• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow efficiency

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Effect of Pulse Energy and Pulse Repetition Rate at the Identical Total Power During Enamel Ablation Using an Er:YAG Laser (Er:YAG 레이저를 이용한 치아 삭제시 동일출력에서 펄스에너지와 조사반복률의 영향)

  • Won, Jung-Yeon;Kim, Mee-Eun;Kim, Ki-Suk
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2006
  • The objectives of this study was to investigate the amount of tooth ablation and the change of intrapulpal temperature by Er:YAG laser as it relates to pulse energy and pulse repetition rate at the identical power and, thereby, to reveal which of the two parameters strongly relates with ablation efficiency and intrapulpal temperature. Extracted healthy human molar teeth were sectioned into two pieces and each specimen was irradiated within the combination of pulse energy and pulse repetition time at the same power of 3W; $300mJy{\times}10Hz$ group, $200mJy{\times}15Hz$ group, and $150mJy{\times}20Hz$ group. Each specimen comprised ten tooth specimens. A laser beam with conjunction of a water flow rate of 1.6 ml/min was applied over enamel surfaces of the specimens during 3 seconds and the ablation amount was determined by difference in weight before and after irradiation. To investigate the temperature change in the pulp according to the above groups, another five extracted healthy human molar teeth were prepared. Each tooth was embedded into resin block and the temperature-measuring probes were kept on the irradiated and the opposite walls in the dental pulp during lasing. When the power was kept constant at 3W, ablation amount increased with pulse energy rather than pulse repetition rate (p=0.000). Although intrapulpal temperature increased with pulse repetition rate, there were no significant differences among the groups and between the irradiated and the opposite pulpal walls, except at a condition of $150y{\times}20Hz$ (p=0.033). Conclusively, it is suggested that ablation efficacy is influenced by pulse energy rather than pulse repetition rate.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research : A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2012 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향 : 2012년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwataik;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Sa Ryang;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Choi, Jong Min;Park, Jun-Seok;Kim, Sumin
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2013
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2012. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. The conclusions are as follows : (1) The research works on thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of fluid machinery, pipes and valves, fuel cells and power plants, ground-coupled heat pumps, and general heat and mass transfer systems. Research issues are mainly focused on new and renewable energy systems, such as fuel cells, ocean thermal energy conversion power plants, and ground-coupled heat pump systems. (2) Research works on the heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for natural convection in a square enclosure with two hot circular cylinders, non-uniform grooved tube considering tube expansion, single-tube annular baffle system, broadcasting LED light with ion wind generator, mechanical property and microstructure of SA213 P92 boiler pipe steel, and flat plate using multiple tripping wires. In the area of pool boiling and condensing heat transfer, researches on the design of a micro-channel heat exchanger for a heat pump, numerical simulation of a heat pump evaporator considering the pressure drop in the distributor and capillary tubes, critical heat flux on a thermoexcel-E enhanced surface, and the performance of a fin-and-tube condenser with non-uniform air distribution and different tube types were actively carried out. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on a plate heat exchanger type dehumidifier, fin-tube heat exchanger, an electric circuit transient analogy model in a vertical closed loop ground heat exchanger, heat transfer characteristics of a double skin window for plant factory, a regenerative heat exchanger depending on its porous structure, and various types of plate heat exchangers were performed. (3) In the field of refrigeration, various studies were executed to improve refrigeration system performance, and to evaluate the applicability of alternative refrigerants and new components. Various topics were presented in the area of refrigeration cycle. Research issues mainly focused on the enhancement of the system performance. In the alternative refrigerant area, studies on CO2, R32/R152a mixture, and R1234yf were performed. Studies on the design and performance analysis of various compressors and evaporator were executed. (4) In building mechanical system research fields, twenty-nine studies were conducted to achieve effective design of mechanical systems, and also to maximize the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included heating and cooling, HVAC system, ventilation, renewable energy systems, and lighting systems in buildings. New designs and performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data, which can improve the energy efficiency of buildings. (5) In the fields of the architectural environment, studies for various purposes, such as indoor environment, building energy, and renewable energy were performed. In particular, building energy-related researches and renewable energy systems have been mainly studied, reflecting interests in global climate change, and efforts to reduce building energy consumption by government and architectural specialists. In addition, many researches have been conducted regarding indoor environments.

