• Title/Summary/Keyword: False Positive data

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Selection of suitable reference gene for gene expression studies of porcine ovaries under different conditions in quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay

  • Kim, Hwan-Deuk;Jeon, Hye-Jin;Jang, Min;Bae, Seul-Gi;Yun, Sung-Ho;Han, Jee-Eun;Kim, Seung-Joon;Lee, Won-Jae
    • Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2022
  • The ovary undergoes substantial physiological changes along with estrus phase to mediate negative/positive feedback to the upstream reproductive tissues and to play a role in producing a fertilizable oocyte in the developing follicles. However, the disorder of estrus cycle in female can lead to diseases, such as cystic ovary which is directly associated with decline of overall reproductive performance. In gene expression studies of ovaries, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay has been widely applied. During this assay, although normalization of target genes against reference genes (RGs) has been indispensably conducted, the expression of RGs is also variable in each experimental condition which can result in false conclusion. Because the understanding for stable RG in porcine ovaries was still limited, we attempted to assess the stability of RGs from the pool of ten commonly used RGs (18S, B2M, PPIA, RPL4, SDHA, ACTB, GAPDH, HPRT1, YWHAZ, and TBP) in the porcine ovaries under different estrus phase (follicular and luteal phase) and cystic condition, using stable RG-finding programs (geNorm, Normfinder, and BestKeeper). The significant (p < 0.01) differences in Ct values of RGs in the porcine ovaries under different conditions were identified. In assessing the stability of RGs, three programs comprehensively agreed that TBP and YWHAZ were suitable RGs to study porcine ovaries under different conditions but ACTB and GAPDH were inappropriate RGs in this experimental condition. We hope that these results contribute to plan the experiment design in the field of reproductive physiology in pigs as reference data.

Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound as a Second-Line Diagnostic Modality in Noninvasive Diagnostic Algorithms for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  • Hyo-Jin Kang;Jeong Min Lee;Jeong Hee Yoon;Joon Koo Han
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.354-365
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    • 2021
  • Objective: To investigate the diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and its role as a second-line imaging modality after gadoxetate-enhanced MRI (Gd-EOB-MRI) in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among at risk observations. Materials and Methods: We prospectively enrolled participants at risk of HCC with treatment-naïve solid hepatic observations (≥ 1 cm) of Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LR)-3/4/5/M during surveillance and performed Gd-EOB-MRI. A total of one hundred and three participants with 103 hepatic observations (mean size, 28.2 ± 24.5 mm; HCCs [n = 79], non-HCC malignancies [n = 15], benign [n = 9]; diagnosed by pathology [n = 57], or noninvasive method [n = 46]) were included in this study. The participants underwent CEUS with sulfur hexafluoride. Arterial phase hyperenhancement (APHE) and washout on Gd-EOB-MRI and CEUS were evaluated. The distinctive washout in CEUS was defined as mild washout 60 seconds after contrast injection. The diagnostic ability of Gd-EOB-MRI and of CEUS as a second-line modality for HCC were determined according to the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and the Korean Liver Cancer Association and National Cancer Center (KLCA-NCC) guidelines. The diagnostic abilities of both imaging modalities were compared using the McNemar's test. Results: The sensitivity of CEUS (60.8%) was lower than that of Gd-EOB-MRI (72.2%, p = 0.06 by EASL; 86.1%, p < 0.01 by KLCA-NCC); however, the specificity was 100%. By performing CEUS on the inconclusive observations in Gd-EOB-MRI, HCCs without APHE (n = 10) or washout (n = 12) on Gd-EOB-MRI further presented APHE (80.0%, 8/10) or distinctive washout (66.7%, 8/12) on CEUS, and more HCCs were diagnosed than with Gd-EOB-MRI alone (sensitivity: 72.2% vs. 83.5% by EASL, p < 0.01; 86.1% vs. 91.1% by KCLA-NCC, p = 0.04). There were no false-positive cases for HCC on CEUS. Conclusion: The addition of CEUS to Gd-EOB-MRI as a second-line diagnostic modality increases the frequency of HCC diagnosis without changing the specificities.

