• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fat Thickness

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A Study on Physique Classification and the Correlation with Blood Pressure, Triglyceride, Hematocrit by Anthropometric Indices in Korean Female College Students (일부 여대생의 신체지수에 따른 체형분류 및 일부 혈액요인과의 상관관계 연구)

  • 이병순
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.942-952
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    • 1993
  • This study was to investigate if Body Mass Index(BMI) is adequate as a method of physique classification of Korean female college students. For this study 571 students were selected to examine physique classification by anthropometric index, and the correlation between the various anthropometric index and risk facters(blood pressure, triglyceride, hematocrit). The following results were obtained by this study. 1) Average age of the subjects is 19.6, height 158.2cm and weight 54.4g. 2) All anthropometric indices and body fat percentage are highly correlated (r>0.713), among them BMI shows high and significant positive correlation with weight(r=0.919) and skinfold thickness(r>0.601), but negative correlation with height(r=-0.086). 3) All anthropometric indices and body fat percentage show significant correlation with blood pressure and triglyceride. Among them BMI shows high and significant positive correlation with blood pressure and triglyceride. 4) FAT% III calculated of BMI shows significant with FAT% I and FAT% II by skinfold thickness, and high correlation with blood pressure and triglyceride. Therefore FAT% III is adequate for calculation method of body fat percentage.

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A Study on Body Fat Distribution in Obese Human - Specially Related to Risk Factors in Degenerated Diseases - (비만자의 체지방량 및 분포에 관한 기초연구-성인병의 발생 위험 요인과 관련하여-)

  • 이기열;장미라;김은경;허갑범
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in body fat distribution between normal and obese subjects and the relationship between risk factors(fasting blood sugar, blood pressure. fasting serum lipids) and obesity. Measurements of height. weight, skinfold thickness. body circumference. percent body fat. blood pressure, fasting blood sugar and serum lipids were made and a dietary survey was performed on 120(Males 61. Females 59) adult subjects. 1) Among the female subjects, the obese group appeared to have significantly higher centrality of body fat than the normal group. Obese groups of both sexes appeared with higher blood pressure than normal groups. No differences in daily average nutrient intake, fasting blood sugar and fasting serum lipids concentrations were observed between obese and normal groups. 2) In males. the serum triglyceride concentration was observed to have a significantly positive correlation to body weight, body mass index and body circumference, additionally concentrations of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were observed to have significantly positive correlations to the skinfold thickness. but the ratio of HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol was observed to be significantly negatively correlated to the skinfold thickness. 3) In females. the obese group consumed about 47% of total energy intake at lunch. whereas the normal group consumed about 29% . The food habit score of males appeared to be negatively related to body weight, percent ideal body weight. But the food habit score of females appeared to be negatively related to percent body fat(r=-0.32, p<0.05) .

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Quantitative Analysis of Epicardial fat (심외막 지방의 정량분석)

  • O, Jung-Hwan;Gang, Cheong-Hui;Lee, Jong-Guk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.233-236
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    • 1995
  • Subepicardial space is one of the regions in which fat in moderate amount is normally deposited. When excess deposits of epicardial fat occur, penetration or infiltration of fat into the connective tissues between muscle bundles is observed. In some cases with very extensive involvement of epicardial fat,myocardial insufficiency and conduction system defect such as heart block have been implicated. More fat is deposited over the right ventricle than over left and the anterior surface contains more fat than dose the posterior surface. We studied 40 patients who underwent open heart surgery under the cardiopulmonary bypass. This study was designed to evaluate the percentage of the area of epicardial fat of the right ventricular anterior surface, which is more accessible area during the operative procedure. Other variables included thickness of subcutanous tissue of anterior chest wall, the ratio of waist to hip circumference, body weight and age. In conclusion, the amount of the epicardial fat correlates with thickness of the subcutaneous fat of the anterior chest wall and simple linear regression analysis indicates good correlation with body weight. Increased age results in large amount of epicardial fat.