Separation and Recovery of $SF_6$ Gas from $N_2/SF_6$ Gas Mixtures by using a Polymer Hollow Fiber Membranes (고분자 중공사 분리막을 이용한 $N_2/SF_6$ 혼합가스로부터 $SF_6$의 분리 및 회수)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Min-Woo;Lee, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Sang-Hyup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2011
  • $SF_6$ (Sulfur hexafluoride) possesses high GWP (Global Warming Potential) as sepcified by the IPCC (Intergonvernmental Panel of Climate Change). Recently, the recovery-separtion of $SF_6$ research area, including permeation properties studies using various membrane's materials and the practical operation of recovery-separtion using membrane of waste $SF_6$ gas is in the initial state. The separation efficiency of a single $SF_6$ and waste $SF_6$ mixture was evaluated using a PSF (polysulfone), PC (tetra-bromo polycarbonate) and PI (polyimide) hollow fiber membranes. According to the results of single gases permeation properties, PI membrane has the highest permselectivity of $N_2$ gas in $N_2/SF_6$ gas. Under the condition of P=0.5 MPa, the highest concentration of recovered $SF_6$ is 95.6 vol % in the separation experiment of $SF_6/N_2$ mixture gas by PC membrane. Under the operation pressure of P=0.3 MPa at a fixed retentate flow rate fixed of 150 cc/min, the maximum recovery efficiency of $SF_6$ is up to 97.8% by PSF membrane. From the results above, it is thought that the separation and recovery technique of $SF_6$ gas using membrane will be used as the representative eco-technology in the $SF_6$ gas treatment in the future.

Evaluating Stabilization Efficiency of Coal Combustion Ash (CCA) for Coal Mine Wastes: Column Experiment (석탄회를 이용한 석탄광산 폐기물의 안정화 효율성 평가: 컬럼 시험)

  • Oh, Se-Jin;Kim, Sung-Chul;Ko, Ju-In;Lee, Jin-Soo;Yang, Jae-E.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1071-1079
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    • 2011
  • In this study, coal combustion ash (CCA) was evaluated for its stabilization effect on acidic mine waste with column experiment. Total of six treatments were installed depending on mixing ratio between coal wastes and CCA (0, 20, 40%) and mixing method (completely mixing and layered). Artificial acidic rain (pH 5.6) was used for feeding solution with flow rate of $0.05mL\;min^{-1}$. Result showed that higher pH of leachate was observed as more CCA was mixed. The highest pH in leachate was measured when 40% of CCA was mixed with coal waste (pH of 5.8). Also, complete mixing with CCA and coal waste was more effective to increase the pH of leachate than layered treatment. Regarding the reduction of soluble Fe amount, the highest efficiency (78%) was observed when 20% of coal ash was completely mixed with mine waste. Based on those result, optimum mixing ratio of coal ash with mine waste can be ranged 20-40% depending on environmental circumstances in the field.

