• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feasibility assessment system

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A Basic Study for Wind Energy of Building Cladding using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD를 이용하여 건물 외피의 바람에너지에 관한 적용연구)

  • Chung, Yung-Bea
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.39.2-39.2
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    • 2011
  • The new and renewable energy today has a great interest in all countries around the world. In special it has need more limit of the fossil fuel that needs of low carbon emission among the social necessary conditions. Recently, the high-rise building demand the structural safety, the economic feasibility and the functional design. The high-rise building spends enormous energy and it satisfied the design in solving energy requirements. The requirements of energy for the building depends on the partly form wind energy due to the cladding of the building that came from the surroundings of the high-rise building. In this study of the wind energy, the cladding of the building was assessed a tentative study. The wind energy obtains from several small wind powers that came from the building or the surrounding of the building. In making a cladding the wind energy forms with wind pressure by means of energy transformation methods. The assessment for the building cladding was surrounded of wind speed and wind pressure that was carried out as a result of numerical simulation of wind environment and wind pressure which is coefficient around the high-rise building with the computational fluid dynamics. In case of the obtained wind energy from the pressure of the building cladding was estimated by the simulation of CFD of the building. The wind energy at this case was calculated by energy transform methods: the wind pressure coefficients were obtained from the simulated model for wind environment using CFD as follow. The concept for the factor of $E_f$ was suggested in this study. $$C_p=\frac{P_{surface}}{0.5{\rho}V^{2ref}}$$ $$E_c=C_p{\cdot}E_f$$ Where $C_p$ is wind pressure coefficient from CFD, $E_f$ means energy transformation parameter from the principle of the conservation of energy and $E_c$ means energy from the building cladding. The other wind energy that is $E_p$ was assessed by wind power on the building or building surroundings. In this case the small wind power system was carried out for wind energy on the place with the building and it was simulated by computational fluid dynamics. Therefore the total wind energy in the building was calculated as the follows. $$E=E_c+E_p$$ The energy transformation, which is $E_f$ will need more research and estimation for various wind situation of the building. It is necessary for the assessment to make a comparative study about the wind tunnel test or full scale test.

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Techno-economic Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment of a Green Ammonia Synthesis Process Under Various Ammonia Liquefaction Scenarios (암모니아 액화 시나리오에 따른 그린암모니아 합성 공정의 경제성 및 환경 영향도 평가)

  • Gunyoung Kim;Yinseo Song;Boram Gu;Kiho Park
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2024
  • In this study, two different scenarios for ammonia liquefaction in the green ammonia manufacturing process were proposed, and the economic-feasibility and environmental impact of each scenario were analyzed. The two liquefaction processes involved gas-liquid separation before cooling at high pressure (high pressure cooling process) or after decompression without the gas-liquid separation (low pressure cooling process). The high-pressure cooling process requires higher capital costs due to the required installation of separation units and heat exchangers, but it offers relatively lower total utility costs of 91.03 $/hr and a reduced duty of 2.81 Gcal/hr. In contrast, although the low-pressure cooling process is simpler and cost-effective, it may encounter operational instability due to rapid pressure drops in the system. Environmental impact assessment revealed that the high-pressure cooling process is more environmentally friendly than the low-pressure cooling process, with an emission factor of 0.83 tCO2eq less than the low-pressure cooling process, calculated based on power usage. Consequently, the outcomes of this study provide relevant scenario and a database for green ammonia synthesis process adaptable to various process conditions.

A Systematic Review of Developmental Coordination Disorders in South Korea: Evaluation and Intervention (국내의 발달성협응장애(DCD) 연구에 관한 체계적 고찰 : 평가와 중재접근 중심으로)

