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Review Criteria and Evaluation Framework for Environmental Builtforms in urban space (도시 환경조형물 심의기준과 평가모형)

  • Yoon, Ki-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2006
  • Part of public arts, environmental builforms not only enhance the beauty of a building, but also serve to stabilize the citizen's psychology and as a landmark having intimate values with the city environment and symbolic meanings. Thus they do have sociocultural values as an original formative artwork. The purpose of this study was to suggest evaluation and review methods and an evaluation framework for environmental builtforms, which had legal binding under the building decoration system, to a local government to improve the quality level of urban environment. It will be such a distant goal of creating a desirable urban environment as long as environmental builtforms are merely regarded as an object to follow a vogue and a mandatory passage procedure. It's important to take a perspective of an expert to set up and suggest an evaluation system in the public aspects. In the study a consideration was made of the current systems and review criteria of environmental builtforms, which was followed by the development of a theoretical research model and of a framework for statistical evaluation by a group of experts. The questionnaire designed based on the theoretical research model was tested for validity and reliability. Its pilot test results were then analyzed to verify the hypotheses. The questionnaire collected twice were statistically analyzed in exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with the SPSSWIN 11 program. All the analysis results were used to come up with a final evaluation framework.

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The Brand Identity Design Evaluation Using EEG Measurement (뇌전도를 활용한 브랜드 아이덴티티 디자인 평가)

  • Han, Yu-Rim;Kim, Da-Sol;Han, Ji-Ae;You, Sicheon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2018
  • Brand identity (BI) is a key asset that affects consumers' psychological cognition of products and services. In the initial planning stage of the BI design development for a company, a unique approach strategy is required. In the final evaluation stage, a reasonable design evaluation method involving potential consumers needs to be prepared. However, conventional brand identity design evaluation processes tend to depend on the results of surveys, and in many cases it is impossible to be free from the distorting phenomenon of survey respondents' psychological manifestation which is often revealed in the process of the surveys. In this context, this research has explored whether the method of utilizing EEG data of the subjects along with the conventional survey method of preference could be helpful in the process of evaluating the brand identity design. To achieve that, we correlated the subject's preference survey results with the subject's EEG data. 'Attractiveness' and 'concentration' were used as variables. As a result, it was found that there was a high correlation between the results of preference survey on 'attractiveness' and the results of 'EEG' on 'concentration'. Therefore, in addition to the existing conventional qualitative evaluation methods, we confirmed that design evaluation methods using EEG are useful for evaluating tacit knowledge objects such as the BI design.

Changes in Pre-service Chemistry Teachers' Cognition of the Nature of Model in the Evaluation and Modification Process of Models Using Technology: Focusing on Boyle's Law (테크놀로지를 활용한 모델의 평가와 수정 과정에서 나타난 예비화학교사의 모델의 본성에 대한 인식 변화: 보일 법칙을 중심으로)

  • Na-Jin Jeong;Seoung-Hey Paik
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.68 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in pre-service chemistry teachers' cognition of the nature of model in the evaluation and modification process of model using technology. Changes in cognition of the nature of model were analyzed focusing on the 'Abstraction' and 'Simplification' of the 'Representational aspect', 'Interpretation', 'Reasoning', 'Explanation' and 'Quantification' of the 'Explanatory aspect' that were deemed insufficient for pre-chemistry teachers in previous study. For this purpose, 19 third-year pre-service chemistry teachers at a teacher's college in Chungcheongbuk-do were asked to evaluate the model related to Boyle's law developed using technology, revise the model based on the evaluation results, and make a final evaluation. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that pre-service chemistry teachers' cognition of 'Simplification' of the 'Representational aspect' and 'Interpretation', 'Explanation', and 'Quantification' of the 'Explanatory aspect' changed positively through the evaluation and modification process of the model. Therefore, it was found that the evaluation and modification process of the model plays a key role in changing the cognition of the nature of model. However, there was little change in cognition of 'Abstraction' of the 'Representational aspect' and 'Reasoning' of the 'Explanatory aspect'. The cognition of these factors can be seen as more difficult to change than the cognition of other factors. To solve this problem, more sophisticated educational design for pre-service chemistry teachers is needed.

Pass Design of Drawing Process to Prevent Delamination (층간분리 방지를 위한 인발공정 패스설계)

  • Lee, S.K.;Ko, D.C.;Kim, B.M.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.46-49
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    • 2008
  • Drawing process of the high carbon steel wire with high speed is usually performed at room temperature using multi pass. Tn the multi pass drawing, temperature rise affects the mechanical properties of the final product. The excessive temperature rise during the deformation promotes the occurrence of delamination, and deteriorates the torsion property and durability of wire. This paper investigates the occurrence of delamination in the wire through the torsion test and the evaluation of wire temperature. The excessive wire temperature ieads to the occurrence of delamination. Based on the calculation of the wire temperature, a new pass schedule, that can prevent the delamination due to the excessive wire temperature rise, is designed through the isothermal pass schedule.

