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A Study on the EPL Education Platform Based on Embodied Cognition

  • Jihye Kim;SeungYeop Han;SunKwan Han
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to improve the EPL education platform, Rewond (, which was built as a prototype, into an EPL educational tool based on Embodied Cognition. In the first phase, the heuristic evaluation, five experts were selected to evaluate the subject using evaluation items that included learning principles of Embodied Cognition. Based on the evaluation results, debriefing session analysis, and consultations with co-researchers, three improvement points were identified and specific modification plans were proposed. During the beta version development phase, the co-researchers implemented an increase in coding content, provided help for each content, and added a feature that allows progression to the next learning stage upon completion of the previous one. In the final usability testing phase, the usability of the beta version was tested with ten fourth-grade elementary school students.

Development of Feasible Dynamic Stability in Wheel Tracking Test for Asphalt Concrete Mixtures (아스팔트 혼합물 반복주행 시험에서 합리적 동적안정도의 산정 방법)

  • Kim Kwang-Woo;Doh Young-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1 s.27
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2006
  • Dynamic stability (DS) in the wheel tracking (WT) test is used as a basic index of rut-resistance for asphalt mixtures. In general, the deeper rut depth is obtained from the weaker mixture, resulting in the lower DS value. On the other hand, the shallower rut depth is obtained from the stronger mixture, resulting in the higher DS. However, it is not always the case when the DS is calculated by the existing method because the DS is simply determined based on the slope at the final stage of the rut depth-cycle curve. Specifically, in the case of the depth-cycle curve showing a steeper slope in the early part but flatter slope in last part, the DS is calculated to be higher than the curve showing a ever-increasing slope throughout the test. As long as the last part of slope is flatter, the deeper final rut depth is evaluated to show a higher DS than the little final rut depth. Therefore, a reasonable method for DS evaluation need to be established. Several new methods were suggested by considering the early, middle and final parts of rut depth to determine a reasonable DS. The results have shown that those new methods have demonstrated a significant improvement in distinguishing similarly performing mixtures. The result also showed that DS2 had better correlation with SD than any other methods , representing the rutting resistance of asphalt mixture very well. The new DS calculation method is relatively simple and easy to follow. More validatin study is required for practical application.

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Efficacy of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Parotid Gland Tumors (이하선 종양에서 세침흡인검사의 유용성)

  • Lee, Chang-Hee;Lee, Hyun-Sub;Jin, Sung-Min;Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Pyo, Jung-Soo;Sohn, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.204-209
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    • 2011
  • Background and Objectives : The usefulness of fine needle aspiration biopsy(FNAB) for diagnosis of parotid gland tumors is controversial, because of the generalized belief requiring surgery for most parotid tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of FNAB for diagnosis in parotid gland tumors. Material and Methods : FNAB was performed in 91 patients who underwent parotid surgery at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital from January 2007 to December 2010. The result of FNAB, 11 malignancies and 75 benign tumors and 5 non-neoplasms were analyzed and compared with the final histopathologic diagnoses. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value(PPV), and negative predictive value(NPV) were calculated using final histopathologic diagnosis of the surgical specimen as the standard diagnostic reference for comparative analysis. Results : 86 specimens(94.5%) were suitable for evaluation. We compared the result of FNAB and the final histopathology in 79(89.4%) cases. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV, and NPV of FNAB for detecting pleomorphic adenoma was 95.8%, 88.4%, 92.3%, 90.2%, and 95.0%. In Warthin's tumor, results were 86.4%, 94.2%, 92.3%, 82.6%, and 95.6%. Among 11 patients who were diagnosed with malignancy on final histopathologic report, only 3(30%) patients were diagnosed with the same as on FNAB, the other 8 patients were initially diagnosed incorrectly as benign tumors in FNAB. There were no complications related to FNAB. Conclusion : Diagnostic accuracy for FNAB in benign parotid tumors was high. However, in malignant tumors, FNAB shows low diagnostic usefulness compared with benign tumors. FNAB can be effective and safe diagnostic technique for evaluating the benign parotid glands tumors.

