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Particulate Matter and CO2 Improvement Effects by Vegetation-based Bio-filters and the Indoor Comfort Index Analysis (식생기반 바이오필터의 미세먼지, 이산화탄소 개선효과와 실내쾌적지수 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Han;Choi, Boo-Hun;Choi, Na-Hyun;Jang, Eun-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: In the month of January 2018, fine dust alerts and warnings were issued 36 times for PM10 and 81 times for PM2.5. Air quality is becoming a serious issue nation-wide. Although interest in air-purifying plants is growing due to the controversy over the risk of chemical substances of regular air-purifying solutions, industrial spread of the plants has been limited due to their efficiency in air-conditioning perspective. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study aims to propose a vegetation-based bio-filter system that can assure total indoor air volume for the efficient application of air-purifying plants. In order to evaluate the quantitative performance of the system, time-series analysis was conducted on air-conditioning performance, indoor air quality, and comfort index improvement effects in a lecture room-style laboratory with 16 persons present in the room. The system provided 4.24 ACH ventilation rate and reduced indoor temperature by 1.6C and black bulb temperature by $1.0^{\circ}C$. Relative humidity increased by 24.4% and deteriorated comfort index. However, this seemed to be offset by turbulent flow created from the operation of air blowers. While PM10 was reduced by 39.5% to 22.11μg/m3, CO2 increased up to 1,329ppm. It is interpreted that released CO2 could not be processed because light compensation point was not reached. As for the indoor comfort index, PMV was reduced by 83.6 % and PPD was reduced by 47.0% on average, indicating that indoor space in a comfort range could be created by operating vegetation-based bio-filters. CONCLUSION: The study confirmed that the vegetation-based bio-filter system is effective in lowering indoor temperature and PM10 and has positive effects on creating comfortable indoor space in terms of PMV and PPD.

Combustion Characteristics of Cow Manure Pellet as a Solid Fuel Source (고체연료원으로서의 우분 펠릿 연소특성)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Hwa;Lee, Dong-jun;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Sung-Hyoun
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2019
  • In Korea, 51,013 thousand tons of livestock manure was generated in 2018. A total of 46,530 thousand tons, which is 91.2% of the total amount of livestock manure generated, was treated by composting(40,647 thousand tons) or liquid fertilization(5,884 thousand tons) method. At present, the policy of livestock manure treatment in Korea is to make livestock manure into organic fertilizer(compost, liquid fertilizer) and then to applicate it on agricultural land. And this policy is very effective in terms of livestock manure treatment and nutrient recycling. However, considering the steadily declining farmland area for decades, the use of livestock manure compost could be limited in the future. There is also concern that local nutrient overloading, nutrient management regulation, and restrictions on the number of livestock may become serious problem for livestock manure treatment. In addition, there are some opinions that nutrient derived from livestock manure may flow into tributaries of major dams. In recent years, there has been a suspicion that fine dust may be generated from livestock manure compost. In recent years, the use of livestock manure fertilizer has been rapidly increasing, there is a growing demand of the development of new technologies for livestock manure treatment. Especially, cow excretes a larger amount of manure than other livestock, so that the efficiency of development of new technology for cow manure treatment will be high. Therefore, in this study, the combustion characteristics of cow manure pellet were investigated in order to analyzed whether cow manure could be used as source of solid fuel. During the combustion test, the weight loss of the cow manure pellet began to increase when the temperature of the combustion chamber reached 300C. The ratio of H2, CH4, CO in the pyrolysis gas produced in the pyrolysis process of cow manure pellet were 6.65~11.62%, 0.58~1.54 and 11.47~14.07%, respectively.