  • Kim, Min Joo;Choi, Jeong-Sil
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This recent work intended to provide basic information for researchers and practitioners related to occupational therapy about Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in South Korea. The previous research of screening DCD and the effects of intervention programs were reviewed. Methods : Peer-reviewed papers relating to DCD and published in Korea from January 1990 to December 2020 were systematically reviewed. The search terms "developmental coordination disorder," "development coordination," and "developmental coordination" were used to identify previous Korean research in this area from three representation database, the Research Information Sharing Service, Korean Studies Information Service System, and Google Scholar. We found a total of 4,878 articles identified through the three search engines and selected seventeen articles for analysis after removing those that corresponded to the overlapping or exclusion criteria. We adopted "the conceptual model" to analyze the selected articles about DCD assessment and intervention. Results : We found that twelve of the 17 studies showed the qualitative level of Level 2 using non-randomized approach between the two groups. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children and its second edition were the most frequently used tools in assessing children for DCD. Among the intervention studies, the eight articles (47%) were adopted a dynamic systems approach; a normative functional skill framework and cognitive neuroscience were each used in 18% of the pieces; and 11% of the articles were applied neurodevelopmental theory. Only one article was used a combination approach of normative functional skill and general abilities. These papers were mainly focused on the movement characteristics of children with DCD and the intervention effect of exercise or sports programs. Conclusion : Most of the reviewed studies investigated the movement characteristics of DCD or explore the effectiveness of particular intervention programs. In the future, it would be useful to investigate the feasibility of different assessment tools and to establish the effectiveness of various interventions used in rehabilitation for better motor performance in children with DCD.

Assessment of Applicability of Portable HPGe Detector with In Situ Object Counting System based on Performance Evaluation of Thyroid Radiobioassays

  • Park, MinSeok;Kwon, Tae-Eun;Pak, Min Jung;Park, Se-Young;Ha, Wi-Ho;Jin, Young-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2017
  • Background: Different cases exist in the measurement of thyroid radiobioassays owing to the individual characteristics of the subjects, especially the potential variation in the counting efficiency. An In situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) was developed to perform an efficiency calibration based on the Monte Carlo calculation, as an alternative to conventional calibration methods. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of ISOCS to thyroid radiobioassays by comparison with a conventional thyroid monitoring system. Materials and Methods: The efficiency calibration of a portable high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector was performed using ISOCS software. In contrast, the conventional efficiency calibration, which needed a radioactive material, was applied to a scintillator-based thyroid monitor. Four radioiodine samples that contained $^{125}I$ and $^{131}I$ in both aqueous solution and gel forms were measured to evaluate radioactivity in the thyroid. ANSI/HPS N13.30 performance criteria, which included the relative bias, relative precision, and root-mean-squared error, were applied to evaluate the performance of the measurement system. Results and Discussion: The portable HPGe detector could measure both radioiodines with ISOCS but the thyroid monitor could not measure $^{125}I$ because of the limited energy resolution of the NaI(Tl) scintillator. The $^{131}I$ results from both detectors agreed to within 5% with the certified results. Moreover, the $^{125}I$ results from the portable HPGe detector agreed to within 10% with the certified results. All measurement results complied with the ANSI/HPS N13.30 performance criteria. Conclusion: The results of the intercomparison program indicated the feasibility of applying ISOCS software to direct thyroid radiobioassays. The portable HPGe detector with ISOCS software can provide the convenience of efficiency calibration and higher energy resolution for identifying photopeaks, compared with a conventional thyroid monitor with a NaI(Tl) scintillator. The application of ISOCS software in a radiation emergency can improve the response in terms of internal contamination monitoring.

Use Impact Assessment and Management System on the Forest Recreation Site from an Ecological Perspective - Recreation Opportunity Spectrum as a Tool of Forest Recreation Site Planning and Management - (생태학적(生態學的) 접근(接近)을 통한 삼림휴양지(森林休養地)의 이용영향평가(利用影響評價) 및 관리체계(管理體系) -삼림휴양지(森林休養地) 계획(計劃) 및 관리도구(管理道具)로서의 레크리에이션 기회분포역분석(機會分布域分析) 기법(技法))

  • Park, Bong Woo;Haas, Glenn E.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.4
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    • pp.372-382
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    • 1992
  • Recreation planning is essential activity to meet changing demands and to protect the resources. The recreation opportunity specturm(ROS) system is a principal part of a recreational management planning. In this study, the basic concepts and tenets of the ROS system described and reviewed the feasibility of applying to forest recreation planning to the Korean national forest. In Korea, the forest land as a major recreation place has used without the rational planning process. The control for the laissez-faire use on the forest area, the classification of recreational opportunity settings is the most important process and then it make a useful tool for providing proper recreational opportunity and site development guidance. Opportunity settings classification can help maintain diversity and enhance protection of forest resources. It can also improve the quality of recreational experiences and the management action guidances. GIS technology using the ARC/INFO could be useful in current attempts to identify analysis areas for predictive modeling of forest recreation site planning.