A Study of sea Dike meterials loss due to Scouring and Consolidation Settlement During the Periond of Construction on Construction on the West Cost of Korea (서해암 방조제 공사 기간중 유실토량 측정시험)

  • 안재숙
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.2503-2519
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    • 1972
  • The studies were carried out to find the cause and the quantitative evaluation of sea dike materials loss which is occured during the period of construction works for the tideland reclamation projects on the west coast of Korea. Major subjects to studies were to establish the typical relationships between the tidal flow and the movement of dike materials, the tidal-flow and the erosion, the dike materials and the ratio of material movement(losses), construction methods and the ratio of materials movement (losses). Based on the above subjects, the studies were made for the purpose of obtain the following informations; (1) Collecting and evaluaing the data of dike material losses due to foundation settlement, from designed existing dikes on the west coast. (2) By the field investigation at A-San Sea Dike, Pyong Taek Project, the Comparison would be made by the relationships between the tide velocity and the movement of dike foundation under the natural conditions and the period of construction so that find out the relationship between the dike materials of foundation situation and settlements. With regard to the dike construction works, it is so difficult to calculate the exact quantity of material losses due to the foundation settlements. The major factors that affect the settlement losses of the dike materials are: (1) Topographical variation (2) Swepting the sectional area of dike by the tide velocity. (3) Dumping riprap to the outerside of dike during the period of construction works. (4) Sectional area losses by the cause of occurence of the new tide channels. (5) material losses by the heavy storms. (6) Consolidation settlement by the foundation weakness. (7) Material losses by the earth materials by tide flow. Most hi호 material losses were occured by the Consolidation settlement due to the foundation weakness, the maximum tide velocities due to decrease the cross sectional area of the gaps and erosion of foundation due to the range of tide, Inner and outerside of dike, or dike material loses due to the tide flow. Final conclusion would be obtained by the continuous measurement of consolidation settlement at the stage of final clusure of the dike. (It is scheduled to close on the end of 1972) However, intermediate conclusion can be introduced as follows: (1) The estimation of material(losses) during the period of construction works for the existing sea-dikes up to date were only empirical. The material losses at the general closure for design was estimated at 10% of the riprap, 20% of the earth materials, and 20% of the riprap, 40% of the earth materials at the final closure of the dike. The final closure estimated double quantity to the general closure, but it is still doubt. (2) The ratio of consolidation settlements was found smaller than the calculated quantity. It can be foreseen that settlement speeds is higher thom the calculated speeds. (3) The movement of dike foundation under the natural conditions were not so depends on the geological conditions of the foundation. (4) When the tide velocities was estimated 100 at the normal tide, it was estimated 125 at the high tide and 55 at the low tide. The tide velocities at the low tide shows apparently lower than the high tide and the higher velocities at the deep water depth.

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A Case Study on the Development of Descriptive Problems in Grade 4 Mathematics (수학과 서술형 평가의 문항개발 사례 연구 - 4-나 단계를 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Jee-Yun;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Noh, Sun-Sook;Kwon, Jum-Rye
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.335-352
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the descriptive evaluation method that focuses on the problem solving process of the student. The goal was to evaluate the students' understanding of the subject rather than the students' ability to find the final answer. The descriptive evaluation is being suggested as a way of examining the thought process of the student by performing a structured analysis of the problem solving process. Today, there are not enough descriptive evaluation resources available for teachers to effectively carry out this alternative assessment method in the elementary school mathematics curriculum. This research is a case study on the development of resources for descriptive evaluation in grade 4 mathematics. We designed the development process for descriptive evaluation and its rubric for all 8 units of the 4-Na level of mathematics in the elementary school curriculum. Three descriptive problems were developed for each of the 8 units for a total of 24 problems. The rubric consisted of three areas of assessment, 1) understanding of the problem, 2) problem solving, and 3) mathematical communication. The problems were first pilot tested in two 4th grade classes. Modified problems were then tested in a different 4th grade classroom. The study showed that the three defined areas of evaluation framework (problem understanding, problem solving and mathematical communication) were measurable and analyzable using the developed grading rubric. We then conclude that he descriptive evaluation could be used as an effective tool for improving teacher performance in elementary school mathematics.

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Quality Characteristics of Sesame Mook(Gomadoufu) with Various Starches (전분 종류를 달리한 참깨 묵(고마도후)의 품질 특성)

  • Park, Jong-Hee;Yoo, Seung-Seok
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.224-233
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    • 2014
  • In this study, instead of arrowroot starch sesame mook(Gomadoufu) used in the manufacture of expensive sesame mook the quality of the material characteristics and commercialized for to find out the possibility of replacement of other starch, propose. Potato starch RVA analysis was quick pasting temperature 70.3C, peak viscosity 740 RVU, break down 579.9 final viscosity 433.8, set back 275.7 arrowroot starch than 4.5 times, sweet potato starch than 6.9 fold the highest value showed Japanese sesame results starch (Atarigoma) concentration increased, the measured starch, different kinds of manufacturing quality characteristics of sesame mook tended to increase the moisture content, texture measurements on the hardness and springiness, gumminess and chewiness was gradually decreased. Sesame mook in sensory evaluation, color and aroma, taste, texture and overall-acceptability, sweet potato starch, arrowroot starch 60% addition, 50% added, potato starch 40% group containing most symbols highest was, and the experimental results used in the manufacture of arrowroot starch instead of expensive replacement of other starch is deemed.

