• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feed unit

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Feed Rate Control for the Head-Feed Thresher (수급식탈곡기(穗給式脱穀機)의 공급율(供給率) 제어(制御)(II) -제어시스템 설계 및 시뮬레이션-)

  • Choi, Y.S.;Chung, C.J.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 1990
  • This study was undertaken to develop the feed rate control system for the head feed thresher by making use of the microprocessor and to evaluate the response of the system to a various threshing conditions. The control unit was composed of one-board microcomputer. The speed of the wet-paddy feeding chain was controlled by dc moter with PI controller. It was used the adaptive control method to maintain the constant feed rate regardless of the fed rice varieties. The sliding type potentiometer was used as the feed rate sensor, which was attached on the sheaf-holding apparatus. The mathematical models of the system components were derived and computer simulation was developed for investigating the parameters affecting on control performance and for estimating the response of the system. A one-board microcomputer-based feed rate control system developed in this study was properly functioned and assessed as adequate for the feed rate control system of the head feed thresher. Based on the simulation for the bundle feed, it was anticipated that the lower setting value of the cylinder speed(RL) is to be set higher than the limiting operational speed. In addition, the higher setting value of the cylinder speed(RH) is to be set lower than the limiting cylinder speed for threshing. The computer simulation for the continuous spread feed showed that the lower the setting value of straw layer thickness(LL) was set, the shorter the correction time. However, if too low LL may be established, the feed rate could not reach to its desired rate.

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Genetics of Residual Feed Intake in Cattle and Pigs: A Review

  • Hoque, M.A.;Suzuki, K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.747-755
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    • 2009
  • The feed resource for animals is a major cost determinant for profitability in livestock production enterprises, and thus any effort at improving the efficiency of feed use will help to reduce feed cost. Feed conversion ratio, expressed as feed inputs per unit output, is a traditional measure of efficiency that has significant phenotypic and genetic correlations with feed intake and growth traits. The use of ratio traits for genetic selection may cause problems associated with prediction of change in the component traits in future generations. Residual feed intake, a linear index, is a trait derived from the difference between actual feed intake and that predicted on the basis of the requirements for maintenance of body weight and production. Considerable genetic variation exists in residual feed intake for cattle and pigs, which should respond to selection. Phenotypic independence of phenotypic residual feed intake with body weight and weight gain can be obligatory. Genetic residual feed intake is genetically independent of its component traits (body weight and weight gain). Genetic correlations of residual feed intake with daily feed intake and feed conversion efficiency have been strong and positive in both cattle and pigs. Residual feed intake is favorably genetically correlated with eye muscle area and carcass weight in cattle and with eye muscle area and backfat in pigs. Selection to reduce residual feed intake (excessive intake of feed) will improve the efficiency of feed and most of the economically important carcass traits in cattle and pigs. Therefore, residual feed intake can be used to replace traditional feed conversion ratio as a selection criterion of feed efficiency in breeding programs. However, further studies are required on the variation of residual feed intake during different developmental stage of production.

Population growth and vermicomposting rate of earthworm (Eisenia fetida) according to amounts of feed supply and initial densities of earthworm populations (줄지렁이(Eisenia fetida) 입식 밀도 및 먹이 급이량에 따른 지렁이 개체군 생장 및 먹이 섭식효율)

  • Bae, Yoon-Hwan;Park, Kwang-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 2006
  • Population growths of earthworm were investigated when the earthworm populations with different levels of initial densities per unit area were fed with cow dung mixed with paper mill sludge. The tested levels of earthworm densities were as follows; $1kg/m^2$, $2kg/m^2$, $3kg/m^2$, $5kg/m^2$. There were no significant differences in population growth rates 60 and 90 days after feed supply among the tested densities of earthworm. Therefore, it was suggested that initial densities of earthworm populations per unit area higher than $3kg/m^2$ should not be favorable because of the cost for purchasing earthworm. Vermicomposting rates of earthworm on feed were also investigated when different amounts of feed were supplied repeatedly to unit area of nursery bed with $5kg/m^2$ of initial densities earthworm populations. The tested amounts of feed at each supplying time were as follows; $16kg/m^2$, $24kg/m^2$, $32kg/m^2$, $40kg/m^2$. The more the amount of feed at each supplying time, the higher vermicomposting rate and population growth rate. Therefore, it should be more favorable for earthworm breeders to supply more than $40kg/m^2$ of feed at each supplying time, because it would reduce time and labor cost.