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Drone-Based Micro-SAR Imaging System and Performance Analysis through Error Corrections (드론을 활용한 초소형 SAR 영상 구현 및 품질 보상 분석)

  • Lee, Kee-Woong;Kim, Bum-Seung;Moon, Min-Jung;Song, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Woo-Kyung;Song, Yong-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.854-864
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    • 2016
  • The use of small drone platform has become a popular topic in these days but its application for SAR operation has been little known due to the burden of the payload implementation. Drone platforms are distinguished from the conventional UAV system by the increased vulnerability to the turbulences, control-errors and poor motion stability. Consequently, sophisticated motion compensation may be required to guarantee the successful acquisition of high quality SAR imagery. Extremely limited power and mass budgets may prevent the use of additional hardwares for motion compensation and the difficulty of SAR focusing is further aggravated. In this paper, we have carried out a feasibility study of mico-SAR drone operation. We present the image acquisition results from the preliminary flight tests and a quality assessment is followed on the experimental SAR images. The in-flight motion errors derived from the unique drone movements are investigated and attempts have been made to compensate for the geometrical and phase errors caused by motions against the nominal trajectory. Finally, the successful operation of drone SAR system is validated through the focussed SAR images taken over test sites.

LCCA and LCA to Evaluate Feasibility for Introducing High-Efficiency Motors into Air Ventilation Systems of Public Facilities (고효율 전동기를 다중이용시설 환기설비에 도입하기 위한 LCCA 및 LCA 분석)

  • Quan, Junlong;Choi, Sooho;Kwon, Taehwan;Choi, Hyemi;Kim, Juhyung;Kim, Jaejun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2015
  • The amount of energy consumed in air ventilation systems of public facilities accounts for 40% of their total energy consumption. To reduce their energy consumption, applying variable speed operation controlled by an inverter with a high-efficiency motor is suggested. Since these methods require higher initial investment costs compared to the existing systems, economic evaluation should be conducted from a long-term perspective. While LCCA(Life Cycle Cost Analysis) model is useful to estimate net savings of alternatives that differs with respect to initial costs and operating costs, the environmental burdens are not considered. On the contrary LCA(Life Cycle Assesment) model is suitable to assess environmental impacts associated with the stages of a product's life but it does not consider costs. In this study, the high-efficient motors are introduced into the air ventilation system of a subway station and a comprehensive analysis on the economic and environmental impacts of the proposed method is conducted by using LCCA and LCA model.

Assessment of GHG Emission Reduction Potential in Extension of Nuclear and Renewable Energy Electricity Generation (원자력과 신재생에너지 발전설비 확대에 따른 온실가스 저감 잠재량에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Soo-Young;Park, Sang-Won;Song, Ho-Jun;Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2009
  • South Korea, ranks 10th largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world, will probably be under the obligation to reduce GHG emission from 2013. It is very important to reduce the electrical energy consumption since 30% of GHG emission in South Korea is made during electricity generation. In this study, based on "the 1st national energy master plan", the GHG emission reduction potential and the feasibility of the scenario in the electricity generation have been analyzed using LEAP(Long-range Energy Alternative Planning system). The scenario of the mater plan contains the 41% expansion of nuclear power plant facilities and the 11% diffusion of renewable energy until 2030. In result, total $CO_2$ emission reduction rate is 28.8% in 2030. Also $CO_2$ emission of unit electricity generation of bituminous coal power plant is $0.85kgCO_2/kWh$ and its LNG power plant is $0.51kgCO_2/kWh$ in BAU scenario. Therefore when existing facilities is exchanged for nuclear or renewable energy power plant, substitute of bituminous power plant is more effective than LNG power.

