal theory to provide theoretical support for determining the values of well field parameters in ISL.

Preliminary Study on Market Risk Prediction Model for International Construction using Fractal Analysis

  • Moon, Seonghyeon;Kim, Du Yon;Chi, Seokho
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.463-467
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    • 2015
  • Mega-shock means a sporadic event such as the earning shock, which occurred by sudden market changes, and it can cause serious problems of profit loss of international construction projects. Therefore, the early response and prevention by analyzing and predicting the Mega-shock is critical for successful project delivery. This research is preliminary study to develop a prediction model that supports market condition analysis and Mega-shock forecasting. To avoid disadvantages of classic statistical approaches that assume the market factors are linear and independent and thus have limitations to explain complex interrelationship among a range of international market factors, the research team explored the Fractal Theory that can explain self-similarity and recursiveness of construction market changes. The research first found out correlation of the major market factors by statistically analyzing time-series data. The research then conducted a base of the Fractal analysis to distinguish features of fractal from data. The outcome will have potential to contribute to building up a foundation of the early shock warning system for the strategic international project management.

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Estimation of Urbanization Factor in Wargame Model using Fractal Dimension (Fractal 차원을 이용한 워게임에서의 도시화조정계수 추정)

  • Ojeong Kwon;Jaeoh Kim;Dongchul Kim;Namsuk Cho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2023
  • With rapid urbanization, the importance of urban warfare is increasing, and it is also required to reflect the characteristics of cities in wargame models. However, in the military's wargame models, the urbanization factor was calculated and used without theoretical basis. In this study, we investigate techniques for estimating the urbanization factor using Fractal dimension theory. The urbanization factor we propose can suggest a logical and valid representative value when used in conjunction with Agent Based Model and other methodologies.

Design and Implementation of Object Classes for Terrain Simulation (지형형상화를 위한 객체 클래스 설계 및 구현)

  • 노용덕
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 1997
  • In 3D computer graphics, fractal techniques have been applied to terrain models. Even though fractal models are convenient way to get the data of terrain models, it is not easy to gain the final results by manipulating the data of terrain model. However, by using the object oriented programming techniques, we could reduce the effort of programming job to find the final result. In this paper, a set of classes made by object oriented programming technique is presented. To show the results, the data of a terrain model were made by a fractal technique, namely, the midpoint displacement methods with square lattices of points.

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The Analysis of Fractal Dimension on the Main-Stream Length using Digital Elevation Model (수치고도모형을 이용한 본류하천길이에 관한 프랙탈 차원의 해석)

  • 차상화
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.915-923
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    • 2002
  • Recently, GIS(Geographic Information System) is used to extract various hydrological factors from DEM(Digital Elevation Model) in river basin. Therefore, this study aims at the determination of river fractal dimension using DEM. In this paper, the main-stream length in river basin was grid-analyzed for each scale(1/5,000, 1/25,000, 1/50,000) and each cell size(5m$\times$5m, l0m$\times$l0m, 20m$\times$20m, 30m$\times$30m, 40m$\times$40m, 50m$\times$50m, 60m$\times$60m, 70m$\times$70m, 80m$\times$80m, 90m$\times$90m, 100m$\times$l00m, 120m$\times$120m, 150m$\times$150m) using GIS. Also, fractal dimension was derived by analyzing correlation among main-stream lengths, scale, and cell size which were calculated here. The result of calculating fractal dimension for each cell size shows that the fractal dimension on the main-stream length is 1.028.

A new description of the fractal dimension of particle aggregates in liquid medium

  • Xing, Jun;Ding, Shiqiang;Liu, Zhengning;Xu, Jirun
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2015
  • The possible existence forms of particle aggregates in liquid medium are classified into four different types according to their morphological characteristics, including the single particles that are separated from each other, the linear aggregates in which all component particles are located in a line, the planar aggregates where all particles are arranged on a plane, and the volumetric aggregates where all particles forms a three-dimensional space. These particle aggregates with different space morphologies have different fractal dimensions and different influence on the rheological phenomena of the solid-liquid system. The effects of various aggregates on the suspension viscosity are analyzed and related with the particle concentration, and then a mathematical model is presented to determine the fractal dimensions of various aggregates by measuring the apparent viscosity of the solid-liquid system. In the model, the viscous fractal dimension is developed as a new concept, the fractal dimensions of different aggregates can be obtained separately and then the relative components of various aggregates experimentally analyzed.

