• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feature modeling

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Numerical investigation of effects of rotating downdraft on tornado-like-vortex characteristics

  • Cao, Shuyang;Wang, Mengen;Zhu, Jinwei;Cao, Jinxin;Tamura, Tetsuro;Yang, Qingshan
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2018
  • Appropriate modeling of a tornado-like vortex is a prerequisite when studying the near-ground wind characteristics of a tornado and tornado-induced wind loads on structures. Both Ward- and ISU-type tornado simulators employ guide vanes to induce angular momentum to converge flow in order to generate tornado-like vortices. But in the Ward-type simulator, the guide vanes are mounted near the ground while in the ISU-type they are located at a high position to allow vertical circulation of flow that creates a rotating downdraft to generate a tornado-like vortex. In this study, numerical simulations were performed to reproduce tornado-like vortices using both Ward-type and ISU-type tornado simulators, from which the effects of rotating downdraft on the vortex characteristics were clarified. Particular attention was devoted to the wander of tornado-like vortices, and their dependences on swirl ratio and fetch length were investigated. The present study showed that the dynamic vortex structure depends significantly on the vortex-generating mechanism, although the time-averaged structure remains similar. This feature should be taken into consideration when tornado-like-vortex simulators are utilized to investigate tornado-induced wind forces on structures.

Feature Analyze and Research of National Convergence R&D: With Focus on the Text Mining (국가 융합 R&D 특성 분석에 관한 연구: 텍스트분석을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, KiCheol;Lee, TaeHee;Choi, SangHyun;Lee, JungHwan
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2020
  • There is a growing interest in convergence. National R & D is also providing various policies and institutional support to promote convergence research. Convergence research, however, does not clearly specify its characteristics at the academic and government levels. This research proceeds with the process of collecting, refining, analyzing, modeling, verifying and visualizing national R & D data through the National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS). The method is to derive the convergence research characteristics and to derive through text mining, focusing on the unstructured information of national R & D project data. The study confirmed that there was a difference in perception between the definition of converged research and the research site. In order to improve this, the research suggested that convergence among research subjects, collaboration among research topics reflecting various backgrounds and characteristics of researchers, and analysis of characteristics of convergence research using information were suggested in the process of establishing convergence policy.

Automated Geo-registration for Massive Satellite Image Processing

  • Heo, Joon;Park, Wan-Yong;Bang, Soo-Nam
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.345-349
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    • 2005
  • Massive amount of satellite image processing such asglobal/continental-level analysis and monitoring requires automated and speedy georegistration. There could be two major automated approaches: (1) rigid mathematical modeling using sensor model and ephemeris data; (2) heuristic co-registration approach with respect to existing reference image. In case of ETM+, the accuracy of the first approach is known as RMSE 250m, which is far below requested accuracy level for most of satellite image processing. On the other hands, the second approach is to find identical points between new image and reference image and use heuristic regression model for registration. The latter shows better accuracy but has problems with expensive computation. To improve efficiency of the coregistration approach, the author proposed a pre-qualified matching algorithm which is composed of feature extraction with canny operator and area matching algorithm with correlation coefficient. Throughout the pre-qualification approach, the computation time was significantly improved and make the registration accuracy is improved. A prototype was implemented and tested with the proposed algorithm. The performance test of 14 TM/ETM+ images in the U.S. showed: (1) average RMSE error of the approach was 0.47 dependent upon terrain and features; (2) the number average matching points were over 15,000; (3) the time complexity was 12 min per image with 3.2GHz Intel Pentium 4 and 1G Ram.

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Spacial and Time Distribution Feature of Temperature Data in USN Based Fire Detectors (USN기반의 화재 온도 데이터의 시.공간 분포특성 분석)

  • Choi, Kap-Yong;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, to overcome the limitation of the existing wired fire sensors and alert facilities, the real-time temperature data collected from the fire detectors applied USN is analyzed the time series and spacial features of temperature inside building using the GIS spatial modeling method. Resulting from the analysis of the distribution features by the spacial location and time series, the temperature sensors applied USN is installed by the consideration of the spacial structures features. This paper will suggest the objective and practical guideline of installation of fire sensors applied USN.

A Development of Intersecting Tensegrity System and Analysis of Structural Features for Forming Space (관입형 텐서그리티 구조시스템의 개발 및 공간구축을 위한 구조특성 분석)

  • Lee, Juna;Miyasato, Naoya;Saitoh, Masao
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2014
  • In this study, Intersecting Tensegrity System that is integrated solid compression members with tension members was presented. This system is set up by connecting upper and lower compression members of pyramid shape with exterior tension members. In this system, the solid compression members are intersected each other and connected by a tension member in the center. This system is a variation of Tensegrity system, has a improved feature that the system is able to induce prestresses in all of tension members easily by adjusting the distance of a tension member in the center. The proposed system was studied by modeling, and the structural behavior of the system was investigated by mechanical analysis of the model. Furthermore, the features of the structural behavior variations was investigated when the composition elements(total height, size of surface, intersection length, etc.) are changed variously. It was also showed that the system is able to be used as a temporary space structure system with a membrane roof of inverse conical shape.