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Comparative effect of crumbled or mashed feed form on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, backfat thickness, and carcass quality of growing-finishing pigs

  • Sharif Uddin Khan;In Ho Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.595-602
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    • 2023
  • Feed processing methods can substantially enhance the nutrient value of feed. The aim of our study was to compare the effects of mash or crumble feed on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, back-fat thickness, and carcass quality of growing-finishing pigs. In total, 50 ([Landrace × Yorkshire] × Duroc) growing pigs with initial body weight of 46.24 ± 3.57 kg were randomly assigned to two dietary treatment groups. The two dietary treatments were: 1) mash and 2) crumble feed forms for 14 weeks of trials. Five replication pens per treatment, comprised five pigs (2 males and 3 females) each. Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, back-fat thickness, and carcass quality were observed at different weeks. There were no significant differences in growth performance, nutrient digestibility, back-fat thickness, and carcass quality throughout the experimental trial. Further study is required to understand the effects of mash and crumble feed on growing-finishing pigs.

A Nutritional Survey on Korean Women Workers through Their Body Fat (일부직장여성(一部職場女性)의 체지방량(體脂肪量) 측정(測定)에 의(依)한 영양실태조사(營養實態調査))

  • Kim, Jung-Sook;Sung, Nak-Eung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 1972
  • A survey on the nutritional state was conducted from June 11 to Nov. 30, 1971, on 673 women workers $(16{\sim}25\;yrs)$ Jorking in a factory of food industry. Total body fat content was measured by skin-fold thickness (S. F. T.) with caliper at three region of the body. And it was calculated by regression equation, with the following conclusions were abtained. 1. The mean with standard deviation body height and weight of the Korean women workers were $155.0{\pm}4.21\;cm$ and $50.1{\pm}5.31\;kg$; respectively. 2. Their mean skin-fold thickness with their standard deviation triceps region of upper arm, 14.3{\pm}3.42$; Subscapular region, $18.0{\pm}5.57mm$; Abdominal region, $19.3{\pm}4.87mm$ and total aveager, 17.2{\pm}3.91mm$. 3. The body fat contents according to body fat weight regression equation were;fat weight. 10.7 kg; fat-free weight, 39.4kg; fat weight/ fat-free weight, 27.5%; fat-free mass/ total body mass 77.6%, and fat weight/ total body mass,21.6%. 4. Since the sknin-fold thickness between the triceps and upper abdominal region and between the former and Subscapular region were correlated with the coefficients of 0.838 and 0.615 respectively. and the following regression equations were established. a) S. F. T. of Subscapular region $(mm)=0.929{\times}$S. F. T. of triceps region (mm)+4.707. b) S. F. T. of Abdominal $region(mm)=1.24{\times}$S. F. T. of triceps region(mm)+1.50. Nutritional survey on the women workers in a fact ory of food industry, performed as above by the S. F. T. method, elucidated the fact that their nutritional state is as good as the control healthy female, and that their energy uptake may well be said to be satisfactory.

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Characteristics of Fat Tissue According to the Anatomical Regions of the Body: Computed Tomographic and Histological Findings (신체 부위에 따른 지방조직의 특성: 컴퓨터단층촬영 및 조직학적 소견)

