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Risk for Malignant and Borderline Ovarian Neoplasms Following Basic Preoperative Evaluation by Ultrasonography, Ca125 Level and Age

  • Karadag, Burak;Kocak, M.;Kayikcioglu, F.;Ercan, F.;Dilbaz, B.;Kose, M.F.;Haberal, A.
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.19
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    • pp.8489-8493
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    • 2014
  • Objective: To verify the basic preoperative evaluation in the discrimination between benign and malignant adnexal masses in our clinical practice. Materials and Methods: Data were collected on the records of 636 women with adnexal masses who had undergone surgery either by open or endoscopic approaches. Those with obvious signs of malignancy, any history of cancer, emergency surgeries without basic evaluation were excluded. The preoperative features by age, ultrasound and serum Ca125 level were compared with final histopathological diagnosis at the four departments of the institution. These are the general gynecology (Group 1: exploratory laparotomy), the gynecologic endoscopy (Group 2: laparoscopy and adnexectomy), the gynecological oncology (Group 3: staging laparotomy) and the gynecologic endocrinology and infertility (Group 4: laparoscopy and cystectomy). Results: There were simple and complex cyst rates of 22.3% and 77.2%, respectively. There were 86.3% benign, 4.1% (n:20) borderline ovarian tumor (BOT) and 6.4% (n:48) malignant lesions. There were 3 BOT and 9 ovarian cancers in Group 1 and one BOT and two ovarian cancer in the Group 2. During the surgery, 15 BOT (75%) and 37 ovarian cancer (77%) were detected in the Group 3, only one BOT was encountered in the Group 4. The risk of rate of unsuspected borderline or focally invasive ovarian cancer significantly increased by age, size, complex morphology and Ca125 (95% CI, OR=2.72, OR=6.60, OR=6.66 and OR=4.69, respectively). Conclusions: Basic preoperative evaluation by comprehensive ultrasound imaging combined with age and Ca125 level has proved highly accurate for prediction of unexpected malignancies. Neither novel markers nor new imaging techniques provide better information that allow clinicians to assess the feasibility of the planned surgery; consequently, the risk of inadvertent cyst rupture during laparoscopy may be significantly decreased in selected cases.

The Construction of Earthquake Resistance and Hazardous Reduction Suitability Evaluation Systems for Comprehensive Parks (공원녹지 공간의 지진대피 기능 적절성 평가체계 연구)

  • Cao, Lin-Sen;Zhang, Zhong-Feng;Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2018
  • The lack of research on the suitability of park green spaces as a form of earthquake shelter leads to difficultiesin highlighting the functions of these shelters. In this study, the weight value and priority of 27 indexes derived from previous studies are calculated by the AHP method and then a score table was established via a transformed score method. The final evaluation grade is divided into five levels: very inadequate, inadequate, general, adequate, highly adequate. Finally, indexes that were difficult to judge were explained. Based on this, the suitability evaluation of park green spaces as a form of earthquake shelter can be performed. The evaluation results can reflect the advantages and disadvantages of park green space as a form of earthquake shelter and indicate directionsfor construction in the future.

Motion-capture-based walking simulation of digital human adapted to laser-scanned 3D as-is environments for accessibility evaluation

  • Maruyama, Tsubasa;Kanai, Satoshi;Date, Hiroaki;Tada, Mitsunori
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.250-265
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    • 2016
  • Owing to our rapidly aging society, accessibility evaluation to enhance the ease and safety of access to indoor and outdoor environments for the elderly and disabled is increasing in importance. Accessibility must be assessed not only from the general standard aspect but also in terms of physical and cognitive friendliness for users of different ages, genders, and abilities. Meanwhile, human behavior simulation has been progressing in the areas of crowd behavior analysis and emergency evacuation planning. However, in human behavior simulation, environment models represent only "as-planned" situations. In addition, a pedestrian model cannot generate the detailed articulated movements of various people of different ages and genders in the simulation. Therefore, the final goal of this research was to develop a virtual accessibility evaluation by combining realistic human behavior simulation using a digital human model (DHM) with "as-is" environment models. To achieve this goal, we developed an algorithm for generating human-like DHM walking motions, adapting its strides, turning angles, and footprints to laser-scanned 3D as-is environments including slopes and stairs. The DHM motion was generated based only on a motion-capture (MoCap) data for flat walking. Our implementation constructed as-is 3D environment models from laser-scanned point clouds of real environments and enabled a DHM to walk autonomously in various environment models. The difference in joint angles between the DHM and MoCap data was evaluated. Demonstrations of our environment modeling and walking simulation in indoor and outdoor environments including corridors, slopes, and stairs are illustrated in this study.