A Study on the Establishment Case of Technical Standard for Electronic Record Information Package (전자문서 정보패키지 구축 사례 연구 - '공인전자문서보관소 전자문서 정보패키지 기술규격 개발 연구'를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sung-Kyum
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.16
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    • pp.97-146
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    • 2007
  • Those days when people used paper to make up and manage all kinds of documents in the process of their jobs are gone now. Today electronic types of documents have replaced paper. Unlike paper documents, electronic ones contribute to the maximum job efficiency with their convenience in production and storage. But they too have some disadvantages; it's difficult to distinguish originals and copies like paper documents; it's not easy to examine if there is a change or damage to the documents; they are also prone to alteration and damage by the external influences in the electronic environment; and electronic documents require enormous amounts of workforce and costs for immediate measures to be taken according to the changes to the S/W and H/W environment. Despite all those weaknesses, however, electronic documents increasingly account for more percentage in the current job environment thanks to their job convenience and efficiency of production costs. Both the government and private sector have made efforts to come up with plans to maximize their advantages and minimize their risks at the same time. One of the methods is the Authorized Retention Center which is described in the study. There are a couple of prerequisites for its smooth operation; they should guarantee the legal validity of electronic documents in the administrative aspects and first secure the reliability and authenticity of electronic documents in the technological aspects. Responding to those needs, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy and the Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce, which were the two main bodies to drive the Authorized Retention Center project, revised the Electronic Commerce Act and supplemented the provisions to guarantee the legal validity of electronic documents in 2005 and conducted researches on the ways to preserve electronic documents for a long term and secure their reliability, which had been demanded by the users of the center, in 2006. In an attempt to fulfill those goals of the Authorized Retention Center, this study researched technical standard for electronic record information package of the center and applied the ISO 14721 information package model that's the standard for the long-term preservation of digital data. It also suggested a process to produce and manage information package so that there would be the SIP, AIP and DIP metadata features for the production, preservation, and utilization by users points of electronic documents and they could be implemented according to the center's policies. Based on the previous study, the study introduced the flow charts among the production and progress process, application methods and packages of technical standard for electronic record information package at the center and suggested some issues that should be consistently researched in the field of records management based on the results.

A review on the design requirement of temperature in high-level nuclear waste disposal system: based on bentonite buffer (고준위폐기물처분시스템 설계 제한온도 설정에 관한 기술현황 분석: 벤토나이트 완충재를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Seop;Cho, Won-Jin;Park, Seunghun;Kim, Geon-Young;Baik, Min-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.587-609
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    • 2019
  • Short-and long-term stabilities of bentonite, favored material as buffer in geological repositories for high-level waste were reviewed in this paper in addition to alternative design concepts of buffer to mitigate the thermal load from decay heat of SF (Spent Fuel) and further increase the disposal efficiency. It is generally reported that the irreversible changes in structure, hydraulic behavior, and swelling capacity are produced due to temperature increase and vapor flow between $150{\sim}250^{\circ}C$. Provided that the maximum temperature of bentonite is less than $150^{\circ}C$, however, the effects of temperature on the material, structural, and mineralogical stability seems to be minor. The maximum temperature in disposal system will constrain and determine the amount of waste to be disposed per unit area and be regarded as an important design parameter influencing the availability of disposal site. Thus, it is necessary to identify the effects of high temperature on the performance of buffer and allow for the thermal constraint greater than $100^{\circ}C$. In addition, the development of high-performance EBS (Engineered Barrier System) such as composite bentonite buffer mixed with graphite or silica and multi-layered buffer (i.e., highly thermal-conductive layer or insulating layer) should be taken into account to enhance the disposal efficiency in parallel with the development of multilayer repository. This will contribute to increase of reliability and securing the acceptance of the people with regard to a high-level waste disposal.

Development of Heated-Air Dryer for Agricultural Waste Using Waste Heat of Incineration Plant (소각장 폐열을 활용한 농업폐기물 열풍 건조장치 개발)

  • Song, Dae-Bin;Lim, Ki-Hyeon;Jung, Dae-Hong
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2019
  • To manufacturing of solid fuel by reuse of the wastes, the drying unit which have 500 kg/hr of drying capacity was developed and experimentally evaluate the performance. The spinach grown in Nam-hae island were used for the experiments and investigated of the heated-air drying characteristics as the inlet amount of raw materials, raw material stirring status, conveying type and drying time. The drying air heated by the energy derived from the steam which is supplied from the incineration plant. The moisture contents of raw materials were measured 85.65%. The inlet flow rate of drying air made a difference as the depth of the raw materials loaded on the drying unit and temperature has showed 108~144℃. The drying speed of the mixed drying more than doubled as that of non mixed drying under the same drying type, inlet amount, drying time and drying air temperature. In each experiment, the drying capacity have showed over 500 kg/hr. A drying efficiency of the ratio of drying consumption energy to input energy was 33.46%, lower than the average of 57.76% for the 157 conventional dryers. Because developed dryer must have a drying time of less than one hour, it is considered that the dry efficiency has been reduced due to the loss of wind volume during drying. If waste heat from incineration plant is used as a direct heat source, the dry air temperature is expected to be at least 160℃, greatly improving the drying capacity.

