• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fertilization rates

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Effect of $\alpha$-Tocopherol and Cysteamine on Maturation Male Pronuclear Formation and Development of Porcine Oocytes In Vitro ($\alpha$-Tocopherol과 Cysteamine 첨가가 돼지 미성숙난포란의 체외성숙, 체외수정 및 배발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 이경호;문승주;김재홍
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of $\alpha$-tocopherol and cysteamine with Whitten's medium in supporting the development on in vitro maturation(IVM), in vitro fertilization (IVF) and in culture(IVC) on porcine oocytes. When the immature oocytes were cultured of $\alpha$-tocopherol for 40h, the nuclear maturation rates were 39, 4, 52.5 and 54.1%, respectivley. The nuclear maturation rates of treat groups were signficantly (P<0.05) higher than those of non-treat groups. After matureation, the oocytes were inseminated in vitro in medium 199 with ejaculated spermatoza for examination of sperm penetration, polyspermy, male pronuclear(MPN) formation, and cleavage rate. Sperm penetration rates of treat higher than the control groups(P<0.05), and MPN formation rates were significantly(P<0.05) higher on treated groups (24.3~53.1%) than control groups(14.2~21.4%). After insemination, the cleavage rates at 120hr were groups higher than control groups(P<0.05).

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Factors Affecting In vitro Fertilization and Subsequent Development of Bovine Oocytes (소 난자의 체외수정 및 이후 발육에 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • 윤종택;노상호;정연길;이호준;한기영
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of the study were to establish sperm separation method and duration of insemination for bovine IVF. Oocytes from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured and fertilized using general protocol. After 18 or 42 h of insemination, six to ten embryos were placed into a 30${mu}ell$ drop of each medium, and the embryos were examined 7~10d post in semination without medium renewal. First, we compared Percoll gradient will swim-up technique for sperm separation. There was no difference in cleavage rates between them, but the development rates over morula stage of oocytes fertilized with sperm separated by Percoll gradient was significantly higher than that sperm selected by swim-up technique (p<0.05). Second, we evaluated development of bovine embryos derived from the IVF procedure with different durations(18 vs 42 h) of fertilization. There was also no difference in cleavage rates, but the development to blastocyst stage of oocytes exposed in cleavage rates, but the development to blastocyst stage of oocytes exposed to sperm for 42 h was significantly higher than that exposed for 18 h (p<0.05). In conclusion, Percoll gradient can be used for sperm selecton, improving of embryonic development. Also, 42h of IVF may improve the development of bovine embryos.

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Effects of the Stepwise Exposure Treatments Before Freezing on the Survival Capacity of the Frozen-Thawed Mouse Mature Oocytes by Vitrification or Ultra-Rapid Freezing (동결 전 단계적 노출처리방법이 유리화동결 및 초급속동결-융해 후 생쥐 성숙난자의 생존력에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Lee, Jae-Ik;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Lee, Young-Ah;Lee, Kyu-Sup;Yoon, Man-Soo
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 2000
  • Objective: This study was carried out to compare the effects of the stepwise exposure treatments on the morphological normality, fertilization and blastocyst formation rate of the frozen-thawed mouse mature oocytes by vitrification or ultra-rapid freezing and to use as a fundamental data for the cryopreservation of human oocytes. Materials and Methods: The morphological normality and fertilization rates of the vitrified and ultra-rapid frozen mouse mature oocytes after three-stepwise exposure treatments (1step, 3step and 5step) were observed. After choosing the 3step exposure treatment groups, we observed the morphological normality and fertilization, blastocyst formation rate of the vitrified and ultra-rapid frozen mouse mature oocytes. Results: The morphological normality and fertilization rates of the vitrified mouse mature oocytes after three-stepwise exposure treatments (1step, 3step and 5step) were 75%, 85%, 88% and 58%, 61 %, 54% respectively. There were no significant differences among treatments(p>0.05). The morphological normality and fertilization rate of the control was 92% and 65%. There were no significant differences in fertilization rate among control and treatments (p>0.05). The morphological normality and fertilization rates of the ultra-rapid frozen mouse mature oocytes after three-stepwise exposure treatments (1step, 3step and 5step) were 83%, 83%, 84% and 75%, 63%, 56% respectively. There were no significant differences among treatments (p>0.05). The morphological normality and fertilization rate of the control was 95% and 67%. There were no significant differences among control and treatments (p>0.05). The morphological normality and fertilization rate of the vitrified or ultra-rapid frozen mouse mature oocytes after 3step exposure treatment were 69% and 75%, respectively. The blastocyst formation rate was 60% and 57%. The results did not differ significantly between vitrification and ultra-rapid freezing (p>0.05). Conclusion: As known in the above results, there were no significant differences in the fertilization and blastocyst formation rate of the frozen-thawed mouse mature oocytes by vitrification or ultra-rapid freezing among the control and treatments. It is suggested that vitrification and ultra-rapid freezing method were effective for the cryopreservation of mouse mature oocytes.

