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Business Models exploiting Collective Wisdom

  • Kim, Ki-Eun
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.157-160
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    • 2008
  • The recent successes of systems like Google, Wikipedia and InnoCentive suggest that the time is now ripe for more such systems. Thus, we want to explore these systems and exploit them from a viewpoint of social psychology prior to technological progress. First of all, we examine the difference between 'wisdom of crowds' and 'crowd psychology'. There are two classes, which are for senior management major students. Conditions of two are same, except a class time. Forty five students in one class are tested for this experiment. They form a group with five people and are divided into 9 groups. In a case of a morning class, peer-to-peer evaluations are given to individuals in a class when a group presentation for a final project is given. On the other hand, in a case of afternoon class, peer-to-peer evaluations are given to each group in a class. The result is quite fruitful. The first is that an expert's evaluation for a project agrees with students, who are beginners in this field in the degree of more than 95%. However, in the case of afternoon class, students' group evaluation turns out to agree with an expert's one less than 53%. Morning class experiment result proves the truth of collective intelligence again. It tunrs out independent and confidential opinions are more cost effective and give right answers to questions than group opinions.

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Educational UCC Development and Knowledge Creation Strategy in Web 2.0 (Web2.0환경의 교육적 UCC 개발과 지식창출방안에 관한 연구)

  • JUNG, Ju-Young;Ahn, Young-Sik
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.543-555
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    • 2009
  • The characteristic of Web 2.0 is openness, participation, share, cooperation and creation. The purpose of this article was to identify learner based knowledge creation strategy through UCC in Web 2.0, to develop UCC by university students and to make systematic UCC process. This article suggested knowledge creation strategy with UCC learning Community of Practice(CoP). UCC was developed by 25 students who registered e-learning in "P" university and conducted interview with students and experts to analyze the contents which related with research questions. Systematic process for developing educational UCC was consisted of sectors such as idea creation, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Main developing process steps were as follows: making subjectseeking informationselecting datadesigning contentsmaking story boardplanning of filmingfilmingdigitalizingeditingreviewing final productimplementingevaluating. For learner based knowledge creation through UCC, educational institutions have to provide platform for learners' need, and learners create diverse ideas with UCC CoP. This article suggested knowledge creation strategy with sharing collective intelligence through process of UCC design, development, implement and evaluation.

A Study on Analyzing Innovation Efficiency in Service Sector of Korea (우리나라 서비스부문의 혁신효율성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Joung-In;Gwon, Seong-Hoon;Song, Sung-Hwan;Hwang, Seog-Won
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.336-346
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    • 2009
  • One of primary assumptions on DEA is that all DMUs for evaluation should be homogeneous. In comparative analysis among DMUs with relative efficiency measurement, it should be evaluated under identical conditions by ruling out external environmental influences. In this study, a measurement of innovation efficiency using the three-stage approach is performed. The approach employs DEA to measure relative efficiency and Tobit regressions to control external variables affecting innovation activity. The approach applied to firms in Korean Innovation Survey: Service Sector 2003 and 2006. Final efficiency scores of the approach represent net efficiency of the innovation. This study found that there is a increasing on technical efficiency of third stage, and it has difference with first stage significantly. Besides, a decrease on standard deviation of third stage is found. It means DMUs biased lower due to unfavorable condition and ones biased higher due to favorable condition are fallen into an identical operating environment through the approach. A measurement of net efficiency, excluding external effects, ensures the homogeneity of DMUs so that improves the reliability in terms of its analysis results. This study is expected to provide a direction and to be a valuable reference to further evaluation of innovation performance in Korean service sector.

A Comparative Study on Evaluation Methods of Energy of Green Building Certification Criteria 2010 and LEED 2009 (국내 친환경건축물인증제도2010과 LEED2009에서의 에너지평가방법에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Hyun, Eun Mi;Kim, Yong Sik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the green building and energy connection system are establishing. But, National certification system for environment-Friendly Buildings is indicated hangup about energy efficiency of building. Commissioning, energy conservation, renewable energy, carbon dioxide emissions, it is determined that the energy associated with LEED and GBCC four items of the comparative analysis showed the following results. First, on the practical performance of the system after the completion of commissioning of the energy associated with the system completed until after the final performance for secure operation from the planning stage to verify and document systematically how to perform, but the domestic review and verification is incomplete. Second, the use of energy-saving and renewable energy is directly related to the energy consumption of the building, but GBCC the strengthening of standards on how to evaluate it is deemed necessary. Finally, the evaluation of the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, LEED Unlike GBCC the life-cycle of the system without considering the global warming index only because a substantial step in the operating efficiency can not be assessed. Based on this study GBCC energy savings through efficiency to actively carry out research through a systematic analysis of the basic guidelines to proceed.

Evaluation of Apartment Cooling System by Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis (다기준 의사결정 분석에 의한 공동주택의 냉방시스템 평가)

  • Kang, Byoung-Min;Cho, Jin-Hwan;Kim, Young-Il;Chung, Kwang-Seop
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.580-586
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    • 2011
  • In this study, 3 cooling systems of apartment which are air-cooled air conditioner with indoor unit, water-cooled air conditioner with indoor unit and small capacity absorption chiller-heater with FCU have been evaluated by Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis. Weights of 7 selected factors which are economics, space, billing, constructability, human comfort, visibility and reliability are determined by expert group of 30 system designers and 30 construction engineers. Final weights were derived for 101 and 166 m2 apartments. Analysis shows that small capacity absorption chiller-heater with FCU is the most favorable system for apartment cooling system.

