• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feed unit

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Biogas Production from Agricultural Wastes and Residues in Tropical Region (열대지역(熱帶地域)에서 농산폐유기물(農産廢有機物)을 원료(原料)로한 멘탄가스발생(發生))

  • Joo, Yeong-Hee;Jeon, Yong-Woon;Calilung, Edwin J.;Elepano, Arnold R.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 1985
  • Biogas production from agricultural wastes were summarized as follows: 1. Biogas Generation Characteristics of Various Manures and Residues a. Gas yield from crop residues like rice straw, rice hull, corn stalk and coconut husk can be improved by addition of animal manures. b. Gas yield from coconut husk can be improved through aerobic fermentation for at least one week before loading in the digester. c. Gas yield from fresh rice straw is better than from pre-fermented one, whether alone or in combination with animal manures. d. Initial study has shown that fresh azolla can be substituted for animal manures in manurerice straw combinations and gas yield derived based on unit volatile solids loaded is actually better than for manure-residue combinations. e. Gas production is highly sensitive to substrate pH and becomes almost nil at a pH of below 6. 2. Effect of ambient conditions and other factors on biogas production in a house hold-size digester. a. Results showed that compaction of rice straw in straw-manure combination can reduce gas yield compared with loosely mixed straw. b. The effective gas production period extended to 70 days using freshly threshed rice straw and fresh cattle manure as feed material. c. Underground and above ground digesters with shade have relatively more stable substrate temperature than aboveground exposed digesters. This relative temperature instability may likely be the reason for lower gas yield for the exposed aboveground digester loaded with loose straw-cattle manure substrate, compared with the underground digester with the same substrate. 3. Economic Analysis a. Based on prevailing costs of fuel, materials, and labor in the Philippines, biogas produced from the household size system is cheaper than either LPG or kerosene. b. If other benefits like organic fertilizer, pollution control and convenience are considered, biogas will surely be the best alternative fuel source.

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Comparison of Egg Productivity, Egg Quality, Blood Parameters and Pre-Laying Behavioral Characteristics of Laying Hens and Poor Laying Hens (산란계와 과산계의 난생산성, 계란품질, 혈액 특성 및 산란 전 행동 특성의 비교)

  • Woo-Do, Lee;Hyunsoo, Kim;Jiseon, Son;Eui-Chul, Hong;Hee-Jin, Kim;Hwan-Ku, Kang
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to compare the egg productivity, egg quality, and blood characteristics of laying hens with different laying rates, and the frequency and cumulative duration of the sitting behavior observed before laying was investigated. Twelve 45-week-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were randomly assigned to two treatment groups with three replicates. Treatment groups were classified as layers laying over 80%(high egg performance layers; HEP) and layers laying below 50%(poor egg performance layers; PEP). The experiment lasted 4 weeks. HEP showed higher hen-house egg production ratio and egg mass and lower feed conversion ratio(FCR) (P<0.05) compared with PEP, although egg weight was higher in PEP (P<0.05). In terms of egg quality, PEP showed differences in eggshell quality (eggshell color, eggshell thickness, and eggshell weight) (P<0.05). Additionally, HEP showed high triglycerides(TG), and PEP showed high alanine transaminase(ALT) level (P<0.05) in serum collected in the morning. In the afternoon, the HEP showed higher lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) levels (P<0.05). No differences in the Ca: P ratio were observed between layers with different laying rates. One hour before egg laying, HEP exhibited sitting behavior 4 times on average, each lasting 25 minutes. In conclusion, egg production and quality differ between HEP and PEP, and HEP showed frequent sitting behavior before egg laying. However, additional research is necessary to explore approaches other than specific behavioral observation to distinguish poor layers in the flock for application in farms.