Usability Evaluation of OSD(On Screen Display) User Interface Based on Subjective Preference (주관적 선호도에 의한 제품 OSD(On Screen Display)의 사용성 평가)

  • 박정순;이건표
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 1999
  • As the microelectronics technology is developed, new types of smart intelligent products are being emerged. OSD user interface is one of the critical factor in this kind of product, especially brown goods and information devices, as it is responsible for imput and output function. OSD is being treated as accompaniment to hardware in spite of its importance, and therefore is developed from only simple and separate usability testing based on performance measurement. This study propose a usability evaluation method of OSD based on subjective preference to support existing usability testing. The purpose of this analysis is to make clear what is important factor and how its preference level is from the user's viewpoint. The various attributes of OSD are clarified from user's questionaire and interview, and orthogonal array is generated with specified factor levels. The prototypes are generated from rapid prototyping tool and tested in natural simulation environment. The preference data which collected in this usability testing is analyzed with conjoint analysis module. This usability evaluation is not the final stage in user interface design process but the early planned and circulated stage.

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Static Behavior Analysis of Spillway Pier for Dam Safety Evaluation (댐 안전성 평가를 위한 여수로 피어부의 정적 거동 분석)

  • Jang, Bong-Seok;Lim, Jeong-Yeul;Lee, Myung-Kue;Lee, Hyung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2007
  • Seismic performance evaluation for dam safety evaluation has been continually conducted. However the behavior analysis for the spillway pier which is known as the weak point of dam is seldom reported. Therefore, this study performed the static loading tests for a prototype structures as elementary tests for the final seismic performance evaluation of dam safety. The prototype of pier structure has 1/20 scale and it adopts to strength model. And cracking loads and ultimate loads of real structures are calculated through numerical analysis using commercial FEM program (ABAQUS). The results of this study show some difference between the results of prototype tests and the results of numerical analysis. Also, the ultimate and cracking loads can be estimated through the prototype loading test and numerical analysis.

Evaluation of Good Clinical Practice(GCP) Implementability at the Designated Clinical Trial Hospitals (임상시험 지정병원의 "의약품 임상시험 관리기준(KGCP)" 수행 가능성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Sun-Mee;Lee, Eui-Kyung;Park, Byung-Joo;Huh, Soon-Im
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.86-109
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    • 1995
  • Clinical trials of drugs on humans is the final and most important stage in evaluating the safety and efficacy of the drugs. Good Clinical Practice(GCP) standards were announced in 1987 to protect testees' rights as well as to ensure validity of the clinical trial results, but its implementation has been delayed until now. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the preparedness of the designated institutions to abide by GCP standards during clinical trials, and thereby to determine GCP implementability at the institutions. Survey on the status of clinical trials was conducted for the designated 83 clinical trial hospitals. Response rate was 95.2%. Donabedian's quality assessment model was applied as the basic framework for the study. And the relative - weights for the evaluation items were determined by expert's evaluation. Among the designated 83 hospitals, 39 conducted clinical trials to obtain drug manufacturing approval from 1990 to 1994. Only 19 institutions are found to be able to meet the requirements of KGCP. Structure variables - manpower, organization, and facility -, which are the basic elements for GCP, are evaluated as unsatisfied in many hospitals. Institutions which established IRB accounted for 41 or 51.9%, but those who have a protocol evaluation guideline, or Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR) reporting system were only 12 and 21 institutions, respectively. Also, the institutions providing educational programs on conducting clinical trials are few - 20. The study results indicates that the level of conducting KGCP is unsatisfactory. However, more institutions are expected to be able to meet the standards soon because GCP standards does not require so much regulation on facilities, but stress importance on research methodology and human right. At present as the institutions for clinical trials are primarily training hospitals with residency programs, such efforts as education will accelerate the implementability of GCP in Korea. Institutions must build the appropriate infrastructure and government must prepare to strongly enforce KGCP before it can successfully take place.