An Approach to Multi-Stage Decision Process for Optimum Location (단계적 최적립지 결정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • 김복만;김지일
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.17 no.30
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 1994
  • The problem of location for industries and residential quarters has undoubtedly been one of the most important factors to enhance human activities and standard of living. Nonetheless. there seem to be no such theories or approaches as to cope with this problem satisfactorily. As a matter of fact the evaluation of proposed locations so far has stuck to quantitative factors and thus the results are often rejected by the public or individuals. In deciding the location of industrial complex and/or residential quarters, the qualitative factors often play more important role than the quantitative factors. Moreover, it is quite possible for a proposed location to be disapproved for reasons other than quantifiable factors. This work presents an approach to multi-stage decision process of optimum location, particularly for residential quarters. The proposed approach consists of four stages. At the first stage, candidates for the location are searched and checked against musts. After this screening process, the candidates fulfilling the musts are evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively at the second stage. The third stage is devoted to the integrated evaluation using diffrent weights for the two factors. At the final stage, a location is selected among the candidates evaluated at the earlier stages. This approach has been applied to and tested on a apartment-building project in Ulsan area. Difficulties arising from quantifying factors were encountered as expected. Sometimes decisions could be a matter of taste of the individuals concerned.

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Effects of Abdominal Respiration and Self Voice Feedback Therapy on the Voice Improvement of Patients with Vocal Nodules (복식호흡 훈련과 Self Voice Feedback 프로그램이 성대결절 환자의 음성개선에 미치는 효과)

  • Kwon, Soon-Bok;Wang, Soo-Geun;Yang, Byung-Gon;Jeon, Gye-Rok
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2006
  • This study attempted to compare acoustic parameters, physiological observation and perceptual evaluation values obtained from the treatment and control groups in order to find out which of the self voice feedback therapies was better and which methods to train them were more effective. The experimental group carried out various self voice feedback therapies while the control group did only vocal hygiene. The acoustic measurement and voice manipulation for providing the patients visual, auditory feedback were done by a speech analysis software, Praat. The authors designed vocal hygiene, abdominal respiration and Praat self voice feedback therapies and applied them to 15 patients while applying only one vocal hygiene to 15 of the control group. For the purpose of examining the degree of their voice improvement after the treatment, pre- mid- and final evaluations were made for the two groups at the beginning, the 6th week and immediately after the 8th treatment session. Results of this study were as follows: The treatment group showed much improvement after receiving the voice treatment. In particular, acoustical and physiological indices from the optical endoscopy, pitch variation(Jitter), amplitude variation (Shimmer), maximum phonation time(MPT), and psychoacoustic evaluation showed statistically significant improvements over the control groups.

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Evaluation of fracture density distribution for the design of grouting works in fractured rocks (그라우팅 설계를 위한 절리밀도분포 산출법 개발)

  • 김중열;김유성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.627-634
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    • 2002
  • To facilitate a drilling plan for grouting in fractured rock, an algorithm of practical use associated with a new term “fracture density distribution”or“fracture tomogram”is developed. It is well known that Televiewer data(amplitude and traveltime image) provide detailed information about not only dip and dip direction of each fracture but also its aperture size estimated by an appropriate evaluation algorithm. A selected plane section of medium around a borehole or the cross section between two boreholes is discretized into a two dimensional grid of cells(rectangular elements). As each elongated(straight) fracture passes through the cells, the corresponding aperture size value is successively summed up in each cell, depending on the fracture length segment. In this, the fracture lines can be determined by intersecting of each fracture plane with the selected plane section. If the fracture line does not pass through a particular grid element, the segment length is set to zero. The final value(aperture size value of each cell) derived from all the detected fractures constitutes the fracture density distribution of the selected plane section, Field examples are illustrated, which will prove the benefit of the suggested algorithm for several kinds of grouting works.

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3D Microwave Imaging Technology for Damage Detection of Concrete Structures (콘크리트 구조물의 결함발견을 위한 3차원 초단파 영상처리기법의 개발)

  • Kim, Yoo-Jin;Kim, Yong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 2003
  • Various nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques have been studied to locate steel rebars of dowel, and to detect invisible damage such as voids and cracks inside concrete and debonding between rebars and concrete caused by corrosions and earthquakes. In this study, the aurhors developed 3-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic (EM) imaging technology to detect such damage and to identify exact location of steel rebars of dowel. The authors have developed sub-surface two-dimensional (2D) imaging technique using tomographic antenna array in previous works. In this study, extending the earlier analytical and experimental works on 2D image reconstruction, a 3D microwave imaging system using tomographic antenna array was developed, and multi-frequency technique was applied to improve quality of the reconstructed image and to reduce background noises. This paper presents the analytical expressions of numerical focusing procedures for 3D image reconstruction and numerical simulation to study the resolution of the system and the effectiveness of multi-frequency technique. Also, the design of 4?4 antenna array with switching devices is introduced as a preliminary study for the final design of whole array.

Quantitative Evaluation of the Impact of Low-Voltage Loads due to Repetitive Voltage Sags

  • Yun Sang-Yun;Kim Jae-Chul;Moon Jong-Fil;Kang Bong-Seok
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.5A no.3
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2005
  • Automatic reclosing is a typical protection method in power distribution systems for the clearing of temporary faults. However, it has a fatal weakness in regards to voltage sags because it produces repetitive voltage sags. In this paper, we explored the repetitive impact of voltage sag due to the automatic reclosing of power distribution systems. The actual tests of low voltage loads were carried out for obtaining the susceptibility of voltage sags. The final results of the tests yielded power acceptability curves of voltage sag, and the curves transformed the 3-dimensional CBEMA (Computer Business Equipment Manufacturer Association) format. For the quantitative evaluation of the impact of repetitive voltage sags, an assessment formulation using the voltage sag contour was proposed. The proposed formulation was tested by using the voltage sag contour data of IEEE standard and the results of the test. Through the case studies, we verified that the proposed method can be effectively used to evaluate the actual impact of repetitive voltage sags.