  • Shin, Dong-Woo;Son, Dae-Gu;Park, Mu-Shik;Kim, Jun-Hyung;Han, Ki-Hwan
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.535-546
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The subcutaneous fat tissue is separated into 2 layers by the subcutaneous fascia: the superficial and deep fat layers. The two fat layers have different structures according to the body regions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the distribution and pattern of the two fat layers in the human body by computed tomography (CT) and histological analysis according to age, sex, anatomical region, and body mass index (BMI). Methods: This study included 200 males and 200 females who underwent 64-channel dynamic CT in our hospital. The patients were divided into 5 groups according to 10 years of their ages separately in either male or female gender. The thickness of the superficial and deep fat layers was measured in the abdominal, pelvic, and femoral regions, and we analyzed the values. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software. The $3{\times}3$-cm whole fat layers were harvested from the same sites of 3 cadavers for histological examination, and one cadaver was dissected for gross evaluation. Results: The total thickness of subcutaneous fat tissue was greater in females than in males, and the ratio of the superficial fat layer to the whole fat layer was higher in females. The superficial fat layer became thinner with increasing age in males. As BMI increased, the total fat layer became thicker, and the superficial fat layer became thicker than the deep fat layer. On histological examination, the superficial fat layer had small adipose lobules and showed a densely distributed pattern in the abdominal region, whereas in the femoral region, it had large adipose lobules and showed a sparsely distributed pattern. There were no significant differences in the histological findings of the deep fat layer between the 3 body regions. Conclusion: Significant differences in histological findings of the two fat layers were found in relation to age, sex, anatomical region, and BMI. The superficial fat layer became thinner with increasing age in males, but it was constant in females. As BMI increased, the total thickness of subcutaneous fat tissue became greater, and the superficial fat layer became thicker than the deep fat layer. Our measurements can be used to understand the characteristics of the fat layers in relation to age, sex, anatomical region, and BMI.

Effects of Behavior Modification on Physical Variables, Habit and Self-esteem in Obese Elementary School Children (행동교정요법이 비만아동의 신체지수, 습관 및 자아존중감에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim Hyo-Shin
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.308-321
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    • 2001
  • Behavior modification is an approach to decrease degree of obesity through changing maladaptive eating habit and life style. It produces small amount of weight loss but it has few side effects and low dropout rate. It also has great effectiveness on maintenance of decreased weight. This study was performed to investigate effects of behavior modification on physical variables, fat and thin habit, and self-esteem in obese elementary school children. Sixty two students of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade were selected from two elementary schools located in the suburbs of Seoul. Thirty four children in one school were assigned to experimental group and twenty eight children in another school were assigned to control group. All subjects were healthy and were not on any type of obesity control. Behavior modification, in this study, was consisted of introduction, self-monitoring and stimuli control, education about diet and physical activities, individual counseling and reinforcement, requesting personal assistance, cognitive restructuring, and closing and long-term planning. Experimental group was received 60~70 minutes of behavior modification once a week for 8 weeks from October 16 to December 22, 2000. Control group was not received any intervention. Data were collected before and after intervention by measuring physical variables, fat and thin habit, and self-esteem. Physical variables consisted of obesity index, skinfold thickness, body fat(percentage of body fat, fat mass, fat free mass), serum lipids(total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglyceride) and serum leptin. The results were as follows ; 1. physical variables 1) Obesity index of the experimental group was significantly decreased after behavior modification. But there was no significant difference between two groups. 2) The increase of skinfold thickness was significantly low in the experimental group compared to the control group. 3) Percentage of body fat and fat mass were significantly decreased in the experimental group. Fat free mass was significantly increased in the experimental group. 4) Total cholesterol, HDL-C, triglyceride and serum leptin between the experimental group and control group showed no significant difference. LDL-C was significantly decreased in the control group. 2. Thin habit score was significantly increased in the experimental group. In subcategories of habit, thin scores of life style, attitude, social relationship, nutrition were signifi- cantly increased in the experimental group. 3. Self-esteem score was significantly increased in the experimental group. These results indicate that behavior modification is effective in decreasing percentage of body fat and fat mass, in less increasing skinfold thickness and in increasing fat free mass, thin habit, and self-esteem. In conclusion, behavior modification can be used as safe and effective strategy for managing obesity in elementary school children.