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis as a Breast Cancer Screening Tool for Women with Gynecologic Cancer (부인암을 가진 여성에서 유방암의 선별검사로서의 디지털 유방단층 촬영술)

  • Da-hoon Kim;Jin Chung;Eun-Suk Cha;Jee Eun Lee;Jeoung Hyun Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.4
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    • pp.886-898
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    • 2020
  • Purpose The purpose of our study was to evaluate digital breast tomosynthesis as a breast cancer screening modality for women with gynecologic cancer. Materials and Methods This retrospective study included patients with underlying gynecologic malignancies who underwent screening digital breast tomosynthesis for breast cancer. The cancer detection rate, recall rate, sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) were calculated. PPV1 was defined as the percentage of all positive screening exams that have a tissue diagnosis of cancer within a year. PPV2 was defined as the percentage of all diagnostic exams (and Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System category 4, 5 from screening setting) with a recommendation for tissue diagnosis that have cancer within a year. PPV3 was defined as the percentage of all known biopsies actually performed that resulted in a tissue diagnosis of cancer within the year. For each case of screen-detected cancer, we analyzed the age, type of underlying gynecologic malignancy, breast density, imaging features, final Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System assessment, histologic type, T and N stages, molecular subtype, and Ki-67 index. Results Among 508 patients, 7 with breast cancer were identified after a positive result. The cancer detection rate was 13.8 per 1000 screening exams, and the recall rate was 17.9%. The sensitivity was 100%, and the specificity was 83.2%. The false negative rate was 0 per 1000 exams. The PPV1, PPV2, and PPV3 were 7.7, 31.8, and 31.8, respectively. Conclusion Digital breast tomosynthesis may be a promising breast cancer screening modality for women with gynecologic cancer, based on the high cancer detection rate, high sensitivity, high PPV, and high detection rate of early-stage cancer observed in our study.

Detection of Genetically Modified Genes from Soybean Sprout Products (콩나물에서 발견된 유전자 변형 도입 유전자의 비의도적 혼입 조사)

  • 윤성철
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 2004
  • A total of 219 polymerase chain reaction tests of genetically modified (GM) DNA sequences in soybean seeds and soybean sprouts were conducted during 2000-2001. No CM gene was found in 96 tests of soybean seeds. However, either a functional CP4EPSPS gene or the 355 promoter gene was found three times in 2000 and eight times in 2001, in between 0.01 and 0.17% of soybean spout products, in 123 tests. Since the amount of GM genes was much less than the threshold limit of 3%, none of the 11 positive soybean-sprout samples needed to be libeled GM crops. Of these, seven sprout samples were from domestic seeds and four were from seeds imported from China. To find the contamination route, the raw materials, seed surface, floor of the storage room, area around the selection machine, surface of the packaging film and corn powder used in the package were tested. The 35S promoter gene was detected in only two samples of the corn powder (0.1%). Although we could not find the cause of the GM contamination, the sprout package film is one possibility. In total,8.9% of the soybean sprout tests were GM positive, but the amounts were much less than the threshold of 3%. This means that there are frequent false-positives and these would threaten the sprout industry if GMO were decided qualitatively. Food companies should make their safety data available to the public and make an effort to address people's concerns about GM food more openly. In addition, there is a need to establish a quantitative test for GM genes in sampled water and a sampling method for raw materials.

A Study on Nurses한 and Patients한 Perceptions of Psychotropic Medication (향정신성 약물치료에 대한 간호사와 환자의 지각 비교 연구)

  • 이평숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to examine nurses’ perceptions of medication treatment for psychiatric patients and to compare these perceptions with the perceptions held by the patients. The methodology used in this study was a descriptive design with semi-structured and open-ended interviews. This study used a convenience sample of 112 nurses who worked in, and 209 patients who were under psychiatric treatment, in four hospitals attached to a university and one national mental hospital in the city of Seoul. The collected data were analyzed by SAS, using percentages for descriptive purposes, and t-test or x$^2$ for comparing the variables. The results were as follows : 1. There was no significant differences between nurses’ and patients’ perceptions on the extent to which patients complied with their medication treatment. Generally speaking, the mean compliance scores for both nurses and patients was high(nurse : (equation omitted)=3.70, Patient : (equation omitted)=3.76). 2. There was a significant difference in nurses’ and patients’ perceptions on the reasons why patients do not take medication. The nurse group indicated that the patients did not take medication because of the “worry about side effects or habituation(49.53%)”, “boredom from long-term use of medication(26.17%)” and “distrust toward medical staff(12.15% )”, but the patient group indicated that they “did not want to be dependent on medication (25%)”, “forgot to take medication(19.7%) and “worried about side effects or habituation(15.91%). 3. As for the necessity of medication, both groups showed some different responses. Even though both groups were aware of the necessity of taking medication, the patient group(21.53%) showed a more negative response. As (or the effects of medication, both groups (nurses and patients ) showed positive responses. However, the nurse group showed a higher positive response (91.07% ) than the patient group(74.16%), 5. Both the patient and nurse group indicated that the most helpful element for the patient’s life under psychiatric treatment was interviews and conversations with therapists and nurses. However, the nurse group showed a higher response(70.15%) than the patients group(47.15%). According to the patient group, family support for the patient was another important factor for psychiatric treatment and daily struggles. In conclusion, as there were differences between the perception of nurses and patients, the nurse must consider the patients’ subjective perceptions first. They should also revaluate their false belief and prejudice concerning the patients’ perceptions. Such information can provide a base to be applied by the nurses in devloping effective mutual relationships with patients which can in turn help in compliance with medication regimen. As it was confirmed that medication was the most important factor in the patients’ recovery, a thorough education program on the therapeutic effect of medication and the necessity of their continued use after discharge is also needed.

