• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flood area

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Impact of Climate Change on An Urban Drainage System (기후변화가 도시배수시스템에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Na-Rae;Kim, Soo-Jun;Lee, Keon-Haeng;Kim, Duck-Gil;Kwak, Jae-Won;Noh, Hui-Sung;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.623-631
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    • 2011
  • In recent decade, the occurrences of typhoon and severe storm events are increasing trend due to the climate change. And the intensity of natural disaster is more and more stronger and the loss of life and damage of property are also increasing. Therefore, this study tried to understand the impact of climate change on urban drainage system for prevention and control of natural disaster and for this, we selected Gyeyang-gu, Incheon city as a study area. We investigated the climate models and scenarios for the selection of proper model and scenario, then we estimated frequency based rainfall in hourly unit considering climate change. The XP-SWMM model was used to estimate the future flood discharge on urban drainage system using the estimated frequency based rainfall. As a result, we have known that the study area will be overflown in the future and so we may need prepare proper measures for the flood prevention and control.

A Safety Evaluation of Detention Reservoirs at Seoul by New Pumping Criteria (우수배제 펌프의 조작기준에 따른 서울시 유수지의 안전검토)

  • Lee, Won Hwan;Park, Sang Deog;Shim, Jae Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 1992
  • Rapid change of urban area become a serious cause of disaster in existing drainage systems, and the practical alternatives in that situations are needed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety, one of drainage systems, detention reservoir and pumping station by new pumping criteria. New drainage pumping criteria, divided into two parts (rising limb and falling limb), which used in reservoir routing, shows more efficient flood prevention effect than existing criteria (based on the reservoir water level). To obtain the optimal range of flood prevention, sensitivity analysis of each inflow v.s. pumping capacity is tested. As a results, using 10 year design rainfall, 60% of detention reservoir and drainage pumping stations in Seoul are safe. In this results, there must be a fundamental and powerful counterplans to prevent inland flooding in Seoul metropolitan area.

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Classification of Water Areas from Satellite Imagery Using Artificial Neural Networks

  • Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Song, Yeong-Sun;Jung, Won-Jo
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2003
  • Every year, several typhoons hit the Korean peninsula and cause severe damage. For the prevention and accurate estimation of these damages, real time or almost real time flood information is essential. Because of weather conditions, images taken by optic sensors or LIDAR are sometimes not appropriate for an accurate estimation of water areas during typhoon. In this case SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images which are independent of weather condition can be useful for the estimation of flood areas. To get detailed information about floods from satellite imagery, accurate classification of water areas is the most important step. A commonly- and widely-used classification methods is the ML(Maximum Likelihood) method which assumes that the distribution of brightness values of the images follows a Gaussian distribution. The distribution of brightness values of the SAR image, however, usually does not follow a Gaussian distribution. For this reason, in this study the ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) method independent of the statistical characteristics of images is applied to the SAR imagery. RADARS A TSAR images are primarily used for extraction of water areas, and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is used as supplementary data to evaluate the ground undulation effect. Water areas are also extracted from KOMPSAT image achieved by optic sensors for comparison purpose. Both ANN and ML methods are applied to flat and mountainous areas to extract water areas. The estimated areas from satellite imagery are compared with those of manually extracted results. As a result, the ANN classifier performs better than the ML method when only the SAR image was used as input data, except for mountainous areas. When DEM was used as supplementary data for classification of SAR images, there was a 5.64% accuracy improvement for mountainous area, and a similar result of 0.24% accuracy improvement for flat areas using artificial neural networks.

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Affecting Discharge of Flood Water in Paddy Field from Selecting Rainfall with Fixed and Unfixed Duration (고정, 임의시간 강우량 선택에 따른 농경지 배수 영향 분석)