Study on Reproductive and Pork Production Performance for Two-way and Three-way Crosses in Swine (이원교잡종(二元交雜種) 및 삼원교잡종(三元交雜種) 돼지의 산자(産仔) 및 산육능력(産肉能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Chang Sik;Lee, Kyu Seung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 1981
  • The results of a crossbreeding experiment with a total of 315 litters and 325 pigs of Berkshires, Hampshires, Durocs, Landraces, Large Whites, eight different two-breed crosses and twelve different three-breed crosses, produced at Livestock Experiment Station from 1975 through 1979, are summarized as follows. 1. Number born alive per litter was largest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by the D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ mating, and smallest in the Hampshires. The pigs in the 3rd-6th parities had larger litter size at birth than those in other parities. 2. Birth weight of pig was heaviest in L♂${\times}$Lw♀ mating and lightest in the Large White. The total litter weight at birth was heaviest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was smaller in Hampshires and Birkshires. 3. Litter size at weaning was largest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was smaller in Durocs and Hampshires. The pigs in the 3rd-6th parities had larger litter size at weaning than those in other parities. 4. The total litter weight at weaning was heaviest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was lighter in Durocs and Hampshires. The weaning weight of pig was largest in D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating and lightest in L♂${\times}$H♀ mating. 5. Survival rate at weaning was highest in L♂${\times}$Lw♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(L♂${\times}$H♀) $F_1$ ♀ and D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, and was lowest in Durocs. 6. The three-breed cross from D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating had the highest average gain and lowest feed requirement per unit gain, followed by the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ matings. The Birkshires and Landraces ranked lowest among the 25 mating groups compared for both of the traits. Males had higher average daily gain than females by about 0.06kg and had lower feed requirement by about 0.14. 7. The three-breed crosses from D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀, D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ matings reached 90kg body weight at younger age than the other groups. The D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ group reached 90kg at younger age than the Landrace by 39 days. 8. The dressing percentage and lean meat percentage tended to be higher in H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀, H♂${\times}$L♀ and L♂${\times}$B♀ matings compared to the other mating groups. The loin-eye area was largest in the Lw♂${\times}$L♀ mating and smallest in the B♂${\times}$L♀ mating. Males had higher dressing percentage, higher lean meat percentage and lion-eye area than females. The backfat was thinnest in purebred Hampshire and was thickest in B♂${\times}$L♀ mating. 9. The results obtained in this study suggest that the two-breed cross from Lw♂${\times}$L♀ mating, and the three-breed crosses from D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L-♀) $F_1$ ♀ and D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$♀ matings are superior crossbreds for reproductive and pork prodnction performance.

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A Study on the Perceived Stress of Mothers in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (신생아 중환자실에 입원한 환아 어머니의 스트레스)

