• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fire Department Region

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Comparison of Cognitive Loads between Koreans and Foreigners in the Reading Process

  • Im, Jung Nam;Min, Seung Nam;Cho, Sung Moon
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.293-305
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    • 2016
  • Objective: This study aims to measure cognitive load levels by analyzing the EEG of Koreans and foreigners, when they read a Korean text with care selected by level from the grammar and vocabulary aspects, and compare the cognitive load levels through quantitative values. The study results can be utilized as basic data for more scientific approach, when Korean texts or books are developed, and an evaluation method is built, when the foreigners encounter them for learning or an assignment. Background: Based on 2014, the number of the foreign students studying in Korea was 84,801, and they increase annually. Most of them are from Asian region, and they come to Korea to enter a university or a graduate school in Korea. Because those foreign students aim to learn within Universities in Korea, they receive Korean education from their preparation for study in Korea. To enter a university in Korea, they must acquire grade 4 or higher level in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), or they need to complete a certain educational program at each university's affiliated language institution. In such a program, the learners of the Korean language receive Korean education based on texts, except speaking domain, and the comprehension of texts can determine their academic achievements in studying after they enter their desired schools (Jeon, 2004). However, many foreigners, who finish a language course for the short-term, and need to start university study, cannot properly catch up with university classes requiring expertise with the vocabulary and grammar levels learned during the language course. Therefore, reading education, centered on a strategy to understand university textbooks regarded as top level reading texts to the foreigners, is necessary (Kim and Shin, 2015). This study carried out an experiment from a perspective that quantitative data on the readers of the main player of reading education and teaching materials need to be secured to back up the need for reading education for university study learners, and scientifically approach educational design. Namely, this study grasped the difficulty level of reading through the measurement of cognitive loads indicated in the reading activity of each text by dividing the difficulty of a teaching material (book) into eight levels, and the main player of reading into Koreans and foreigners. Method: To identify cognitive loads indicated upon reading Korean texts with care by Koreans and foreigners, this study recruited 16 participants (eight Koreans and eight foreigners). The foreigners were limited to the language course students studying the intermediate level Korean course at university-affiliated language institutions within Seoul Metropolitan Area. To identify cognitive load, as they read a text by level selected from the Korean books (difficulty: eight levels) published by King Sejong Institute (Sejonghakdang.org), the EEG sensor was attached to the frontal love (Fz) and occipital lobe (Oz). After the experiment, this study carried out a questionnaire survey to measure subjective evaluation, and identified the comprehension and difficulty on grammar and words. To find out the effects on schema that may affect text comprehension, this study controlled the Korean texts, and measured EEG and subjective satisfaction. Results: To identify brain's cognitive load, beta band was extracted. As a result, interactions (Fz: p =0.48; Oz: p =0.00) were revealed according to Koreans and foreigners, and difficulty of the text. The cognitive loads of Koreans, the readers whose mother tongue is Korean, were lower in reading Korean texts than those of the foreigners, and the foreigners' cognitive loads became higher gradually according to the difficulty of the texts. From the text four, which is intermediate level in difficulty, remarkable differences started to appear in comparison of the Koreans and foreigners in the beginner's level text. In the subjective evaluation, interactions were revealed according to the Koreans and foreigners and text difficulty (p =0.00), and satisfaction was lower, as the difficulty of the text became higher. Conclusion: When there was background knowledge in reading, namely schema was formed, the comprehension and satisfaction of the texts were higher, although higher levels of vocabulary and grammar were included in the texts than those of the readers. In the case of a text in which the difficulty of grammar was felt high in the subjective evaluation, foreigners' cognitive loads were also high, which shows the result of the loads' going up higher in proportion to the increase of difficulty. This means that the grammar factor functions as a stress factor to the foreigners' reading comprehension. Application: This study quantitatively evaluated the cognitive loads of Koreans and foreigners through EEG, based on readers and the text difficulty, when they read Korean texts. The results of this study can be used for making Korean teaching materials or Korean education content and topic selection for foreigners. If research scope is expanded to reading process using an eye-tracker, the reading education program and evaluation method for foreigners can be developed on the basis of quantitative values.

The Preparation and Physicochemical Properties of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/Cholesterol/Fluorinated Surfactant Vesicle Incorporated Fatty Acid Salt (불소화지방산염 첨가에 의한 디팔미토일포스파티딜콜린/콜레스테롤/불소화계면활성제 베지클의 제조와 물성 측정 연구)

