• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fault Mechanism

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Nano-Scale Surface Observation of Cyclically Deformed Copper and Cu-Al Single Crystals (반복변형된 동 및 동알루미늄 단결정 표면형상의 나노-스케일 관찰)

  • ;;Hitoshii ISHII
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 1999
  • Scanning probe Microscope(SPM) such as Scanning Tunneling Microscope(STM) and Atomic Force Microscope(AFM) was shown to be the powerful tool for nano-scale characterization of material surfaces Using this technique, surface morphology of the cyclically deformed Cu or Cu-Al single crystal was observed. The surface became proportionately rough as the number of cycles increased, but after some number of cycles no further change was observed. Slip steps with the heights of 100 to 200 nm and the widths of 1000 to 2000 nm were prevailing at the stage. The slipped distance of one slip system at the surface was not uniform. and formation of the extrusions or intrusions was assumed to occur such place. By comparing the morphological change caused by crystallographic orientation, strain amplitude, number of cycles or stacking fault energy, some interesting results which help to clarify the basic mechanism of fatigue damage were obtained. Furthermore, applicability of the scanning tunneling microscopy to fatigue damage is discussed.

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Analysis of Tsunami Resonance and Impact in Coastal Waters

  • Lee, Joong-Woo;Kim, Kyu-Kwang;Yamazaki, Yoshiki;Cheung, Kwok Fai;Yamanaka, Ryoichi
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.755-763
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    • 2011
  • Recently, extreme tsunami waves generated by submarine earthquake have caused tremendous damages to the coastal cities and ports. Strong seiche oscillations and runups are observed in specific sea areas around the world. Although no frequent impacts to the coast of Korean peninsula, there exist some important events in the east of Korea in the past. This study focuses on two historical events and recalculate with different fault and rupture mechanism for prediction considering the recent trend of submarine earthquake. The present study of the 1983 Akita tsunamis demonstrates the multi-scale resonance along continental coasts. Together with the Nankai tsunami for inland sea, we have confirmed the inland sea resonance surrounded by islands in defining the impact along the coast. Coherence and wavelet analyses for deducing a predominant period and time frequency are useful in reasoning the inundation. The resonance modes, which are largely independent of the tsunami source, allow identification of at-risk communities and infrastructure for mitigation of tsunami hazards. Furthermore, understanding of the resonance and the predicted runups for the site of power plant and industrial complex in the east coast of Korea would allow better preparation for the future disasters.

안정화 층에 따른 YBCO 박막형 선재의 통전 특성에 관한 연구

  • Du, Ho-Ik;Kim, Min-Ju;Kim, Yong-Jin;Lee, Dong-Hyeok;Han, Byeong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.214-214
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    • 2009
  • While critical properties of BSCCO wires rely considerably on grid direction upon BSCCO and have very complicated mechanism of generating a superconducting phase, making it difficult to improve properties of wires, YBCO thin-film wires which can be formed in a superconducting phase upon metal board through vapor deposition processing can get excellent direction and reduce manufacturing costs with more flexibility in improving critical properties; thus, they will be suitable for instrument application in the future. Contrary to BSCCO wires for which thick silver alloy covering materials should inevitably be used, moreover, YBCO thin-film wires have an advantage of making thickness and quality of covering materials different by usage. Such a property can be an important element to widen application of wires by presenting possibility of using thin-film wires as superconducting material for fault current limiter as well as for high power current application. In this study we intend to prepare YBCO thin-film wires with different stabilizer layers to analyze current application and current restriction properties by stabilizer layers on the basis of detailed researches on changes in current classification properties below critical value.

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A Study on Transient State Analysis of DC Power Neworks with Superconducting Coupled Type DC circuit breaker System Applied (초전도 결합형 직류 차단 시스템이 적용된 DC 전력망 과도상태 해석 연구)

  • Hyoung-Min Park
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.861-866
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    • 2024
  • The operation mechanism of the superconducting coupled DC circuit breaker system and the simulation analysis of the transient state in DC power networks showed that, when only a conventional DC circuit breaker was applied, the fault current increased and the interruption operation was not fully achieved. In contrast, when coupled with superconductors, the fault current was limited, and the interruption operation was completed quickly. The superconducting coupled DC circuit breaker system proposed in this paper is stable and has the potential to respond to increases in the capacity of power systems. Additionally, it has been confirmed that this system can reduce the burden on circuit breakers, thereby enhancing their lifespan and stability.

Efficient Process Checkpointing through Fine-Grained COW Management in New Memory based Systems (뉴메모리 기반 시스템에서 세밀한 COW 관리 기법을 통한 효율적 프로세스 체크포인팅 기법)

  • Park, Jay H.;Moon, Young Je;Noh, Sam H.
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.132-138
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    • 2017
  • We design and implement a process-based fault recovery system to increase the reliability of new memory based computer systems. A rollback point is made at every context switch to which a process can rollback to upon a fault. In this study, a clone process of the original process, which we refer to as a P-process (Persistent-process), is created as a rollback point. Such a design minimizes losses when a fault does occur. Specifically, first, execution loss can be minimized as rollback points are created only at context switches, which bounds the lost execution. Second, as we make use of the COW (Copy-On-Write)mechanism, only those parts of the process memory state that are modified (in page units) are copied decreasing the overhead for creating the P-process. Our experimental results show that the overhead is approximately 5% in 8 out of 11 PARSEC benchmark workloads when P-process is created at every context switch time. Even for workloads that result in considerable overhead, we show that this overhead can be reduced by increasing the P-process generation interval.