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Comparison of Results between Tuberculin Skin Test and QuantiFERON®-TB In-Tube Assay for Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Children and Adolescents (소아청소년에서의 잠복결핵감염 진단을 위한 결핵 피부반응검사와 QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube 검사와의 결과 비교)

  • Choi, Jong-Won;Kim, Min-Sung;Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Recently, two tests are commercially available for the identification of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI): tuberculin skin test (TST) and interferon-${\gamma}$ release assay (IGRA). Due to its false positiveness, TST tends to be preferred by IGRA until now. In our study, we simultaneously performed both TST and QuantiFERON$^{(R)}$-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) and compared their results. Methods: TST and QFT-GIT were done for the diagnosis of LTBI among children who visited pediatric out-patient clinic at St. Vincent's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea from February of 2007 to May of 2008. The study group was stratified into two groups in terms of whether there was intrafamilial contact or not. Results: Out of total 35 children, 29 were tuberculosis (TB)-exposed cases and the remainders were diagnosed as clinical pulmonary TB. Among these 29 children, TST was positive 38.9% (7/18) for the intrafamilial and 45.5% (5/11) for the nonintrafamilial, and at the same time, the result for QFT-GIT was positive 5.6% (1/18) and 9.1% (1/11), respectively which implies that TST was more sensitive than QFT-GIT. Among 29 TB-exposed cases, 26 initially went through TST and QFTGIT together on their first visit to out-patient clinic, and 15 continued the follow-up tests. Out of total 41 cases collected, the agreement (known as kappa value) was 0.063 which was relatively low. Including 6 cases with pulmonary TB who were all positive for TST and only 5 being positive for QFT-GIT, the final kappa value was 0.334. Conclusion: In our study, the agreement for TST and QFT-GIT was low, and the majorities were almost the cases of positive TST. In current situation with lacking a gold standard test and limited data on children to adolescents, this result is quite alarming that the recent trend tends to replace TST by QFT-GIT when diagnosing LTBI.

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Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Children: A Survey of Pediatricians in Daegu City (대구지역 소아청소년과 의사들의 요로감염 관리 실태분석)

  • Lee, Sang Su;Kang, Seok Jeong;Lee, Jae Min;Cho, Min Hyun;Park, Yong Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Recently, many evidence-based guidelines for the management of urinary tract infection (UTI) have been developed because of the importance of proper management. However, there is a lack of data regarding how pediatricians manage UTIs in Korea. Therefore, we surveyed pediatricians to determine whether they manage UTIs in an appropriate manner. Methods: A postal questionnaire survey of 78 pediatricians practicing in Daegu city was performed. Subjects were asked about diagnosis, imaging studies, treatment, and prevention of UTIs. Results: Most of the respondents (94.8%) performed urinalysis to diagnose UTI in febrile children with an unknown fever focus. However, many preferred inaccurate collection methods, such as bagged urine collection, and did not obtain urine cultures. The most frequently performed imaging modality was renal-bladder ultrasonogram. Orally administered antibiotics were preferred unless admission was needed. After diagnosis of UTI, the pediatricians usually provided information to caregivers about the disease itself and supplementary treatment. Of the respondents, only 28.6% had their own guidelines for management of vesicoureteral reflux. Conclusion: Most pediatricians suspected UTI in febrile children with an unknown focus appropriately. Nevertheless, the fact that many pediatricians preferred inaccurate urine collection methods and did not perform sufficient imaging studies to detect associated abnormalities likely resulted in overtreatment due to false-positive diagnosis of UTI and a low probability of ruling out genitourinary anatomical problems. To improve the quality of management of UTI, pediatricians should follow scientific and evidence-based guidelines.