  • Choi Sung Hee
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.60-75
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    • 1998
  • The parents have much expectation upon the pregnancy and child birth, and in most cases, they expect the healthy parturient child. However, we can be placed on the high-risk conditions which have the physical, social and immature infant, due to the unexpected results, among the new-born. Accordingly, these high-risk newborn and premature infants will be mostly in NICU, which the concentrated medical treatment can be given, upon their conditions. After their birth and during these periods, they will be divided from the parents, and the nurse will accomplish the bringing-up activities which they can take care of the infant, expected by the parents after their birth. The hospitalization of high-risk newborn including these premature infants is the shocking experience to the parents of family, and thus they can feel the fear and uneasiness, and these reactions of parents are troubled in the behavior at the usual days, and cause the disorder and spiritless status, and these results break the supporting ability of parents, and cause the obstruction. Also, the unavoidable division between the parents and the children as like hospitalization of children can make the parents to feel the alienation emotionally, and this causes the results which the pride on the bringing-up ability of baby gets to be lost. These problems can cause the difficulties on the bonding or the parenting in the further days, and can be related to the neglect and abuse of children. Also, it is gradually increased to study and report which the emotional division by the physical division between the mother and the baby obstructs the normal affection course between the parent and the infant. The stress caused by the birth and the hospitalization of high-risk newborn, as like this, is important in the points which it can uncertainly affect the potential energy for the relationship of parent-child who are finally healthy. Accordingly, the significance and purpose of this study are to understand the contents and degree of stress which the parents of high-risk newborn including the immature child can be experienced from the hospitalization of ICU for their new borns, and thus to offer the basic program to the nursing intervention program for these. The subject of this study is the mother of newborn in NICU of 10 General Hospitals located at the 3one of Pusan, Korea from September 1997 to October 1997, and thus makes the subject of 95 person of parents who agreed to take part in the study and it is descriptive study related to the stress of mother having the newborn in NICU. The method is based on the preceding study related to the stress of mother having the experience of child hospitalization and chronic disease child, and then acquires the advice of specialists group as like 5 nursing professors, and then is amended and supplemented. Total number of questions is 43 items and consists of 5 factors as like medical treatment &nursing procedures, disease status & prognosis, role of parents, communication & inter-personal relationships, hospital environment, and is 5 point Likert Scale. The reliability of this study method is very highly shown to be Cronbach α=0.95. The collected data is analysed as Average, Frequency, Standard Deviation, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Duncan multifulrange test by use of SPSS /PC (V7.5). The results of this study is summarized as under. 1. Every characteristics of subject is which the party of mother is 28.70age(±7.48) in the average ages, 51% in the high-school graduate, 38.5% in the christianity, total monthly income is 212.55 thousand won(±1.971), 74.5% in the housewife, 72.9% in the parents and children together living and the number of children to be 1.48person(± 0.6) in average, the recognition on the prognosis of baby is 74.0% in 'Don't know', the relationship with the husband after the hospitalization of babyis 37.3% in 'More Intimate', the relationship with the family of husband to be 48% in 'No-change', and the degree which is consulted with the husband about the baby is 55% in 'very frequently' and the visiting number per week is 4.59(±1.63) in average and the accompanying person in the time of visiting is which the number of husband is 56.3% and thus is the highest. The characteristics of baby is which the age is 21.88days(±16.47) after the birth in average, the sex to be 50 person in the female 52.1% and the order of birth to be 54.2% in the first chid, and the weight in the birth to be 2770gm(±610) and the height in the birth to be 46.26cm(±7.62) in aver age. The medical diagnosis is 37.5% in the premature infant, the career of hospitalization is 96.9% in 'None', and the operation plan is 90.6% in 'None' and the execution of operation is 88% in 'None' and the nursing of incubator is 55.2% in 'Yes', and the method of feeding is 50.5% in 'Oral' and the contents of feeding is 46.9% in the 'Milk'. 2. The total stress degree of subject is almost highly shown to be as 3.36(±0.86). If it is compared upon each cause, 'stress on disease status & prognosis' is highest 3.79(±1.28), and it is in the order of 'stress on medical treatment & nursing procedures' 3.70(±0.93), 'stress on hospital environment' 3.14(±0.86), 'stress on role of parents' 3.18(±0.92) and 'stress on communication & inter personal relationship' 2.62(± 0.77) 3. As the results of checking the notworthiness of stress degree upon each variable of subject, the variable showing the noted difference was the birth weight(γ=-0.16, P=0.04), birth height(γ=-0.23, P=0.03), nursing in the incubator(F=8.93, P=0.04), feed method(F=2.94, P=0.04). That is to say, it is shown which the smaller the birth weight is, the higher the stress degree of mother is noteworthily. Also, the smaller the birth height baby is, the higher the stress of mother is. In the incubator, it os shown which the mother whose baby is nursing in the incubator is higher in the stress degree than other mothers. Upon the feeding method of baby, that is to say, TPNis the highest, and it is shown in the order of NPO, Tube feeding, and P.O. feeding. When we review the above-mentioned results, as the status is serious, it is thought which we include the supporting nursing for coping with the stress of parents in the setting-up od nursing plan for the baby in the NICU.