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Time Dependent Reliability Analysis of the Degrading RC Containment Structures Subjected to Earthquake Load (지진하중을 받는 RC 격납건물의 열화에 따른 신뢰성 해석)

  • 오병환
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2000
  • Nuclear power plant structures may be exposed to aggressive environmental effects than may cause their strength and stiffness to decrease over their service lives, Although the physics of these damage mechanisms are reasonably well understood and quantitative evaluation of their effects on time-dependent structural behavior is possible in some instances such evaluations are generally very difficult and remain novel. The assessment of existing RC containment in nuclear power plants for continued service must provide quantitative evidence that they are able to withstand future extreme loads during a service period with an acceptable level of reliability. Rational methodologies to perform the reliability assessment can be developed from mechanistic models of structural deterioration using time-dependent structural reliability analysis to take earthquake loading uncertainties into account. The final goal of this study is to develop the reliability analysis of RC containment structures. The cause of the degrading is first clarified and the reliability assessment has been conducted. By introducing stochastic analysis based on random vibration theory the reliability analysis which can determine the failure probabilities has been established.

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The Evaluation of GFRP Pipe by NDT Methods (비파괴시험에 의한 GFRP Pipe의 평가)

  • Lee, J.S.;Cho, K.S.;Chang, H.K.;Lee, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 1989
  • It is desirable to develop the effective NDT techniques to evaluate the strength of composite structures. In this study several of acoustic NDT techniques were applied to investigate useful parameters for evaluating the filament wound GFRP structures and following results were obtained. 1. Propagation velocity of stress wave to axial direction in the filament wound GFRP pipe depends on the effective modulus along the propagation direction and source location was parcticable from the a measured velocities. 2. By the application of acoustic emission techniques to GFRP pipe during hydraulic test, it was proven to be possible to detect the damage initiating pressure which could be evaluated nondestructively through the measuring of stress wave energy factor(SWEF). 3. The final failure pressure of GFRP was greatly influenced in the presence of pass through defects, and void-like defects were more dangerous than the laminar type defects.

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Development and Evaluation of Job Stress Measurement Tool for Infection Control Nurses (감염관리간호사의 직무 스트레스 측정도구 개발 및 평가)

  • Her, Sun;Kim, Kye Ha
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.622-635
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a tool to measure job stress related to occupational characteristics of infection control nurses. Methods: The tool was developed through the steps of literature reviews, preparatory questions, and a test of validity and confidence. The participants were 212 infection control nurses from 145 Korean hospitals. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Cronbach's α coefficients, item analysis, factor analysis. Results: Through factor analysis, 38 items in four domains and nine factors were derived. The Cronbach's α coefficient of the final instrument was .95. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the measurement tool is reliable and valid to measure the job stress of infection control nurses.

Tire and Vehicle Pull I-Experimental Results (타이어와 차량 쏠림 I-시험결과)

  • 이정환;이주완
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2000
  • It is called vehicle pull when a vehicle drifts in the lateral direction under the straight-ahead motion with no steering or external input. Recently vehicle pull draws attention as one of the critical evaluation items from the customers on the vehicle quality. It is generally recognized that the vehicle pull is complex phenomena due to internal and external factors. In this paper the relations between vehicle pull and ire were investigated through close survey on the road test results from the final inspection of car manufactures. Through this investigation the factors are identified which play an important role in causing vehicle pull problem.

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Evaluation on J-R Curve of 5083 aluminum Alloy Weldment by Load Ratio analysis (Load Ratio 해석에 의한 Al 5083 알루미늄합금 용접부의 J-R곡선 평가)

  • 윤한기;김연겸;우대호
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 1997.05a
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 1997
  • This research is to evaluate of the J-R curve characteristic in 5083 aluminum alloy weldment by utilizing the load ratio analysis. This analysis method can be evaluated the J-R curve only with load-displacement curve without any particular precision instrument equipment in CT specimen. For validity, the results of the load ratio analysis are compared with the those of the J-R curve, which are obtained by the ASTM standard unloading compliance method. The calculated crack length of the load ratio analysis is well appropriate that the measured final crack length. And the J-R curve slope estimated by the load ratio analysis is slightly smaller than that by the ASTM unloading compliance method.

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Low & Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Vitrification Using Plasma Arc Melting Technology

  • Min Byeong-Yeon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.482-496
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    • 2003
  • effectiveness of the PAM graphite-electrode technology for the treatment of many types of low-level radioactive waste including : combustible material, solidified resins in cement, inorganic materials, steel, glass, and solidified boric acid cement. The objectives of PAM-200 evaluation were to verify that 1) the facility meets air emission regulations, 2) the facility can be safely operated when processing hazardous and radioactive materials and 3) satisfactory final waste forms can be produced. Results, derived from KAERI's(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) analyses for samples of vitrified product, scrubbing solution and offgas collected during test period, show that PAM-200 can treat radioactive wastes as well as hazardous wastes with toxic constituents and radionuclides contained in the offgas exiting from the stack to the environment controlled to be far lower than the limit regulated by air conservation law and atomic law.