Predicting stock movements based on financial news with systematic group identification (시스템적인 군집 확인과 뉴스를 이용한 주가 예측)

  • Seong, NohYoon;Nam, Kihwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2019
  • Because stock price forecasting is an important issue both academically and practically, research in stock price prediction has been actively conducted. The stock price forecasting research is classified into using structured data and using unstructured data. With structured data such as historical stock price and financial statements, past studies usually used technical analysis approach and fundamental analysis. In the big data era, the amount of information has rapidly increased, and the artificial intelligence methodology that can find meaning by quantifying string information, which is an unstructured data that takes up a large amount of information, has developed rapidly. With these developments, many attempts with unstructured data are being made to predict stock prices through online news by applying text mining to stock price forecasts. The stock price prediction methodology adopted in many papers is to forecast stock prices with the news of the target companies to be forecasted. However, according to previous research, not only news of a target company affects its stock price, but news of companies that are related to the company can also affect the stock price. However, finding a highly relevant company is not easy because of the market-wide impact and random signs. Thus, existing studies have found highly relevant companies based primarily on pre-determined international industry classification standards. However, according to recent research, global industry classification standard has different homogeneity within the sectors, and it leads to a limitation that forecasting stock prices by taking them all together without considering only relevant companies can adversely affect predictive performance. To overcome the limitation, we first used random matrix theory with text mining for stock prediction. Wherever the dimension of data is large, the classical limit theorems are no longer suitable, because the statistical efficiency will be reduced. Therefore, a simple correlation analysis in the financial market does not mean the true correlation. To solve the issue, we adopt random matrix theory, which is mainly used in econophysics, to remove market-wide effects and random signals and find a true correlation between companies. With the true correlation, we perform cluster analysis to find relevant companies. Also, based on the clustering analysis, we used multiple kernel learning algorithm, which is an ensemble of support vector machine to incorporate the effects of the target firm and its relevant firms simultaneously. Each kernel was assigned to predict stock prices with features of financial news of the target firm and its relevant firms. The results of this study are as follows. The results of this paper are as follows. (1) Following the existing research flow, we confirmed that it is an effective way to forecast stock prices using news from relevant companies. (2) When looking for a relevant company, looking for it in the wrong way can lower AI prediction performance. (3) The proposed approach with random matrix theory shows better performance than previous studies if cluster analysis is performed based on the true correlation by removing market-wide effects and random signals. The contribution of this study is as follows. First, this study shows that random matrix theory, which is used mainly in economic physics, can be combined with artificial intelligence to produce good methodologies. This suggests that it is important not only to develop AI algorithms but also to adopt physics theory. This extends the existing research that presented the methodology by integrating artificial intelligence with complex system theory through transfer entropy. Second, this study stressed that finding the right companies in the stock market is an important issue. This suggests that it is not only important to study artificial intelligence algorithms, but how to theoretically adjust the input values. Third, we confirmed that firms classified as Global Industrial Classification Standard (GICS) might have low relevance and suggested it is necessary to theoretically define the relevance rather than simply finding it in the GICS.

Development of the forecasting model for import volume by item of major countries based on economic, industrial structural and cultural factors: Focusing on the cultural factors of Korea (경제적, 산업구조적, 문화적 요인을 기반으로 한 주요 국가의 한국 품목별 수입액 예측 모형 개발: 한국의, 한국에 대한 문화적 요인을 중심으로)