Stiffness Modeling of Toroidally-Wound BLDC Machine (환형권선 BLDC 전동기의 강성계수 모델링)

  • Lee, Hyun-Chu;Yoo, Seong-Yeol;Noh, Myoung-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2009
  • Toroidally-wound brushless direct-current (BLOC) machines are compact, highly efficient, and can work across a large magnetic gap. For these reasons, they have been used in pumps, flywheel energy storage systems and left ventricular assist devices among others. The common feature of these systems is a spinning rotor supported by a set of (either mechanical or magnetic) bearings. From the view point of dynamics, it is desirable to increase the first critical speed of the rotor so that it can run at a higher operating speed. The first critical speed of the rotor is determined by the radial stiffnesses of the bearings and the rotor mass. The motor also affects the first critical speed if the rotor is displaced from the rotating center. In this paper, we analytically derive the flux density distribution in a toroidally-wound BLOC machine and also derive the negative stiffness of the motor, based on the assumption that the rotor displacement perturbs the flux density distribution linearly. The estimated negative stiffness is validated by finite element analyses.

Development of a Unified Modeler Framework for Virtual Manufacturing System (VMS를 위한 Unified Modeler Framework 개발)

  • Lee, Deok-Ung;Hwang, Hyeon-Cheol;Choe, Byeong-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.52-55
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    • 2004
  • VMS (virtual manufacturing system) may be defined as a transparent interface/control mechanism to support human decision-making via simulation and monitoring of real operating situation through modeling of all activities in RMS (real manufacturing system). The three main layers in VMS are business process layer, manufacturing execution layer, and facility operation layer, and each layer is represented by a specific software system having its own input modeler module. The current version of these input modelers has been implemented based on its own 'local' framework, and as a result, there are no information sharing mechanism, nor a common user view among them. Proposed in this paper is a unified modeler framework covering the three VMS layers, in which the concept of PPR (product-process-resource) model is employed as a common semantics framework and a 2D graphic network model is used as a syntax framework. For this purpose, abstract class PPRObject and GraphicObject are defined and then a subclass is inherited from the abstract class for each application layer. This feature would make it easier to develop and maintain the individual software systems. For information sharing, XML is used as a common data format.

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A Study on the Real-Time Vision Control Method for Manipulator's position Control in the Uncertain Circumstance (불확실한 환경에서 매니퓰레이터 위치제어를 위한 실시간 비젼제어기법에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, W.-S.;Kim, K.-S.;Shin, K.-S.;Joo, C.;;Yoon, H.-K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 1999
  • This study is concentrated on the development of real-time estimation model and vision control method as well as the experimental test. The proposed method permits a kind of adaptability not otherwise available in that the relationship between the camera-space location of manipulable visual cues and the vector of manipulator joint coordinates is estimate in real time. This is done based on a estimation model ta\hat generalizes known manipulator kinematics to accommodate unknown relative camera position and orientation as well as uncertainty of manipulator. This vision control method is roboust and reliable, which overcomes the difficulties of the conventional research such as precise calibration of the vision sensor, exact kinematic modeling of the manipulator, and correct knowledge of position and orientation of CCD camera with respect to the manipulator base. Finally, evidence of the ability of real-time vision control method for manipulator's position control is provided by performing the thin-rod placement in space with 2 cues test model which is completed without a prior knowledge of camera or manipulator positions. This feature opens the door to a range of applications of manipulation, including a mobile manipulator with stationary cameras tracking and providing information for control of the manipulator event.

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Solving Inheritance Anomaly using State Abstraction in Concurrent Object Oriented Programming Languages (병행 객체지향 언어에서 상태 추상화를 이용한 상속 변칙의 해결)

  • Lee, Gwang;Lee, Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.373-382
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    • 1999
  • Inheritance and concurrency are the primary feature of object oriented languages, and are especially important for code re-use. They provide maximum computational power and modeling power through concurrency of objects. But, concurrent objects and inheritance have conflicting characteristics, thereby simultaneously use of them causes the problem, so called inheritance anomaly, which requires code redefinition of inherited methods to maintain integrity of objects. In this paper, to solve the inheritance anomaly problems we introduce concept of state abstraction, in which internal states of encapsulated objects are made available from a part of object's external interface. And we design inheritance interface mechanisms which methods are inherited efficiently. In our scheme, we can solve the typical inheritance anomaly problems.

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Tolerance Analysis and Design of Refrigerator Door System for Functional and Aesthetic Quality of Gap and Flush (갭과 단차의 기능 및 심미적 품질을 고려한 냉장고 도어 시스템의 공차해석 및 설계)

  • Kim, Jinsu;Kim, Jae-Sung;Yim, Hyunjune
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2014
  • The central seam, the vertical 'line' between doors, in the front view of a refrigerator must have its gap and flush within certain ranges to meet functional and aesthetic requirements. The conventional criteria for gap and flush control in the industry are to keep the gap and flush within certain ranges at each of various points along the seam. For aesthetics, however, the uniformity of the gap is also as important because a 'tapered' seam is negatively perceived by human eyes. This paper shows a case study of tolerance design for a refrigerator door system. It presents a step-by-step procedure, which consists of datum flow chain analysis, identification of assembly features, computer modeling of feature tolerances, assembly operations and measurements, tolerance simulation, and tolerance adjustments based on the simulation results. It is found that extra care may need to be used to satisfy the aesthetical criterion for gap uniformity.