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Studies on the Effects of Co-culture of Cumulus Cell, Oviduct Epithelial Cell and Hormones and Freezing on !fl Vitro Developmental Rates of Bovine Embryos (소 수정란의 난구세포, 난관 상피세포, 호르몬과의 공배양 및 동결이 체외발생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이종진;이명헌;김상근
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1997
  • The studies were carried out to investigate the effects of co-culture with cumulus cells and oviduct epithelial cells on the in vitro fertilization and cleavage rate of bovine follicular cocytes and to determine the optimum thawing temperature and equilibration time on in vitro developmental rate of frozen bovine embryos. The ovaries were obtained from slaughtered Korean native cows. The follicular oocytes were cultured in TGM-199 medium containing 10 IU /ml의 PM SG, 10 IU /ml의 hCG, ip g/ml의 $\beta$-estradiol and 10% FCS for 24~48 hrs in incubator with 5% $CO_2$ in air at 38.5$^{\circ}C$. The bovine embryos following dehydration by cryoprotective agents and a various concentration of sucrose were directly plunged into liquld nitrogen and thawed in 3$0^{\circ}C$ water. Survival rate was defined as developmental rate on in vitro culture or FDA-test. The results are sunanarized as followes :1. The in vitro fertilization and in vitro developmental rates of bovine oocytes co-cultured with cumulus cells in TCM499 medium were 75.0~76.8% and 17.3~27.6%, respect-ively. And in-vitro fertilization rates of cumulus-enclosed oocytes(55.4%)were significantly(p<0.05) higher than cumulus-denuded oocytes (23.1%). 2. The in vitro fertilization and in vitro developmental rates of bovine oocytes co-cultured with l$\times$ l04cells /ml, 1 x l06cells /ml, lx l08cells /ml and 1 x l015cells /ml oviduct epithelial cells in TCM-199 medium were 74.5~77.8% and 15.7~21.20 respectively.3. The in-vitro fertilization and in vitro developmental rates of bovine oocytes cocultured in '1CM-199 media containing PMSG, hCG, PMSG+hCG. PMSG+$\beta$-estradiol, hCG+$\beta$-estradiol 0 to 40 hrs after insemination were 74.0~77.4% and l8.9~23.l%, re-spectiv ely.4.The survival rates of bovine embryos thawed after rapid freezing in the freezing medium containing a various concentration of sucrose added 1.5M and 2.OM glycerol,DMSO and propanediol were 23.5~31.4% and 20.6~34.l%, respectively. 5. The temperature thawed at 3$0^{\circ}C$ after rapid freezing of bovine embryos resulted in a significantly higher embryos survival rate than did at 2$0^{\circ}C$ and 35$^{\circ}C$.6. The equilibration time on the survival rates of bovine embryos was attained after short period of time(2.5~5 min.) in the freezing medium higher than long period of time (10~20min.). (Key words : bovine embryos, co-culture, freezing, in vitro development)

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Toxic Effects of Arsenic and Chromium on the Fertilization and Embryo Development Rates in the Sea Urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) (말똥성게(Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)의 수정 및 배아 발생률에 대한 비소와 크롬의 독성영향)

  • Hwang, Un-Ki;Ryu, Hyang-Mi;Yu, Jun;Kang, Han-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2013
  • Toxic effects of arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) has been investigated using the sea urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) germ cell and pluteus-larvae. The gametotoxic and embryotoxic effects of As and Cr on H. plucherrimus were each investigated at 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100. Spawning was induced by 0.5 M KCl solution and the normal fertilization and embryogenesis rates were performed for 10 min and 64 hrs after fertilization, respectively. The normal fertilization and embryogenesis rates in the control condition (not including As and Cr) were greater than 94% and 93%, respectively. The fertilization rate was not significantly changed compared with control but embryogenesis rate was significantly decreased with concentration-dependent manner. As and Cr reduced normal embryogenesis rates and a significant reduction occurred at concentration greater than 6.25 ppb (P<0.01) and 25 ppb (P<0.05), respectively. The lowest-observedeffect- concentration (LOEC) of normal embryogenesis rate in As and Cr were each 6.25 and 25 ppb, respectively. From these results, normal embryogenesis rate of H. pulcherrimus have toxic effect at greater than the 6.25 ppb concentration of As and 25 ppb concentration of Cr in marine ecosystems. These results suggest that the normal embryogenesis rates of H. pulcherrimus are very useful test method for the toxicity assessment of heavy metal as As and Cr in marine ecosystems.