  • Hwang, Dong Joo;Kim, Byoung Gyu;Shim, Jwa Keun
    • KCID journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.64-76
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    • 2012
  • Recently, it has been increased disaster of crops and agricultural facilities with climate change such as regional storm, typhoon. However agricultural facilities have unsafe design criteria of improving drainage corresponding to this change. This study has analyzed the impact that inundation area and magnitude of drainage-facility is decided based on fixed- and unfixed-duration precipitation by applying revised design criteria of drainage for climate change. The result was shown that 1-day and 2-days rainfall for 20-years return period has increased about 11.4%, 4.4% respectively by changing fixed- to unfixed duration. And the increase rate of design flood was 15.0%. The result was also shown that Inundation area was enlarged by 6.6% as well as increased inundation duration under same basic condition in designed rainfall between fixed- and unfixed-duration. According to the analysis, it is necessary for pump capacity in unfixed-duration to be increased by 70% for same effect with fixed-duration. Therefore, when computing method of probability precipitation is changed from fixed one to unfixed-duration by applying revised design criteria, there seems to be improving effect in drainage design. Because 1440-minutes rainfall for 20-years return period with unfixed-duration is more effective than 1-day rainfall for 30-years return period with fixed-duration. By applying unfixed-duration rainfall, capacity of drainage facilities need to be expanded to achieve the same effects (Inundation depth & duration) with fixed-duration rainfall. Further study is required for considering each condition of climate, topography and drainage by applying revised design criteria.

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Development of Urban Flood Water Level Forecasting Model Using Regression Method (회귀기법을 이용한 도시홍수위 예측모형의 개발)

  • Jeong, Dong-Kug;Lee, Beum-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2010
  • A regression water level forecasting model using data from stage and rainfall monitoring stations is developed to solve the difficulties which real-time forecasting models could not get the reliabilities by assuming future rainfall duration and intensity. The model could forecast future water levels of maximum 2 hours after using data from monitoring stations in Daejeon area. It shows stable forecasts by its maximum standard deviation is 5 cm, average standard deviations are 1~4 cm and most of coefficients of determination are larger than 0.95. It shows also more researches about the stationary of watershed which assumed in this regression method are necessary.

A Study on Function Assessment of Coastal Wetlands for Ecological Network Establishment -Focused on the Westcoast of Chungnam Province - (생태네트워크 구축을 위한 해안습지 기능평가 연구 - 충남 서해안을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Mi Ok;Park, Mi Lan;Koo, Bon Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2007
  • This study was surveyed from January to september, 2007 in order to evaluate the function of coastal wetland as a ecological axis in korea peninsula. Assessment was done by RAM (Rapid Assessment Method). RAM is consisted of total 8 contents and divided into high, moderate, low. The preservation grade of RAM is divided into 4 grades; absolute preservation, preservation, improvement and improvement or restoration. Throughout survey on total 14 wetlands of marine, estuary wetland and back marsh which are distributed in west coast in chung-nam province, their function was assessed. As result, total all the 14 wetlands were judged as preservation grade by assessment of 8 functional contents. The function of wetlands assessed as preservation grade showed high in water quality protection and improvement. Also, showed high in vegetation diversity, wildlife habitat and aesthetic recreation. Meanwhile, showed low in ground water recharge, Shoreline/Stream Bank Protection, Flood/Stormwater storage and Flood flow alteration. Of wetlands evaluated as preservation grade, Dae-ho, Sinduri, Bu-Nam lake, Sowhang dune and keum river estuary were assessed as absolute preservative area owing to habitation of international protection species and endangered species. These wetlands are essential to be managed continuously as a area having high ecological value. Farther, this wetlands will be done as a axis of ecological network related to land ecosystem.

Analysis on Inundation Characteristics for Flood Impact Forecasting in Gangnam Drainage Basin (강남지역 홍수영향예보를 위한 침수특성 분석)

  • Lee, Byong-Ju
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2017
  • Progressing from weather forecasts and warnings to multi-hazard impact-based forecast and warning services represents a paradigm shift in service delivery. Urban flooding is a typical meteorological disaster. This study proposes support plan for urban flooding impact-based forecast by providing inundation risk matrix. To achieve this goal, we first configured storm sewer management model (SWMM) to analyze 1D pipe networks and then grid based inundation analysis model (GIAM) to analyze 2D inundation depth over the Gangnam drainage area with $7.4km^2$. The accuracy of the simulated inundation results for heavy rainfall in 2010 and 2011 are 0.61 and 0.57 in POD index, respectively. 20 inundation scenarios responding on rainfall scenarios with 10~200 mm interval are produced for 60 and 120 minutes of rainfall duration. When the inundation damage thresholds are defined as pre-occurrence stage, occurrence stage to $0.01km^2$, 0.01 to $0.1km^2$, and $0.1km^2$ or more in area with a depth of 0.5 m or more, rainfall thresholds responding on each inundation damage threshold results in: 0 to 20 mm, 20 to 50 mm, 50 to 80 mm, and 80 mm or more in the rainfall duration 60 minutes and 0 to 30 mm, 30 to 70 mm, 70 to 110 mm, and 110 mm or more in the rainfall duration 120 minutes. Rainfall thresholds as a trigger of urban inundation damage can be used to form an inundation risk matrix. It is expected to be used for urban flood impact forecasting.