  • Park, Young Ju;Kwon, Kyung Ok;Kim, Myung Ja
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.457-461
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    • 1998
  • The vesicle system of DPPC(dipalmitoylphosphaticylcholine)/Chol(Cholesterol) has been modified by incorporating various mole fractions of flourinated surfactant($C_8F_{17}(CH_2)_2OCO-CH_2CH(SO_3Na)COO(CH_2)_2C_8F_{17}$. Sodium bis(1H,1H,2H,2H-heptadecaflurododecyl)-2-sulfosuccinate, FS)/fluorinated fatty acid salt ($C_7F_{15}COONH_4$, ammoniumpentadecaflurooctyrate, FFS), and their physicochemical properties have been investigated in an attempt to enhance the stability of phospholipid vesicle system. The ${\zeta}$-potential measurement by use of Zetamaster sub-micron Particle Electrophoresis Analyzer (Malvern Co.) showed that a charged homogeneous DPPC/Chol/FS vesicle has been formed owing to the incorporated FFS effect on the membrane, playing a role as a cosurfactant in the bilayer between DPPC and FS components. With increase in the concentration of FFS, it was found that the particle size and also surface charge of the DPPC/Chol/FS vesicle decreased. The stability of DPPC/Chol/FS/FFS liposome was found to be enhanced significantly compared to that of DPPC/Chol/FS according to the dispersity change as a function of time. The release rate of dye molecule of Methylene Blue from the DPPC/Chol/FS/FFS vesicle was determined to be slower than that of DPPC/Chol/FS system, and it may be attributed to the increase in microviscosity of the hydrophobic region in the bilayer. The affinfinity of DPPC/Chol/FS/FFS vesicles to albumin was found to be slightly lowered compared to that of DPPC/Chol/FS. Based on these findings, it was confirmed that a more stable and homogeneous vesicle system of DPPC/Chol/FS could be prepared by addition of FFS, acting as a cosurfactant in the aggregate formation.

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A Basic Study for the Retrieval of Surface Temperature from Single Channel Middle-infrared Images (단일 밴드 중적외선 영상으로부터 표면온도 추정을 위한 기초연구)

  • Park, Wook;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Won, Joong-Sun;Lee, Seung-Geun;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2008
  • Middle-infrared (MIR) spectral region between 3.0 and $5.0\;{\mu}m$ in wavelength is useful for observing high temperature events such as volcanic activities and forest fire. However, atmospheric effects and sun irradiance in day time has not been well studied for this MIR spectral band. The objectives of this basic study is to evaluate atmospheric effects and eventually to estimate surface temperature from a single channel MIR image, although a typical approach utilize split-window method using more than two channels. Several parameters are involved for the correction including various atmospheric data and sun-irradiance at the area of interest. To evaluate the effect of sun irradiance, MODIS MIR images acquired in day and night times were used for comparison. Atmospheric parameters were modeled by MODTRAN, and applied to a radiative transfer model for estimating the sea surface temperature. MODIS Sea Surface Temperature algorithm based upon multi-channel observation was performed in comparison with results from the radiative transfer model from a single channel. Temperature difference of the two methods was $0.89{\pm}0.54^{\circ}C$ and $1.25{\pm}0.41^{\circ}C$ from the day-time and night-time images, respectively. It is also shown that the emissivity effect has by more largely influenced on the estimated temperature than atmospheric effects. Although the test results encourage using a single channel MR observation, it must be noted that the results were obtained from water body not from land surface. Because emissivity greatly varies on land, it is very difficult to retrieval land surface temperature from a single channel MIR data.

A Study on the Sanctuary of the Residence in East China Sea Skirts Area (동중국해권 민가의 성역(聖域)에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Lily;Onomichi, Kenji
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.60-81
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    • 2010
  • Jeju Island, in Korea, shows many characteristics that are differentiated from the rest of Korea. Its culture is rooted in mythology which advocates a egalitarian, rather than hierarchical, social structure, the place of women in the home is relatively high, and the formation of buildings, the separation of cooking and heating facilities, and the living format of residential homes is dissimilar. These disparities in culture indicate that Jeju Island's heritage was not formed only from influences from the North, but also from other places as well. To fill in the blanks, residential homes in Jeju Island were compared with those scattered throughout the East China Sea, which connect the southern coastline of the Korean peninsula and Jeju Island. The regions encompassed by the East China Sea, sharing the Kuroshio current and a seasonal wind, can be considered as one cultural region integrating cultural aspects from the continental North and the oceanbound South. The unique characteristics of southern culture as seen in southern residences was examined through an investigation of the sacred places in which gods were considered to dwell. First, the myths of these areas usually concerned with the ocean, and a sterile environment made sustenance impossible without a dual livelihood, usually taking on the forms of half-farming and half-fishing, or half-farming, half-gardening. Although family compositions were strongly matricentric or collateral thanks to southern influence, a patriarchical system like those found in the North were present in the upper classes and in the cities. Therefore, residential spaces were not divided based on age or gender, as in hierarchical societies, but according to family and function. Second, these areas had local belief systems based on animism and ancestor worship, and household deities were closely related to women, agriculture and fire. The deities of the kitchen, the granary and the toilet were mostly female, and the role of priest was often filled by a woman. After Buddhism and Confucianism were introduced from mainland Korea, China and Japan, the sacred areas of the household took on a dual form, integrating the female-focused local rites with male-centered Buddhist and Confucian rites. Third, in accordance with worship of a kitchen deity, a granary deity, and a toilet deity led to these areas of the home being separated into disparate buildings. Eventually, these areas became absorbed into the home as architectural technology was further developed and lifestyles were changed. There was also integration of northern and southern cultures, with rites concerning granary and toilet deities coming from China, and the personality of the kitchen deity being related to the southern sea. In addition, the use of stone in separate kitchens, granaries, and toilets is a distinguishing characteristic of the East China Sea. This research is a part of the results gained from a project funded by the Korea Research Foundation in 2006.