In Vitro Fertilization and Development of In Vitro Matured Porcine Oocytes by Morphologically Normal Sperm Ratio of Epididymal Sperm and Frozen-Thawed Ejaculated Sperm (정소상체 미부정자와 동결 융해된 사출정자의 형태학적 정상정자 비율이 체외성숙된 돼지난자의 수정 및 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 이봉경;이현숙;김인철;최동윤;김묘경;김은영;윤산현;박세필;임진호
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.247-253
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to examine the fertilization and embryonic development rates of porcine oocytes matured in vitro according to the morphological normality of epididymal sperm in porcine IVF. The results obtained in this experiment were summarized as follows : 1. When the ratio of morphological normality of epididymal sperm was divided into the three groups with $\leq$ 10%, 10-30% and $\geq$ 50%, the fertilization and embryonic devel-opment rates of 능50% group (64%. 26%) w were significantly higher than those of other two groups ($\leq$10%: 27%, 6% and 10-30%: 36%. 5%) (p$\leq$50% group of morphologically normal epididymal sperm was adjusted to 100% (5 x 10$^5$ cells/ml), the fertilization a and development rates (63%, 27%) of epidymal sperm were similar to those of frozen-thawed ejaculated sperm (56%, 35%). 3. Also, when the fertilization and development rates of epididymal sperm were analyzed according to the oocyte : sperm ratio (1:6000, 1: 6650, 1: 7700, 1: 10000), the fertilization and development rates indicated high, in 1:6000 (68%, 32%) and 1:6650 (89%, 31%), the ratio of oocyte: sperm. Therefore, when the percentage of morphological normality of epididymal sperm is more than 50, the embryonic development a can be obtained similar to that of frozen thawed ejaculated sperm. Also, these result suggested that the morphological evaluation of normal sperm in porcine IVF using epididymal sperm sho비d be prerequisite for the more effective embryonic developm ment.

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Development of Production Techniques for Korean Native Cattles Calves from Early Embryos by In Vitro Technology I. The Effects of Follicular Fluid Fractions on In Vitro Maturation, Fertilization and Development of Bovine Oocytes (체외배양 기술로 생산된 초기배에 의한 한우 송아지 생산 기술 개발 I. 소 난포액의 Fraction이 난모세포의 성숙, 수정 및 배발생에 미치는 효과)

  • 서경덕;김호중;김광식
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 1997
  • We determined the effects of follicular fluid fractions in the maturation medium on bovine oocyte maturation, fertilization and subsequent development, as well as on number of cells in blastocysts following culture. Follicular fluid and oocytes from bovine follicles less than 5 mm in diameter were collected from the ovaries of slaughtered cows. Follicular fluid was separated into different molecular weight fractions by untrafiltration through a membrane using a centrifuge at 500$\times$g, for 2h. For the maturation medium, follicular fluid fractions (30%, v/v), whole fluid (30%) or PVP(3mg/ml) were added to TCM 199(0.1$\mu\textrm{g}$/ml estradiol-17$\beta$, 100IU hCG). After maturation for 24h, oocytes were fertilized in vitro with bull frozen-thawed spermatozoa and cultured on a monolayer of granulosa cells for 9 days after fertilization. There were no differences in maturation rates or fertilization rates among any maturation conditions. The rates of development to >2-cell stage of the oocytes were significantly decreased when fraction of follicular fluid below 10,000 MW were added into maturation medium, compared with control and fraction above 10,000 MW(26.0% vs 40.8% to 64.0%, respectveily. p<0.01). Likewise, the rates of development to blastocysts of fertilized oocytes were significantly decreased in maturation medium containing fraction of follicular fluid (<10,000 MW). The average cell number of blastocysts derived from oocytes that matured in the fraction(>10,000 MW) of follicular fluid was 154.7$\pm$13.7. These embryos contained more cells than those matured in whole follicular fluid, or the fraction(<10, 000 MW) of follicular fluid or control(107.0$\pm$8.4, 91.8$\pm$11.8 and 95.8$\pm$6.2, respectively). In conclusion, we found that fractions of follicular fluid contained factors stimulating or inhibiting oocyte cytoplasmic matruation. These suggest that a factor(s) inducing cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes may exist in >10,000 MW fraction of follicular fluid.