Numerical Model Experiments on the Tidal Current Variations Due to the Bridge Piers Construction near the Straits of Narodo Islands (교각건설로 인한 나로도 협수로 부근해역에서의 조류변화 수치모형 실험)

  • LEE Moon-Ock
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 1994
  • Field observation and numerical experiments with a two-dimensional depth-integrated model were undertaken in order to investigate some of the effects on the flow structure resulting from the construction of a bridge connecting Kohung Peninsula and the Narodo Islands on the southern coast of Korea. Tidal currents passing through the straits between the Narodo Islands showed that, although the phase lagged one hour behind that passing through the strait between Kohung Peninsula and Naenarodo Island, it still kept strong flows of more than 80cm/sec near the bottom. The seawater temperature and salinity within the study area seemed to be higher southward but uniform vertically. The results of the drogue experiments in the straits between the Narodo Islands showed that the drogues moved northward of Sayangdo in the early part of the flood tide, but southward in the late part of the flood tide and finally stopped a mile from the east coast of Surakdo. On the other hand, the numerical computation showed that the flow structures after construction of the bridge piers were basically in line with those before construction of the bridge piers, except for the slight variations of velocities in the vicinity of the bridge piers. A large scale clockwise circulation has been confirmed in the south area of Namsungri of Kohung Peninsula from the computational results of tide-induced residual currents. Referring to these computational results, the impact category on the flow structures due to the bridge piers construction has been estimated to be within around 2km. The results were in good agreement with the field observations.

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An Application Analysis of Vegetation Permission Map in Urban Stream in Korea (국내 도시하천에 대한 식수허가지도의 적용성 검토)

  • Lee, Joon-Ho;Yoon, Sei-Eui
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.5 no.3 s.18
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2005
  • In order to design and manage the urban streams, the change of hydraulic characteristics by vegetation must be analyzed clearly. Planting criteria of vegetation in a urban stream were investigated and the design method of vegetation permission map was analyzed in this study. In addition, variations of water level due to vegetation are calculated by quasi two dimensional numerical model, HEC-RAS model and FESWMS model. Joongrang stream(Gunja bridge${\sim}$Jangan bridge reach) was selected as the case study stream. According to the criteria of vegetation, it is decided that vegetation density was $0.5{\sim}1.0$ tree/ha for selected tall tree in right floodplain and shrubs can be planted in the right and left floodplain area except the important hydraulic structures site. The selected shrubs planting simulations with three models show that water level in selected floodplain area increase approximately 12cm for the 100 year return period flood. The applicability of vegetation permission map in Korean urban stream was analyzed in this paper.

Development of a Flood Runoff and Inundation Analysis System Associated With 2-D Rainfall Data Generated Using Radar II. 2-D Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using Cokriging (레이더 정량강우와 연계한 홍수유출 및 범람해석 시스템 확립 II. Cokriging을 이용한 2차원 정량강우 산정)

  • Choi, Kyu-Hyun;Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Gwang-Seob;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.4 s.165
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    • pp.335-346
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    • 2006
  • Among various input data to hydrologic models, rainfall measurements arguably have the most critical influence on the performance of hydrologic model. Traditionally, hydrologic models have relied on point gauge measurements to provide the area-averaged rainfall information. However, rainfall estimates from gauges become inadequate due to their poor representation of areal rainfall, especially in situations with sparse gauge network. Alternatively, radar that covers much larger areas has become an attractive instrument for providing area- averaged precipitation information. Despite of the limitation of the QPE(Quantitative Precipitation Estimation) using radar, we can get the better information of spatial variability of rainfall fields. Also, rain-gauges give us the better quantitative information of rainfall field. Therefore, in this study, we developed improved methodologies tu estimate rainfall fields using an ordinary cokriging technique which optimally merges radar reflectivity data into rain-gauges data.