• 제목/요약/키워드: Failure simulation test

검색결과 327건 처리시간 0.024초

Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of the shear mechanical behaviors of non-persistent joint in new shear test condition

  • Wang, Dandan;Zhang, Guang;Sarfarazi, Vahab;Haeri, Hadi;Naderi, A.A.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.239-255
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    • 2020
  • Experimental and discrete element method were used to investigate the effects of joint number and its angularities on the shear behaviour of joint's bridge area. A new shear test condition was used to model the gypsum cracks under shear loading. Gypsum samples with dimension of 120 mm×100 mm×50 mm were prepared. the length of joints was 2cm. in experimental tests, the joint number is 1, 2 and 3 and its angularities change from 0° to 90° with increment of 45°. Assuming a plane strain condition, special rectangular models are prepared with dimension of 120 mm×100 mm. similar to joints configuration in experimental test, 9 models with different joint number and joint angularities were prepared. This testing show that the failure process is mostly governed by the joint number and joint angularities. The shear strengths of the specimens are related to the fracture pattern and failure mechanism of the discontinuities. The shear behaviour of discontinuities is related to the number of induced tensile cracks which are increased by increasing the rock bridge length. The strength of samples decreases by increasing the joint number and joint angularities. Failure pattern and failure strength are similar in both of the experimental test and numerical simulation.

Experimental investigations and FE simulation of exterior BCJs retrofitted with CFRP fabric

  • Halahla, Abdulsamee M.;Rahman, Muhammad K.;Al-Gadhib, Ali H.;Al-Osta, Mohammed A.;Baluch, Mohammed H.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.337-354
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents the results of experimental and numerical studies conducted to investigate the behavior of exterior reinforced concrete beam column joints (BCJ) strengthened by using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Twelve reinforced concrete beam-column joints (BCJ) were tested in an experimental program by simulating the joints in seismically deficient old buildings. One group of BCJs was designed to fail in flexure at the BCJ interface, and the second group was designed to ensure joint shear failure. One specimen in each set was -retrofitted with CFRP sheet wrapped diagonally around the joint. The specimens were subjected to both monotonic and cyclic loading up to failure. 3D finite element simulation of the BCJs tested in the experimental program was carried out using the software ABAQUS, adopting the damage plasticity model (CDP) for concrete. The experimental results showed that retrofitting of the shear deficient, BCJs by CFRP sheets enhanced the strength and ductility and the failure mode changed from shear failure in the joints to the desired flexural failure in the beam segment. The FE simulation of BCJs showed a good agreement with the experimental results, which indicated that the CDP model could be used to model the problems of the monotonic and cyclic loading of beam-column reinforced concrete joints.

구간 고장 데이터가 주어진 수리가능 시스템의 신뢰도 분석절차 개발 및 사례연구 (Development of Reliability Analysis Procedures for Repairable Systems with Interval Failure Time Data and a Related Case Study)

  • 조차현;염봉진
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.859-870
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop reliability analysis procedures for repairable systems with interval failure time data and apply the procedures for assessing the storage reliability of a subsystem of a certain type of guided missile. In the procedures, the interval failure time data are converted to pseudo failure times using the uniform random generation method, mid-point method or equispaced intervals method. Then, such analytic trend tests as Laplace, Lewis-Robinson, Pair-wise Comparison Nonparametric tests are used to determine whether the failure process follows a renewal or non-renewal process. Monte Carlo simulation experiments are conducted to compare the three conversion methods in terms of the statistical performance for each trend test when the underlying process is homogeneous Poisson, renewal, or non-homogeneous Poisson. The simulation results show that the uniform random generation method is best among the three. These results are applied to actual field data collected for a subsystem of a certain type of guided missile to identify its failure process and to estimate its mean time to failure and annual mean repair cost.

마그네슘 합금 판재의 온간성형 해석에서 FLD를 이용한 성형성 평가 (Formability Test in Warm Forming Simulation of Magnesium Alloy Sheet Using FLD)

  • 이명한;김흥규;김헌영;오수익
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2008년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.556-559
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the failure in circular cup deep drawing simulation at warm temperature is predicted using forming limit diagram (FLD). The FLD is used in sheet metal forming analysis to determine the criterion for fracture prediction. The simulation with heat transfer of circular cup deep drawing at warm temperature was conducted. To predict the failure, the simulation with heat transfer used FLD at temperature in the vicinity of maximum thinning. The result of the simulation with heat transfer shows that the drawn depth increases with increasing temperature and is in accord with the experimental results above $150^{\circ}C$. The FLD provides a good guide for the failure prediction of warm forming simulation with heat transfer.

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Study of compressive behavior of triple joints using experimental test and numerical simulation

  • Sarfarazi, Vahab;Wang, Xiao;Nesari, Mojtaba;Ghalam, Erfan Zarrin
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2022
  • Experimental and discrete element methods were used to investigate the effects of triple joints lengths and triple joint angle on the failure behavior of rock mass under uniaxial compressive test. Concrete samples with dimension of 20 cm × 20 cm × 5 cm were prepared. Within the specimen, three imbedded joint were provided. The joint lengths were 2 cm, 4cm and 6 cm. In constant joint lengths, the angle between middle joint and other joints were 30°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 150°. Totally 15 different models were tested under compression test. The axial load rate on the model was 0.05 mm/min. Concurrent with experimental tests, the models containing triple joints, length and joint angle are similar to the experiments, were numerical by Particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC2D). Loading rate in numerical modelling was 0.05 mm/min. Tensile strength of material was 1 MPa. The results show that the failure behaviors of rock samples containing triple joints were governed by both of the angle and the length of the triple joints. The uniaxial compressive strengths (UCS) of the specimens were related to the fracture pattern and failure mechanism of the discontinuities. Furthermore, it was shown that the compressive behavior of discontinuities is related to the number of the induced tensile cracks which are increased by decreasing the joint length. Along with the damage failure of the samples, the acoustic emission (AE) activities are excited. There were only a few AE hits in the initial stage of loading, then AE hits rapidly grow before the applied stress reached its peak. In addition, every stress drop was accompanied by a large number of AE hits. Finally, the failure pattern and failure strength are similar in both methods i.e., the experimental testing and the numerical simulation methods.