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Effect on the Subcutaneous Fat Thickness of the clothing Training in the Cold Condition (향한기의 표의훈련이 피하지방두께에 미치는 영향)

  • 박승순;이원자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.551-562
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    • 1999
  • This study was intended to investigate the effect on the human body such as subcutaneous fat thickness the circumference of extremities etc. of the clothing training of putting on thin clothes periodically from the cold period. The subjects were divided into the clothing training group and the non-training group, The training group was asked to wear cool clothes in daily life and to wear the training clothes of T-shirts with half-length sleeves and pants and perform the clothing training for two hours daily three times a week in a cold environment over the period from November to February. The non-training group was asked to lead a life wearing comfortable clothes. Then a comparative experiment was conducted at 15$\pm$1$^{\circ}C$, 50$\pm$5% R, H and 0.25m/sec before and after the clothing training. After the clothing training regardless of gender subcutaneous fat thickness was more increased and total clothing weight per the surface area of the body was decreased in the training group than the non-training group. The training group showed lower skin temperature in the limbs and lower average skin temperature than the non-training group irrespective of gender which proved the effect of the clothing training. The training group was shown to have attendancy toward a greater sense of warmth and a less sense of discomfort which proved the effect of the clothing training.

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Relationship of Hot Carcass Weight and Back Fat Thickness with the Fatness of Whole Pork Belly and Belly Slices

  • Kyung Jo;Seonmin Lee;Seul-Ki-Chan Jeong;Hyeun Bum Kim;Pil Nam Seong;Dae-Hyun Lee;Samooel Jung
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1462-1469
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    • 2024
  • This study evaluated the correlation between hot carcass weight (HCW), back fat thickness (BFT), and fatness of whole pork belly and belly slices. Pork bellies were obtained from 50 barrows and 50 gilts. The fat content (v/v) of the whole pork belly and belly slices was measured using computer tomography and hyperspectral image analysis, respectively. Barrows and gilts showed significant differences only for HCW (p<0.05). The fat content of pork belly slices varied with location and was the highest at the 10th thoracic vertebra (TV). Although no significant difference was observed in the fat content between the belly slices of the 6th TV and the 12th-14th TVs (p>0.05), a difference in the fat distribution was observed. HCW and BFT were significantly correlated with the fat content of whole pork belly, but not with the fat content of pork belly slices. Therefore, HCW and BFT are not suitable for monitoring the fatness of pork belly slices, and further research on the factors that can be used for monitoring the fatness of pork belly is necessary.

Comparison of The Thickness of Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap in Different Fascial Planes: Clinical Results of Subfascial and Superficial Fat Flap

  • Yavuz Tuluy;Zulfukar Ulas Bali;Merve Ozkaya Unsal;Aziz Parspanci;Levent Yoleri;Cagla Cicek;Gaye Taylan Filinte
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2023
  • Background The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap is a preferred option in the reconstruction of a wide variety of defects, enabling multiple tissue components and thicknesses. Methods This study was conducted to investigate the correlation of the thickness of the traditional subfascial ALT flap and superficial fat flap with age, gender, and body mass index (BMI). A total of 42 patients (28 males and 14 females) were included in the study. Results Mean age was 50.2 (range, 16-75) years and mean BMI was 24.68 ± 4.02 (range, 16.5-34.7) kg/m2. The subfascial flap thickness was significantly thinner in male patients (16.07 ± 2.77 mm) than in female patients (24.07 ± 3.93 mm; p < 0.05), whereas no significant difference was found between male (4.28 ± 1.15 mm) and female patients (4.85 ± 1.09 mm) regarding superficial fat flap thickness (p = 0.13). The thickness of both flaps had a positive correlation with BMI, and the strongest correlation was found for subfascial ALT thickness in female patients (r = 0.81). Age had no effect on both flap thickness measurements. The anterior thigh is thicker in women than in men, although it varies according to BMI. This shows that flap elevation is important in the superthin plane, especially if a thin flap is desired in female patients in defect reconstruction with the ALT flap. Thus, a single-stage reconstruction is achieved without the need for a defatting procedure after subfascial dissection or a second defatting procedure 3 to 6 months later. Conclusion The appropriate ALT flap plane should be selected considering the gender and BMI of the patient.