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Investigation on Uptake of Silica and Phosphorus and Rice Fertilization Impediment Occured in Yeongnam Area under the Cool Weather of 1980 (1980 냉해조건하 영남지방의 수도임실장해와 규산 및 인산 흡수관계)

  • Kang, Y.S.;Jung, Y.T.;Park, R.K.
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 1981
  • To clarify the relationship between rice cool injury and the contents of silica and phosphorus in the soils and the rice plant, the investigation was carried out at ripening stage of rice from the different altitudes with different varieties throughout Yeongnam area. The rate of fertilized spikelets were decreased with elevation increase and the situation was distincted in the Japonica cross Indica hybrid varieties. The higher rates of $SiO_2/P_2 O_5$ content in the leaves and stems or lower rates of that in the soils show the higher fertilization rates. The result seems to be caused by the different solubility and uptakes of silica and by the different availability and transformation of phosphorus. A positive correlation was observed between the content of silica in rice plant and the fertilization rates. The fertilization rate in Japonica varieties was higher than that of Indica cross Japonica hybrid varieties in the case of the same content of silica in plant as far as observed, but the increasing rate of fertilized grains due to increase of silica content was prominented in the hybrid varieties which probably demand more silica. Within the certain limit of silica and phosphorus content in rice plant, the more uptaking of silica might lessen the cool injury.

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Male Factor Infertility and In vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer (남성불임증과 체외수정시술)

  • Kim, Sun-Haeng;Jung, Rae-Hwan;Ku, Pyong-Sahm
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1992
  • In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF & ET) is widely used for the males with subnormal or abnormal semen quality, as this was recommended in view of the relatively small numbers of spermatozoa required for fertilization and subsequent pregnancies could be obtained. The aim of this study is to know how the various functional parameters of spermatozoa in semen analysis affect the outcome IVF. This study was carried out between 1988-1989, with male factor patients selected on the basis of the semen quality. The selection criteria was based upon the mean values of concentration,% motility and % normal morphology from at least two semen analysis. There is a significant decrease in the fertilization and embryo transfer rates in the study group compared with control group (35.9% vs. 68% and 48.6% vs. 85.5% respectively), however, there was no significant difference in the pregnancy or delivery rates (19.6% vs. 21.4% and 60.0% vs. 62.5% respectively) per embryo transfer cycles. Fertilization rate is variously affected by the type and degree of sperm defect. No pregnancy was occurred in triple defect group and asthenoteratospermia group. There is no significant increase in the abortion rate in the male factor group. Improvement have to be made with the fertilization rate, as the pregnancy rate per OPU cycle in male factor group is still lower than that of normal group (9.5% vs. 18.3%). In conclusion, IVF can be used as a treatment for male factor infertility and the preparation of the semen sample can be modified to improve sperm recovery and obtain fertilization from abnormal semen samples.

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Induction of Ovulation by Hormone Treatment in Ussurian Bullhead Leiocassis ussuriensis

  • Lim, Sang Gu;Kim, Young Soo;Han, Hyung Kyun;Kim, Kwang Suk;Kim, Dae Jung;Kang, Eon Jong;Son, Sang Gyu;Kim, Eung Oh
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2012
  • The effects of ovulation induction in ussurian bullhead, Leiocassis ussuriensis, were investigated by treating ussurian bullhead with hCG, LHRHa, GnRHa, ovaprim, and pimozide. hCG was injected to ussurian bullhead at 0.75% NaCl, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 IU, respectively. The ovulation inducement rates were 100% in 20,000 and 30,000 IU. Fertilization rates were 82.7% and 79.8%. Hatching rates were 59.4% and 57.2%. Ovulation time was between 16-19 hr The concentrations of LHRHa injected were 0.75 NaCl, 50, 100, 200, 300, and $300{\mu}g/kg$. The ovulation inducement rates were 100% in 300 and $400{\mu}g/kg$. Fertilization and hatching rates were 84.9% and 68.4% at $200{\mu}g/kg$. The times to ovulation were between 23 hr and 34 hr. Ovaprim of 0.75% NaCl, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 ml/kg were injected to the abdominal cavity. The ovulation inducement rate was highest at 2.0 and 3.0 ml/kg to 92% and ovulation time was between 27-38 hr. LHRHa concentrations of 0.75% NaCl, 50, 100, 200, 300 and $400{\mu}g$ were injected with pimozide ($1,000{\mu}g$). Ovulation inducement rate was 100% from 200 to 400 IU with pimozide. Ovulation time was 22-36 h. Fertilization and hatching rates were 88.9% and 70.4% in $200{\mu}g/kg$ with pimozide.