  • Jun, Seung-pyo;Seo, Bong-Goon;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.23-48
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    • 2021
  • The Korean economy has achieved continuous economic growth for the past several decades thanks to the government's export strategy policy. This increase in exports is playing a leading role in driving Korea's economic growth by improving economic efficiency, creating jobs, and promoting technology development. Traditionally, the main factors affecting Korea's exports can be found from two perspectives: economic factors and industrial structural factors. First, economic factors are related to exchange rates and global economic fluctuations. The impact of the exchange rate on Korea's exports depends on the exchange rate level and exchange rate volatility. Global economic fluctuations affect global import demand, which is an absolute factor influencing Korea's exports. Second, industrial structural factors are unique characteristics that occur depending on industries or products, such as slow international division of labor, increased domestic substitution of certain imported goods by China, and changes in overseas production patterns of major export industries. Looking at the most recent studies related to global exchanges, several literatures show the importance of cultural aspects as well as economic and industrial structural factors. Therefore, this study attempted to develop a forecasting model by considering cultural factors along with economic and industrial structural factors in calculating the import volume of each country from Korea. In particular, this study approaches the influence of cultural factors on imports of Korean products from the perspective of PUSH-PULL framework. The PUSH dimension is a perspective that Korea develops and actively promotes its own brand and can be defined as the degree of interest in each country for Korean brands represented by K-POP, K-FOOD, and K-CULTURE. In addition, the PULL dimension is a perspective centered on the cultural and psychological characteristics of the people of each country. This can be defined as how much they are inclined to accept Korean Flow as each country's cultural code represented by the country's governance system, masculinity, risk avoidance, and short-term/long-term orientation. The unique feature of this study is that the proposed final prediction model can be selected based on Design Principles. The design principles we presented are as follows. 1) A model was developed to reflect interest in Korea and cultural characteristics through newly added data sources. 2) It was designed in a practical and convenient way so that the forecast value can be immediately recalled by inputting changes in economic factors, item code and country code. 3) In order to derive theoretically meaningful results, an algorithm was selected that can interpret the relationship between the input and the target variable. This study can suggest meaningful implications from the technical, economic and policy aspects, and is expected to make a meaningful contribution to the export support strategies of small and medium-sized enterprises by using the import forecasting model.

Analysis of Munitions Contract Work Using Process Mining (프로세스 마이닝을 이용한 군수품 계약업무 분석 : 공군 군수사 계약업무를 중심으로)

  • Joo, Yong Seon;Kim, Su Hwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.41-59
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    • 2022
  • The timely procurement of military supplies is essential to maintain the military's operational capabilities, and contract work is the first step toward timely procurement. In addition, rapid signing of a contract enables consumers to set a leisurely delivery date and increases the possibility of budget execution, so it is essential to improve the contract process to prevent early execution of the budget and transfer or disuse. Recently, research using big data has been actively conducted in various fields, and process analysis using big data and process mining, an improvement technique, are also widely used in the private sector. However, the analysis of contract work in the military is limited to the level of individual analysis such as identifying the cause of each problem case of budget transfer and disuse contracts using the experience and fragmentary information of the person in charge. In order to improve the contract process, this study analyzed using the process mining technique with data on a total of 560 contract tasks directly contracted by the Department of Finance of the Air Force Logistics Command for about one year from November 2019. Process maps were derived by synthesizing distributed data, and process flow, execution time analysis, bottleneck analysis, and additional detailed analysis were conducted. As a result of the analysis, it was found that review/modification occurred repeatedly after request in a number of contracts. Repeated reviews/modifications have a significant impact on the delay in the number of days to complete the cost calculation, which has also been clearly revealed through bottleneck visualization. Review/modification occurs in more than 60% of the top 5 departments with many contract requests, and it usually occurs in the first half of the year when requests are concentrated, which means that a thorough review is required before requesting contracts from the required departments. In addition, the contract work of the Department of Finance was carried out in accordance with the procedures according to laws and regulations, but it was found that it was necessary to adjust the order of some tasks. This study is the first case of using process mining for the analysis of contract work in the military. Based on this, if further research is conducted to apply process mining to various tasks in the military, it is expected that the efficiency of various tasks can be derived.