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A Study on the Nutritive Value and Utilization of Powdered Seaweeds (해조의 식용분말화에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Jong-Yull;Lee, Ki-Yull;Kim, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.15-37
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    • 1975
  • I. Subject of the study A study on the nutritive value and utilization of powdered seaweeds. II. Purpose and Importance of the study A. In Korea the shortage of food will be inevitable by the rapidly growing population. It will be very important study to develop a new food from the seaweeds which were not used hitherto for human consumption. B. The several kinds of seaweeds have been used by man in Korea mainly as side-dishes. However, a properly powdered seaweed will enable itself to be a good supplement or mixture to certain cereal flours. C. By adding the powdered seaweed to any cereals which have long been staple foods in this country the two fold benefits; saving of cereals and change of dietary pattern, will be secured. III. Objects and scope of the study A. Objects of the study The objects will come under four items. 1. To develop a powdered seaweed as a new food from the seaweeds which have been not used for human consumption. 2. To evaluate the nutritional quality of the products the analysis for chemical composition and animal feeding experiment will be conducted. 3. Experimental cocking and accepability test will be conducted for the powdered products to evaluate the value as food stuff. 4. Sanitary test and also economical analysis will be conducted for the powdered products. B. Scope of the study 1. Production of seaweed powders Sargassum fulvellum growing in eastern coast and Sargassum patens C.A. in southern coast were used as the material for the powders. These algae, which have been not used for human consumption, were pulverized through the processes of washing, drying, pulverization, etc. 2. Nutritional experiments a. Chemical composition Proximate components (water, protein, fat, cellulose, sugar, ash, salt), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine), vitamins (A, $B_1,\;B_2$ niacin, C) and amino acids were analyzed for the seaweed powders. b. Animal feeding experiment Weaning 160 rats (80 male and 80 female rats) were used as experimental animals, dividing them into 16 groups, 10 rats each group. Each group was fed for 12 weeks on cereal diet (Wheat flour, rice powder, barley powder, potato powder, corn flour) with the supplementary levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% of the seaweed powder. After the feeding the growth, feed efficiency ratio, protain efficiency ratio and ,organs weights were checked and urine analysis, feces analysis and serum analysis were also conducted. 3. Experimental cooking and acceptability test a. Several basic studies were conducted to find the characteristics of the seaweed powder. b. 17 kinds of Korean dishes and 9 kinds of foreign dishes were prepared with cereal flours (wheat, rice, barley, potato, corn) with the supplementary levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% of the seaweed powder. c. Acceptability test for the dishes was conducted according to plank's Form. 4. Sanitary test The heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Hg) in the seaweed powders were determined. 5. Economical analysis The retail price of the seaweed powder was compared with those of other cereals in the market. And also economical analysis was made from the nutritional point of view, calculating the body weight gained in grams per unit price of each feeding diet. IV. Results of the study and the suggestion for application A. Chemical composition 1. There is no any big difference in proximate components between powders of Sargassum fulvellum in eastern coast and Sargassum patens C.A. in southern coast. Seasonal difference is also not significant. Higher levels of protein, cellulose, ash and salt were found in the powders compared with common cereal foods. 2. The levels of calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) in the powders were significantly higher than common cereal foods and also rich in iodine (I). Existence of vitamin A and vitamin C in the Powders is different point from cereal foods. Vitamin $B_1\;and\;B_2$ are also relatively rich in the powders.'Vitamin A in ·Sargassum fulvellum is high and the levels of some minerals and vitamins are seemed4 to be some influenced by seasons. 3. In the amino acid composition methionine, isoleucine, Iysine and valine are limiting amino acids. The protein qualities of Sargassum fulvellum and Sargassum patens C.A. are seemed to be .almost same and generally ·good. Seasonal difference in amino acid composition was found. B. Animal feeding experiment 1. The best growth was found at.10% supplemental level of the seaweed Powder and lower growth rate was shown at 30% level. 2. It was shown that 15% supplemental level of the Seaweed powder seems to fulfil, to some extent the mineral requirement of the animals. 3. No any changes were found in organs development except that, in kidney, there found decreasing in weight by increasing the supplemental level of the seaweed powder. 4. There is no any significant changes in nitrogen retention, serum cholesterol, serum calcium and urinary calcium in each supplemental level of the seaweed powder. 5. In animal feeding experiment it was concluded that $5%{\sim}15%$ levels supplementation of the seaweed powder are possible. C. Experimental cooking and acceptability test 1. The seaweed powder showed to be utilized more excellently in foreign cookings than in Korean cookings. Higher supplemental level of seaweed was passible in foreign cookings. 2. Hae-Jo-Kang and Jeon-Byung were more excellent than Song-Pyun, wheat cake, Soo-Je-Bee and wheat noodle. Hae-Je-Kang was excellent in its quality even as high as 5% supplemental level. 3. The higher levels of supplementation were used the more sticky cooking products were obtained. Song-Pyun and wheat cake were palatable and lustrous in 2% supplementation level. 4. In drop cookie the higher levels of supplementation, the more crisp product was obtained, compared with other cookies. 5. Corn cake, thin rice gruel, rice gruel and potato Jeon-Byung were more excellent in their quality than potato Man-Doo and potato noodle. Corn cake, thin rice gruel and rice gruel were excellent even as high as 5% supplementation level. 6. In several cooking Porducts some seaweed-oder was perceived in case of 3% or more levels of supplementation. This may be much diminished by the use of proper condiments. D. Sanitary test It seems that there is no any heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Hg) problem in these seaweed Powders in case these Powders are used as supplements to any cereal flours E. Economical analysis The price of the seaweed powder is lower than those of other cereals and that may be more lowered when mass production of the seaweed powder is made in future. The supplement of the seaweed powder to any cereals is also economical with the criterion of animal growth rate. F. It is recommended that these seaweed powders should be developed and used as supplement to any cereal flours or used as other food material. By doing so, both saving of cereals and improvement of individual's nutrition will greatly be achieved. It is also recommended that the feeding experiment for men would be conducted in future.

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