Comparative assessment and uncertainty analysis of ensemble-based hydrologic data assimilation using airGRdatassim (airGRdatassim을 이용한 앙상블 기반 수문자료동화 기법의 비교 및 불확실성 평가)

  • Lee, Garim;Lee, Songhee;Kim, Bomi;Woo, Dong Kook;Noh, Seong Jin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.10
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    • pp.761-774
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    • 2022
  • Accurate hydrologic prediction is essential to analyze the effects of drought, flood, and climate change on flow rates, water quality, and ecosystems. Disentangling the uncertainty of the hydrological model is one of the important issues in hydrology and water resources research. Hydrologic data assimilation (DA), a technique that updates the status or parameters of a hydrological model to produce the most likely estimates of the initial conditions of the model, is one of the ways to minimize uncertainty in hydrological simulations and improve predictive accuracy. In this study, the two ensemble-based sequential DA techniques, ensemble Kalman filter, and particle filter are comparatively analyzed for the daily discharge simulation at the Yongdam catchment using airGRdatassim. The results showed that the values of Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) were improved from 0.799 in the open loop simulation to 0.826 in the ensemble Kalman filter and to 0.933 in the particle filter. In addition, we analyzed the effects of hyper-parameters related to the data assimilation methods such as precipitation and potential evaporation forcing error parameters and selection of perturbed and updated states. For the case of forcing error conditions, the particle filter was superior to the ensemble in terms of the KGE index. The size of the optimal forcing noise was relatively smaller in the particle filter compared to the ensemble Kalman filter. In addition, with more state variables included in the updating step, performance of data assimilation improved, implicating that adequate selection of updating states can be considered as a hyper-parameter. The simulation experiments in this study implied that DA hyper-parameters needed to be carefully optimized to exploit the potential of DA methods.

A study on inspection methods for waste treatment facilities(I): Derivation of impact factor and mass·energy balance in waste treatment facilities (폐기물처리시설의 세부검사방법 마련연구(I): 공정별 주요인자 도출 및 물질·에너지수지 산정)

  • Pul-Eip Lee;Eunhye Kwon;Jun-Ik Son;Jun-Gu Kang;Taewan Jeon;Dong-Jin Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2023
  • Despite the continuous installation and regular inspection of waste treatment facilities, complaints about excessive incineration and illegal dumping stench continue to occur at on-site treatment facilities. In addition, field surveys were conducted on the waste treatment facilities currently in operation (6 type) to understand the waste treatment process for each field, to grasp the main operating factors applied to the inspection. In addition, we calculated the material·energy balance for each main process and confirmed the proper operation of the waste disposal facility. As a result of the site survey, in the case of heat treatment facilities such as incineration, cement kilns, and incineration heat recovery facilities, the main factors are maintenance of the temperature of the incinerator required for incineration and treatment of the generated air pollutants, and in the case of landfill facilities Retaining wall stability, closed landfill leachate and emission control emerged as major factors. In the case of sterilization and crushing facilities, the most important factor is whether or not sterilization is possible (apobacterium inspection).In the case of food distribution waste treatment facilities, retention time and odor control during fermentation (digestion, decomposed) are major factors. Calculation results of material balance and energy resin for each waste treatment facility In the case of incineration facilities, it was confirmed that the amount of flooring materials generated is about 14 % and the amount of scattering materials is about 3 % of the amount of waste input, and that the facility is being operated properly. In addition, among foodwaste facilities, in the case of an anaerobic digestion facility, the amount of biogas generated relative to the amount of inflow is about 17 %, and the biogas conversion efficiency is about 81 %, in the case of composting facility, about 11 % composting of the inflow waste was produced, and it was comfirmend that all were properly operated. As a result, in order to improve the inspection method for waste treatment facilities, it is necessary not only to accumulate quantitative standards for detailed inspection methods, but also to collect operational data for one year at the time of regular inspections of each facility, Grasping the flow and judging whether or not the treatment facility is properly operated. It is then determined that the operation and management efficiency of the treatment facility will increase.