The Effect of New Infectious Diseases Using Structural Equation on Dental Hygienist Image and Employment Recognition: Focused on Online Information (구조방정식을 이용한 신종 감염병이 치과위생사 이미지와 취업 인식에 미치는 영향: 온라인 정보 중심으로)

  • Son, Eun-Gyo;Jung, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to understand how a dental hygienist is viewed by students in terms of both image and job /employment perception using structural equations. This together with the incorporation of available online information would help in collating the necessary data for ensuring adequate manpower of dental hygienists' in the future. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 24.0 and AMOS Graphics 21.0 statistics packages. It was found that students who perceive employment positively have a positive image of a dental hygienist even if a new infectious disease were to occur. They appreciate that a negative image of a dental hygienist's job during an epidemic could cause a negative perception of employment as a dental hygienist. Those who think negatively of the internet as a source of information believe that the internet has a lot of false information, is harmful, promotes anxiety, and has been shown to promote negative perceptions about employment as a dental hygienist. Those who think positively of internet information think that dental hygienists are susceptible to infection and can transmit infection, which has been shown to negatively affect their perception of employment. In conclusion, it is important to form an image of a dental hygienist through the recognition of the correct internet information in the period of new infectious diseases.

Attention based Feature-Fusion Network for 3D Object Detection (3차원 객체 탐지를 위한 어텐션 기반 특징 융합 네트워크)

  • Sang-Hyun Ryoo;Dae-Yeol Kang;Seung-Jun Hwang;Sung-Jun Park;Joong-Hwan Baek
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2023
  • Recently, following the development of LIDAR technology which can detect distance from the object, the interest for LIDAR based 3D object detection network is getting higher. Previous networks generate inaccurate localization results due to spatial information loss during voxelization and downsampling. In this study, we propose an attention-based convergence method and a camera-LIDAR convergence system to acquire high-level features and high positional accuracy. First, by introducing the attention method into the Voxel-RCNN structure, which is a grid-based 3D object detection network, the multi-scale sparse 3D convolution feature is effectively fused to improve the performance of 3D object detection. Additionally, we propose the late-fusion mechanism for fusing outcomes in 3D object detection network and 2D object detection network to delete false positive. Comparative experiments with existing algorithms are performed using the KITTI data set, which is widely used in the field of autonomous driving. The proposed method showed performance improvement in both 2D object detection on BEV and 3D object detection. In particular, the precision was improved by about 0.54% for the car moderate class compared to Voxel-RCNN.

Prenatal Aneuploidy Detection in Uncultured Amniotic Fluid Interphase Cells by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) (형광직접보합법을 이용한 미배양 양수세포에서 산전 이수배수체 확인)

  • Seol, Hye-Won;Ko, Hee-Jung;Song, Nam-Hee;Kim, Sook-Ryoung;Lee, Hwa-Jin;Oh, Sun-Kyung;Park, Joong-Shin;Jun, Jong-Kwan;Yoon, Bo-Hyun;Syn, Hee-Chul;Moon, Shin-Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2003
  • Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical efficiency of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in the prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal aneuploidy. Methods: We reviewed data of 268 cases to identify women undergoing genetic amniocentesis at cytogenetic laboratory, from January 2000 to December 2002. Amniotic fluid was submitted for both rapid FISH on uncultured interphase amniocytes using a commercially available DNA probe for chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, Y and standard karyotyping on cultured metaphase amniocytes. Results from FISH and full karyotype were compared. Results: There were 251 cases (84%) normal and 17 cases (16%) abnormal in FISH results. All 17 cases of trisomy 13, 18, 21 including two cases of mosaicism and sex chromosome aneuploidies which are detected by FISH were confirmed with conventional cytogenetics and there was no false positive result. Twenty two cases had karyotypically proven abnormalities that could not have been detected by the targeted FISH. Conclusion: Interphase FISH analysis of uncultured amniotic fluid cells has been shown to be an effective and reliable technique for rapid fetal aneuploidy screening during pregnancy as an adjunctive test to conventional cytogenetics.