Assessment of Technology Based Industrial Wastewater Effluent Limitation and Standards for the Domestic Industry Category (III) : The Evaluation of TBEL's Applicability for Domestic Industry Categories (Case-study : Pulp, Paper, Paperboard Category) (처리기술에 근거한 산업폐수 배출허용기준 국내 적용성 연구(III) : 국내 적용방안 및 사례 연구 (펄프·종이 및 종이제품 제조시설))

  • Kim, Kyeongjin;Son, Daehee;Heo, Jin;Kim, Kwangin;Kim, Sanghun;Kim, Jaehun;Yeom, Icktae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2010
  • Introduction of TBELs into Korean environmental regulatory system for wastewater may require very careful considerations and appropriate modifications of the TBELs applied in US. The Korean regulations for wastewater are based on uniform regulatory criteria for wastewater effluent discharge and are quite different from the individual permit system in US. In addition, the toxic pollutants regulated in Korea are much less than those in US. Therefore, the effects of TBELs application on the pollutants reduction and the economic feasibility should be carefully assessed for different categories of wastewater sources. In this study, the applicability of TBELs for the industrial categories of Korea was discussed. The TBELs were derived for a sample category, the pulp paper paperboard manufacture, based on the previously reported analytical data from 52 facilities of the domestic pulp paper paperboard manufacture in Korea. It was suggested that the BAT effluent limitations were BOD 30 mg/L, $COD_{Mn}$ 40 mg/L, SS 40 mg/L, T-N 30 mg/L and T-P 4 mg/L and that the allowable effluent loads were $0.31{\sim}1.75kgCOD_{Mn}/ton$-products. Due to the limitation of insufficient data, there were difficult to obtain the important factors to derive more systematic and accurate limitation standards for the pollutants such as the 'Long Term Average (LTA)', the 'Product Normalized Discharge Flow (PNDF)', and the 'Variability Factor (VF)'. However, as the first trial of TBELs determination based on the all available analytical data reported, the procedure and the outcome of the study may provide valuable insight on application of TBELs in Korea.

Development and Evaluation of a Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Scale for Breast Cancer

  • Zhang, Jun;Yao, Yu-Feng;Zha, Xiao-Ming;Pan, Li-Qun;Bian, Wei-He;Tang, Jin Hai
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.18
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    • pp.8573-8578
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    • 2016
  • Background: This study was guided by principles of the theoretical system of evidence-based medicine. In particular, when searching for evidence of breast cancer, a measuring scale is an instrument for evaluating curative effects in accordance with the laws and characteristics of medicine and exploring the establishment of a system for medically assessing curative effects. At present, there exist few tools for evaluating curative effects. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) refer to outcomes directly reported by patients (without input or explanations from doctors or other intermediaries) with respect to all aspects of their health. Data obtained from PROs provide evidence of treatment effects. Materials and Methods: In accordance with the tenets of theoretical medicine and ancient medical theory regarding breast cancer, principles for developing a PRO scale were established, and a theoretical model was developed and a literature review was performed, items from this pool were combined and split, and an initial scale was constructed. After a pilot survey and additional modifications, a pre-questionnaire scale was formed and used in a field investigation. After the application of statistical methods, the item pool was used to create a formal scale. The reliability, validity and feasibility of this formal scale were then assessed. Results: In a clinical investigation, 479 responses were recovered, with an acceptance rate of 95%. a combination of various methods was employed, and the items that were selected by all methods or more than half of the methods were employed in the questionnaire. In these cases, the screening methods were combined with certain features of the item, A total of four domains and 38 items were reserved. The reliability analysis indicated that the PRO scale was relatively reliable. Conclusions: Scientific assessment proved that the proposed scale exhibited good reliability and validity. This scale was readily accepted and could be used to assess the curative effects of medical therapy. However, given the limited scope of this investigation, the capacity for adapting this scale to incorporate other theories could not be determined.