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The Study on Automated Compensation of Thermal Deformation for High Speed Feed Drive System (고속이송계의 열변형오차 자동보정에 관한 연구)

  • 조성복;박성호;고해주;정윤교
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.195-198
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    • 2000
  • It can be acquired the high effective productivity through of high speed, precision of machine tools, and then, machine tools will be got a competitive power. Industrially advanced countries already developed that the high speed feed is 60m/min using the high speed ball screw. Also, a lot of problems have happened the feed drive system. It is necessary to study about the characteristics of thermal deformation played a more critical role than static stiffness and dynamic rigidity in controlling the level of machining accuracy. In spite of the improving the thermal deformation characteristics of machine tools at the design stage, there are always some residual errors that have to be compensated for during machining. In this study, thermal deformation error automated compensation device with multiple linear regression is proposed that thermal deformation error can be eliminated at the machining stage. The developed device has been practically applied to the feed drive unit.

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  • Ravindran, V.;Cyril, H.W.;Nadesalingam, P.;Gunawardene, D.D.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 1995
  • Data on available feed resources, feeding practices and nutrient adequacy of rations under small farm conditions in Sri Lanka were obtained in a baseline survey involving 104 pig farms. The results showed that a wide range of non-conventional feedstuffs are used for pig feeding under typical small farm conditions and that dietary protein quality is a major factor limiting productivity. Following the survey, two on-farm trials were conducted to evaluate cheaper, alternative feeding strategies. In trial 1, a test diet was formulated using several non-conventional feedstuffs and compared with a commercial feed that is normally fed in the farms. In trial 2, the possibility of improving growth rates by amino acid supplementation was evaluated. The results demonstrated that feed costs can be considerably lowered through these packages. Some problems inherent to on-farm livestock trials are highlighted.


  • Cocjin, B.B.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 1991
  • Almost 1/4 of all the coconuts in the world is produced in the Philippines. During periods of high supply of coconuts it would be better to feed coconut meat to farm animals for conversion into meat and eggs. Three studies were conducted at the Visayas State College of Agriculture, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines from April, 1983 to April, 1985 to determine the response of Mallard ducks, Muscovy ducks and broilers to fresh coconut meat supplementation in their diets. Results showed that Mallard ducks on ration with coconut meat performed similarly with those on ration without coconut meat. Feed cost per dozen eggs was reduced by 28-30% with coconut meat. Feed cost per unit gain of muscovy ducks was reduced by 32-37% by coconut meat supplementation. With broilers, feed conversion, gain in weight and breast weight were significantly improved by coconut meat supplementation. Return-above-feed cost increased with increasing level of coconut meat in the ration.

Effects of feed form and feed particle size with dietary L-threonine supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics and blood biochemical parameters of broiler chickens

  • Rezaeipour, Vahid;Gazani, Sepideh
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.20.1-20.5
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    • 2014
  • An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of form and particle size of feed supplemented with L-threonine on growth performance, carcass characteristic and blood biochemical parameters of broiler chickens. The experimental design was a $2{\times}2{\times}2$ factorial arrangement of treatments evaluating two feed forms (pellet or mash), two feed particle sizes (fine or course), and two inclusion rates of dietary L-threonine (with or without) which adopted from 7 to 42 days of age. In this experiment, 360 a day old chicks in two sexes were assigned in each treatment and each experimental unit was included 15 chicks. Feed consumption and weight gain were measured weekly. At 35 days of age, blood samples were taken to analysis blood biochemical parameters. At the end of the experimental period, two birds were slaughtered in each treatment and carcass analysis was carried out. The results showed that the effect of feed form on body weight gain and feed intake in whole of experimental period was significant (P < 0.05). Broilers fed pelleted diets had more weight gain than the mash group. Growth performance parameters were not affected by feed particle size and dietary L-threonine supplementation in whole of experimental period (P > 0.05). The results of carcass analysis showed that liver and gizzard relative weights were influenced by feed form (P < 0.05). However, pancreas and liver relative weights were affected by feed particle size and dietary L-threonine supplementation, respectively (P < 0.05). Triglyceride and VLDL levels were affected by feed form and dietary L-threonine supplementation (P < 0.05). The effect of feed particle size on blood biochemical parameters was not significant (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the experimental results indicated that feed form increased feed consumption and weight gain in whole of experimental period (1 to 42 days of age) while feed particle size and dietary L-threonine had no effect on broiler performance.