Deriving adoption strategies of deep learning open source framework through case studies (딥러닝 오픈소스 프레임워크의 사례연구를 통한 도입 전략 도출)

  • Choi, Eunjoo;Lee, Junyeong;Han, Ingoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.27-65
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    • 2020
  • Many companies on information and communication technology make public their own developed AI technology, for example, Google's TensorFlow, Facebook's PyTorch, Microsoft's CNTK. By releasing deep learning open source software to the public, the relationship with the developer community and the artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem can be strengthened, and users can perform experiment, implementation and improvement of it. Accordingly, the field of machine learning is growing rapidly, and developers are using and reproducing various learning algorithms in each field. Although various analysis of open source software has been made, there is a lack of studies to help develop or use deep learning open source software in the industry. This study thus attempts to derive a strategy for adopting the framework through case studies of a deep learning open source framework. Based on the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework and literature review related to the adoption of open source software, we employed the case study framework that includes technological factors as perceived relative advantage, perceived compatibility, perceived complexity, and perceived trialability, organizational factors as management support and knowledge & expertise, and environmental factors as availability of technology skills and services, and platform long term viability. We conducted a case study analysis of three companies' adoption cases (two cases of success and one case of failure) and revealed that seven out of eight TOE factors and several factors regarding company, team and resource are significant for the adoption of deep learning open source framework. By organizing the case study analysis results, we provided five important success factors for adopting deep learning framework: the knowledge and expertise of developers in the team, hardware (GPU) environment, data enterprise cooperation system, deep learning framework platform, deep learning framework work tool service. In order for an organization to successfully adopt a deep learning open source framework, at the stage of using the framework, first, the hardware (GPU) environment for AI R&D group must support the knowledge and expertise of the developers in the team. Second, it is necessary to support the use of deep learning frameworks by research developers through collecting and managing data inside and outside the company with a data enterprise cooperation system. Third, deep learning research expertise must be supplemented through cooperation with researchers from academic institutions such as universities and research institutes. Satisfying three procedures in the stage of using the deep learning framework, companies will increase the number of deep learning research developers, the ability to use the deep learning framework, and the support of GPU resource. In the proliferation stage of the deep learning framework, fourth, a company makes the deep learning framework platform that improves the research efficiency and effectiveness of the developers, for example, the optimization of the hardware (GPU) environment automatically. Fifth, the deep learning framework tool service team complements the developers' expertise through sharing the information of the external deep learning open source framework community to the in-house community and activating developer retraining and seminars. To implement the identified five success factors, a step-by-step enterprise procedure for adoption of the deep learning framework was proposed: defining the project problem, confirming whether the deep learning methodology is the right method, confirming whether the deep learning framework is the right tool, using the deep learning framework by the enterprise, spreading the framework of the enterprise. The first three steps (i.e. defining the project problem, confirming whether the deep learning methodology is the right method, and confirming whether the deep learning framework is the right tool) are pre-considerations to adopt a deep learning open source framework. After the three pre-considerations steps are clear, next two steps (i.e. using the deep learning framework by the enterprise and spreading the framework of the enterprise) can be processed. In the fourth step, the knowledge and expertise of developers in the team are important in addition to hardware (GPU) environment and data enterprise cooperation system. In final step, five important factors are realized for a successful adoption of the deep learning open source framework. This study provides strategic implications for companies adopting or using deep learning framework according to the needs of each industry and business.