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Development of Dissolution Test Method for Acebrophylline Capsules and Bromhexine Hydrochloride Tablets in Korean Pharmaceutical Codex (고시수재 의약품 중 아세브로필린 캡슐 및 브롬헥신염산염 정의 용출시험법 개발)

  • Lee, Tae-Woong;Jeong, Rae-Seok;Jeong, Seung-A;Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Shim, Young-Hun;Kim, In-Kyu;Park, Chang-Won
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.226-233
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    • 2013
  • Although the dissolution test can serve as an effective tool for quality control and predictor of in vivo performance, there are a number of drugs with no established dissolution specification in Korean Pharmaceutical Codex (KPC). So, with each reference and test drugs, the dissolution test method and an analytical procedure by HPLC were developed and validated to establish dissolution specification for acebrophylline capsules and bromhexine hydrochloride tablets. The dissolution condition was determined based on the "Guidelines on Specifications of Dissolution tests for Oral dosage forms" of Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). The analytical method of HPLC was validated in specificity, linearity, precision and accuracy. Final dissolution test was performed with commercially available samples of 3 lots to establish specification. In addition, no difference was observed by the inter-laboratory evaluation. Dissolution specifications and conditions will be used for revising the monograph of acebrophylline capsules and bromhexine hydrochloride tablets in next supplement of KPC.

Categorical data analysis of sensory evaluation data with Hanwoo bull beef (한우 수소 고기 관능평가 데이터에 대한 범주형 자료 분석)

  • Lee, Hye-Jung;Cho, Soo-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.819-827
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the sociodemographic factors and the Korean consumers palatability evaluation grades with Hanwoo sensory evaluation data. The dichotomy logistic regression model and the multinomial logistic regression model are fitted with the independent variables such as the consumer living location, age, gender, occupation, monthly income, and beef cut and the the palatability grade as the dependent variable. Stepwise variable selection procedure is incorporated to find the final model and odds ratios are calculated to find the associations between categories.

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Evaluation of Risk Level for Damage of Marine Accidents in SRRs using Fuzzy AHP (퍼지AHP법을 이용한 해양사고 피해규모에 의한 수색구조 구역의 위험수준 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jang Woon-Jae;Keum Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.11 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2005
  • This paper suggests an evaluation of risk level for damage of marine accidents in SRRs. This paper intoduces a concept of fuzzy logic with the plenty of related literature riview, fuzzy measure t-seminormed fuzzy integral and in the Korean SRRs of RCC and RSC. The methodology of this paper is max. min composition of fuzzy extensive principle, defuzzifiation is centroid of gravity methods. And final evaluation value using t-seminormed fuzzy integral. At the result, the evaluation of risk level is especially over serious for marine accident of Mokpo, Tongyoung, Yeosu SRRs.. This paper recommends that many rescue vessels and equipments need to the reduction of risk level about those.

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Evaluation of Risk Level for Damage of Marine Accidents using Fuzzy AHP (퍼지AHP법을 이용한 해양사고 피해규모에 의한 위험수준 평가)

  • Jang Woon-Jae;Keum Jong-Soo
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2004
  • This paper suggests on evaluation of risk level for damage of marine accidents in SRRs. This paper intoduces a concept of fuzzy logic with the plenty of related literature riview, fuzzy measure t-seminormed fuzzy integral and in the Korean. SRRs of RCC and RSC. The methodology of this paper is maxmin composition of fuzzy extensive principle, defuzzifiation is centroid of gravity methods. And final evaluation value using t-seminormed fuzzy integral. At the result, the evaluation of risk level is especially over Serious for marine accident of Mokpo, Tongyoung, Busan SRRs. This paper recommends tint many Rescue Vessels and Equipments need to the reduction of risk level about those.

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