Development of the Pilot System for Radioactive Laundry Waste Treatment Using UV Photo-Oxidation Process and Reverse Osmosis Membrane

  • Park, Se-Moon;Park, Jong-Kil;Kim, Jong-Bin;Shin, Sang-Woon;Lee, Myung-Chan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.506-511
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    • 1999
  • The pilot system for radioactive liquid laundry waste was developed with treatment capacity, 1ton/hr and set up in the Yong Kwang unit #4. The system is composed of tank module, RO systems and a UV/$H_2O$$_2$photo-oxidation unit. The RO system consists of the BW unit (low-pressure RO for brackish water desalination) and the SW unit (high-pressure RO for seawater desalination). The BW unit possesses 4 RO membranes and it can reduce the feed water volume down to 1/10. This concentrated feed water can be reduced again up to 1/10 in its volume in the SW unit composed of 4 RO membranes. The UV/$H_2O$$_2$ photo-oxidation process unit was used for the detergent degradation. The operation of the pilot system was carried out and verified in its capability through the continuous operation and concentration operation using the actual liquid waste from the power plant. The design criteria and data for industrialization were yielded. The efficiency of the UV/$H_2O$$_2$ photo-oxidation process and the optimum operational procedure were evaluated. The decontamination factors for radioactive cobalt and cesium were measured. This on-site test showed the experimental result in the DF$\geq$300 and volume reduction factor$\geq$100.

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PredFeed Net: GRU-based feed ration prediction model for automation of feed rationing (PredFeed Net: 먹이 배급의 자동화를 위한 GRU 기반 먹이 배급량 예측 모델)

  • Kyu-jeong Sim;Su-rak Son;Yi-na Jeong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes PredFeed Net, a neural network model that mimics the food distribution of fish farming experts. Unlike existing food distribution automation systems, PredFeed Net predicts food distribution by learning the food distribution patterns of experts. This has the advantage of being able to learn using only existing environmental data and food distribution records from food distribution experts, without the need to experiment by changing food distribution variables according to the environment in an actual aquarium. After completing training, PredFeed Net predicts the next food ration based on the current environment or fish condition. Prediction of feed ration is a necessary element for automating feed ration, and feed ration automation contributes to the development of modern fish farming such as smart aquaculture and aquaponics systems.

Effect of Feed concentration (S0) and F/M ratio (S0/X0) on Anaerobic Digestion of Thickened Sewage Sludge (기질 농도 (S0)와 F/M 비 (S0/X0)가 농축 하수 슬러지 혐기성 소화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyoun;Ju, Hyun Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.825-831
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    • 2012
  • The retrofitting of a thickening unit process is widely considered in municipal wastewater treatment plants in Korea to enhance the anaerobic digestion efficiency. The authors examined the effect of feed concentration (2-34.1 g VS/L) and feed to microorganism (F/M) ratio (0.50-1.35 g VS/g VS) on anaerobic batch digestion of sewage sludge. Methane yield over 90 mL $CH_4/g$ $VS_{feed}$ was found at a feed concentration in the range of 12-26 g VS/L and a F/M ratio below 0.6 g VS/g VS. A high F/M ratio decreased methane yield and rate with oragnic acid accumulation. As sudden increase of sewage sludge concentration prior to anaerobic digestion would jeopardize the digester performance due to the rasied F/M ratio, gradual increase of the sludge feed concentration or an additional biomass retention in the digester is recommended.