BEF Detection Algorithm to Improve Reliability of Three-Wire-Unigrounded Distribution Line (3선-단접지배전선로의 신뢰도개선을 위한 BEF 검출 알고리즘)

  • Wan-Ki Min;Myeong-Ho Yoo;Seong-Hwa Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 1997
  • The BEF on the radial distribution line refers to a class of ground faults in which the load-side power line only is grounded, with the distribution line broken into two parts, the source-side and the load-side. Because its mechanism is remarkably different from that of other earth faults, the fault current is very low, and then difficult to detect the BEF. Thus, it is necessary to analyze its properties and to find an appropriate method that can economically protect the BEF of nonautomation area in the substation. As a result of analyzing the BEF data obtained by the RTDS, EMTP simulation, and the field test data of ETSA, we believe that it is the dominant factor in distinguishing the BEF from normal conditions by a criterion value that is appropriately handled from the zero-sequence current. Thus, with this criterion value, a BEF detecting algorithm is constructed which measures the variations of the zero-sequence current and processes then properly so as to make the fault decision. To prove the accuracy of this algorithm, it is compared with the field test data of ETSA under various conditions. The results show that the proposed algorithm is accurate.

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Framework-assisted Selective Page Protection for Improving Interactivity of Linux Based Mobile Devices (리눅스 기반 모바일 기기에서 사용자 응답성 향상을 위한 프레임워크 지원 선별적 페이지 보호 기법)

  • Kim, Seungjune;Kim, Jungho;Hong, Seongsoo
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.12
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    • pp.1486-1494
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    • 2015
  • While Linux-based mobile devices such as smartphones are increasingly used, they often exhibit poor response time. One of the factors that influence the user-perceived interactivity is the high page fault rate of interactive tasks. Pages owned by interactive tasks can be removed from the main memory due to the memory contention between interactive and background tasks. Since this increases the page fault rate of the interactive tasks, their executions tend to suffer from increased delays. This paper proposes a framework-assisted selective page protection mechanism for improving interactivity of Linux-based mobile devices. The framework-assisted selective page protection enables the run-time system to identify interactive tasks at the framework level and to deliver their IDs to the kernel. As a result, the kernel can maintain the pages owned by the identified interactive tasks and avoid the occurrences of page faults. The experimental results demonstrate the selective page protection technique reduces response time up to 11% by reducing the page fault rate by 37%.

Migration Mechanism Supporting Eficient Fault-Tolerance on Agent Platform (에이전트 플랫폼에서의 효율적인 결함-허용을 제공하는 이주 기법)

  • Seo, Dong-Min;Yun, Jong-Hyeon;Yeo, Myung-Ho;Yoo, Jae-Soo;Cho, Ki-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2007
  • With the development of the internet technology, network application services based on a large number of network nodes have been focused. However, such application services require much larger network size and traffic than current network. In order to develop them, efficient solutions as well as a simple improvement of network infra processing time are required. In this paper, to contribute a improvement of network computing technology, we design and implement the agent platform software based on the agent technology that performs works independently and asynchronously on a network and platform. The proposed agent platform software supports the scalability to accommodate the number of network hosts with rapid growth, the adaptability on a variable environments, and the availability for a fault-tolerance.

Damage assessment of buildings after 24 January 2020 Elazığ-Sivrice earthquake

  • Nemutlu, Omer Faruk;Balun, Bilal;Sari, Ali
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 2021
  • The majority of Turkey's geography is at risk of earthquakes. Within the borders of Turkey, including the two major active faults contain the North-Eastern and Eastern Anatolia, earthquake, threatening the safety of life and property. On January 24, 2020, an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 occurred at 8:55 p.m. local time. According to the data obtained from the stations in the region, peak ground acceleration in the east-west direction was measured as 0.292 g from the 2308 coded station in Sivrice. It is thought that the earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 6.8 was developed on the Sivrice-Puturge segment of the Eastern Anatolian Fault, which is a left lateral strike slip fault, and the tear developed in an area of 50-55 km. Aftershocks ranging from 0.8 to 5.1 Mw occurred following the main shock on the Eastern Anatolian Fault. The earthquake caused severe structural damages in Elazığ and neighboring provinces. As a result of the field investigations carried out in this study, significant damage levels were observed in the buildings since it did not meet the criteria in the earthquake codes. Within the study's scope, the structural damage cases in reinforced concrete and masonry structures were investigated. Many structural deficiencies and mistakes such as non-ductile details, poor concrete quality, short columns, strong beams-weak columns mechanism, large and heavy overhangs, masonry building damages and inadequate reinforcement arrangements were observed. Requirements of seismic codes are discussed and compared with observed earthquake damage.

Fractals and Fragmentation of Survivor Grains within Gouge Zones along Boundary Faults in the Tertiary Waeup Basin (제3기 와읍분지 경계단층을 따라 발달하는 단층비지 내 잔류입자의 프랙탈과 파쇄작용)

  • Chang, Tae-Woo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2010
  • Fault gouge samples were collected from the fault cores of the boundary faults between the Cretaceous Basement and the Tertiary Waeup Basin. Fractal dimensions (D) were obtained by using survivor grains which were analysed from six thin sections of the gouges under the optical microscope. The elliptical survivor grains show a shape preferred orientation almost parallel to clay foliation in matrix, suggesting that it was formed by the rotation of the survivor grains in abundant fine-grained matrix during repeated fault slips. The size distributions of the survivor grains follow power-laws with fractal dimensions in the 2.40-3.02 range. D values of all samples but one are higher than a specific D value equal to 2.58 which predicts the self similarity of fragmentation process in constrained comminution model (Sammis et al., 1987), which indicates large fault slip and multiple faulting. Probably the higher D values than 2.58 mean the non-self-similar evolution of cataclastic rocks where fragmentation mechanism changed from constrained comminution to the grain abrasion accompanying selective fracture of larger grains.