Analysis of Soil Changes in Vegetable LID Facilities (식생형 LID 시설의 내부 토양 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Seungjae;Yoon, Yeo-jin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2022
  • The LID technique began to be applied in Korea after 2009, and LID facilities are installed and operated for rainwater management in business districts such as the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and LH Corporation, public institutions, commercial land, housing, parks, and schools. However, looking at domestic cases, the application cases and operation periods are insufficient compared to those outside the country, so appropriate design standards and measures for operation and maintenance are insufficient. In particular, LID facilities constructed using LID techniques need to maintain the environment inside LID facilities because hydrological and environmental effects are expressed by material circulation and energy flow. The LID facility is designed with the treatment capacity planned for the water circulation target, and the proper maintenance, vegetation, and soil conditions are periodically identified, and the efficiency is maintained as much as possible. In other words, the soil created in LID is a very important design element because LID facilities are expected to have effects such as water pollution reduction, flood reduction, water resource acquisition, and temperature reduction while increasing water storage and penetration capacity through water circulation construction. In order to maintain and manage the functions of LID facilities accurately, the current state of the facilities and the cycle of replacement and maintenance should be accurately known through various quantitative data such as soil contamination, snow removal effects, and vegetation criteria. This study was conducted to investigate the current status of LID facilities installed in Korea from 2009 to 2020, and analyze soil changes through the continuity and current status of LID facilities applied over the past 10 years after collecting soil samples from the soil layer. Through analysis of Saturn, organic matter, hardness, water contents, pH, electrical conductivity, and salt, some vegetation-type LID facilities more than 5 to 7 years after construction showed results corresponding to the lower grade of landscape design. Facilities below the lower level can be recognized as a point of time when maintenance is necessary in a state that may cause problems in soil permeability and vegetation growth. Accordingly, it was found that LID facilities should be managed through soil replacement and replacement.

Development of heat exchanger by the utilization of underground water. I - Design for plat fin tube - (지하수 이용을 위한 열교환기 개발. I - 냉각핀의 설계제작 -)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Ahn, D.H.;Kim, S.C.;Park, W.P.;Kang, Y.G.;Kim, S.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to develop the heat exchanger by utilizing the heat energy of underground water(15℃), which might be used for cooling and heating system of the agricultural facilities. We developed the heat exchanger, parallel type plat fin tube made of Aluminum(Al 6063), which was named Aloo-Heat(No. of The registration design : 0247164, by Korean Intellectual property Office). The fin of exchanger was design of the granulated surface for minimizing fouling factor and dew forms, and also placed parallel to the tube in order to minimized the resistance of flows. 1. Aloo-heat was designed to have 0.03m for inside diameter, 0.036m for outside diameter of tube, 0.0012m for thickness of fin and 0.032m for length of plat fin. 2. t was also designed to have 1.5248m2/m for outside area of heat transfer, 0.0942m2/m for inside area contacting hot liquid, and the ratio (Ra) was 16.1869. 3. Efficiency of the fin was 93 percentage when fin length was 0.032m, and the fin thickness satisfied equation hρk< 0.2 when it was 0.0012m. 4. According to the performance test of Aloo-heat, as the temperature and rate increased, the heating value also increased, heating value was 504kJ/h·m and 6,048kJ/h·m when it was 60℃, 10 𝑙/min and 80℃, 40 𝑙/min respectively. 5. The test of heating value was confident, because correlation value(R2) was 0.9898 for the temperature and 0.9721 for flow rate of hot liquid, respectively.

Analysis of the Impact of Satellite Remote Sensing Information on the Prediction Performance of Ungauged Basin Stream Flow Using Data-driven Models (인공위성 원격 탐사 정보가 자료 기반 모형의 미계측 유역 하천유출 예측성능에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Seo, Jiyu;Jung, Haeun;Won, Jeongeun;Choi, Sijung;Kim, Sangdan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 2024
  • Lack of streamflow observations makes model calibration difficult and limits model performance improvement. Satellite-based remote sensing products offer a new alternative as they can be actively utilized to obtain hydrological data. Recently, several studies have shown that artificial intelligence-based solutions are more appropriate than traditional conceptual and physical models. In this study, a data-driven approach combining various recurrent neural networks and decision tree-based algorithms is proposed, and the utilization of satellite remote sensing information for AI training is investigated. The satellite imagery used in this study is from MODIS and SMAP. The proposed approach is validated using publicly available data from 25 watersheds. Inspired by the traditional regionalization approach, a strategy is adopted to learn one data-driven model by integrating data from all basins, and the potential of the proposed approach is evaluated by using a leave-one-out cross-validation regionalization setting to predict streamflow from different basins with one model. The GRU + Light GBM model was found to be a suitable model combination for target basins and showed good streamflow prediction performance in ungauged basins (The average model efficiency coefficient for predicting daily streamflow in 25 ungauged basins is 0.7187) except for the period when streamflow is very small. The influence of satellite remote sensing information was found to be up to 10%, with the additional application of satellite information having a greater impact on streamflow prediction during low or dry seasons than during wet or normal seasons.