Optimization of Maillard Reaction between Glucosamine and Other Precursors by Measuring Browning with a Spectrophotometer

  • Ogutu, Benrick;Kim, Ye-Joo;Kim, Dae-Wook;Oh, Sang-Chul;Hong, Dong-Lee;Lee, Yang-Bong
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 2017
  • The individual Maillard reactions of glucose, glucosamine, cyclohexylamine, and benzylamine were studied at a fixed temperature of 120C under different durations by monitoring the absorbance of the final products at 425 nm. Glucosamine was the most individually reactive compound, whereas the reactions of glucose, cyclohexylamine, and benzylamine were not significantly different from each other. Maillard reactions of reaction mixtures consisting of glucosaminecyclohexylamine, glucosamine-benzylamine, glucose-cyclohexylamine, and glucose-benzylamine were also studied using different concentration ratios under different durations at a fixed temperature of 120C and pH 9. Maillard reactions in the pairs involving glucosamine were observed to be more intense than those of the pairs involving glucose. Finally, with respect to the concentration ratios, it was observed that in most instances, optimal activity was realized, when the reaction mixtures were in the ratio of 1:1.

Quantitative evaluation of the molecular marker using droplet digital PCR

  • Shin, Wonseok;Kim, Haneul;Oh, Dong-Yep;Kim, Dong Hee;Han, Kyudong
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.4.1-4.6
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    • 2020
  • Transposable elements (TEs) constitute approximately half of Bovine genome. They can be a powerful species-specific marker without regression mutations by the structure variation (SV) at the time of genomic evolution. In a previous study, we identified the Hanwoo-specific SV that was generated by a TE-association deletion event using traditional PCR method and Sanger sequencing validation. It could be used as a molecular marker to distinguish different cattle breeds (i.e., Hanwoo vs. Holstein). However, PCR is defective with various final copy quantifications from every sample. Thus, we applied to the droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) platform for accurate quantitative detection of the Hanwoo-specific SV. Although samples have low allele frequency variation within Hanwoo population, ddPCR could perform high sensitive detection with absolute quantification. We aimed to use ddPCR for more accurate quantification than PCR. We suggest that the ddPCR platform is applicable for the quantitative evaluation of molecular markers.

The Development and Evaluation of Web-based Nursing Educational Program;Focused on the Medical Terminology (웹기반의 간호교육 프로그램 개발 및 평가;의학용어를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purposed of this study was to develop and evaluate a Web-based for medical terminology educational program. Method: For the development of this program, the NBISD model was applied as a basic model and WBI ID Process Action model was applied. It was executed for 15 weeks along with off-line lectures. After the operation of this program to 210 nursing students, learners' responses were analyzed twice(at 5th week and 15th week). Result: The satisfaction with this program was slightly above the center point. But the structure of system and composition of design were high score. The results of the final evaluation were more positive than those of the interim one. This program have the advantage of easy accessibility and easy understandability with picture and testing. Conclusions: This study proved the importance of the suitability of learning contents and learning form in developing WBI programs and showed possibility for applying WBI to medical terminology. In order to enhance the effects of Web-based medical terminology educational program for, it is necessary to perform analytic comparison with the effect of WBI based on self-directed learning.

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Quality Evaluation for Vegetable Use in Local Soybean Cultivars with Various Seed Coat Color

  • Lee, J. D.;Hwang, Y. H.
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 1998
  • From the evaluation of physical properties such as springiness, gumminess, adhesiveness, chewiness and hardness by the texture analyzer, vegetable soybean lines with green seed-coat were best as compared with those with black, brown, mixed, and yellow seed-coats. A panel test evaluated on the basis of taste, sweetness, chewiness, and total scores also indicated that soybean lines with green seed-coat were the best. The total scores of panel test was decreased in the order of green > yellow> black> brown seed-coat colored soybean. The mean value of sucrose content obtained by HPLC analysis was highest in black seed-coat colored soybean, and followed by green, yellow, and brown soybeans. The highest sucrose content (8.22%) was observed in 180362, a soybean line with green seed-coat. The full-season type soybeans showed much higher sucrose content than summer types which are mainly cultivated on farmer's fields for vegetable purposes. The final 13 lines selected from 300 colored soybeans showed nearly the same panel scores as Miwongreen. However, these lines had a great deal of variation in sucrose content, and much higher readings in texture analysis than Miwongreen, especially in chewiness and hardness which were the most important properties in vegetable soybeans.

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