적응예측기를 이용한 고장파악방법 (Failure Detection Using Adaptive Predictor)

  • 이연석;이장규
    • 대한전기학회논문지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.210-217
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    • 1990
  • For the failure detection of dynamic systems, processing the residuals from the observer of the estimator is the most general method. A failure detection method which use an adaptive predictor to separate the effect of sensor failure from the additive noise in the residuals of a Kalman filter that is employed as an estimator of a dynamic system is addressed here. In the method, the property of the residuals of an optimal Kalman estimator is exploited. The simulation results of this method shows that the proposed method is superior to the sequential probability ratio test for a small failure magnitude.

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수율향상을 위한 반도체 EDS공정에서의 불량유형 자동분류 (Automatic Classification of Failure Patterns in Semiconductor EDS Test for Yield Improvement)

  • 한영신;이칠기
    • 한국시뮬레이션학회논문지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • In the semiconductor manufacturing, yield enhancement is an urgent issue. It is ideal to prevent all the failures. However, when a failure occurs, it is important to quickly specify the cause stage and take countermeasure. Reviewing wafer level and composite lot level yield patterns has always been an effective way of identifying yield inhibitors and driving process improvement. This process is very time consuming and as such generally occurs only when the overall yield of a device has dropped significantly enough to warrant investigation. The automatic method of failure pattern extraction from fail bit map provides reduced time to analysis and facilitates yield enhancement. The automatic method of failure pattern extraction from fail bit map provides reduced time to analysis and facilitates yield enhancement. This paper describes the techniques to automatically classifies a failure pattern using a fail bit map.

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하드웨어-인-더-루프 기반의 배관 평가 시뮬레이터의 개발 (Development of a Piping Integrity Evaluation Simulator Based on the Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation)

  • 김영진;허남수;차헌주;최재붕;표창률
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제25권7호
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    • pp.1031-1038
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    • 2001
  • In order to verify the analytical methods predicting failure behavior of cracked piping, full-scale pipe tests are crucial in nuclear power plant piping. For this reason, series of international test programs have been conducted. However, full-scale pipe tests require expensive testing equipment and long period of testing time. The objective of this paper is to develop a test system which can economically simulate the full-scale pipe test regarding the integrity evaluation. This system provides the failure behavior of cracked pipe by testing a wide-plate specimen. The system provides the failure behavior of cracked pipe by testing a wide-plate specimen. The system was developed for the integrity evaluation of nuclear piping based on the methodology of hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation. Using this simulator, the piping integrity can be evaluated based on the elastic-plastic behavior of full-scale pipe, and the high cost full-scale pipe test may be replaced with this economical system.

수지해석에 의한 터널의 파괴거동에 미지는 영향분석 (A Study on Effects of Failure Behaviour of Tunnel Using A Numerical Analysis)

  • 김영민
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 1999년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, an application of finite element procedure fur tunnel failure analysis has been studied. The numerical model is applied to the simulation of a series of plane strain laboratory tests on the small scale model of a shallow tunnel. By comparing experimental and numerical results some conclusions are drawn on the effectiveness of the numerical approach. The findings from these numerical experiments show relative differences in the pattern of failure behaviour for shallow tunnels.

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Behavior of F shape non-persistent joint under experimental and numerical uniaxial compression test

  • Sarfarazi, Vahab;Asgari, Kaveh;Zarei, Meisam;Ghalam, Erfan Zarrin
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • 제13권 2호
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 2022
  • Experimental and discrete element approaches were used to examine the effects of F shape non-persistent joints on the failure behaviour of concrete under uniaxial compressive test. concrete specimens with dimensions of 200 cm×200 cm×50 cm were provided. Within the specimen, F shape non-persistent joint consisting three joints were provided. The large joint length was 6 cm, and the length of two small joints were 2 cm. Vertical distance between two small joints change from 1.5 cm to 4.5 cm with increment of 1.5 cm. In constant joint lengths, the angle of large joint change from 0° to 90° with increments of 30°. Totally 12 different models were tested under compression test. The axial load rate on the model was 0.05 mm/min. Concurrent with experimental tests, numerical simulation (Particle flow code in two dimension) were performed on the models containing F shape non-persistent joint. Distance between small joints and joint angles were similar to experimental one. the results indicated that the failure process was mostly governed by both of the Distance between small joints and joint angles. The axial loading rate on the model was 0.05 mm/min. The compressive strengths of the samples were related to the fracture pattern and failure mechanism of the discontinuities. Furthermore, it was shown that the compressive behaviour of discontinuities is related to the number of the induced tensile cracks which are increased by increasing the joint angle. In the first, there were only a few acoustic emission (AE) hits in the initial stage of loading, and then AE hits rapidly grow before the applied stress reached its peak. Furthermore, a large number of AE hits accompanied every stress drop. Finally, the failure pattern and failure strength are similar in both approaches i.e., the experimental testing and the numerical simulation approaches.