Effect of Dietary Inclusion of Various Sources of Green Tea on Immune System and Challenging Test of Juvenile Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (사료내 녹차 첨가가 넙치 유어기의 면역성 및 세균 공격성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Sung-Hwoan;Lee Sang-Mok;Park Byum-Hee;Ji Sung-Choon;Kwon Mun-Gyeong;Kim Yi-Cheong;Lee Jong-Ha;Park Sagn-Eun;Han Hyoung-Kyun
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2006
  • Effect of dietary inclusion of various sources of green tea on growth, immune system and challenging test of juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus was investigated. Five experimental diets with triplicates were prepared: control, raw leaves, dry leaves, by-product and extract. Twenty five (an initial body weight of 52.5 g) were randomly distributed into 15 of 180 L flow-through tanks. Nutrient requirements of the experimental diets satisfied growth of juvenile olive flounder. The feeding trial lasted for 7 weeks. After 7-week feeding trial, blood were sampled from three randomly chosen fish for serum analysis of Iysozyme and bactericidal activity, and ten fish were infected with Edwardsiella tarda for challenging test from each tank. Weight gain (g/fish) of fish fed the diet containing extract and control diet was significantly higher than that of fish fed the other diets. Feed efficiency ratio for fish fed the diet containing extract and control diet was significantly higher than that for fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product, but not significantly different from that for fish fed the diet containing dry leaves. Serum Iysozyme activity (units/ml) of fish fed the diets containing dry leaves and extract was significantly higher than that of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product, but not significantly different from that of fish fed the control diet. Serum bactericidal activity (×106 bacteria/ml) of fish fed the diet containing dry leaves and extract was significantly lower than that of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves, by-product and control diet in 3 hour. However, serum bactericidal activity of fish fed the diet containing extract was significantly lower than that of fish fed the other diets in 6 hour. And serum bacterial activity was low in fish fed the diets containing dry and raw leaves, by-product, and control in 6 hour in order. Accumulative mortality (%) of fish fed the control diet was low compared to that of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product, but high compared to that of fish fed the diets containing dry leaves and extract although no significant difference was found among treatments. In considering above results, dietary inclusion of extract and dry leaves of green tea seemed to be highly effective to improve immune system and endurance against E. tarda infection of juvenile olive flounder.

Analysis of Greenhouse Thermal Environment by Model Simulation (시뮬레이션 모형에 의한 온실의 열환경 분석)