Development of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph using River Fractal Characteristics (하천의 프랙탈 특성을 이용한 합성단위유량도의 개발)

  • 차상화
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to analyze the river fractal characteristics using GIS (Geographic Information System). In this study, topographical factors in river basin were grid-analyzed for each cell size and scale using GIS and regression formula was derived by analyzing correlation among topographical factors and cell size which were calculated here. And, a new rainfall-runoff model which is considering the calculated fractal dimension was developed to apply fur a river basin.

The Analytical Derivation of the Fractal Advection-Diffusion Equation for Modeling Solute Transport in Rivers (하천 오염물질의 모의를 위한 프랙탈 이송확산방정식의 해석적 유도)

  • Kim, Sang-Dan;Song, Mee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.889-896
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    • 2004
  • The fractal advection-diffusion equation (ADE) is a generalization of the classical AdE in which the second-order derivative is replaced with a fractal order derivative. While the fractal ADE have been analyzed with a stochastic process In the Fourier and Laplace space so far, in this study a fractal ADE for describing solute transport in rivers is derived with a finite difference scheme in the real space. This derivation with a finite difference scheme gives the hint how the fractal derivative order and fractal diffusion coefficient can be estimated physically In contrast to the classical ADE, the fractal ADE is expected to be able to provide solutions that resemble the highly skewed and heavy-tailed time-concentration distribution curves of contaminant plumes observed in rivers.

Model Structuring Technique by A Knowledge Representation Scheme: A FMS Fractal Architecture Example (지식 표현 기법을 이용한 모델 구조의 표현과 구성 : 단편구조 유연생산 시스템 예)

  • 조대호
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1995
  • The model of a FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) admits to a natural hierarchical decomposition of highly decoupled units with similar structure and control. The FMS fractal architecture model represents a hierarchical structure built from elements of a single basic design. A SES (System Entity Structure) is a structural knowledge representation scheme that contains knowledge of decomposition, taxonomy, and coupling relationships of a system necessary to direct model synthesis. A substructure of a SES is extracted for use as the skeleton for a model. This substructure is called pruned SES and the extraction operation of a pruned SES from a SES is called pruning (or pruning operation). This paper presents a pruning operation called recursive pruning. It is applied to SES for generating a model structure whose sub-structure contains copies if itself as in FMS fractal architecture. Another pruning operation called delay pruning is also presented. Combined with recursive pruning the delay pruningis a useful tool for representing and constructing complex systems.

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Study on the comparison topographical factor with slope stability using fractal dimension and surface area index (프랙탈 차원과 표면적 지수를 이용한 지형인자와 사면안정성 비교 연구)

  • Noh, Soo-Kack;Chang, Pyoung-Wuck;Cha, Kyung-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2005
  • The research was performed to predict the potential landslide with roughness index. It was known that fractal dimension and surface area index can be represented the topography, specially when the natural slopes were rough or rugged. A test site was selected and fractal dimension and surface area index were calculated from the irregular triangle network. Fractal dimension were ranged between $2.016{\sim}2.046$ and surface area index $1.56E+07{\sim}2.59E+07$. Surface area index increased as fractal dimension increased. Slope stability was calculated by infinite slope stability analysis model and was compared to slope stability by fractal and surface area index. In the result, unsafe zones where slope stability is under 1.1 were $5.11{\sim}6.25%$ for the test site. It can be said that fractal dimension and surface area index are a good index to evaluate the slope stability because when fractal dimension and surface area index are greater, then stability of the site is more unsafe.

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