  • 서원명;윤용철
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.215-235
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    • 1996
  • The thermal analysis by mathematical model simulation makes it possible to reasonably predict heating and/or cooling requirements of certain greenhouses located under various geographical and climatic environment. It is another advantages of model simulation technique to be able to make it possible to select appropriate heating system, to set up energy utilization strategy, to schedule seasonal crop pattern, as well as to determine new greenhouse ranges. In this study, the control pattern for greenhouse microclimate is categorized as cooling and heating. Dynamic model was adopted to simulate heating requirements and/or energy conservation effectiveness such as energy saving by night-time thermal curtain, estimation of Heating Degree-Hours(HDH), long time prediction of greenhouse thermal behavior, etc. On the other hand, the cooling effects of ventilation, shading, and pad ||||&|||| fan system were partly analyzed by static model. By the experimental work with small size model greenhouse of 1.2m×2.4m, it was found that cooling the greenhouse by spraying cold water directly on greenhouse cover surface or by recirculating cold water through heat exchangers would be effective in greenhouse summer cooling. The mathematical model developed for greenhouse model simulation is highly applicable because it can reflects various climatic factors like temperature, humidity, beam and diffuse solar radiation, wind velocity, etc. This model was closely verified by various weather data obtained through long period greenhouse experiment. Most of the materials relating with greenhouse heating or cooling components were obtained from model greenhouse simulated mathematically by using typical year(1987) data of Jinju Gyeongnam. But some of the materials relating with greenhouse cooling was obtained by performing model experiments which include analyzing cooling effect of water sprayed directly on greenhouse roof surface. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The heating requirements of model greenhouse were highly related with the minimum temperature set for given greenhouse. The setting temperature at night-time is much more influential on heating energy requirement than that at day-time. Therefore It is highly recommended that night- time setting temperature should be carefully determined and controlled. 2. The HDH data obtained by conventional method were estimated on the basis of considerably long term average weather temperature together with the standard base temperature(usually 18.3C). This kind of data can merely be used as a relative comparison criteria about heating load, but is not applicable in the calculation of greenhouse heating requirements because of the limited consideration of climatic factors and inappropriate base temperature. By comparing the HDM data with the results of simulation, it is found that the heating system design by HDH data will probably overshoot the actual heating requirement. 3. The energy saving effect of night-time thermal curtain as well as estimated heating requirement is found to be sensitively related with weather condition: Thermal curtain adopted for simulation showed high effectiveness in energy saving which amounts to more than 50% of annual heating requirement. 4. The ventilation performances doting warm seasons are mainly influenced by air exchange rate even though there are some variations depending on greenhouse structural difference, weather and cropping conditions. For air exchanges above 1 volume per minute, the reduction rate of temperature rise on both types of considered greenhouse becomes modest with the additional increase of ventilation capacity. Therefore the desirable ventilation capacity is assumed to be 1 air change per minute, which is the recommended ventilation rate in common greenhouse. 5. In glass covered greenhouse with full production, under clear weather of 50% RH, and continuous 1 air change per minute, the temperature drop in 50% shaded greenhouse and pad & fan systemed greenhouse is 2.6C and.6.1C respectively. The temperature in control greenhouse under continuous air change at this time was 36.6C which was 5.3C above ambient temperature. As a result the greenhouse temperature can be maintained 3C below ambient temperature. But when RH is 80%, it was impossible to drop greenhouse temperature below ambient temperature because possible temperature reduction by pad ||||&|||| fan system at this time is not more than 2.4C. 6. During 3 months of hot summer season if the greenhouse is assumed to be cooled only when greenhouse temperature rise above 27C, the relationship between RH of ambient air and greenhouse temperature drop(ΔT) was formulated as follows : ΔT= -0.077RH+7.7 7. Time dependent cooling effects performed by operation of each or combination of ventilation, 50% shading, pad & fan of 80% efficiency, were continuously predicted for one typical summer day long. When the greenhouse was cooled only by 1 air change per minute, greenhouse air temperature was 5C above outdoor temperature. Either method alone can not drop greenhouse air temperature below outdoor temperature even under the fully cropped situations. But when both systems were operated together, greenhouse air temperature can be controlled to about 2.0-2.3C below ambient temperature. 8. When the cool water of 6.5-8.5C was sprayed on greenhouse roof surface with the water flow rate of 1.3 liter/min per unit greenhouse floor area, greenhouse air temperature could be dropped down to 16.5-18.0C, whlch is about 10C below the ambient temperature of 26.5-28.0C at that time. The most important thing in cooling greenhouse air effectively with water spray may be obtaining plenty of cool water source like ground water itself or cold water produced by heat-pump. Future work is focused on not only analyzing the feasibility of heat pump operation but also finding the relationships between greenhouse air temperature(Tg ), spraying water temperature(Tw ), water flow rate(Q), and ambient temperature(To).

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